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Created September 5, 2016 03:31
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XorT and Future and Either
package cats
import cats.instances.all._
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
case class User(val id: Integer, val name: String)
class UserRepo {
type UserId = Integer
object Error
case class UserNotFound(userId: Long) extends Error
case class ConnectionError(message: String) extends Error
def followers(userId: Long)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): XorT[Future, Error, List[User]] =
userId match {
case 0L =>
XorT.right(Future { List(User(1, "Michael")) })
case 1L =>
XorT.right(Future { List(User(0, "Vito")) })
case x =>
println("not found")
XorT.left(Future.successful { UserNotFound(x) })
// def isFriends0(u1: UserId, u2: UserId)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[Error, Boolean]] =
// for {
// a <- followers(u1)
// b <- followers(u2)
// } yield for {
// x <- a.right
// y <- b.right
// } yield x.exists( == u2) && y.exists( == u1)
def isFriends(u1: Long, u2: Long)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): XorT[Future, Error, Boolean] =
for {
a <- followers(u1)
b <- followers(u2)
} yield a.exists( == u2) && b.exists( == u1)
// def isFriends2(u1: UserId, u2: UserId)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[Error, Boolean]] =
// followers(u2).flatMap {
// case Right(a) =>
// followers(u2).map {
// case Right(b) =>
// Right(a.exists(._id == u2) && b.exists(._id == u2))
// case Left(e) =>
// Left(e)
// }
// case Left(e) => Future.successful(e)
// }
// }
object Test extends App {
implicit val ec =
import scala.concurrent.Await
import UserRepo
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Await.result(isFriends(0, 3).value, 1.second)
Await.result(isFriends(2, 3).value, 1.second)
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