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Created September 29, 2016 16:04
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// -- in my opinion the wonderful polymorphism of monad type classes in MTL
// -- is the best thing about MTL (rather than transformers themselves), and clearly
// -- superior to how early Free programs were built
// -- Nonetheless Free has en equivalent mechanism, which I'm dubbing Free Transformers
// -- FT which goes head-to-head with MTL and even allows developers to target both MTL
// -- and free portions of their code
// -- Free Transformesr
// class Console f where
// readLine :: f String
// writeLine :: String -> f Unit
trait Cosonle[F[_]] {
def readLine : F[String]
def writeLine(line : String) : F[Unit]
def myProgram[F[_]: Console : Monad] : F[Unit]
// laws for these typeclaess can by specified by embedding the functor
// into a suitable computational context such as Free
// The outer functor transforms the inner functor to yield a composite fuctor,
// Free programs are usually built from compositional functors
case class From[A](value : A)
case class To[A](value :A)
type TransferResult = Either[Error, (From[Amount], To[Amount])]
trait Banking[F[_]] {
def accounts : F[NonEmptyList[Account]]
def balance(account : Account) : F[Account]
def tranfer(amount : Amount, from : From[Amount], to : From[Account])
: F[TransferResult]
def withdraw(amount : Amount) : F[Amount]
sealed trait BankingF[A]
case class Accounts[A](next : NonEmptyList[Account] => A) extends BankingF[A]
case class Balance[A](next : Amount => A) extends BankingF[A]
case class Transfer[A]( amount : Amount, from : From[Account], to : To[Account],
next : TransferResult => A) extends BankingF[A]
case class Withdraw[A](amount : Amount, next : Amount => A) extends BankingF[A]
// now we can create a suitable instance of Free that can be automatically derived
// from any suitable function
implicit def BankingFree[F[_]](implicit F : Banking[F]) : Banking[Free[F, ?]] =
new Banking[Free[F, ?]] {
def accounts : Free[F, NonEmptyList[Account]] = Free.liftF(f.accounts)
def balance(account : Account) : Free[F, Amount] = Free.liftF[F.balance(account)]
def transfer(amount : Amount, from : From[Account], to : From[Acccount]) :
Free[F, TransferResult] = Free.liftF(F.transfer(amount, from, to))
def withdraw(amount : Amount) : Free[F, Amount] = Free.liftF(F.withdraw(amount))
// we can define high level programs that operate in our business domain without tangingling
// with banking protocols etc
def example[F[_]: Inject[Banking, ?]] : Free[F, Amount] =
for {
as <- F.accounts
b <- F.balance(as.head)
} yield b
trait Interpreter[F[_], G[_]] = F ~> Free[G, ?]
type ~<[F[_], G[_]] = Interpreter[F, G]
// when using this notio of sequential computation it's helpful to be able to define
// an interpreter that doesn't produce a value whcih can be done using the Const like constructor
type Halt[F[_], A] = F[Unit]
// then an interpreter from f to g which produces no value is simply f~< Halt g
// Now, let’s say that we create the following onion:
// Banking is defined in terms of its protocol, which we want to log.
// The protocol is defined in terms of socket communication.
// Logging is defined in terms of file IO.
val bankingLogging : BankingF ~< Halt LoggingF
val bankingProtocol : BankingF ~< ProtocolF
val protocolSocket : ProtocolF ~< SocketF
val loggingFile : LoggingF ~< FileF
val execFile : FileF ~> IO
val execSocket : SocketF ~> IO
// Denotational Semantics
// Denotational semantics is a mathematical and compositional way of giving meaning to programs. The meaning of the program as a whole is defined by the meaning of the terms comprising the program.
// Denotational semantics provide an unprecedented ability to reason about programs in a composable and modular fashion.
// The onion architecture provides a way of specifying whole programs using denotational semantics, where the meaning of one domain is precisely and compositionally defined in terms of another doma
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