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Created September 8, 2020 05:30
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autograde midterm 2020
# grade midterm 2020
# requirements:
# python3
# pip3 install (boolean evaluation)
# matplotlib for plotting
# numpy - a couple small parts
import logging
# where do you wanna log? go to DEBUG / INFO / WARNING
#logging.basicConfig(filename='grading.log', format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# fixed values for problems
tsetup = 40
thold = 75
tffpq = 50
tffcq = 25
# question numbers and their relative points
quests = {
'q4' : 1, 'q5' : 1, 'q6' : 1, 'q7' : 1, 'q8' : 1, 'q9' : 2,
'q10': 1, 'q11': 2, 'q12': 1, 'q13': 2, 'q14': 1, 'q15': 2,
'q16': 1, 'q17': 3, 'q18': 10, 'q19': 10, 'q20': 3, 'q21': 1,
'q22': 3, 'q23': 1, 'q24': 5, 'q25': 4, 'q26': 4, 'q27': 5,
'q28': 2, 'q29': 2, 'q30': 5, 'q31': 3, 'q32': 2, 'q33': 9,
'q34': 2, 'q35': 3, 'q36': 4, 'q37': 2
# total number of questions
NUM_OF_QUESTIONS = len(quests)
# boolean dict for evaluation
bools = {
'0' : '(~a & ~b & ~c & ~d)',
'1' : '(~a & ~b & ~c & d)',
'2' : '(~a & ~b & c & ~d)',
'3' : '(~a & ~b & c & d)',
'4' : '(~a & b & ~c & ~d)',
'5' : '(~a & b & ~c & d)',
'6' : '(~a & b & c & ~d)',
'7' : '(~a & b & c & d)',
'8' : '( a & ~b & ~c & ~d)',
'9' : '( a & ~b & ~c & d)',
'a' : '( a & ~b & c & ~d)',
'b' : '( a & ~b & c & d)',
'c' : '( a & b & ~c & ~d)',
'd' : '( a & b & ~c & d)',
'e' : '( a & b & c & ~d)',
'f' : '( a & b & c & d)'
# sekil1
# shows the paths between ports
# will be used to calculate the paths
s1paths = {
'ax' : 'tand + txor',
'az' : 'tand + tnot',
'xx' : 'tnot + txor',
'xy' : 'tnot + tor',
'xz' : 'tnot + tand + tnot',
'yy' : 'tor + tnot + tor',
'zx' : 'tand + txor',
'zy' : 'tor + tnot + tor'
def boolean_compare(r, e):
'''compare two boolean strings. First check if they are the same boolean expressions
if not, boolean module does not provide an equality check. so just generate 16 different
true false inputs, and feed into both equations to see if they produce the same results'''
import boolean
algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
r = algebra.parse(r)
# some other character is in use
# auto fail
return 0, 17
e = algebra.parse(e)
# lets try our luck
if r == e:
return 1, 0
# damn
a, b, c, d = algebra.symbols('a','b','c','d')
t = algebra.TRUE
f = algebra.FALSE
hacks = {
'0' : [f, f, f, f],
'1' : [f, f, f, t],
'2' : [f, f, t, f],
'3' : [f, f, t, t],
'4' : [f, t, f, f],
'5' : [f, t, f, t],
'6' : [f, t, t, f],
'7' : [f, t, t, t],
'8' : [t, f, f, f],
'9' : [t, f, f, t],
'10' : [t, f, t, f],
'11' : [t, f, t, t],
'12' : [t, t, f, f],
'13' : [t, t, f, t],
'14' : [t, t, t, f],
'15' : [t, t, t, t]
# replace all the terms with true or false, then simplify them
# simplification should return 0 or 1
# do that for all input combinations, and count the number of mismatches
err = 0
for i in range(16):
rres = r.subs({a:hacks[str(i)][0],
eres = e.subs({a:hacks[str(i)][0],
if eres != rres:
err += 1
if err == 0:
return 1, err
return 0, err
# all the question results return string
def q4(r):
'''Rank inizi ikilik sistemde 16-bit gösteriniz. (0b kullanmayınız. Örn. 1100000000010010)'''
return format(r, '016b')
def q5(r):
'''Rank inizi onluk sistemde gösteriniz. (Örn. 49170)'''
return str(r)
def q6(r):
'''16-bit rank << 5, hex olarak yazınız. (0x kullanmayınız. Örn. C012)'''
