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Last active December 13, 2015 21:18
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Save fcicq/4975730 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cgminer monitor (use with cgminer 2.10+, please enable --api-listen --api-allow first)
# by fcicq <> on 2013.2.18, Released under GPLv3
import socket
import urlparse
import urllib
import time
import math
CONV_4G = 4295.0 # 4096 or 4295
CONV_60_SHARE = CONV_4G / 60.0 # 4096 / 60 = 68.27 or 4295 / 60 = 71.58
def value_split(s):
r = s.split('=')
if len(r) == 2: return r
return r[0], ''
def response_split(s):
r = s.split(',')
title = r[0]
d = dict(map(value_split, r[1:]))
return title, d
except ValueError:
print s
def cg_rpc(host, port, command):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, port))
data = s.recv(8192)
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
data = ''
if data:
d = data.strip('\x00|').split('|')
return map(response_split, d)
return None
def parse_time(t):
r = []
m = t // 60
if t >= 86400:
r.append('%d day' % (t // 86400))
t = t % 86400
r.append('%02d:%02d:%02d / %d min' % (t // 3600, (t % 3600) // 60, t % 60, m))
return ' '.join(r)
def lucky(p, base):
if p == 0.0: p = 0.00001
return 1.0 - math.exp(-p / float(base)), float(base) / p
def parse_summary(r):
if not (isinstance(r, (list, tuple)) and len(r) == 2):
if not r[0][0] == 'STATUS=S' and r[1][0] == 'SUMMARY':
d = r[1][1]
print 'Miner Status'
print ' Uptime %s (Net Blocks %s)' % (parse_time(int(d['Elapsed'])), d['Network Blocks'])
print ' Local / Work / Remote Speed: %.2f / %.2f / %.2f MHash/s' % (float(d['MHS av']), float(d['Work Utility']) * CONV_60_SHARE, float(d['Difficulty Accepted']) / int(d['Elapsed']) * CONV_4G)
print ' Get / Remote Failures / HW Errors: %s / %s / %s' % (d['Get Failures'], \
d['Remote Failures'], d['Hardware Errors'])
print ' Getwork / Local Work / Discarded: %s / %s / %s' % (d['Getworks'], d['Local Work'], d['Discarded'])
total = float(d['Difficulty Stale']) + float(d['Difficulty Rejected']) + float(d['Difficulty Accepted'])
if total > 0:
print ' Accepted / Rejected / Stale: %.2f (%s) / %.2f (%s) / %.2f (%s)' % (\
100. * float(d['Difficulty Accepted']) / total, d['Accepted'], \
100. * float(d['Difficulty Rejected']) / total, d['Rejected'], \
100. * float(d['Difficulty Stale']) / total, d['Stale'])
print ' PPS Luck: %.2f %%' % (6000. * float(d['Difficulty Accepted']) / (float(d['Work Utility']) * int(d['Elapsed']))) # 4096 MH is 1 share, 100%*4096
print ' Best Share / D1A: %s / %.2f (%s Blocks Found)' % (d['Best Share'], float(d['Difficulty Accepted']), d['Found Blocks'])
print ' No Submited Shares Currently'
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
def get_lastshare(d, remote_time):
last_share_time = remote_time - int(d['Last Share Time'])
return last_share_time
def get_lastshare_str(d, remote_time):
last_share_time = get_lastshare(d, remote_time)
if last_share_time >= 7200:
last_share = 'None'
last_share = '%d s ago' % (last_share_time)
return last_share
def parse_pools(r):
if not isinstance(r, (list, tuple)):
