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Created April 18, 2015 22:20
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"name": "flare",
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"name": "Resume",
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"summary": " ",
"highlights": " ",
"children": [
"name": "Work Experience",
"poste": " ",
"startDate": " ",
"endDate": " ",
"summary": " ",
"highlights": " ",
"children": [
"name": "Radio-Canada (CBC) - ",
"poste": "Editor - Innovative Storytelling",
"size": 2,
"startDate": "2013 - ",
"endDate": "2015",
"summary": "Innovative Storytelling Unit - ",
"highlights": "Created many new narrative formats, deployed datavisualization and cartography tools"
"name": "Radio-Canada (CBC) - ",
"poste": "Social Media Editor",
"size": 2,
"startDate": "2011 - ",
"endDate": "2013",
"summary": "Social media strategy, news coverage",
"highlights": "Created and manage the #1 Twitter account for news in Canada on the French market."
"name": "Radio-Canada (CBC) - ",
"poste": "Journalist",
"size": 3,
"startDate": "2008 - ",
"endDate": "2011",
"summary": "Online, radio and television - ",
"highlights": "Wrote several exclusive stories"
"name": "La Presse - ",
"poste": "Journalist",
"size": 2,
"startDate": "2007 - ",
"endDate": "2008",
"summary": "Online edition",
"highlights": " "
"name": "Federation of Journalists in Quebec - ",
"poste": "Project Manager",
"size": 2,
"startDate": "2005 - ",
"endDate": "2007",
"summary": "Online projects",
"highlights": " "
"name": "Freelance for French Media (France 3, Rue89) - ",
"poste": "Editor - Innovative Storytelling",
"size": 1,
"startDate": "2006 - ",
"endDate": "2015",
"summary": "Television and online freelance covering major stories in Canada for French media",
"highlights": " "
"name": "Education",
"poste": " ",
"startDate": " ",
"endDate": " ",
"summary": " ",
"highlights": " ",
"children": [
"name": "McGill University - ",
"poste": "Certificate of Proficiency in English",
"size": 1,
"startDate": "2013",
"endDate": " ",
"summary": " ",
"highlights": " "
"name": "University of Quebec in Montreal - ",
"poste": "Arabic Culture and Language Certificate",
"size": 1,
"startDate": "2014 - ",
"endDate": "2015",
"summary": " ",
"highlights": " "
"name": "University of Quebec in Montreal - ",
"poste": "Bachelor of Communications Studies",
"size": 3,
"startDate": "2002 - ",
"endDate": "2005",
"summary": " ",
"highlights": " "
"name": "Community Involvement",
"poste": " ",
"startDate": " ",
"endDate": " ",
"summary": " ",
"highlights": " ",
"children": [
"name": "Trente Magazine",
"poste": "Editorial Board",
"size": 0.9,
"startDate": "2006 - ",
"endDate": "2015",
"summary": " ",
"highlights": " "
"name": "Federation of Journalists in Quebec",
"poste": "Board of Directors",
"size": 0.4,
"startDate": "2010 - ",
"endDate": "2014",
"summary": " ",
"highlights": " "
"name": "L'Hirondelle",
"poste": " Immigrant Integration Program",
"size": 0.1,
"startDate": "2004 - ",
"endDate": "2005",
"summary": " ",
"highlights": " "
Program Category
D3 Data
Python Scrapping
CartoDB Mapping
Mapbox Mapping
QGIS Mapping
Google Maps Mapping
Excel Data
OpenRefine Data
Fusion Tables Data
OutWit Hub Scrapping
Chartbeat Analytics
Final Cut Pro Video
HTML/CSS Web tools
Photoshop Photo
Git Web tools
Tableau Data
Newscutter Video
Datawrapper Data
ScribbleLive Web tools
Soundslides Photo
Google Analytics Analytics
Omniture Analytics
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// Aussi, augmenté le padding à 0.2 pour espacer les barres.
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<p>(Click to interact)</p>
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var colors = {
"Resume": "#51A877",
"Work Experience": "#4C7D95",
"Education": "#545BB7",
"Community Involvement": "#FFB75E",
"Radio-Canada (CBC) - ": "#0580BC",
"La Presse - ": "#22759D",
"Federation of Journalists in Quebec - ": "#519CC0",
"Federation of Journalists in Quebec": "#519CC0",
"Freelance for French Media (France 3, Rue89) - ": "#5CBAE7",
"McGill University - ": "#6069E1",
"University of Quebec in Montreal - ": "#6D77F8",
"Trente Magazine": "#FF8C00",
"L'Hirondelle": "#FF9615"
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