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Forked from hoonoh/wsl2-portforward.ps1
Created August 21, 2020 19:58
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wsl2 port forwarding script
$remoteAddr = bash.exe -c "ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet '"
$found = $remoteAddr -match '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}';
if( $found ){
$remoteAddr = $matches[0];
echo $remoteAddr;
} else{
echo "The Script Exited, the ip address of WSL 2 cannot be found";
#All the ports you want to forward separated by coma
$ports=@(80, 443, 3000, 3001, 3306, 5432, 5500, 6379, '8000-8010','8080-8100', 8443, 8981, 9229);
#[Static ip]
#You can change the addr to your ip config to listen to a specific address
$ports_a = $ports -join ",";
$firewallRuleName = "WSL 2 Firewall Unlock";
#Remove Firewall Exception Rules
iex "Remove-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName '$firewallRuleName' ";
#adding Exception Rules for inbound and outbound Rules
iex "New-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName '$firewallRuleName' -Direction Outbound -LocalPort $ports_a -Action Allow -Protocol TCP";
iex "New-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName '$firewallRuleName' -Direction Inbound -LocalPort $ports_a -Action Allow -Protocol TCP";
#delete all previous v4tov4 rules
$regex = [regex] '(\d{2,5}$)'
$prevRoutePorts = iex "netsh interface portproxy show v4tov4" | Select-String '(\d{2,5}$)' -AllMatches | Foreach {$_.Matches} | Foreach{$_.Value};
Foreach($port in $prevRoutePorts) {
iex "netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport=$port listenaddress=$addr";
echo "deleted previously v4tov4 rule on port $port";
#add port forward rules
function addPortForward($listenPort) {
iex "netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=$listenPort connectport=$listenPort connectaddress=$remoteAddr";
echo "added port $listenPort to v4tov4 portproxy";
for( $i = 0; $i -lt $ports.length; $i++ ){
$port = $ports[$i];
if ($port.GetType() -Eq [int]) {
} elseif ($port.GetType() -Eq [string]) {
$dashIndex = $port.IndexOf('-');
if ($dashIndex -ge 0) {
echo "`n# found range $port";
$portRange = $port.Split("{-}");
$portFrom = [int]$portRange[0];
$portTo = [int]$portRange[$portRange.length-1];
for( $port = $portFrom; $port -le $portTo; $port++ ){
#run wsl init script
echo "`n# running wsl init bash script:`n";
bash.exe -c "sudo /opt/"
# #!/bin/sh -e
# sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1
# iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination
# sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288
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