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Last active May 13, 2020 17:38
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Modify TensorBoard event tags.
# Most of the code is taken directly from [this StackOverflow answer](
import click
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tensorflow as tf
from pathlib import Path
from tensorflow.core.util.event_pb2 import Event
from tqdm import tqdm
def rename_events(input_path, output_path, tag_replacements):
with as record_writer:
for record in[str(input_path)]):
event = Event()
if event.summary:
for v in event.summary.value:
if v.tag in tag_replacements.keys():
v.tag = tag_replacements[v.tag]
def rename_events_dir(input_dir, output_dir, tags, replacements):
assert len(tags) == len(replacements)
assert input_dir != output_dir # this case results in errors in the output logs
input_dir_path = Path(input_dir)
output_dir_path = Path(output_dir) if output_dir else Path('{}n'.format(input_dir))
output_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for ev_file in input_dir_path.glob('**/*.tfevents*'):
out_file = Path(output_dir_path, ev_file.relative_to(input_dir_path))
out_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
rename_events(ev_file, out_file, {tag: replacement for tag, replacement in zip(tags, replacements)})
if not output_dir: # replace
os.rename('{}n'.format(input_dir), input_dir)
def cli():
@click.option('-i', '--input-dir', prompt='Tensorboard logdir', help='Path to the Tensorboard logs.', type=str)
@click.option('-o', '--output-dir', type=str,
help='Path for the modified Tensorboard logs. If not provided, the input logs will be replaced.')
@click.option('-t', '--tags', prompt='Tags to be replaced', multiple=True, type=str,
help='For each replacement, pass an existing tag name immediately followed by the replacement tag.')
@click.option('-r', '--replacements', prompt='Replacement tags', multiple=True, type=str,
help='Replacement tags. Must match the number and order of the --tags option.')
def rename(input_dir, output_dir, tags, replacements):
""" Rename the event tags in all events in a Tensorboard logdir. """
rename_events_dir(input_dir, output_dir, tags, replacements)
click.echo('Done: {}'.format(input_dir))
@click.option('-i', '--input-dir', prompt='Path to the Tensorboard logs.', type=str)
@click.option('-t', '--tags', prompt='Tags to be replaced.', multiple=True, type=str,
help='For each replacement, pass an existing tag name immediately followed by the replacement tag.')
@click.option('-r', '--replacements', prompt='Replacement tags.', multiple=True, type=str,
help='Replacement tags. Must match the number and order of the --tags option.')
def rename_several(input_dir, tags, replacements):
""" Rename the event tags in all events in a directory containing several logdirs. """
progressbar = tqdm(os.walk(input_dir), total=len(os.listdir(input_dir)))
for path, _, _ in progressbar:
if path != input_dir:
rename_events_dir(path, None, tags, replacements)
if __name__ == '__main__':
For modifying a single logs directory:
rename -i "path/to/logdir" -t "original_tag_1" -t "original_tag_2" -r "replacement_for_original_tag_1" -r "replacement_for_original_tag_2"
For modifying multiple directories at once:
rename-several -i "path/containing/logdirs" -t "original_tag_1" -t "original_tag_2" -r "replacement_for_original_tag_1" -r "replacement_for_original_tag_2"
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