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A Base64 image encoder plugin for JekyllRB

#Jekyll Base64 Encoder A Liquid tag for base64 encoding

Note: this plugin requires Colorize:

gem install colorize

Save the Jekyll-base64.rb file (below this readme) in your plugins_dir folder.

Usage example: you can rewrite this code

<img src="images/FTF15.jpg" alt="A photo of From The Front Conference" />


<img src="{% base64 images/FTF15.jpg %}" alt="A photo of From The Front Conference" />

The image path can be relative to the page itself or absolute (when it starts with a /) from your Jekyll's source folder.

You can even pass a variable as the argument to the Liquid tag, e.g. when the image src must be interpolated with another variable:

{% capture jpeg %}images/{{ image }}.jpg{% endcapture %}
<img src="{% base64 jpeg %}" alt="..." />

Example Output:

Example Output

Author: Fabrizio Calderan @fcalderan
Created on : 2015-09-25
Last update : 2015-10-14
License: CC BY-SA 4.0

# A Liquid tag for base64 encoding
# Author: Fabrizio Calderan (@fcalderan), 2015-09-25.
# Last update: 2015-10-14
# License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (
# Note - this plugin uses Colorize:
# (sudo gem install colorize)
# ---
# Usage example: you can transform this code
# <img src="images/FTF15.jpg" alt="A photo of From The Front Conference, 2015 edition" />
# into:
# <img src="{% base64 images/FTF15.jpg %}"
# alt="A photo of From The Front Conference, 2015 edition" />
# You can even pass a variable as the argument to the tag, e.g. when the
# image src must be interpolated with another variable:
# {% capture jpeg %}images/{{ image }}.jpg{% endcapture %}
# <img src="{% base64 jpeg %}" alt="..." />
require 'open-uri'
require 'pathname'
require 'base64'
module Jekyll
class Base64Encoding < Liquid::Tag
def initialize(tag_name, params, tokens)
@pad = " " * 6
@imgsrc = params.strip
def getEncodingStatus(msg)
puts "\n" + @pad + msg + @abspath.to_s
puts @pad + "in " + @cs[:page]["path"] + "."
def getSizeStats()
base64Size = @dataURI.length
originalSize = File.size(@abspath)
inc = (100 * base64Size / originalSize) - 100
puts @pad + "=> Original size : ".green + originalSize.to_s
puts @pad + "=> Base64 size: ".green + base64Size.to_s + " [+" + inc.to_s + "%]"
def render(context)
# Get base path of html template
@cs = context.registers
# If a variable was passed to the liquid tag instead of a string
# then read its value
if context[@markup.strip]
@imgsrc = context[@markup.strip]
basepath = @cs[:site].source
# if a relative url was defined then the basepath is the same
# of the page in which the image was requested.
if (@imgsrc.chars.first != "/")
basepath += @cs[:page]["dir"]
@abspath =, @imgsrc))
if File.exist?(@abspath)
# Open file in read mode
image =, "r")
# Get the content of the file as a string
imgstring = ""
image.each { |line| imgstring << line }
# Get image extension (e.g. ".png")
imageext = File.extname(@imgsrc).gsub(/(\.\w+).*/, '\1').downcase;
# Generate dataURI schema
@dataURI = "data:image/";
case imageext
when ".jpg"
@dataURI += "jpeg"
when ".svg"
@dataURI += "svg+xml"
# the MIME type is finally inferred from the file extension
@dataURI += imageext.gsub('.', '')
@dataURI += ";base64,"
# yay, we encode it
@dataURI += Base64.strict_encode64(imgstring)
getEncodingStatus("Encoded: ".green)
getEncodingStatus("Warning: not found ".yellow)
Liquid::Template.register_tag('base64', Jekyll::Base64Encoding)
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