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Created March 16, 2010 20:56
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SMF SQL wrapper (php)
header('Content-Type: application/json');
interface SQL { function sql(); }
interface RecordSet{ function add(Field $f); function field($name,$as=''); function fields();}
class DB
const USERNAME = 'root', PASSWORD = 'password';
const HOST = 'localhost', DB_NAME='smf';
const TABLE = "smf_%s";
static $current = null;
static function con() { if(self::$current == null) new DB(self::DB_NAME); return self::$current; }
static function table($t) { return preg_match('/^'.sprintf(self::TABLE,'.*?').'$/',$t)>0?$t:sprintf(self::TABLE,$t); }
function __construct($name)
throw Exception('cant connect');
$this->result = (object)null;
self::$current = $this;
function query(Query $q,$key='id')
$this->result = array();
$this->query = $q->sql();
$res = mysql_query($this->query);
$count = mysql_num_rows($res);
if(!$res or $count<1)
if($count == 1)
$this->result = (object)mysql_fetch_object($res);
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($res))
$id = property_exists($row,$key)?$row->id:count($this->result);
$o = (object)null;
foreach($row as $t => $v)
$o->$t = self::getCasted($v);
$this->result[$id]= $o;
$this->count = $count;
function getCasted($v)
return null;
return (boolean)$v;
return intval($v);
return floatval($v);
return doubleval($v);
return $v;
function requery()
public $query = null;
public $count = 0;
public $result = array();
public $error = null;
class Table implements SQL
protected $name;
function __construct($n){ $this->name = DB::table($n); }
function name($n = ''){ if($n == '') return $this->name; else return $this->name == $n; }
function sql(){ return "`{$this->name}`"; }
function __tostring(){ return $this->sql(); }
class Field implements SQL
static function find(RecordSet $r, $n, $a)
if($n==null and $a==null)
return null;
foreach($r->fields() as $f)
if( $f->named($n) || ($n!=null && $f->alias($n)) || ($n == null && $f->alias($a)) )
return $f;
return null;
protected $name;
var $alias = null;
private $table = null;
var $tabled = false;
function __construct($n, $as='', Table $t=null, $td = false) { $this->name = $n; $this->alias = $as; $this->table = $t; $this->tabled = $td;}
function name($t = false){ return (($t && self::tabled())?$this->table.'.':'')."`{$this->name}`"; }
function sql(){ return self::name($this->tabled).($this->alias!=null?' AS '.$this->alias:''); }
function __toString(){ return $this->sql(); }
function table($t = ''){ if($t == null) return $this->table; else return $this->table->named($t); }
function tabled(){ return $this->table != null; }
function named($n){ return $this->name == $n; }
function equal(Field $f){ return $f->named($this->name); }
function alias($a = ''){ $as = $this->alias==null?$this->name:$this->alias; if($a == null) return $as; else return $as == $a; }
class Order extends Field implements SQL
const __SQL = " ORDER BY %s %s";
const ASCENDING = true, DESCENDING = false;
static function direction($asc=true){ return $asc?"ASC":"DESC"; }
private $asc;
function __construct($n, $o = true, Table $t=null) { parent::__construct($n,'',$t); $this->asc = $o;}
function name($sql = true){ return $sql?parent::name():$this->name;}
function sql(){ return sprintf(self::__SQL,self::name(),self::direction($this->asc)); }
class Limit implements SQL
private $count, $offset;
function __construct($c, $o = 0) { $this->count = $c; $this->offset = $o; }
function sql() { return " LIMIT ".$this->offset.", ".$this->count; }
function __toString(){return self::sql();}
class Join implements SQL