# make sure only 4 hex digits return
return format(r << 5, '04x')[-4:]
def q7(r):
'''16-bit rank >> 3, hex olarak yazınız. (0x kullanmayınız. Örn. C012)'''
return format(r >> 3, '04x')
def q8(r):
'''16-bit rank >>> 11, hex olarak yazınız. (0x kullanmayın. Örn. C012)'''
# arithmetic shift is hacky
# create a list of digits, then check the first item in the list
a = list(str(format(r >> 11, '016b')))
if (r & 0x8000):
for i in range(11):
a[i] = '1'
# convert the list back to string, and format it back to hex
return format(int(''.join(a), 2), '04x')
def q9(r):
'''16-bit rank + 0x7F1A işleminin sonucunu hesaplayınız. (0x kullanmayınız. Örn. C012)'''
# last four hex digits
return format(r + 0x7F1A, '04x')[-4:]
def q10(r):
'''16-bit rank + 0x7F1A işlemi sonucu NVC flaglarını hesaplayınız. (NVC sırasıyla giriniz. Örn. 010)'''
# 17. bit will hold the carry
x = format(r + 0x7F1A, '017b')
r = format(r, '016b')
c = x[0]
# overflow check with 16.bits
if r[0] == '0' and x[1] == '1':
v = '1'
v = '0'
# negative check with 16.bit
n = x[1]
return n + v + c
def q11(r):
'''16-bit rank + 0xC2F5 işleminin 16-bit sonucunu hesaplayınız. (0x kullanmayınız. Örn. C012)'''
# last four hex digits
return format(r + 0xC2F5, '04x')[-4:]
def q12(r):
'''16-bit rank + 0xC2F5 işlemi sonucu NVC flaglarını hesaplayınız. (NVC sırasıyla giriniz. Örn. 010)'''
# 17. bit will hold the carry
x = format(r + 0xC2F5, '017b')
r = format(r, '016b')
c = x[0]
# overflow check with 16.bits
if r[0] == '1' and x[1] == '0':
v = '1'
v = '0'
# negative check with 16.bit
n = x[1]
return n + v + c
def q13(r):
'''16-bit rank - 0x4E3B işleminin 16-bit sonucunu hesaplayınız. (0x kullanmayınız. Örn. C012)'''
x = r - 0x4E3B
# negative is tricky. it will go -, so take mod 2**16
if (x < 0):
x = int(format(x % (1 << 16), '016b'), base=2)
return format(x, '04x')
def q14(r):
'''16-bit rank - 0x4E3B işlemi sonucu NVC flaglarını hesaplayınız. (NVC sırasıyla giriniz. Örn. 010)'''
x = r - 0x4E3B
# no carry if it is less than 0, (!borrow)
if (x < 0):
x = int(format(x % (1 << 16), '016b'), base=2)
c = '0'
c = '1'
# reformat it to 16 bits
x = format(x, '016b')
r = format(r, '016b')
# overflow check with 16.bits
if r[0] == '1' and x[0] == '0':
v = '1'
v = '0'
# negative check with 16.bits
n = x[0]
return n + v + c
def q15(r):
'''16-bit rank - 0x9BD2 işleminin 16-bit sonucunu hesaplayınız. (0x kullanmayınız. Örn. C012)'''
x = r - 0x9BD2
# negative is tricky. it will go -, so take mod 2**16
if (x < 0):
x = int(format(x % (1 << 16), '016b'), base=2)
return format(x, '04x')
def q16(r):
'''16-bit rank - 0x9BD2 işlemi sonucu NVC flaglarını hesaplayınız. (NVC sırasıyla giriniz. Örn. 010)'''
x = r - 0x9BD2
# no carry if it is less than 0, (!borrow)
if (x < 0):
x = int(format(x % (1 << 16), '016b'), base=2)
c = '0'
c = '1'
# reformat it to 16 bits
x = format(x, '016b')
r = format(r, '016b')
# overflow check with 16.bits
if r[0] == '0' and x[0] == '1':
v = '1'
v = '0'
# negative check with 16.bits
n = x[0]
return n + v + c
def q17(r):
'''Rank inizin odd parity sini hesaplayınız. (Örn. 1)'''
x = format(r, '016b')
p = 0
# xor all digits and for odd parity invert the result (last xor)
for i in x:
p = p ^ int(i)
return str(p ^ 1)
def q18(r):
'''Rank inizin her hex digitini minterm olarak alıp, 4-giriş
(ABCD), 1-çıkış (X) doğruluk tablosu çıkarınız.
