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Last active May 15, 2019 09:20
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Alternative crontab schedule for Celery
import logging
import pytz
import six
import tzcron
from kombu.utils import cached_property
from pytz import AmbiguousTimeError, NonExistentTimeError
from celery import schedules
from celery.utils.time import is_naive
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class tzcrontab(schedules.BaseSchedule):
def __init__(self, expression, tz=None, *args, **kwargs):
Crontab schedule supporting a timezone.
Expression parsing and generation of event times is using `tzcron`:
:param expression: cron expression (with year), see `tzcron` docs for details
:param tz: timezone as string (eg. 'Europe/Vienna') or `pytz.timezone`
self.expression = expression
# set 'timezone' attribute like on ``, use `` property to retrieve
if isinstance(tz, six.text_type):
self.timezone = pytz.timezone(tz)
self.timezone = tz
super(tzcrontab, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def tz(self):
return self.timezone or
def __repr__(self):
template = "<{}: {} @{}>"
return template.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.expression,
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, tzcrontab):
return all([
other.expression == self.expression,
other.timezone == self.timezone,
super(tzcrontab, self).__eq__(other)
return NotImplemented
def now(self):
now = super(tzcrontab, self).now()
assert not is_naive(now), "Please, don't use naive datetimes!"
return now
def remaining_estimate(self, since):
# Make a schedule from the cron expression, starting at given datetime.
event_datetimes = tzcron.Schedule(self.expression,, since)
logger.debug('Schedule from cron expression: %s', event_datetimes)
# Find the next event.
next_datetime = next(event_datetimes)
except AmbiguousTimeError:
"Time is ambiguous in the requested timezone! "
"Task will not be scheduled!"
except NonExistentTimeError:
"Time does not exist in the requested timezone! "
"Task will not be scheduled!"
remaining_delta = next_datetime -
'remaining_estimate: @%s, next_datetime: %s, remaining_seconds: %s',, next_datetime, remaining_delta.total_seconds(),
return remaining_delta
def _remaining_seconds(self, since):
remaining_delta = self.remaining_estimate(since)
if remaining_delta is not None:
return remaining_delta.total_seconds()
def _is_due(self, remaining_seconds):
# lower bound at 1 second past do not trigger old events
# upper bound at 1 second future to trigger almost due events
is_due = -1 < remaining_seconds < 1
return is_due
def determine_is_due(self, since):
remaining_seconds = self._remaining_seconds(since)
# when determined time was ambiguous or non-existent
if remaining_seconds is None:
logger.warning('could not determine remaining_seconds')
return False,
is_due = self._is_due(remaining_seconds)
return is_due, remaining_seconds
def is_due(self, last_run_at):
Return tuple of `(is_due, remaining_seconds)`.
# Remaining time is negative and close to zero, when a task is due.
# However `last_run_at` can be very far in the past if the
# `PersistentScheduler` was stopped for a while.
# To prevent triggering tasks based on outdated scheduled events, we
# limit the time to 1 minute in the past.
now =
is_due, remaining_seconds = self.determine_is_due(last_run_at)
if not is_due and remaining_seconds < 0:
# The task was not due, due to it being very far in the past.
# Calculate the next runtime from just a moment ago to find earliest due.
since = now - timedelta(seconds=1)
is_due, remaining_seconds = self.determine_is_due(since)
if remaining_seconds < 1:
since = now + timedelta(seconds=1)
_, remaining_seconds = self.determine_is_due(since)
# is_due == True triggers task, remaining_seconds sets time for next tick
return is_due, remaining_seconds
class pytzcrontab(tzcrontab):
def __init__(self, minute='*', hour='*', day_of_week='*',
day_of_month='*', month_of_year='*', year='*',
tz=None, *args, **kwargs):
Wrapper for `tzcrontab` with more "pythonic" interface, that allows passing
the parts of a cron expression as separate arguments.
:param minute: 0-59 or pattern, default: '*'
:param hour: 0-23 or pattern, default: '*'
:param day_of_week: 1-7 (Monday to Sunday) or pattern, default: '*'
:param day_of_month: 1-31 or pattern, default: '*'
:param month_of_year: 1-12 or pattern, default: '*'
:param year: full year (yyyy) or '*', default: '*'
:param tz: timezone as string (eg. 'Europe/Vienna') or `pytz.timezone`
expression = ' '.join([
str(arg) for arg
in (minute, hour, day_of_month, month_of_year, day_of_week, year)
super(pytzcrontab, self).__init__(expression, tz=tz, *args, **kwargs)
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