if not r[0][0] == 'STATUS=S':
remote_time = int(r[0][1]['When'])
for rp in r[1:]:
if rp[0][0:4] != 'POOL': continue
d = rp[1]
# print d
pool_type = 'Getwork'
if d.get('Has Stratum', None) == 'true':
pool_type = 'Stratum'
if d.get('Stratum Active') == 'true':
pool_type += ' (Activated)'
elif d.get('Has GBT', None) == 'true':
pool_type = 'GBT'
elif d.get('Long Poll', None) == 'Y':
pool_type = 'Getwork (LP)'
last_share = get_lastshare_str(d, remote_time)
if d['URL'].startswith('stratum+tcp://'): d['URL'] = d['URL'][14:]
if d['URL'].startswith('http://'): d['URL'] = d['URL'][7:]
d['URL'] = d['URL'].rstrip('/')
print 'Pool (%s) %s (%s), Prio %s, %s' % (d['Status'], d['URL'], d['User'], d['Priority'], pool_type)
print ' Last share %s, Diff %.2f' % (last_share, float(d['Last Share Difficulty']))
print ' Get / Remote Failures: %s / %s' % (d['Get Failures'], \
d['Remote Failures'])
print ' Getwork / Discarded: %s / %s' % (d['Getworks'], d['Discarded'])
total = float(d['Difficulty Stale']) + float(d['Difficulty Rejected']) + float(d['Difficulty Accepted'])
if total > 0:
print ' Accepted / Rejected / Stale: %.2f (%s, D1A %.2f, Best Share %s) / %.2f (%s) / %.2f (%s)' % (\
100. * float(d['Difficulty Accepted']) / total, d['Accepted'], float(d['Difficulty Accepted']), d.get('Best Share','Unknown'), \
100. * float(d['Difficulty Rejected']) / total, d['Rejected'], \
100. * float(d['Difficulty Stale']) / total, d['Stale'])
print ' PPS Luck: %.2f %%' % (float(d['Difficulty Accepted']) / float(d['Diff1 Shares']) * 100.) # 4096 MH is 1 share, 100%*4096
print ' No Shares Submitted'
# print d
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
DEVICE_MAPPING = {'AVA': 'Avalon_ASIC', 'ICA': 'Icarus', 'BFL': 'BFL'}
def parse_dev(r):
if not isinstance(r, (list, tuple)):
if not r[0][0] == 'STATUS=S':
remote_time = int(r[0][1]['When'])
for rr in r[1:]:
d = rr[1]
device_type = 'Unknown'
status = ''
temp = d.get('Temperature', '0.00')
if temp == '0.00': temp = 'Unknown'
if rr[0].startswith('PGA') or rr[0].startswith('ASC'):
device_type = DEVICE_MAPPING.get(d.get('Name', ''), 'Unknown FPGA')
freq = d.get('Frequency', '0.00')
if freq == '0.00':
freq = d.get('frequency', 'Unknown')
status = 'Freq %s, Temp %s C' % (freq, temp)
if rr[0].startswith('GPU'):
device_type = 'GPU'
status = 'GPU %s Mem %s @ %s V, Temp %s C' % (d.get('GPU Clock','Unknown'), d.get('Memory Clock','Unknown'), d.get('GPU Voltage', 'Unknown'), temp)
if d.get('Fan Speed', '-1') != '-1':
status += ', Fan %s RPM (%s %%)' % (d['Fan Speed'], d.get('Fan Percent', 'Unknown'))
elif d.get('Fan Percent', '-1') != -1:
status += ', Fan %s %%' % (d['Fan Percent'])
status += ', I: %s, Load %s %%' % (d.get('Intensity', 'Unknown'), d.get('GPU Activity', 'Unknown'))
if d.get('Powertune', '0') != '0': status += ', PowerTune'
last_share = get_lastshare(d, remote_time)
enabled = d.get('Enabled', 'N')
enabled_str = '*Disabled* ' if enabled != 'Y' else ''
print '%s %sStatus: %s' % (device_type, enabled_str, d['Status'])
if status:
print ' ' + status
if float(d['MHS 5s']) == 0.0 and enabled:
print ' *Warning*: Dead Device?'