const __SQL = " LEFT JOIN %s ON %s";
private $table, $where;
function __construct($t, $where='1=1')
$this->table = ($t instanceof Table)?$t:new Table($t);
$this->where = $where;
function sql() { return sprintf(self::__SQL,$this->table, $this->where); }
function __toString() { return $this->sql(); }
class Record extends Table implements RecordSet
protected $fields = array();
function __construct($name)
function add(Field $f) { $this->fields[] = $f; }
function field($n,$a='') { return Field::find($this,$n,$a); }
function query()
$q = new Query($this->name);
foreach($this->fields as $f)
return $q;
function fields() { return $this->fields; }
class Query implements SQL, RecordSet
private $fields = array();
private $tables = array();
private $order = null;
var $where = "";
var $join = null;
private $limit = null;
function __construct($name = '')
$this->tables = array();
if($name != '')
$this->addTable(new Table($name));
function sql()
$fields = join(', ',$this->fields);
$tables = join(', ',$this->tables);
$_j = $this->join;
$join = ($_j instanceof Join)?$_j->sql():"";
$where = $this->where==null?"":' WHERE '.$this->where;
return "SELECT ".$fields." FROM ".$tables.$join.$where.$this->order.$this->limit;
function add(Field $f) { $this->fields[] = $f; }
function addTable(Table $t) { $this->tables[$t->name()] = $t; }
function setOrder(Order $o) { $this->limit = ($f = self::field($o->name(false)))==null?null:$o; }
function SetLimit(Limit $l) { $this->limit = $l; }
function table($n) { return $this->tables[$n]; }
function field($n,$a='') { return Field::find($this,$n,$a); }
function fields() { return $this->fields; }
class User
const ID = 'ID_MEMBER', TABLE = 'members', BANNED = 'log_banned';
private static $r;
private static function setWhere($q, $where='1=1')
$r = self::$r; // retrieves the Recordset
$_AC = 'is_activated';
$r_id = $r->field(self::ID);
$r_ac = new Field($_AC,null,$r); // allows us to restrict to active accounts
$b = new Record(self::BANNED); //creates a record for the banned users tabled
$b_id = new Field(self::ID,'id',$b); //creates a field for the banned users id
$r_id->tabbed = $b_id->tabbed = true;
//LEFT JOIN $r ON $r_id <> $b_id
$q->join = new Join($b, "{$r_id->name(true)}<>{$b_id->name(true)}");
return $q->where = "$where AND $r_ac";
static function init()
$r = new Record(self::TABLE);
$r->add(new Field(self::ID,"id",$r,true));
$r->add(new Field("memberName","name",$r));
$r->add(new Field("dateRegistered","reg",$r));
$r->add(new Field("realName",null,$r));
$r->add(new Field("emailAddress",'email',$r));
$r->add(new Field("gender",null,$r));
$r->add(new Field("personalText",'text',$r));
$r->add(new Field("userTitle",'title',$r));
$r->add(new Field("birthdate",'birthday',$r));
$r->add(new Field("posts",null,$r));
$r->add(new Field("totalTimeLoggedIn","time",$r));
$r->add(new Field("websiteTitle",'siteName',$r));
$r->add(new Field("websiteUrl",'site',$r));
$r->add(new Field("location",$r));
$r->add(new Field("ICQ",null,$r));
$r->add(new Field("AIM",null,$r));
$r->add(new Field("YIM",null,$r));
$r->add(new Field("MSN",null,$r));
$r->add(new Field("hideEmail",'emailHide',$r));
$r->add(new Field("signature",null,$r));
$r->add(new Field("avatar",null,$r));
self::$r = $r;
static function all(Order $o = null, Limit $l = null, DB $db=null)
if($db==null) $db = DB::con();
$_LIST = array('id','name','posts','time');
$r = self::$r;
$q = new Query();
foreach($_LIST as $f)
if($o!=null) $q->setOrder($o);
if($l!=null) $q->setLimit($l);
var $id, $name, $reg, $realName;
var $email, $gender, $text, $title;
var $birthday, $posts, $time, $siteName;
var $site, $location;
var $ICQ, $AIM, $YIM, $MSN;
