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Forked from hiredman/clojurebot.clj
Created December 3, 2008 10:43
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;; Thus spake the master programmer:
;; "Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be
;; maintained."
(ns hiredman.clojurebot
(:import (org.jibble.pircbot PircBot)))
(def nick "clojurebot")
(def channel "#clojure")
(def net "")
;; dictionaries for storing relationships
;; 'are' dict is not used right now.
(def dict-is (ref {}))
(def dict-are (ref {}))
(def url (ref {}))
(def url-regex #"[A-Za-z]+://[^ ^/]+\.[^ ^/]+[^ ]+")
(defstruct junks :this :channel :sender :login :hostname :message)
(defn randth [se]
(let [s (seq se)]
(first (drop (rand-int (count se)) se))))
;; responses that can be randomly selected from
(def input-accepted ["'Sea, mhuise." "In Ordnung" "Ik begrijp" "Alles klar" "Ok." "Roger." "You don't have to tell me twice." "Ack. Ack." "c'est bon!"])
(def befuddl ["Titim gan éirí ort." "Gabh mo leithscéal?" "No entiendo" "excusez-moi" "Excuse me?" "Huh?" "I don't understand." "Pardon?" "It's greek to me."])
(defn ok []
(randth input-accepted))
(defn befuddled []
(randth befuddl))
(defn strip-is [string]
(.trim (.substring string (+ 3 (.indexOf string " is ")))))
(defn term [string]
(first (.split string " is ")))
(defn doc-lookup?
"is this a well formed doc-string lookup?"
(re-find #"^\(doc " msg))
(defn d?op
"if string ends in a question mark return
the string without the question mark"
(if (= \? (.charAt x (dec (count x))))
(subs x 0 (dec (count x)))
(defn symbol-to-var-doc
"this returns the doc metadata from a var in the
clojure ns or a befuddled response"
(let [a (meta (find-var (symbol "clojure.core" symb)))
x (:doc a)
y (:arglists a)]
(if x
(str x "; arglists " y)
(defmacro async
"just do this, I don't care"
[& x]
`(send-off (agent nil) (fn [& _#] ~@x )))
(defn sendMsg
"send a message to a recv, a recv is a channel name or a nick"
[this recv msg]
(async (.sendMessage this recv (.replace (str msg) \newline \ ))))
(defn who
"am I talking to someonein a privmsg, or in a channel?"
(if (:channel pojo)
(:channel pojo)
(:sender pojo)))
(defn addressed?
"is this message prefixed with clojurebot: "
(when (or (re-find #"^clojurebot:" (:message pojo)) (nil? (:channel pojo)))
(defmulti define (fn [pojo term defi]
(if (and (@dict-is term) (re-find #"also" (:message pojo)))
(defmethod define :new [pojo term defi]
(alter dict-is
(fn [dict]
(let [r (assoc dict (.trim term) (.trim defi))]
(when r (sendMsg (:this pojo) (who pojo) (ok)))
(defmethod define :add [pojo term defi]
(let [old (@dict-is term)
ne (if (vector? old)
(conj old defi)
[old defi])]
(dosync (alter dict-is (fn [dict] (let [r (assoc dict term ne)]
(when r (sendMsg (:this pojo) (who pojo) (ok)))
(defn dispatch
"this function does dispatch for responder"
(doc-lookup? (:message pojo))
(and (addressed? pojo) (re-find #"how much do you know?" (:message pojo)))
(and (addressed? pojo) (re-find #"svn" (:message pojo)))
(and (addressed? pojo) (re-find #" is " (:message pojo)))
(and (addressed? pojo) (re-find #" literal " (:message pojo)))
(re-find #"^\([\+ / - \*] [ 0-9]+\)" (:message pojo))
(addressed? pojo)
(re-find url-regex (:message pojo))
(defmulti #^{:docs "currently all messages are routed though this function"} responder dispatch)
(defmethod responder :math [pojo]
(let [[op & num-strings] (re-seq #"[\+\/\*\-0-9]+" (:message pojo))
nums (map #(.parseInt java.lang.Integer %) num-strings)]
(sendMsg (:this pojo) (who pojo)
(let [out (apply (find-var (symbol "clojure.core" op)) nums)]
(if (> out 4)
"*suffusion of yellow*"
(defmethod responder :doc-lookup [pojo]
(sendMsg (:this pojo)
(who pojo)
(symbol-to-var-doc (subs (:message pojo) 5 (dec (count (:message pojo)))))))
(defmethod responder :svn [pojo]
(sendMsg (:this pojo)
(who pojo)
"svn co clojure"))
(defmethod responder :define-is [pojo]
(let [a (.trim (.replaceFirst (:message pojo) "^clojurebot:" " "))
term (term a)
defi (.replaceFirst (strip-is a) "^also " "")]
(define pojo term defi)))
(defmethod responder :lookup [pojo]
(let [msg (d?op (.trim (.replaceFirst (:message pojo) (str "^" nick ":") "")))
result ((deref dict-is) msg)
result (if (vector? result)
(randth result)
(sendMsg (:this pojo) (who pojo)
(.replaceAll (if (re-find #"^<reply>" result)
(.trim (.replaceFirst (str result) "^<reply>" ""))
(str msg " is " result))
(:sender pojo)))
(sendMsg (:this pojo) (who pojo) (befuddled)))))
(defmethod responder :know [pojo]
(sendMsg (:this pojo) (who pojo) (str "I know " (+ (count (deref dict-is)) (count (deref dict-are))) " things")))
(defmethod responder :url [pojo]
(dosync (alter url (fn [url]
(assoc url (re-find url-regex (:message pojo)) (java.util.Date.)))))
(prn (:sender pojo) "> " (:message pojo)))
(defmethod responder :literal [pojo]
(let [q (.replaceFirst (:message pojo) (str "^" nick ": literal ") "")]
(prn q)))
(defn handleMessage [this channel sender login hostname message]
(responder (struct junks this channel sender login
hostname message)))
(defn handlePrivateMessage [this sender login hostname message]
(handleMessage this nil sender login hostname message))
(defn pircbot []
(proxy [PircBot] []
(onMessage [channel sender login hostname message]
(handleMessage this channel sender login hostname message))
(onPrivateMessage [sender login hostname message]
(handlePrivateMessage this sender login hostname message))))
(defn dumpdicts []
(map (fn [[rel rels]]
(binding [*out* (-> (str "clojurebot." rel)]
(prn @rels)
(.close *out*)))
[["is" dict-is] ["are" dict-are]]))
(defn load-dicts []
(ref-set dict-is
(binding [*in* (-> ""]
(let [a (read)]
(.close *in*)
(defn dump-thread []
(send-off (agent nil)
(fn this [& _]
(prn (java.util.Date.))
(binding [*out* (-> ""]
(prn @dict-is)
(.close *out*))
(Thread/sleep 60000)
(send-off *agent* this))))
(def *bot* (pircbot))
(.connect *bot* net)
(.changeNick *bot* nick)
(.joinChannel *bot* channel)
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