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Last active October 31, 2024 20:02
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Export / Import Gnome Terminal Profiles

Export Gnome Terminal Profile

List profiles

dconf dump /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/

Determine the terminal profile string for the profile you will need. This is the terminal profile that I will export:

visible-name='Material Colors'
palette=['#070736364141', '#EBEB60606B6B', '#C3C3E8E88D8D', '#F7F7EBEB9595', '#8080CBCBC3C3', '#FFFF24249090', '#AEAEDDDDFFFF', '#FFFFFFFFFFFF', '#00002B2B3636', '#EBEB60606B6B', '#C3C3E8E88D8D', '#F7F7EBEB9595', '#7D7DC6C6BFBF', '#6C6C7171C3C3', '#343443434D4D', '#FFFFFFFFFFFF']
font='Source Code Pro 10'

And the string that I will need to use to export is


The command to export that profile is (note the ending slash)

dconf dump /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:1430663d-083b-4737-a7f5-8378cc8226d1/ > material-theme-profile.dconf

To restore the profile

dconf load /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:1430663d-083b-4737-a7f5-8378cc8226d1/ < material-theme-profile.dconf

Edit configurations

If you want to edit some configuration from terminal, you can use the command:

dconf write /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/YOUR_PROFILE_ID/PROPERTY_NAME "'New value'"


  1. YOUR_PROFILE_ID is your profile ID ¯\(ツ)/¯;
  2. PROPERTY_NAME is the name of the property you want to change;
  3. New value is the new value for the property.

Example: let's see you want to update font configuration. Let's set Fira Mono for font face, and 12 for font size. Just use the command:

dconf write /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:1430663d-083b-4737-a7f5-8378cc8226d1/font "'Fira Mono for Powerline Regular 12'"
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azzamsa commented Aug 7, 2023

Whoa, Thank you.

I'd prefer not to constantly worry about potential changes to the Gogh upstream palette.

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