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Created August 10, 2015 17:03
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# the code (with a little cleaning up) for the visualisations is from
# Alex Etz runs a really nice blog -- go check it out!
ui = shinyUI(fluidPage(
div(style = 'display: inline-block;', numericInput('a', label = h4('a'), value = 1)),
div(style = 'display: inline-block;', numericInput('b', label = h4('b'), value = 1)),
div(style = 'display: inline-block;', numericInput('k', label = h4('k'), value = 1)),
div(style = 'display: inline-block;', numericInput('N', label = h4('N'), value = 1)),
checkboxInput('BF', label = strong('Compute Bayes factor'), value = FALSE),
tags$head(tags$style("#BF_01, #BF_10 { font-size: 25px; }"))
plotOutput('update_plot', height='500px')
server = function(input, output) {
update_plot <- function(a = 1, b = 1, k = 0, N = 0, null = NULL, CI = NULL, ymax = 'auto') {
x <- seq(.001, .999, .001) ## set up for creating the distributions
y1 <- dbeta(x, a, b) # data for prior curve
y3 <- dbeta(x, a + k, b + N - k) # data for posterior curve
y2 <- dbeta(x, 1 + k, 1 + N - k) # data for likelihood curve, plotted as the posterior from a beta(1,1)
y.max <- ifelse(is.numeric(ymax), ymax, 1.25 * max(y1, y2, y3, 1.6))
title <- paste0('Beta(', a, ', ', b, ')', ' to Beta(', a + k, ', ', b + N - k, ')')
plot(x, y1, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, y.max), type = 'l', ylab = 'Density', lty = 2,
xlab = 'Probability of success', las = 1, main = title, lwd=3,
cex.lab = 1.5, cex.main = 1.5, col = 'skyblue', axes = FALSE)
axis(1, at = seq(0, 1, .2)) #adds custom x axis
axis(2, las = 1) # custom y axis
if (N != 0) {
# if there is new data, plot likelihood and posterior
lines(x, y2, type = 'l', col = 'darkorange', lwd = 2, lty = 3)
lines(x, y3, type = 'l', col = 'darkorchid1', lwd = 5)
legend('topleft', c('Prior', 'Posterior', 'Likelihood'),
col = c('skyblue', 'darkorchid1', 'darkorange'),
lty = c(2, 1, 3), lwd = c(3, 5, 2), bty = 'n',
y.intersp = 1, x.intersp = .4, seg.len =.7)
## adds null points on prior and posterior curve if null is specified and there is new data
if (is.numeric(null)) {
## Adds points on the distributions at the null value if there is one and if there is new data
points(null, dbeta(null, a, b), pch = 21, bg = 'blue', cex = 1.5)
points(null, dbeta(null, a + k, b + N - k), pch = 21, bg = 'darkorchid', cex = 1.5)
abline(v=null, lty = 5, lwd = 1, col = 'grey73')
##lines(c(null,null),c(0,1.11*max(y1,y3,1.6))) other option for null line
## Specified CI% but no null? Calc and report only CI
if (is.numeric(CI) && !is.numeric(null)) {
CI.low <- qbeta((1 - CI)/2, a + k, b + N - k)
CI.high <- qbeta(1 - (1 - CI)/2, a + k, b + N - k)
SEQlow <- seq(0, CI.low, .001)
SEQhigh <- seq(CI.high, 1, .001)
## Adds shaded area for x% Posterior CIs
cord.x <- c(0, SEQlow, CI.low) ## set up for shading
cord.y <- c(0, dbeta(SEQlow, a + k, b + N - k), 0) ## set up for shading
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col='orchid', lty= 3) ## shade left tail
cord.xx <- c(CI.high, SEQhigh, 1)
cord.yy <- c(0, dbeta(SEQhigh, a + k, b + N - k), 0)
polygon(cord.xx, cord.yy, col='orchid', lty=3) ## shade right tail
return(list('Posterior CI lower' = round(CI.low, 3),
'Posterior CI upper' = round(CI.high, 3)))
## Specified null but not CI%? Calculate and report BF only
if (is.numeric(null) && !is.numeric(CI)){
null.H0 <- dbeta(null, a, b)
null.H1 <- dbeta(null, a + k, b + N - k)
CI.low <- qbeta((1 - CI)/2, a + k, b + N - k)
CI.high <- qbeta(1 - (1 - CI)/2, a + k, b + N - k)
return(list('BF01 (in favor of H0)' = round(null.H1/null.H0, 3),
'BF10 (in favor of H1)' = round(null.H0/null.H1, 3)))
## Specified both null and CI%? Calculate and report both
if (is.numeric(null) && is.numeric(CI)){
null.H0 <- dbeta(null, a, b)
null.H1 <- dbeta(null, a + k, b + N - k)
CI.low <- qbeta((1 - CI)/2, a + k, b + N - k)
CI.high <- qbeta(1 - (1 - CI)/2, a + k, b + N - k)
SEQlow <- seq(0, CI.low, .001)
SEQhigh <- seq(CI.high, 1, .001)
## Adds shaded area for x% Posterior CIs
cord.x <- c(0, SEQlow, CI.low) ## set up for shading
cord.y <- c(0, dbeta(SEQlow, a + k, b + N - k), 0) ## set up for shading
polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col = 'orchid', lty = 3) ## shade left tail
cord.xx <- c(CI.high, SEQhigh, 1)
cord.yy <- c(0, dbeta(SEQhigh, a + k, b + N - k), 0)
polygon(cord.xx, cord.yy, col = 'orchid', lty = 3) ## shade right tail
return(list('BF01 (in favor of H0)' = round(null.H1/null.H0, 3),
'BF10 (in favor of H1)' = round(null.H0/null.H1, 3),
'Posterior CI lower' = round(CI.low, 4),
'Posterior CI upper' = round(CI.high, 3)))
output$update_plot <- renderPlot({
null <- .5
if (!input$BF) null <- NULL
update_plot(input$a, input$b, input$k, input$N, null = null)
output$BF_01 <- renderText({
a <- input$a
b <- input$b
k <- input$k
N <- input$N
label <- 'BF<span style="font-size: .6em;">01</span>: '
BF01 <- dbeta(.5, a + k, b + N - k) / dbeta(.5, a, b)
ifelse(!input$BF, '', paste(label, round(BF01, 3)))
output$BF_10 <- renderText({
a <- input$a
b <- input$b
k <- input$k
N <- input$N
label <- 'BF<span style="font-size: .6em;">10</span>: '
BF10 <- 1 / (dbeta(.5, a + k, b + N - k) / dbeta(.5, a, b))
ifelse(!input$BF, '', paste(label, round(BF10, 3)))
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