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Last active June 29, 2022 01:44
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Python Spintax parser
This module provides an efficient spintax parser where every possible spuns have the same probability.
Given a masterspin you can get the total number of possible spuns or a randomly chosen spun.
import re
from random import randint, shuffle
from numpy.random import choice
import sys
from time import time
from scipy.stats import norm
def spin(masterspin, replace_numbers=False, get_count=False):
"""Get spuns count or random spun from a masterspin.
masterspin : string
A spintax string with brackets "{" and "}" and delimiter "|".
replace_numbers : bool
If true, intervals such as [a, b] in the masterspin will be replaced by randint(a, b) in the generated spun.
get_count : bool
If true, the return value will be the total number of possible spuns you can get from masterspin.
string, if get_count is False
A randomly chosen spun from masterspin, each possible spun having probability (1 / Total Possible Spuns).
int, if get_count is True
The total number of possible spuns you can get from masterspin.
level, S, P = 0, {0:['']}, {0: 1}
for c in masterspin:
if c == '{':
level += 1
S[level] = ['']
P[level] = [1.]
elif level > 0:
if c == '|':
elif c == '}':
n = sum(P[level])
if level == 1:
if get_count:
P[0] *= int(n)
P[level - 1][-1] *= n
S[level - 1][-1] += choice(S[level], p=[x / n for x in P[level]])
level -= 1
S[level][-1] += c
elif level == 0:
S[0][-1] += c
if get_count:
return P[0]
if replace_numbers:
def repl_numbers(m):
a, b = int(, int(
return str(randint(min(a, b), max(a, b)))
r = re.compile('\[([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\]')
return r.sub(repl_numbers, S[0][0])
return S[0][0]
def test(masterspin='{A|{B|C|{D|E [6-9]|F}}}', replace_numbers=False, n=10000):
"""Run some test on a spintax string.
masterspin : string
Some spintax string with brackets "{" and "}" and delimiter "|".
replace_numbers : bool
If true, intervals such as [a, b] in the masterspin will be replaced by randint(a, b) in the generated spuns.
n : int
How much spuns you want to generate.
Print a line with the masterspin, n, number of possible spuns, number of distinct spuns generated, probability for each spun,
mean and scale of the normal distribution fitting the results and execution time.
count = spin(masterspin, get_count=True)
avg = float(n) / count
t = time()
for i in xrange(n):
s = spin(masterspin, replace_numbers, get_count=False)
if s in r:
r[s] += 1
r[s] = 1
t = time() - t
mu, std =
print '%s -> n=%d ; count=%d ; found=%d ; avg=%.2f ; mu=%.2f ; std=%.2f [%.2fs]' % (masterspin, n, count, len(r), avg, mu, std, t)
def info(masterspin, n=None, p=0.999):
"""Get some indications on how much distinct spuns you can generate with probability p according to a masterspin.
masterspin : string
Some spintax string with brackets "{" and "}" and delimiter "|".
n : int
Get the probability of generating n distincts spuns from masterspin.
p : float
Get the number of spuns you can generate from masterspin so that they're all distinct with probability p
Print the probability to get n distincts spuns from masterspin if n is not None and / or the number of spuns you can generate with probability p that all spuns are distinct.
N = float(spin(masterspin, get_count=True))
x = 1.
if n is not None:
n = int(n)
if n < 0:
print 'no result for n < 0'
elif n > N:
print 'p=0 for n > %d' % N
for i in xrange(1, n):
if x <= p:
print 'n=%d for probability p=%f' % (i, x)
p = 0.
x *= (N - i) / N
print 'p=%f for n=%d' % (x, n)
p = float(p)
if (p <= 0) or (p > 1):
print 'p must be greater than 0 and less or equal to 1'
i = 1
while 1:
if (x <= p):
print 'n=%d for probability p=%f' % (i, x)
x *= (N - i) / N
i += 1
except KeyboardInterrupt: # it could take very long time if the spintax string is complex enough...
print 'p=%f for n=%d' % (x, i)
def pretty_print(masterspin):
masterspin : string
Some spintax string with brackets "{" and "}" and delimiter "|".
Display count of opening and closing brackets and print an indented version of the spinyax string which can help identifying errors.
sys.stdout.write('Found %d "{" and %d "}"' % (masterspin.count('{'), masterspin.count('}')))
tab = "-"
indent = 0
for c in masterspin:
if c == '{':
sys.stdout.write('\n%s%c\n' % (tab * indent, c))
indent += 1
sys.stdout.write(tab * indent)
elif indent:
if c == '|':
sys.stdout.write('\n%s%c' % (tab * indent, c))
elif c == '}':
indent -= 1
sys.stdout.write('%s%c\n%s' % (tab * indent, c, tab * indent))
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Command line utility.
As a command line utility, you can call the script with a file containing one or several masterspins.
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as src:
lines = src.readlines()
for line in lines:
print spin(line, replace_numbers=True).strip()
sys.exit('Usage: python PATH_TO_MASTERSPINS_FILE.TXT')
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do you have this in php version? with same probability algorithm

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