print ' 5s / Avg Speed: %.2f / %.2f MHash/s' % (float(d['MHS 5s']), float(d['MHS av']))
est_shareavg = float(d['Last Share Difficulty']) / (float(d['MHS av']) + 0.00001) * CONV_4G
print ' Total D1W %s, Last share %s, Diff %.2f (Est %.2f sec per share)' % (d['Diff1 Work'], get_lastshare_str(d, remote_time), float(d['Last Share Difficulty']), est_shareavg)
if int(d['Hardware Errors']) > 0:
print ' HW Error: %s (%.2f %%)' % (d['Hardware Errors'], 100. * int(d['Hardware Errors']) / (int(d['Hardware Errors']) + int(d['Diff1 Work'])))
print ' HW Error: None'
print ' PPS Luck: %.2f %%' % (float(d['Difficulty Accepted']) / float(d['Diff1 Work']) * 100.)
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
def parse_notify(r):
if not isinstance(r, (list, tuple)):
if not r[0][0] == 'STATUS=S':
remote_time = int(r[0][1]['When'])
notification_count = 0
print 'Notices'
for rr in r[1:]:
d = rr[1]
if d['Last Not Well'] == '0': continue
notification_count += 1
print ' Problem Device %s / %s: %s (%d sec ago)' % (d['ID'], d['Name'], d['Reason Not Well'], remote_time - int(d['Last Not Well']))
if notification_count == 0:
print ' All devices running fine.'
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
def parse_coin(r):
if not isinstance(r, (list, tuple)):
if not r[0][0] == 'STATUS=S':
if not r[1][0] == 'COIN':
remote_time = int(r[0][1]['When'])
d = r[1][1]
elapsed = int(remote_time - float(d['Current Block Time']))
luck = lucky(elapsed, 600)
print 'Block Status'
print ' Block %s' % (d['Current Block Hash'][8:32])
print ' Algo %s, Diff %s' % (d['Hash Method'], d['Network Difficulty'])
print ' Received at %s (%d sec ago, Luck %.2f %%)' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(float(d['Current Block Time']))), elapsed, luck[0] * 100.0)
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
def parse_config(r):
if not isinstance(r, (list, tuple)):
if not r[0][0] == 'STATUS=S':
if not r[1][0] == 'CONFIG':
d = r[1][1]
print 'Devices: %s GPU, %s FPGA, %s ASIC' % (d.get('GPU Count','0'), d.get('PGA Count','0'),d.get('ASC Count','0'))
print '%s Pool(s) configured with strategy %s' % (d['Pool Count'], d['Strategy'])
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
def parse_pools_list(r):
if not isinstance(r, (list, tuple)):
ret = []
if not r[0][0] == 'STATUS=S':
remote_time = int(r[0][1]['When'])
for rp in r[1:]:
if rp[0][0:4] != 'POOL': continue
d = rp[1]
ret.append((d['URL'].replace('://', '://' + urllib.quote(d['User']) + '@'), int(d['Priority'])))
return ret
def conv_prio_dict(p):
if isinstance(p, (tuple, list, )):
pd = dict(p)
except TypeError: # not able to convert
pd = zip(p, range(len(p)))
return pd
if isinstance(p, dict):
return p
return {}
def escape_api(s):
return s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(',', '\\,')
# Note: p2 should have pass
def matching_pools(p1, p2=None):
p1 = conv_prio_dict(p1)
p2 = conv_prio_dict(p2)
p1_s = sorted(p1, key=p1.get)
# if d['URL'].startswith('stratum+tcp://'): d['URL'] = d['URL'][14:]
# if d['URL'].startswith('http://'): d['URL'] = d['URL'][7:]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2: raise Exception('Usage: python %s IP [PORT]' % sys.argv[0])
host = str(sys.argv[1]).strip()
port = 4028
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
port = int(sys.argv[2])
s = cg_rpc(host, port, 'config')
s = cg_rpc(host, port, 'summary')
s = cg_rpc(host, port, 'coin')
s = cg_rpc(host, port, 'notify')
s = cg_rpc(host, port, 'pools')
s = cg_rpc(host, port, 'devs')
#print s
# TODO: config, devdetails, stats
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