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Created September 27, 2023 16:19
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Test response times of public "what is my ip" services.
# Settings
# Services to test
$urls = '',
# Number of iterations
# Number of values to discard from lower/higher results
# Functions
function Get-ResponseTimes {
$urls | Foreach-Object {
$m = Measure-Command { Invoke-RestMethod $_ -Verbose:$false }
@{ $_ = $m.TotalMilliseconds }
# Main
# Initialize allResponses with an empty array for each service
$allResponses = @{}
$urls | ForEach-Object {
$allResponses[$_] = @() # empty array
# Cold run: Ignore
Write-Verbose 'Warming up...'
Get-ResponseTimes | Out-Null
# Warm run
$step = 1
while ($step -le $MAX_STEPS) {
Write-Verbose "Running step $step of $MAX_STEPS..."
$response = Get-ResponseTimes
# For each service, append response time of this iteration to array
$response.Keys | ForEach-Object {
$service = $_
$serviceResponseTime = $response.$_
$allResponses[$service] += ,$serviceResponseTime
# Final output
$result = @{}
$allResponses.Keys | ForEach-Object {
$service = $_
$serviceResponseTimes = $allResponses[$_]
# Sort response times, discard outliers and get the average
$serviceAverage = $serviceResponseTimes |
Sort-Object |
Select-Object -Skip $OUTLIERS |
Select-Object -SkipLast $OUTLIERS |
Measure-Object -Average |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Average'
$result[$service] = $serviceAverage
# Final output
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