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Last active July 24, 2020 02:32
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/*! For license information please see entry-main.7248112e65c2a264a347.min.js.LICENSE.txt */
(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([[63], {
"../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault.js": function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
"../node_modules/@wordpress/i18n/build/create-i18n.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault.js");
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.createI18n = void 0;
var o = s(n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js"))
, r = s(n("../node_modules/tannin/index.js"));
function i(e, t) {
var n = Object.keys(e);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
t && (s = s.filter((function(t) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
n.push.apply(n, s)
return n
function a(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
t % 2 ? i(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
o.default)(e, t, n[t])
)) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : i(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
return e
var c = {
"": {
plural_forms: function(e) {
return 1 === e ? 0 : 1
t.createI18n = function(e, t) {
var n = new r.default({})
, s = function(e) {
var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "default";[t] = a({}, c, {},[t], {}, e),[t][""] = a({}, c[""], {},[t][""])
, o = function() {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "default"
, t = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0
, o = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0
, r = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0
, i = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : void 0;
return[e] || s(void 0, e),
n.dcnpgettext(e, t, o, r, i)
, i = function(e, t, n) {
return o(n, t, e)
return e && s(e, t),
setLocaleData: s,
__: function(e, t) {
return o(t, void 0, e)
_x: i,
_n: function(e, t, n, s) {
return o(s, void 0, e, t, n)
_nx: function(e, t, n, s, r) {
return o(r, s, e, t, n)
isRTL: function() {
return "rtl" === i("ltr", "text direction")
"../node_modules/@wordpress/i18n/build/default-i18n.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.isRTL = t._nx = t._n = t._x = t.__ = t.setLocaleData = void 0;
var s = (0,
, o = s.setLocaleData.bind(s);
t.setLocaleData = o;
var r = s.__.bind(s);
t.__ = r;
var i = s._x.bind(s);
t._x = i;
var a = s._n.bind(s);
t._n = a;
var c = s._nx.bind(s);
t._nx = c;
var u = s.isRTL.bind(s);
t.isRTL = u
"../node_modules/@wordpress/i18n/build/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var s = {
sprintf: !0,
setLocaleData: !0,
__: !0,
_x: !0,
_n: !0,
_nx: !0,
isRTL: !0
Object.defineProperty(t, "sprintf", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return o.sprintf
Object.defineProperty(t, "setLocaleData", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return i.setLocaleData
Object.defineProperty(t, "__", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return i.__
Object.defineProperty(t, "_x", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return i._x
Object.defineProperty(t, "_n", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return i._n
Object.defineProperty(t, "_nx", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return i._nx
Object.defineProperty(t, "isRTL", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return i.isRTL
var o = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/i18n/build/sprintf.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/i18n/build/create-i18n.js");
Object.keys(r).forEach((function(e) {
"default" !== e && "__esModule" !== e && (, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return r[e]
var i = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/i18n/build/default-i18n.js")
"../node_modules/@wordpress/i18n/build/sprintf.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault.js");
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.sprintf = function(e) {
try {
for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), s = 1; s < t; s++)
n[s - 1] = arguments[s];
return r.default.sprintf.apply(r.default, [e].concat(n))
} catch (t) {
return i("sprintf error: \n\n" + t.toString()),
var o = s(n("../node_modules/memize/index.js"))
, r = s(n("../node_modules/sprintf-js/src/sprintf.js"))
, i = (0,
"../node_modules/deep-freeze/index.js": function(e, t) {
e.exports = function e(t) {
return Object.freeze(t),
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).forEach((function(n) {
!t.hasOwnProperty(n) || null === t[n] || "object" != typeof t[n] && "function" != typeof t[n] || Object.isFrozen(t[n]) || e(t[n])
"../node_modules/exenv/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
var s;
!function() {
"use strict";
var o = !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.document || !window.document.createElement)
, r = {
canUseDOM: o,
canUseWorkers: "undefined" != typeof Worker,
canUseEventListeners: o && !(!window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent),
canUseViewport: o && !!window.screen
void 0 === (s = function() {
return r
.call(t, n, t, e)) || (e.exports = s)
