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Created August 23, 2014 03:37
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Tumblr Exceptions
/* jslint browser: true, jquery: true, devel: true*/
Dependencies: Tumblr.Flags
Tumblr.Utils.exceptions will automatically log window.onerror.
DO NOT write code like this. This is written to handle weird cases
where normal code should probably just fail.
;(function(root, exports) {
'use strict';
// Keep local copies of globals in case they change.
// We should also protect against prototype hijacking, but not today.
var document = root.document;
var encodeURIComponent = root.encodeURIComponent;
var navigator = root.navigator;
var parseInt = root.parseInt;
var performance = root.performance;
var window = root.window;
var Date = root.Date;
var Error = root.Error;
var Math = root.Math;
var XMLHttpRequest = root.XMLHttpRequest;
// Stores
var ephemeral = [];
var errors = [];
var perf = {};
var windowDidLoad = false;
// oldIE addEventListener shim
function addEventListener(el, type, listener, useCapture) {
el.addEventListener ?
el.addEventListener(type, listener, !!useCapture) :
el.attachEvent && el.attachEvent('on' + type, listener, !!useCapture);
// Truncate strings in the middle.
// If an extension or a bookmarklet throws an error, the message returned is the entire file.
// This protects against that
function truncate(str, max) {
return (typeof str === 'string') && (str.length > max) ?
[str.slice(0, max/2), '...', str.length-max, '...', str.slice(-max/2)].join('') : str;
function toQueryString(obj, prefix) {
var str = [];
for(var p in obj) {
/*jshint -W089 */
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) continue;
var k = prefix ? (prefix + '[' + p + ']') : p, v = obj[p];
str.push(typeof v === 'object' ?
toQueryString(v, k) :
encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(v));
return str.join('&');
var keys = (function(Object) {
return (Object && Object.keys) || function(obj) {
var result = [];
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for(var k in obj) {
/*jshint -W089 */, k) && result.push(k);
return result;
var forEach = function(arr, fn, ctx) {
if (typeof fn !== 'function') return;
var len = (arr && arr.length) >>> 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {, arr[i], i, arr);
// var some = function(arr, fn, ctx) {
// if (typeof fn !== 'function') return false;
// var len = (arr && arr.length) >>> 0;
// for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// if (i in arr &&, arr[i], i, arr)) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// };
// Even if JSON.stringify exists, it can still throw a RangeError
// if you pass in a very large object or one with recursive refs.
// Ex: JSON.stringify(window.navigator) // Range Error
var stringify = (function(JSON) {
return (JSON && JSON.stringify && function(obj) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(obj);
} catch (err) {
}) || function() {
// Emulate Tumblr.Flags if it's not present (DON'T EVER DO THIS!)
var doods = (function(Tumblr) {
return (Tumblr && Tumblr.Flags) || (function() {
// Log missing Tumblr.Flags (only once)
exceptions(new Error('Missing Tumblr.Flags in exceptions.js'));
// Emulate Tumblr.Flags
var store = {
// Always log if Tumblr.Flags is missing
'enable_js_errors_log': true,
'enable_js_ephemeral_log': true
function maybecall(fn, val) {
// jshint validthis:true
return (typeof fn === 'function') ?, val) : fn;
return function(name) {
var has = !!(store[name]);
return function feature(accept, reject) {
var result =, (has ? accept : reject), has);
return (result !== void 0) ? result : feature;
// Passing an Error object (like from a try/catch) will log the error as if
// it were intercepted by "onerror". Otherwise, it'll go the special ephemeral log.
// "doSometimes" takes a decimal proportion of time. So:
// 0.10 means 10% of the time actually record this error.
// 1 means always record (or if ommited also always record).
function exceptions(data, doSometimes) {
// (0 <= Math.random() < 1 )
if (typeof doSometimes === 'number' && Math.random() > doSometimes) return;
if (data instanceof Error) {
// Error instances don't really have a 'url', 'ln', or 'col' properties, but
// pass them anyway just in case they were manually added.
// Set 'url' for proper Indef tagging
data.url || (data.url = '//');
onError(data.message, data.url, data.ln, data.col, data);
} else {
// Please see Andres before you use the ephemeral log :)
var reHasUrl = /https?:\/\//;
var reHasTumblrUrl = /https?:\/\/[^/]*tumblr[^/]*/;
// This gets called by the browser
// It helps us filter out errors that might not be ours
function onError(msg, url, ln, col, err) {
try {
// We only care about things that (1) Don't have a url, or (2) if
// they have url, then that at least one must have "tumblr" in the host.
url = truncate(url, 300) || '';
if (reHasUrl.test(url) && !reHasTumblrUrl.test(url)) return;
err = stringify(truncate(err && err.stack, 1000) || '');
if (reHasUrl.test(err) && !reHasTumblrUrl.test(err)) return;
path: (document.location || {}).pathname || 'NO_LOCATION_OR_PATHNAME',
// not sending lang for now
// lang: (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage || '').toLowerCase()
msg: truncate(msg, 200) || '',
// url's for errors from bookmarklets are the entire source of the bookmarklet.
url: url,
ln: parseInt(ln, 10) || -1,
// Only Chrome 31+ report col and err
col: parseInt(col, 10) || -1,
err: err,
group: doods('js_errors_a')('A', doods('js_errors_b')('B', '*'))
} catch (err) {
// Do nothing. If something fails while recording an error,
// then we're probably fucked - but lets not get stuck in a
// error logging loop.
