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Last active December 15, 2019 21:08
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Save fditraglia/5572705 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backward-looking Phillips Curve Simulation
#This script carries out a simulation study similar to that in Section 2 of ``Posterior Predictive Evidence on US Inflation...'' by Basturk et al (2012), exploring the effects of trend mis-specification on the estimate of the persistence of the inflation parameter.
#Library to implement Bai and Perron (2003)
g <- 0.5 #Inflation persistence
N.sims <- 250 #Simulation repetitions
#This simulation will condition on breaks of different sizes.
breaks <- seq(from = 0.1, to = 1.5, by = 0.1)
#Initialize matrices to store the results
bias <- rel.rmse <- est.rmse <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = length(breaks))
colnames(bias) <- colnames(rel.rmse) <- colnames(est.rmse) <- c('demeaned', 'detrended.1', 'detrended.n', 'true.model')
#Function to simulate the AR(2) process for the transitory components of real activity and inflation. I use the same parameter values as the paper except for the correlation between errors in the two equations, which I set to zero. This is so I can use OLS rather than IV, for simplicity.
tilde.sim <- function(g, N.T = 200, lambda = 0.1, phi1 = 0.1, phi2 = 0.5, var.e1 = 1, var.e2 = 0.01){
z.tilde <- arima.sim(list(order = c(2, 0, 0), ar = c(phi1, phi2)), n = N.T, sd = sqrt(var.e2))
e1 <- rnorm(N.T, sd = sqrt(var.e1))
pi.0 <- 0
pi.tilde <- rep(NA, N.T)
pi.tilde[1] <- lambda * z.tilde[1] + g * pi.0 + e1[1]
for(i in 2:N.T){
pi.tilde[i] <- lambda * z.tilde[i] + g * pi.tilde[i-1] + e1[i]
} #END for i
return(data.frame(z.tilde, pi.tilde))
}#END tilde.sim
#Function to estimate Backward-Looking Philips Curve based on simulated data.
BLPC.est <- function(data, break.size){
N.T <- nrow(data)
z.tilde <- data$z.tilde
pi.tilde <- data$pi.tilde
#Generate the trend: inflation starts at an elevated level, and falls at the half-way point of the sample
pi.trend <- c(rep(break.size, N.T %/% 2), rep(0, N.T - (N.T %/% 2)))
#No trend for z
z.trend <- rep(0, N.T)
z.obs <- z.tilde + z.trend
pi.obs <- pi.tilde + pi.trend
#BIC to choose optimal number of breakpoints
pi.breaks <- breakpoints(pi.obs ~ 1)
#Ignore possible breaks and simply demean
pi.demean <- lm(pi.obs ~ 1)$residuals
#Impose one breakpoint
pi.detrend.1 <- lm(pi.obs ~ breakfactor(pi.breaks, breaks = 1))$residuals
#Use BIC-selected number of breakpoints. If BIC selects zero breakpoints, then demean
if(length(levels(breakfactor(pi.breaks))) > 1){
pi.detrend.n <- lm(pi.obs ~ breakfactor(pi.breaks))$residuals
} else {
pi.detrend.n <- pi.demean
}#END if else
#Set up design matrix for estimator based on de-meaning observed inflation
demeaned <- data.frame(pi.demean, z.tilde, pi.demean.lag = c(0, pi.demean[-N.T]) )
#Estimate BLPC using de-meaned inflation
est.demeaned <- lm(pi.demean ~ z.tilde + pi.demean.lag - 1, data = demeaned)$coefficients[2]
#Set up design matrix for estimator that detrends by estimating a single break
detrended.1 <- data.frame(pi.detrend.1, z.tilde, pi.detrend.1.lag = c(0, pi.detrend.1[-N.T]) )
#Estimate BLPC using detrended inflation data from which a single break has been removed
est.detrended.1 <- lm(pi.detrend.1 ~ z.tilde + pi.detrend.1.lag - 1, data = detrended.1)$coefficients[2]
#Set up design matrix for estimator that detrends by using BIC to choose the number of breaks
detrended.n <- data.frame(pi.detrend.n, z.tilde, pi.detrend.n.lag = c(0, pi.detrend.n[-N.T]) )
#Eestimate BLPC using data de-trended by using BIC-optimal number of breaks
est.detrended.n <- lm(pi.detrend.n ~ z.tilde + pi.detrend.n.lag - 1, data = detrended.n)$coefficients[2]
#Set up design matrix for estimator that uses the true transitory component, i.e. the true trend is removed
true.model <- data.frame(pi.tilde, z.tilde, pi.tilde.lag = c(0, pi.tilde[-N.T]) )
#Estimate BLPC using the true transitory component
est.true <- lm(pi.tilde ~ z.tilde + pi.tilde.lag - 1, data = true.model)$coefficients[2]
#Collect and return the results
return(data.frame(demeaned = est.demeaned, detrended.1 = est.detrended.1, detrended.n = est.detrended.n, true.model = est.true, row.names = NULL))
}#END BLPC.est
#Generate simulations from the AR(2) process for the transitory components. Only need to run this once since we'll reuse the simulations when adding in the breaks
transitory <- replicate(N.sims, tilde.sim(g), simplify = FALSE)
#Convenience function to calculate RMSE
rmse <- function(x, true){
sqrt(mean((x - true)^2))
}#END rmse
#Vary the break size and reuse the transitory components from above
for(i in 1:length(breaks)){
estimates <- sapply(transitory, BLPC.est, break.size = breaks[i])
estimates <- matrix(unlist(estimates), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
temp.est.rmse <- apply(estimates, 2, rmse, true = g)
temp.rel.rmse <- temp.est.rmse / temp.est.rmse[4]
temp.bias <- apply((estimates - g), 2, mean)
est.rmse[i,] <- temp.est.rmse
rel.rmse[i,] <- temp.rel.rmse
bias[i,] <- temp.bias
}#END for i
#Output results
write.csv(cbind(breaks, est.rmse), 'estimator_rmse.csv', row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(cbind(breaks, bias), 'estimator_bias.csv', row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(cbind(breaks, rel.rmse), 'relative_estimator_rmse.csv', row.names = FALSE)
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como puedo correr una pero con datos reales...y también donde esta la variable de desempleo

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