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Created December 7, 2020 21:12
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# This is a small script to monitor/protect all domain joined systems from further Egregor activity.
# It was created during an incident by Florian Bogner, Bee IT Security (
# As described by CyberReason (
# Egregor uses a DLL for the actual encryption process. This script checks if the "client"-specific
# file exists and logs the result. If possible, a placeholder is created, that should mitigate
# further infections. This is implemented by explicitly setting the following ACL: (Everyone:Full Control:Deny).
# Source:
function Write-Log {
[string]$Severity = 'Information'
Time = (Get-Date -f g)
Message = $Message
Severity = $Severity
} | Export-Csv -Path $logfile -Append -NoTypeInformation
Write-Log -Message "Starting Check for Egregor Encryption" -Severity Information
if ( (Test-Path $testfile1) -Or (Test-Path $testfile2) ) {
Write-Log -Message "RECOVER-FILES.txt found - System is encrypted!" -Severity Error
Else {
Write-Log -Message "RECOVER-FILES.txt NOT found - System is clean!" -Severity Information
Write-Log -Message "Starting Check for Egregor Infection" -Severity Information
if ( (Test-Path $egregorDll) -And ( (Get-Item $egregorDll).length -gt 100KB) ) {
Write-Log -Message "Malicious egregorDll found - System is infected - Trying to mitigate" -Severity Error
# Move egregorDll so that it can't be executed
Move-Item -Force -Path $egregorDll -Destination "$egregorDll.bad"
if (!$?) {
Write-Log -Message "Failed to clean system" -Severity Error
Write-Log -Message "egregorDll moved - System was cleaned" -Severity Information
Else {
Write-Log -Message "Malicious egregorDll NOT found - System is clean!" -Severity Information
if ( -Not (Test-Path $egregorDll) ) {
Write-Log -Message "Creating egregorDll Protection" -Severity Information
"This is a placeholer" | Out-File $egregorDll
$acl = Get-Acl $egregorDll
$AccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Everyone","FullControl","Deny")
$acl | Set-Acl $egregorDll
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