"../node_modules/keymaster/keymaster.js": function(e, t, n) {
!function(t) {
var n, s = {}, o = {
16: !1,
18: !1,
17: !1,
91: !1
}, r = "all", i = {
"⇧": 16,
shift: 16,
"⌥": 18,
alt: 18,
option: 18,
"⌃": 17,
ctrl: 17,
control: 17,
"⌘": 91,
command: 91
}, a = {
backspace: 8,
tab: 9,
clear: 12,
enter: 13,
return: 13,
esc: 27,
escape: 27,
space: 32,
left: 37,
up: 38,
right: 39,
down: 40,
del: 46,
delete: 46,
home: 36,
end: 35,
pageup: 33,
pagedown: 34,
",": 188,
".": 190,
"/": 191,
"`": 192,
"-": 189,
"=": 187,
";": 186,
"'": 222,
"[": 219,
"]": 221,
"\\": 220
}, c = function(e) {
return a[e] || e.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0)
}, u = [];
for (n = 1; n < 20; n++)
a["f" + n] = 111 + n;
function l(e, t) {
for (var n = e.length; n--; )
if (e[n] === t)
return n;
return -1
function d(e, t) {
if (e.length != t.length)
return !1;
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
if (e[n] !== t[n])
return !1;
return !0
var p = {
16: "shiftKey",
18: "altKey",
17: "ctrlKey",
91: "metaKey"
function m(e) {
for (n in o)
o[n] = e[p[n]]
function f(e, t, n) {
var o, r;
o = _(e),
void 0 === n && (n = t,
t = "all");
for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++)
r = [],
(e = o[i].split("+")).length > 1 && (r = g(e),
e = [e[e.length - 1]]),
e = e[0],
(e = c(e))in s || (s[e] = []),
shortcut: o[i],
scope: t,
method: n,
key: o[i],
mods: r
for (n in i)
f[n] = !1;
function h() {
return r || "all"
function _(e) {
var t;
return "" == (t = (e = e.replace(/\s/g, "")).split(","))[t.length - 1] && (t[t.length - 2] += ","),
function g(e) {
for (var t = e.slice(0, e.length - 1), n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
t[n] = i[t[n]];
return t
function b(e, t, n) {
e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener(t, n, !1) : e.attachEvent && e.attachEvent("on" + t, (function() {
b(document, "keydown", (function(e) {
!function(e) {
var t, n, r, a, c, d;
if (t = e.keyCode,
-1 == l(u, t) && u.push(t),
93 != t && 224 != t || (t = 91),
t in o)
for (r in o[t] = !0,
i[r] == t && (f[r] = !0);
else if (m(e),, e) && t in s)
for (d = h(),
a = 0; a < s[t].length; a++)
if ((n = s[t][a]).scope == d || "all" == n.scope) {
for (r in c = n.mods.length > 0,
(!o[r] && l(n.mods, +r) > -1 || o[r] && -1 == l(n.mods, +r)) && (c = !1);
(0 != n.mods.length || o[16] || o[18] || o[17] || o[91]) && !c || !1 === n.method(e, n) && (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1,
e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(),
e.cancelBubble && (e.cancelBubble = !0))
b(document, "keyup", (function(e) {
var t, n = e.keyCode, s = l(u, n);
if (s >= 0 && u.splice(s, 1),
93 != n && 224 != n || (n = 91),
n in o)
for (t in o[n] = !1,
i[t] == n && (f[t] = !1)
b(window, "focus", (function() {
for (n in o)
o[n] = !1;
for (n in i)
f[n] = !1
var E = t.key;
t.key = f,
t.key.setScope = function(e) {
r = e || "all"
t.key.getScope = h,
t.key.deleteScope = function(e) {
var t, n, o;
for (t in s)
for (n = s[t],
o = 0; o < n.length; )
n[o].scope === e ? n.splice(o, 1) : o++
t.key.filter = function(e) {
var t = ( || e.srcElement).tagName;
return !("INPUT" == t || "SELECT" == t || "TEXTAREA" == t)
t.key.isPressed = function(e) {
return "string" == typeof e && (e = c(e)),
-1 != l(u, e)
t.key.getPressedKeyCodes = function() {
return u.slice(0)
t.key.noConflict = function() {
var e = t.key;
return t.key = E,
t.key.unbind = function(e, t) {
var n, o, r, i, a, u = [];
for (n = _(e),
i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
if ((o = n[i].split("+")).length > 1 && (u = g(o),
e = o[o.length - 1]),
e = c(e),
void 0 === t && (t = h()),
for (r = 0; r < s[e].length; r++)
(a = s[e][r]).scope === t && d(a.mods, u) && (s[e][r] = {})
e.exports = f
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_arrayEvery.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = function(e, t) {
for (var n = -1, s = null == e ? 0 : e.length; ++n < s; )
if (!t(e[n], n, e))
return !1;
return !0
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseDifference.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_SetCache.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_arrayIncludes.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_arrayIncludesWith.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_arrayMap.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseUnary.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_cacheHas.js");
t.a = function(e, t, n, u) {
var l = -1
, d = o.a
, p = !0
, m = e.length
, f = []
, h = t.length;
if (!m)
return f;
n && (t = Object(i.a)(t, Object(a.a)(n))),
u ? (d = r.a,
p = !1) : t.length >= 200 && (d = c.a,
p = !1,
t = new s.a(t));
e: for (; ++l < m; ) {
var _ = e[l]
, g = null == n ? _ : n(_);
if (_ = u || 0 !== _ ? _ : 0,
p && g == g) {
for (var b = h; b--; )
if (t[b] === g)
continue e;
} else
d(t, g, u) || f.push(_)
return f
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseFindKey.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = function(e, t, n) {
var s;
return n(e, (function(e, n, o) {
if (t(e, n, o))
return s = n,
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_basePullAt.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseUnset.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_isIndex.js")