var $emailHide, $signature, $avatar;
function __construct($var, $key='id', $db=null)
if($db == null) $db = DB::con();
$r = self::$r;
$q = $r->query();
$k = $r->field($key);
$k->tabled = true;
$q->setOrder(new Order($key));
self::setWhere($q, "{$k->name(true)} LIKE '$var'");
foreach($db->result as $k => $v) $this->$k = $v;
if($this->emailHide == true) unset($this->email, $this->birthday, $this->gender);
$db->result = ($db->count>0)?$this:(object)null;
class Post
const ID = 'ID_MSG', TABLE = 'messages';
const THREAD = 'ID_TOPIC',BOARD = 'boards';
const GUEST = '-1';
private static $r;
private static $b;
private static function setWhere($q,$w='', $j_w = '1=1')
$r = self::$r;
$_ID = 'ID_BOARD';
$_GST = '%'.self::GUEST.'%';
$r_id = new Field($_ID,null,$r);
$b = Post::board();
$b_id = $b->field($_ID);
$b_gr = $b->field('','group');
$b_id->tabled = $r_id->tabled = $b_grp->tabled = true;
//LEFT JOIN $r ON $r_id = $b_id AND $b_gr LIKE $_GST
$q->join = new Join($b, "{$b_id->name(true)} = {$r_id} AND {$b_gr->name(true)} LIKE '$_GST' AND ($j_w)");
return $q->where = $w;
private static function board()
$b = new Record(self::BOARD);
$b->add(new Field('ID_BOARD','id',$b,true));
$b->add(new Field('memberGroups','group',$b));
$b->add(new Field('ID_MEMBER_STARTED','member',$b));
return $b;
private static function thread()
$b = new Record('topics');
$b->add(new Field(self::THREAD,'id',$b,true));
return $b;
static function init()
$r = new Record(self::TABLE);
$r->add(new Field(self::ID,'id',$r,true));
$r->add(new Field(self::THREAD,'topic',$r,true));
$r->add(new Field(User::ID,"member",$r,true));
$r->add(new Field("posterName","memberName",$r));
$r->add(new Field("posterTime","time",$r));
$r->add(new Field("subject",null,$r));
$r->add(new Field("body",null,$r));
self::$r = $r;
static function by_thread($id, Limit $l = null, DB $db=null)
if($db==null) $db = DB::con();
$_ORDER = 'time';
$_FIELDS = array('id','member','topic','time');
$r = self::$r;
$q = new Query(self::TABLE);
$o = new Order($_ORDER,false,$r); // Order by post time.
$r_t = $r->field('','topic');
foreach($_FIELDS as $_f)
if($l!=null) $q->setLimit($l);
//WHERE `topic` = '$id'
static function blog($id, Limit $l = null, DB $db=null)
if($db==null) $db = DB::con();
$_ORDER = 'time';
$_FIELDS = array('id','member','topic','time');
$r = self::$r;
$t_t = self::thread();
$q = new Query($t_t->name());
$o = new Order($_ORDER,false,$r); // Order by post time.
$r_t = $r->field(self::THREAD);
$r_m = $r->field(User::ID);
$t_m = $t_t->field(self::THREAD);
foreach($_FIELDS as $_f)
if($l!=null) $q->setLimit($l);
//WHERE `topic` = '$id' AND `poster` = `thread.topic_starter`
self::setWhere($q,"{$r_t->name(true)}='$id' AND {$r_m->name(true)} = {$t_m->name(true)}");
var $id, $topic, $Field, $time;
function __construct($var, $key='id', $db=null)
if($db == null) $db = DB::con();
$r = self::$r;
$q = $r->query();
$k = $r->field('',$key);
$k->tabled = true;
$q->setOrder(new Order($key));
// WHERE $key = $var
self::setWhere($q,"{$k->name()} = '$var'");
foreach($db->result as $k => $v)
$this->$k = $v;
$db->result = ($db->count>0)?$this:(object)null;
$t = DB::con();
//The things it does atm, just uncomment one line at a time :)
#User::all(); //Returns all the users.
#new User(6); //the parameter is the user ID (can search on user name and other fields by adding 'field_name' as the second parameter.#
#Post::by_thread(1); // parameter is the thread ID.
#new Post(2); // parameter is the post ID (can search on other fields by adding 'field_name' as the second parameter.
#Post::blog(1); // doesnt work.
print json_encode($t);
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