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Created July 27, 2021 21:09
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  • Save fbslo/f56252be7cf135b225172bd623f70eb8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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API docs:


Params: address

Example: /?address=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead


On error:

  error: true,
  message: 'Address not found'

On success:

  error: false,
  user: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead',
  nonce: 0,
  amount: 1234567,
  signature: '0xecd7d0a...c28345079f4b1d1cf2a94a283b61c',
  signatureExtra: {
    message: '0x2a2dc0ea3da...1830485e33cdd5fd65df',
    messageHash: '0xf9f4fc88...444a4504cbe',
    v: '0x1c',
    r: '0xecd7d0a24348773c...391d0511c23727',
    s: '0x22058a1f9...2a94a283b6',
    signature: '0xecd7d...5bfc62bcf1dd3153af35256f8fc28345079f4b1d1cf2a94a283b61c'

Call contract claim(user, amount, nonce, signature) function on smart contract, deployed on BSC at: 0xa22efc88F3Eb641D881D0807dc8E305d71920cAB

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