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Created July 7, 2018 21:42
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Dense hash set
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::hash::BuildHasher;
use std::hash::Hasher;
use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;
use std::mem;
use std::arch::x86_64::*;
use std::fmt::Debug;
const LOAD_FACTOR: f32 = 0.75;
const INITIAL_GROUPS: usize = 20;
struct Group<T> {
metadata: [u8; 16],
slots: [T; 16],
impl<T> Default for Group<T>
T: Default + Copy,
fn default() -> Group<T> {
Group {
metadata: [0; 16],
slots: [Default::default(); 16],
pub struct DenseHashSet<V, S = RandomState> {
groups: Vec<Group<V>>,
hash_builder: S,
fn capacity(desired: usize) -> usize {
let mut n = desired - 1;
n |= n >> 1;
n |= n >> 2;
n |= n >> 4;
n |= n >> 8;
n |= n >> 16;
fn H1(hash: u64) -> u64 {
hash >> 7
fn H2(hash: u64) -> u64 {
hash & 0x7f
impl<K, S> Default for DenseHashSet<K, S>
K: Eq + Hash + Default + Clone + Copy + Debug,
S: BuildHasher + Default,
fn default() -> DenseHashSet<K, S> {
impl<V, S> DenseHashSet<V, S>
V: Hash + Eq + Clone + Default + Copy + Debug,
S: BuildHasher,
fn with_hasher(s: S) -> DenseHashSet<V, S> {
DenseHashSet {
groups: vec![Default::default(); capacity(INITIAL_GROUPS)],
hash_builder: s,
fn insert(&mut self, elem: V) {
let hash = self.make_hash(&elem);
let h1: usize = H1(hash) as usize;
let group = h1 % self.groups.len();
let h2 = H2(hash) as u8;
let x = &mut self.groups[group];
mem::replace(&mut x.slots[h1 % 16], elem);
mem::replace(&mut x.metadata[h1 % 16], h2);
fn find(&self, elem: V) -> Option<V> {
let hash = self.make_hash(&elem);
let h1: usize = H1(hash) as usize;
let group = h1 % self.groups.len();
let h2 = H2(hash) as i8;
let hh2 = H2(hash) as u8;
let x = &self.groups[group];
let mut pos = h1 % 16;
let h = unsafe { _mm_set1_epi8(h2) };
let mut h2_match = unsafe { _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(h, unsafe { mem::transmute(x.metadata) })) };
let mut idx = 0;
loop {
if h2_match == 0 {
if h2_match & 1 == 1 && x.slots[idx] == elem {
return Some(x.slots[idx]);
h2_match = h2_match >> 1;
idx += 1;
return None;
pub fn make_hash<T: ?Sized>(&self, t: &T) -> u64
T: Hash,
let mut state = self.hash_builder.build_hasher();
t.hash(&mut state);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn it_works() {
let mut x: DenseHashSet<i32> = Default::default();
assert_eq!(x.find(12), Some(12));
assert_eq!(x.find(256), Some(256));
assert_eq!(x.find(11), None);
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