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Created April 29, 2011 12:39
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* Curry a JS function.
* Note:
* Curry doesn't change `this`.
* Example:
* function f(a, b, c){
* return [a, b, c];
* };
* var g = f.curry('a', 'b');
* g('c'); # => ['a', 'b', 'c']
Function.prototype.curry = function(){
var curry_arguments = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)
, base_function = this
return function(){
var arguments = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)
return base_function.apply(this, curry_arguments.concat(arguments));
* Bind a JS function.
* Example:
* function f(){
* return "Hello " + this;
* };
* var g = f.bind('Anais');
* g(); # => "Hello Anais"
Function.prototype.bind = function(receiver){
var base_function = this
return function(){
var arguments = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)
return base_function.apply(receiver, arguments);
var _default_chainer_target;
* Create a chainer.
* Example:
* var _ = Function.chainer(
* { hello: function(self){ console.log("Hello " + self); }
* , bye: function(self){ console.log("Bye " + self); }
* });
* _('Anais').hello().bye();
* # console:
* # Hello Anais
* # Bye Anais
* Example:
* Function.chainer(
* String.prototype,
* { hello: function(self){ console.log("Hello " + self); }
* , bye: function(self){ console.log("Bye " + self); }
* });
* 'Anais'.hello().bye();
* # console:
* # Hello Anais
* # Bye Anais
* Example:
* var gf = "Anais";
* Function.chainer(
* gf,
* { hello: function(self){ console.log("Hello " + self); }
* , bye: function(self){ console.log("Bye " + self); }
* });
* gf.hello().bye();
* # console:
* # Hello Anais
* # Bye Anais
Function.chainer = function(target, functions){
var chainer = target
if (functions === undefined){
functions = target;
chainer = _default_chainer_target()
target = chainer.prototype;
var name
for (name in functions) {
(function(name, func){
target[name] = function(){
var arguments = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)
, use_member = false
try {
use_member = (this instanceof chainer);
} catch (e) {};
if (use_member) {
func.apply(functions, [this.receiver].concat(arguments));
return this;
} else {
func.apply(functions, [this].concat(arguments));
return this;
}(name, functions[name]));
return chainer;
_default_chainer_target = function(){
var base
base = function(receiver){
if (this instanceof base) {
this.receiver = receiver;
} else {
return new base(receiver);
return base;
* Easy duck typing for JS objects.
* Example:
* var f ='concat');
* var g = f.bind(['a']);
* g(['b']); # => ['a', 'b']
* Example:
* var f ='concat');
* var g = f.bind(5);
* g(['b']); # => undefined
*/ = function(function_name){
return function(){
var member
member = this[function_name];
if (member == undefined) { return; }
if (!(member instanceof Function)) { return; }
return member.apply(this, arguments);
* Fire a function only once.
Function.prototype.once = function(){
var base_function = this
, fired = false
, result = null
return function(){
var arguments = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)
if (!fired) {
result = base_function.apply(this, arguments);
return result;
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