K-map ile en sade şeklini gerçekleştiriniz.
SOP formunu SystemVerilog syntax ına uygun olarak giriniz.'''
import boolean
algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
# minterm
# read the rank as a hex digit list
# bring the corresponding boolean expressions from the bools table
# then create a SOP representation with | stiching
r = list(format(r, '04x').lower())
exp = ' | '.join(map(lambda x: bools[str(x)], r))
# simplify and return the simplified expression
e = algebra.parse(exp, simplify=True)
return str(e)
def q19(r):
'''Rank inizin her hex digitini maxterm olarak alıp, 4-giriş
(ABCD), 1-çıkış (X) doğruluk tablosu çıkarınız.
K-map ile en sade şeklini gerçekleştiriniz.
SOP formunu SystemVerilog syntax ına uygun olarak giriniz.'''
import boolean
algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
# maxterm
# read the rank as a hex digit list
# since this is max term, exclude the ones in the rank
# bring the rest of the boolean expressions from the bools table
# then create a SOP representation with | stiching
r = list(format(r, '04x').lower())
rb = [format(i, '1x').lower() for i in range(16) if format(i, '1x').lower() not in r]
exp = ' | '.join(map(lambda x: bools[str(x)], rb))
# simplify and return the simplified expression
e = algebra.parse(exp, simplify=True)
return str(e)
def q20(r):
'''Şekil 1 de verilen devrenin propagation gecikmesini hesaplayınız.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
# 6x + 10 is the formula. waste to calculate for each problem,
# but the problems are self contained this way
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
# propagation delay
# evaluate teh s1paths dict values with the given tand tor txor and tnot valus
# return the max number
x = {}
for path, v in s1paths.items():
x[path] = eval(v)
return str(max(x.values()))
def q21(r):
'''Şekil 1 de verilen devrenin propagation gecikmesinin hangi portlar arasında olduğunu giriniz.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
# propagation delay paths
# evaluate teh s1paths dict values with the given tand tor txor and tnot valus
# return the paths as a list that give max numbers
x = {}
for path, v in s1paths.items():
x[path] = eval(v)
m = max(x.values())
res = []
for i, v in x.items():
if v == m:
return res
def q22(r):
'''Şekil 1 de verilen devrenin contamination gecikmesini hesaplayınız.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = (6*int(r[0], 16) + 10)//2
tor = (6*int(r[1], 16) + 10)//2
txor = (6*int(r[2], 16) + 10)//2
tnot = (6*int(r[3], 16) + 10)//2
# contamination delay
# evaluate teh s1paths dict values with the given tand tor txor and tnot valus
# return the min number
x = {}
for path, v in s1paths.items():
x[path] = eval(v)
return str(min(x.values()))
def q23(r):
'''Şekil 1 de verilen devrenin contamination gecikmesinin hangi portlar arasında olduğunu giriniz.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = (6*int(r[0], 16) + 10)//2
tor = (6*int(r[1], 16) + 10)//2
txor = (6*int(r[2], 16) + 10)//2
tnot = (6*int(r[3], 16) + 10)//2
# contamination delay paths
# evaluate teh s1paths dict values with the given tand tor txor and tnot valus
# return the paths as a list that give min numbers
x = {}
for path, v in s1paths.items():
x[path] = eval(v)
m = min(x.values())
res = []
for i, v in x.items():
if v == m:
return res
def q24(r):
'''Şekil 1 de verilen devrenin çalıştırılabilir maximum frekansını hesaplayıp
MegaHertz cinsinden tam sayı olarak giriniz.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
# max freq depend on the propagation delay (max)
x = {}
for path, v in s1paths.items():
x[path] = eval(v)
# append tffpq and tsetup, (no jitter)
# convert tc to mhz (int) and return as string
m = max(x.values())
tc = m + tffpq + tsetup
freq = int(1/tc * 10**6) # megaherz
return str(freq)
def q25(r):
'''Şekil 2 de verilen Full Adder devresini kullanarak Şekil 3 de
verildiği gibi 3-bit toplayıcı / çıkarıcı devresi tasarladılar.
