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Created May 30, 2015 15:21
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VM generator
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division
from contextlib import contextmanager
import sys
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
input = raw_input
class CodeGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, tab=" "): = tab
self.level = 0
self.code = ""
def add(self, line):
self.code += ("{0}{1}\n".format(*self.level, line))
def indent(self):
self.level += 1
self.level -= 1
def DEF(self, name, parameters = ()):
self.add("\ndef {0}({1}):".format(name, ",".join(parameters)))
self.level += 1
self.level -= 1
def WHILE(self, condition):
self.add("while {0}:".format(condition))
self.level += 1
self.level -= 1
def FOR(self, item, list):
self.add("for {0} in {1}:".format(item, list))
self.level += 1
self.level -= 1
def IF(self, condition):
self.add("if {0}:".format(condition))
self.level += 1
self.level -= 1
def ELSE(self):
self.level += 1
self.level -= 1
def DICT(self, name):
self.add("{0} = {{".format(name))
self.level += 1
self.level -= 1
def generate_vm_function(c, line):
bytecode, name, stack_effect = line.split('\t')
name, _, parameters = name.partition(' ')
parameters = parameters.split(' ')
stack_effect = stack_effect.strip("(").rstrip(")")
effect_start, effect_end = stack_effect.split("--")
data_start, _, return_start = effect_start.partition("R:")
data_end, _, return_end = effect_end.partition("R:")
data_start, data_end = data_start.split(), data_end.split()
return_start, return_end = return_start.split(), return_end.split()
#And now, to the code-generation-mobile!
#c.add("def vm_{0}():".format(name))
with c.DEF("vm_%s"%name, ()):
for var in reversed(data_start):
c.add("{0} = pop()".format(var))
for r_var in reversed(return_start):
c.add("{0} = r_pop()".format(r_var))
for var in data_end:
if var in ("B", "W", "DW", "QW"):
#c.add("print('pushed %s - %s')"%(var, name))
c.add("inc_pc({0})".format({"B":1, "W":2, "DW":4, "QW":8}[var]))
except ValueError:
for r_var in return_end:
#print(data_start, "R:", return_start, "--", data_end, "R:", return_end)
return bytecode, name
def generate_pre(c):
c.add("DATA, RETURN = [], []")
c.add("PC = 0")
c.add("B, W, DW, QW = 0, 0, 0, 0")
with c.DEF("push", ("value", )):
c.add("global DATA")
with c.DEF("pop"):
c.add("global DATA")
c.add("return DATA.pop()")
with c.DEF("r_push", ("value", )):
c.add("global RETURN")
with c.DEF("r_pop"):
c.add("global RETURN")
c.add("return RETURN.pop()")
with c.DEF("inc_pc", ("x", )):
c.add("global PC")
c.add("PC += x")
with c.DEF("vm_nop"):
with c.DEF("execute"):
c.add("global PC, B, W, DW, QW")
#c.add("PC = start")
with c.WHILE("PC < len(M)"):
c.add("instr = ord(M[PC])")
c.add("if PC+1 < len(M): B = ord(M[PC+1])")
c.add("if PC+2 < len(M): W = B<<8 | ord(M[PC+2])")
#c.add("print('%s %s %s [%s] %02x %04x %04x %04x %02x'%(PC, PC+1, PC+2, len(M), B, W, B<<8, B<<8 | (ord(M[PC+2]) if PC+2<len(M) else 0xFF), (ord(M[PC+2]) if PC+2<len(M) else 0xFF)))")
#c.add("print(instr, ord(instr), OPCODES[instr])")
c.add("OPCODES.get(instr, vm_nop)()")
c.add("PC += 1")
def generate_post(c):
with c.DEF("check_eq_lists", ("a", "b")):
with c.IF("len(a) != len(b)"):
c.add("return False")
c.add("return all(map(lambda i, j: i==j, a, b))")
