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Last active February 28, 2024 19:31
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Hiding NodeJS Secret Keys in .bash_profile

Hiding Secret Keys for your NodeJS app with Bash

GitHub is a great place to pubslish your code; and it is often required to post code there when learning to code. If you are writing a NodeJS app and being required to publish code to GitHub you should be careful of pushing any code that contains secret API keys. These keys could be scraped and used to write apps with your keys.


Don't have time to read all the stuff below. I get it. Add:

export KEY=value
export ANOTHER_KEY=anothervalue

lines to your ~/.bash_profile using your text editor of choice. Access the KEY inside your NodeJS app by referring to:

var key = process.env.KEY
var anotherKey = process.env.ANOTHER_KEY

What to do.

NodeJS has access to the process object during when executing an app. You may have accessed this object before to get access to the any arguments you passed in when calling your app via process.argv. It is possible to setup variables in a file named .bash_profile that will be available on the process object when you run your NodeJS app. The following notation: process.env.SECRET_KEY (where SECRET_KEY is named whatever you like), could be used to access the information you are trying to hide.

How to do it.

To demonstrate setting this up on macOS and Windows via Git Bash, I will walk through creating the .bash_profile file, adding keys to it, and accessing said keys via JavaScript. If you have a better way or suggestions for making this even more secure, please feel free to comment. Think I'm full of something... let me know! I care so much ;).

Do I have a .bash_profile???

I'm not sure... You may or may not already have one of these. Let's find out. The following steps assume you know how to navigate using a terminal prompt.

  • Navigate to your home directory: cd ~.
  • Display ALL of it's contents: ls -a.

Do you happen to see a .bash_profile in there? If so, we will edit that to store our keys. If not, let's make one that we will edit.

  • Create the file if it doesn't exist already: touch .bash_profile

Now that you had (or now have) the .bash_profile, let's open it up. (I should probably do this in a terminal based editor like emacs or vim but I am a sucker for GUI text editors. Sorry internet, I am teaching new coders. With time they can learn whichever command line text editor their mentor tells them is the MUST USE. For now, let's use a GUI app.)

  • Do you use atom .bash_profile
  • Maybe just TextEdit... open .bash_profile
  • On Windows and using Git Bash? explorer .bash_profile

NOTE: Git Bash USED to read the .bashrc file but NOW reads .bash_profile. See this GitHub Issue for more info.

OK... I've got a .bash_profile, and it's open. Get on with it.

Awesome! You can do some very powerful stuff with this file. It get's read and executed every time a new shell is opened. Let's store our keys for a NodeJS app that will access Spotify, Twitter, and OMDB.

  • Add the following lines to the .bash_profile:
export SPOTIFY_ID=34e84d...
export SPOTIFY_SECRET=5162cd8b...

export OMDB_API_KEY=40e...

export TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=SZshdfy3jd...
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY=23242-dsf...
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=wndps23jsd...
  • Replace the values of each key with the actual value you obtained from each source.
  • Save your work.

It is likely you already have a terminal window open. Type . ~/.bash_profile in it to get it to execute your newly saved file. This is needed only for your open terminal. Every future terminal session will read this file and have access to these keys.

Well that was "easy". Now what?

Now you have access to these keys in your NodeJS app. Let's imagine you are making an app that will need them. It could now contain code that looks like the following:

var twitterKeys = {
  consumer_key: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
  consumer_secret: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET,
  access_token_key: process.env.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN,
  access_token_secret: process.env.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET

Include that in your git repository and feel free to commit it. The .bash_profile in your home folder won't be included when pushed to GitHub. You're code will execute correctly on your machine. If someone clones the repository to their computer, they just need to add the same values with their keys to their env .bash_profile. Now your app will run on their machine.

A bit of extra work but it keeps your keys private.

How can I test it without writing an app?

Of course! Head over to your Terminal and do the following.

  • Launch NodeJS by typing: node
  • Have NodeJS display your env: process.env
  • Look at one of the keys you stored: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY

But I don't use Git Bash, or macOS I use ___.

Cool! Always nice to see how many choices there are out there. You may have to use some Google Fu and search the web for how to add env variables for your Terminal of choice. One of my students uses zsh instead of bash. He had to put the export KEY=value inside the file name .zshrc in his home directory. Everything else worked AOK.

Can't this be done with the really cool dotenv npm package?

dotenv is really cool... A bit more setup but works well. Nice because you can move your env variables to the app directory where there needed and not all apps that run will have access to them. Just make sure to add .env to the .gitignore. Read more about dotenv on it's GitGub Repository page.

Thanks for reading to the end. Feel free to comment and let me know if this was helpful or how it could be improved. I will try to reply to all comments.

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