Şekil 3a'da bu devrenin kendisi, 3b'de aynı devrenin giriş ve
çıkışlarına register eklenmiş hali gösterilmektedir. Tablo 1 deki
değerlere göre devrenin propagation gecikmesini hesaplayınız.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
#tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
# first FA
# max will be y0 -> cout1 signal since it encapsulates
# all others. Will be the same for all people
m1 = txor + txor + tand + tor
# second FA
# max will be cin -> cout signal, since it will be longer than
# y1 -> cout2 which is xor + xor + and + or
m2 = tand + tor
# third FA
# max will be cin -> s signal, (we dont care about the cout)
m3 = txor
# total delay
m = m1 + m2 + m3
return str(m)
def q26(r):
'''Şekil 3 de verilen devrenin contamination gecikmesini hesaplayınız.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
#tand = (6*int(r[0], 16) + 10)//2
#tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10)//2
txor = (6*int(r[2], 16) + 10)//2
#tnot = (6*int(r[3], 16) + 10)//2
# contamination delay is shortest path,
# which is min(c0 -> s0, x0 -> s0) since first is one xor,
# that is faster (c0 -> s0)
m = txor
return str(m)
def q27(r):
'''Şekil 3 de verilen devrenin çalıştırılabilir maximum frekansını
hesaplayıp MegaHertz cinsinden tam sayı olarak giriniz.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
#tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
m1 = txor + txor + tand + tor
m2 = tand + tor
m3 = txor
m = m1 + m2 + m3
# return the max freq
tc = m + tffpq + tsetup
freq = int(1/tc * 10**6) # megaherz
return str(freq)
def q28(r):
'''Şekil 3 de verilen devrenin throughput unu hesaplayıp
Megabits per second cinsinden tam sayı olarak giriniz.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
#tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
m1 = txor + txor + tand + tor
m2 = tand + tor
m3 = txor
m = m1 + m2 + m3
tc = m + tffpq + tsetup
freq = int(1/tc * 10**6) # megaherz
throuput = 3 * freq # 3 bits come out at this freq
return str(throuput)
def q29(r):
'''Şekil 3 de verilen devrenin latency sini hesaplayıp
picosecond cinsinden tam sayı olarak giriniz.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
#tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
m1 = txor + txor + tand + tor
m2 = tand + tor
m3 = txor
m = m1 + m2 + m3
tc = m + tffpq + tsetup
# the incoming bits will wait 1 clock cycle to go out
return str(tc)
def q30(r):
'''Firmadaki bir mühendis, sistemi geliştirdiğini ileri
sürerek Şekil 4 de gösterildiği gibi bir devre tasarımı yaptı.
Yeni devrenin çalıştırılabilir maximum frekansını hesaplayıp
MegaHertz cinsinden tam sayı olarak giriniz.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
#tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
# max will be either from Y -> S which is 3 x xors
# or from Y -> cout which is 2 x xors + and + or
m1 = txor + txor + txor
m2 = txor + txor + tand + tor
m = max(m1, m2)
tc = m + tffpq + tsetup
freq = int(1/tc * 10**6) # megaherz
return str(freq)
def q31(r):
'''Şekil 4 de verilen devrenin throughput unu hesaplayıp
Megabits per second cinsinden tam sayı olarak giriniz.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
#tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
m1 = txor + txor + txor
m2 = txor + txor + tand + tor
m = max(m1, m2)
tc = m + tffpq + tsetup
freq = int(1/tc * 10**6) # megaherz
throuput = 3 * freq # 3 bits come out at this freq
return str(throuput)
def q32(r):
'''Şekil 4 de verilen devrenin latency sini hesaplayıp
picosecond cinsinden tam sayı olarak giriniz.'''
r = format(r, '04x')
tand = 6*int(r[0], 16) + 10
tor = 6*int(r[1], 16) + 10
txor = 6*int(r[2], 16) + 10
#tnot = 6*int(r[3], 16) + 10
m1 = txor + txor + txor
m2 = txor + txor + tand + tor
m = max(m1, m2)
tc = m + tffpq + tsetup
# the incoming bits will wait 3 clock cycles to go out
return str(3 * tc)
def q33(r):
'''Şekil 5 te verilen SystemVerilog kod bloğunun ilk clk rising edge
inde (t0) devreye rankinizi verdiğinizi varsayarsak, 25 clock rising
edge sonrasında (t25) q çıkışını hesaplayınız.'''