, r = Array.prototype.splice;
t.a = function(e, t) {
for (var n = e ? t.length : 0, i = n - 1; n--; ) {
var a = t[n];
if (n == i || a !== c) {
var c = a;
Object(o.a)(a) ?, a, 1) : Object(s.a)(e, a)
return e
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseWhile.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseSlice.js");
t.a = function(e, t, n, o) {
for (var r = e.length, i = o ? r : -1; (o ? i-- : ++i < r) && t(e[i], i, e); )
return n ? Object(s.a)(e, o ? 0 : i, o ? i + 1 : r) : Object(s.a)(e, o ? i + 1 : 0, o ? r : i)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseXor.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseDifference.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseFlatten.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseUniq.js");
t.a = function(e, t, n) {
var i = e.length;
if (i < 2)
return i ? Object(r.a)(e[0]) : [];
for (var a = -1, c = Array(i); ++a < i; )
for (var u = e[a], l = -1; ++l < i; )
l != a && (c[a] = Object(s.a)(c[a] || u, e[l], t, n));
return Object(r.a)(Object(o.a)(c, 1), t, n)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseZipObject.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = function(e, t, n) {
for (var s = -1, o = e.length, r = t.length, i = {}; ++s < o; ) {
var a = s < r ? t[s] : void 0;
n(i, e[s], a)
return i
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_createAggregator.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = function(e, t, n, s) {
for (var o = -1, r = null == e ? 0 : e.length; ++o < r; ) {
var i = e[o];
t(s, i, n(i), e)
return s
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseEach.js");
var r = function(e, t, n, s) {
return Object(o.a)(e, (function(e, o, r) {
t(s, e, n(e), r)
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseIteratee.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isArray.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
return function(n, o) {
var c = Object(a.a)(n) ? s : r
, u = t ? t() : {};
return c(n, e, Object(i.a)(o, 2), u)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_createFlow.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_LodashWrapper.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_flatRest.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_getData.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_getFuncName.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isArray.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_isLaziable.js");
t.a = function(e) {
return Object(o.a)((function(t) {
var n = t.length
, o = n
, u = s.a.prototype.thru;
for (e && t.reverse(); o--; ) {
var l = t[o];
if ("function" != typeof l)
throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
if (u && !d && "wrapper" == Object(i.a)(l))
var d = new s.a([],!0)
for (o = d ? o : n; ++o < n; ) {
l = t[o];
var p = Object(i.a)(l)
, m = "wrapper" == p ? Object(r.a)(l) : void 0;
d = m && Object(c.a)(m[0]) && 424 == m[1] && !m[4].length && 1 == m[9] ? d[Object(i.a)(m[0])].apply(d, m[3]) : 1 == l.length && Object(c.a)(l) ? d[p]() : d.thru(l)
return function() {
var e = arguments
, s = e[0];
if (d && 1 == e.length && Object(a.a)(s))
return d.plant(s).value();
for (var o = 0, r = n ? t[o].apply(this, e) : s; ++o < n; )
r = t[o].call(this, r);
return r
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_createOver.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_apply.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_arrayMap.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseIteratee.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseRest.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseUnary.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_flatRest.js");
t.a = function(e) {
return Object(c.a)((function(t) {
return t = Object(o.a)(t, Object(a.a)(r.a)),
Object(i.a)((function(n) {
var o = this;
return e(t, (function(e) {
return Object(s.a)(e, o, n)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_createRange.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = Math.ceil
, o = Math.max;
var r = function(e, t, n, r) {
for (var i = -1, a = o(s((t - e) / (n || 1)), 0), c = Array(a); a--; )
c[r ? a : ++i] = e,
e += n;
return c
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_isIterateeCall.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toFinite.js");
t.a = function(e) {
return function(t, n, s) {
return s && "number" != typeof s && Object(i.a)(t, n, s) && (n = s = void 0),
t = Object(a.a)(t),
void 0 === n ? (n = t,
t = 0) : n = Object(a.a)(n),
s = void 0 === s ? t < n ? 1 : -1 : Object(a.a)(s),
r(t, n, s, e)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/_stringSize.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseProperty.js")
, o = Object(s.a)("length")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_hasUnicode.js")
, i = "[\\ud800-\\udfff]"
, a = "[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]"
, c = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]"
, u = "[^\\ud800-\\udfff]"
, l = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}"
, d = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]"
, p = "(?:" + a + "|" + c + ")" + "?"