// If you have MissingE, we don't trust any errors coming from your browser
function isMissingE() {
return ((document.head||{}).innerHTML||'').indexOf('#missinge_button') !== -1;
// Build more information around an error
var debugDump = exceptions.debugDump = function() {
var scripts = [];
forEach(document.getElementsByTagName('script'), function(tag) {
return {
timestamp: +new Date(),
path: (document.location || {}).href || 'NO_HREF',
lang: (navigator || {}).userLanguage || (navigator || {}).language || 'NO_LANG',
referrer: document.referrer || 'NO_REFERRER',
ua: (navigator || {}).userAgent || 'NO_UA',
timing: (performance || {}).timing || 'NO_TIMING',
scripts: scripts,
globals: keys(root),
cookie: document.cookie,
ephemeral: ephemeral,
errors: errors,
document: (document.documentElement || {}).innerHTML || 'NO_DOCUMENT'
// Associates UserID to Errors
function js_debugger(name) {
var dump = debugDump(); = name;
return stringify(dump);
// Transmit errors
function onBeforeUnload() {
try {
// (window.onerror === onError) || exceptions(new Error('window.onerror from exceptions.js was overridden'));
// Do not log errors if page load was aborted
if (!windowDidLoad) {
errors.length = 0;
exceptions(new Error('PAGE_DID_NOT_LOAD'));
var log;
!isMissingE() && doods('enable_js_errors_log')(function() {
errors.length && ((log || (log = {})).errors = errors);
doods('js_performance_logging')(function() {
try {
if(!performance || !performance.getEntriesByType) return; // Performance API not supported
var entries = performance.getEntriesByType('resource');
forEach(entries, function(entry) {
if (entry.initiatorType !== 'img') return;
var host = (\/\/([^/]+)/) || '')[1];
if (host.indexOf('.tumblr.') === -1) return;
var bucket = host.split('.')[0];
perf.entries || (perf.entries = []);
duration: entry.duration,
bucket: bucket
if (keys(perf)) {
((log || (log = {})).perf = perf);
perf.timing = performance.timing;
} catch(err) {}
doods('enable_js_ephemeral_log')(function() {
ephemeral.length && ((log || (log = {})).ephemeral = ephemeral);
doods('js_debugger_1')(function() {
(log || (log = {})).ephemeral = [ js_debugger('js_debugger_1') ];
doods('js_debugger_2')(function() {
(log || (log = {})).ephemeral = [ js_debugger('js_debugger_2') ];
if (!log) return;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/svc/log/capture/exceptions', /* make async false */ false);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState !== 4) return;
// In case 'beforeunload' runs again, we don't want to resend the same data
errors.length = ephemeral.length = 0;
// 'body' doesn't have a form_key, but return an element to get undefined out of
// getAttribute instead of throwing or adding too much error handling code.
form_key: (document.getElementById('tumblr_form_key') || document.body).getAttribute('content'),
log: log
} catch(err) {
// In case something goes wrong try to fallback on jQuery and log it
if (!root.jQuery) return;
(log || (log = {})).errors || (log.errors = errors);
async: false,
type: 'POST',
data: {
form_key: root.jQuery('#tumblr_form_key').attr('content'),
log: log
url: '/svc/log/capture/exceptions',
with_form_key: true
(function init() {
addEventListener(window, 'beforeunload', onBeforeUnload);
// onError handler has to be on `window.onerror` to collect meaningful data.
window.onerror = onError;
(exports.Utils || (exports.Utils = {})).exceptions = exceptions;
function pageLoadTime() {
if(!performance || !performance.timing) return; // Performance API not supported
try {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var page_load_time = now - performance.timing.navigationStart;
perf.page_load_time = page_load_time;
} catch (err) {
// Do nothing. If something fails while recording performance.
function onLoad() {
windowDidLoad = true;
addEventListener(window, 'load', onLoad);
// For debugging
// exceptions.beforeunload = onBeforeUnload;
// exceptions.onerror = onError;
// exceptions.test = function() {
// // 'throw' has to run on another tick because if you run this
// // from the console then 'onerror' won't receive it
// setTimeout(function() {
// throw new Error('Simualted error for testing.');
// });
// };
// = function() {
// console.log('enable_js_errors_log: %s', doods('enable_js_errors_log')(true, false));
// console.log('enable_js_ephemeral_log: %s', doods('enable_js_ephemeral_log')(true,false));
// console.log('errors[%d] ', errors.length, errors);
// console.log('ephemeral[%d] ', ephemeral.length, ephemeral);
// };
})(this, this.Tumblr || (this.Tumblr = {}));
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