# with c.IF("TEST"):
# c.add("print(TEST)")
# c.add("execute(TEST)")
# c.add("print('DATA\t%s'%DATA)")
# c.add("print('RETURN\t%s'%RETURN)")
# c.add("print('PC\t%s'%PC)")
# c.add("print('B\t%02X\tW\t%04X'%(B, W))")
# with c.IF("not check_eq_lists(TEST_RESULT[0], DATA) or not check_eq_lists(TEST_RESULT[1], RETURN)"):
# c.add("print('\\nTest failed.')")
# c.add("print('Expected:')")
# c.add("print('\\tDATA\t%s'%TEST_RESULT[0])")
# c.add("print('\\tRETURN\t%s'%TEST_RESULT[1])")
with c.IF("TESTS"):
with c.FOR("name, d_s, r_s, test, data, ret", "TESTS"):
c.add("M = test")
c.add("DATA, RETURN, PC = d_s, r_s, 0")
with c.IF("VERBOSE"):
c.add("print('B\t%02X\tW\t%04X'%(B, W))")
with c.IF("not check_eq_lists(data, DATA) or not check_eq_lists(ret, RETURN)"):
c.add("print('Test failed (%s).'%name)")
with c.IF("VERBOSE"):
with c.ELSE():
c.add("print('Test OK (%s).'%name)")
def generate_vm(c, data):
functions = []
for line in data.split("\n"):
if len(line) == 0: continue
bytecode, name = generate_vm_function(c, line)
functions.append((bytecode, name))
with c.DICT("OPCODES"):
for bytecode, name in functions:
c.add("{0}: vm_{1},".format(int(bytecode, 16), name))
return c.code
def test_vm(code, tests):
vm = compile(code, "<string>", 'exec')
exec(vm, {"TESTS": tests, "VERBOSE": 0})
data = """
10\tpush_0\t( -- 0 )
11\tpush_1\t( -- 1 )
18\tpush_8\t( -- 8 )
1C\tpushb B\t( -- B )
1D\tpushw W\t( -- W )
20\tdrop\t( a -- )
21\t2drop\t( a b -- )
22\tdup\t( a -- a a )
23\t2dup\t( a b -- a b a b )
24\tswap\t( a b -- b a )
25\t2swap\t( a b c d -- c d a b )
26\trot\t( a b c -- c a b )
27\t2rot\t( a b c d e f -- e f a b c d )
28\tnip\t( a b -- b )
29\t2nip\t( a b c d -- c d )
2A\ttuck\t( a b -- b a b )
2B\t2tuck\t( a b c d -- c d a b c d )
2C\tover\t( a b -- a b a )
2D\t2over\t( a b c d -- a b c d a b )
30\tadd\t( a b -- a+b )
if __name__ == "__main__":
#data = "20\tdup\t( a -- a a )"
c = CodeGenerator()
vm = generate_vm(c, data)
#("", [], [], "", [], []),
("Push_0", [11], [], "\x10", [11, 0], []),
("Push_1", [11], [], "\x11", [11, 1], []),
("Push_8", [11], [], "\x18", [11, 8], []),
("Pushb 0x23", [11], [], "\x1C\x23", [11, 0x23], []),
("Pushw 0x1234", [11], [], "\x1D\x12\x34", [11, 0x1234], []),
("Drop", [11, 1], [], "\x20", [11], []),
("Drop_2", [11, 1, 2], [], "\x21", [11], []),
("Dup", [11, 1], [], "\x22", [11, 1, 1], []),
("Dup_2", [11, 1, 2], [], "\x23", [11, 1, 2, 1, 2], []),
("Swap", [11, 1, 2], [], "\x24", [11, 2, 1], []),
("Swap_2", [11, 1, 2, 3, 4], [], "\x25", [11, 3, 4, 1, 2], []),
("Rot", [11, 1, 2, 3], [], "\x26", [11, 3, 1, 2], []),
("Rot_2", [11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [], "\x27", [11, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4], []),
("?", [], [], "\x00\x10\x18\x2A\x30\x30", [16], []),
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