r = format(r, '016b')
f = lambda r: str(int(r[0]) ^ int(r[3]) ^ int(r[7]) ^ int(r[10]))
# that is lfsr. a random number generator
# it will shift out the msb and shift in a new lsb in each clock cycle
# the calculation depends on the formula in f function
# do that for 25 cycles
for i in range(25):
n = f(r)
r = r[1:] + n
r = format(int(r, 2), '04x')
return r
def q34(r):
'''Şekil 6 da verilen SystemVerilog kod bloğunun a hesabi'''
r = format(r, '016b')
# simple concat
return r[2:] + r[:2]
def q35(r):
'''Şekil 6 da verilen SystemVerilog kod bloğunun b hesabi'''
r = format(r, '016b')
x = str(int(r[3]) & int(r[4]) & int(r[5]) & int(r[6]))
return 4*x
def q36(r):
'''Şekil 6 da verilen SystemVerilog kod bloğunun c hesabi'''
r = format(r, '016b')
# two conditional statements
if r[2] == '1':
x = r[0] + r[14:] + str(int(r[10]) & int(r[11]))
elif r[12] == '1':
x = str(int(r[7]) ^ int(r[8]) ^ int(r[9])) + r[14:] + r[0]
x = r[7] + str(int(r[13]) | int(r[14]) | int(r[15])) + r[:2]
return x
def q37(r):
'''Şekil 6 da verilen SystemVerilog kod bloğunun d hesabi'''
r = format(r, '016b')
# if any of the xors produce a 1 or will produce a 1
for i in range(8):
if int(r[15-i]) ^ int(r[i]):
return '1'
return '0'
def read_csv(fname):
'''generic csv read function. omit the first row
return the rest as a list of rows'''
import csv
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
n = []
s = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
for i, row in enumerate(s):
# dont read the first row
if i == 0:
return n
def clean_exam(r):
'''get rid of the points and feedback sections from the rows.
this is specific to ms forms result format'''
start = 7
f = []
for row in r:
n = []
for i, ir in enumerate(row[start:]):
if i % 3 == 0:
n.append(ir.strip()) # strip whitespace from the cells if there are any
return f
def generate_answers(rname, fname, gennum=False):
'''generate rank - answers sheet, optionally add student id.
standalone function'''
import csv
ranks = read_csv(rname)
ranks = {l[0] : l[1] for l in ranks} # convert ranks to dict
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
s = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
if gennum:
x = ['Ogrenci Numarasi', 'Rank']
x = ['Rank']
# iterate through ranks
for num, r in ranks.items():
rd = int(r, 16)
if gennum:
ans = [num, r]
ans = [r]
# evaluate the answers for a given rank
for i, (q, p) in enumerate(quests.items()):
class Student():
def __init__(self, name, number, rank):
'''one class to rule them all''' = name.lower()
self.number = number
self.rank = int(rank, 16)
self.exp = NUM_OF_QUESTIONS * [None]
self.ans = NUM_OF_QUESTIONS * [None]
self.points = NUM_OF_QUESTIONS * [0]
def calculate_expected(self):
'''calculate the expected answers'''
r = self.rank
for i, (q, p) in enumerate(quests.items()):
self.exp[i] = eval(q)(r)
def evaluate_questions(self):
r = self.rank
logging.debug('Evaluating : %s with rank %s',, format(self.rank, '04x'))
for i, (q, p) in enumerate(quests.items()):
# evaluate all questions, tho with different criteria
if len(self.ans[i]):
# exact matches with hex
if i in [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33]:
# if exact match great!
if self.ans[i] == self.exp[i]:
self.points[i] = p
# this will also match 0 with 0000 but oh well. let the poor souls be happy
if int(self.ans[i], 16) == int(self.exp[i], 16):
self.points[i] = p
logging.debug('hex match: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
logging.debug('hex NO match: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
logging.debug('hex ERR: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
# exact matches with int
elif i in [1, 16, 18, 21, 22]:
# if exact match great!
if self.ans[i] == self.exp[i]:
self.points[i] = p
logging.debug('str NO match: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
# %.05 tolerance on int conversions
elif i in [20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]:
# if exact match great!
if self.ans[i] == self.exp[i]:
self.points[i] = p
e = int(self.exp[i])
a = int(self.ans[i])
if a < e+.05*e and a > e-.05*e:
self.points[i] = p
logging.debug('tilda match: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
logging.debug('tilda NO match: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
logging.debug('tilda ERR: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
# evaluate boolean
elif i in [14, 15]:
logging.debug('boolean comparison: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
# correct? and number of fails
crct, err = boolean_compare(self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
# 17 is special case where there is an alian character in the answer
if err == 17:
logging.debug('boolean ERR: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
logging.debug(' ? %d, err: %d', crct, err)
if crct:
self.points[i] = p
# any in the array is acceptable
elif i in [17, 19]:
if self.ans[i] in self.exp[i]:
self.points[i] = p
logging.debug('array match: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
logging.debug('array NO match: rank %s on quest: %s. cevap: %s, expected: %s', format(self.rank, '04x'), q, self.ans[i], self.exp[i])
# if any questions are left come here
# should not come here
print('WHERIS ', i)
self.points[i] = 0'%s got: %d points',, sum(self.points))'|--> point distribution: %s', self.points)
def create_answer_sheet(rankname):
'''generates answers based on the ranks'''
answers = 'elm234_arasinav2020_cevap_anahtari.csv'
generate_answers(rankname, answers)
def create_score_sheet(studs, sname, detailed=False):
'''create the grading sheet to hold the scores and answers and points'''
import csv
with open(sname, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig',) as f:
s = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
# this is the order
row = ['Ogrenci Adi', 'Ogrenci Numarasi', 'Rank']
if detailed:
for k in quests.keys():
row.append(k + ' beklenen')
row.append(k + ' cevap')
row.append(k + ' puan')
row.append('Toplam puan')
# '\t' is just a hakc to excel to open normally
# other programs might behave differently
for i, st in enumerate(studs):
row = [, str(st.number) + '\t', format(st.rank, '04x') + '\t']
if detailed:
for e, a, p in zip(st.exp, st.ans, st.points):
row.append(str(e) + '\t')
row.append(str(a) + '\t')
def create_grade_figure(studs):
'''plot grade histogram'''
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# points array
pts = []
for i, s in enumerate(studs):
mnn = np.mean(pts)
mdn = np.median(pts)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.hist(pts, bins=10, range=(0, 100))
smn = 'mean: {:.1f}\nmedian: {:.1f}'.format(mnn, mdn)
plt.text(80, 13, smn)
plt.ylabel('kişi sayısı')
plt.xlabel('puan aralıkları')
plt.title('ELM234 Ara sınav puan dağılımları')
def create_questions_figure(studs):
'''plot question correct answer freq'''
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
for s in studs:
for i, p in enumerate(s.points):
if p != 0:
qs[i] += 1
fig = plt.figure(), qs)
plt.xticks(np.arange(NUM_OF_QUESTIONS), quests.keys(), rotation=60)
plt.xlabel('soru numarası')
plt.ylabel('çözüm sayısı')
plt.title('ELM234 Ara sınav soru çözüm dağılımları')
if __name__ == "__main__":
import numpy as np
# test and make sure points add up to 100
if sum(quests.values()) != 100:
raise ValueError('question points does not sum to 100')
examname = 'elm234_sinav.csv'
rankname = 'elm234_ranks.csv'
# generate answers
# rest is for evaluation
ranks = read_csv(rankname)
exam2 = read_csv(examname)
exam = clean_exam(exam2)
ranks = {l[0] : l[1] for l in ranks} # convert ranks to dict
studs = [] # master student array
# test and make sure ranks match
for i, s in enumerate(exam):
if (ranks[s[1]][2:] != s[2].lower()):
serr = s[0], s[1], s[2], ranks[s[1]], ranks[s[1]][2:], s[2].lower()
raise ValueError('Ranks dont match: %s', serr)
# add all the answers of the students
for i, s in enumerate(exam):
studs.append(Student(s[0], s[1], s[2]))
for j, ans in enumerate(s[3:]):
studs[i].ans[j] = ans.lower()
# evaluate the questions for the student
#gradesname = 'elm234_sonuclar.csv'
#create_score_sheet(studs, gradesname, True)
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