, m = "[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?" + p + ("(?:\\u200d(?:" + [u, l, d].join("|") + ")[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?" + p + ")*")
, f = "(?:" + [u + a + "?", a, l, d, i].join("|") + ")"
, h = RegExp(c + "(?=" + c + ")|" + f + m, "g");
var _ = function(e) {
for (var t = h.lastIndex = 0; h.test(e); )
return t
t.a = function(e) {
return Object(r.a)(e) ? _(e) : o(e)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/before.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toInteger.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
var n;
if ("function" != typeof t)
throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
return e = Object(s.a)(e),
function() {
return --e > 0 && (n = t.apply(this, arguments)),
e <= 1 && (t = void 0),
"../node_modules/lodash-es/clone.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseClone.js");
t.a = function(e) {
return Object(s.a)(e, 4)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/cloneDeep.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseClone.js");
t.a = function(e) {
return Object(s.a)(e, 5)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/cloneDeepWith.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseClone.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
return t = "function" == typeof t ? t : void 0,
Object(s.a)(e, 5, t)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/concat.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_arrayPush.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseFlatten.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_copyArray.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isArray.js");
t.a = function() {
var e = arguments.length;
if (!e)
return [];
for (var t = Array(e - 1), n = arguments[0], a = e; a--; )
t[a - 1] = arguments[a];
return Object(s.a)(Object(i.a)(n) ? Object(r.a)(n) : [n], Object(o.a)(t, 1))
"../node_modules/lodash-es/curry.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_createWrap.js");
function o(e, t, n) {
t = n ? void 0 : t;
var r = Object(s.a)(e, 8, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, t);
return r.placeholder = o.placeholder,
o.placeholder = {},
t.a = o
"../node_modules/lodash-es/delay.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseDelay.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseRest.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toNumber.js")
, i = Object(o.a)((function(e, t, n) {
return Object(s.a)(e, Object(r.a)(t) || 0, n)
t.a = i
"../node_modules/lodash-es/difference.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseDifference.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseFlatten.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseRest.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isArrayLikeObject.js")
, a = Object(r.a)((function(e, t) {
return Object(i.a)(e) ? Object(s.a)(e, Object(o.a)(t, 1, i.a, !0)) : []
t.a = a
"../node_modules/lodash-es/dropWhile.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseIteratee.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseWhile.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
return e && e.length ? Object(o.a)(e, Object(s.a)(t, 3), !0) : []
"../node_modules/lodash-es/every.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_arrayEvery.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseEach.js");
var r = function(e, t) {
var n = !0;
return Object(o.a)(e, (function(e, s, o) {
return n = !!t(e, s, o)
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseIteratee.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isArray.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_isIterateeCall.js");
t.a = function(e, t, n) {
var o = Object(a.a)(e) ? s.a : r;
return n && Object(c.a)(e, t, n) && (t = void 0),
o(e, Object(i.a)(t, 3))
"../node_modules/lodash-es/findKey.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseFindKey.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseForOwn.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseIteratee.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
return Object(s.a)(e, Object(r.a)(t, 3), o.a)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/flatMap.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseFlatten.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/map.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
return Object(s.a)(Object(o.a)(e, t), 1)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/flow.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_createFlow.js")
, o = Object(s.a)();
t.a = o
"../node_modules/lodash-es/indexOf.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseIndexOf.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toInteger.js")
, r = Math.max;
t.a = function(e, t, n) {
var i = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
if (!i)
return -1;
var a = null == n ? 0 : Object(o.a)(n);
return a < 0 && (a = r(i + a, 0)),
Object(s.a)(e, t, a)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/initial.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseSlice.js");
t.a = function(e) {
return (null == e ? 0 : e.length) ? Object(s.a)(e, 0, -1) : []
"../node_modules/lodash-es/isNil.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = function(e) {
return null == e
"../node_modules/lodash-es/isNumber.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseGetTag.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isObjectLike.js");
t.a = function(e) {
return "number" == typeof e || Object(o.a)(e) && "[object Number]" == Object(s.a)(e)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/isRegExp.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseGetTag.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isObjectLike.js");
var r = function(e) {
return Object(o.a)(e) && "[object RegExp]" == Object(s.a)(e)
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseUnary.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_nodeUtil.js")
, c = a.a && a.a.isRegExp
, u = c ? Object(i.a)(c) : r;
t.a = u
"../node_modules/lodash-es/keyBy.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseAssignValue.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_createAggregator.js")
, r = Object(o.a)((function(e, t, n) {
Object(s.a)(e, n, t)
t.a = r
"../node_modules/lodash-es/mapKeys.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseAssignValue.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseForOwn.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseIteratee.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
var n = {};
return t = Object(r.a)(t, 3),
Object(o.a)(e, (function(e, o, r) {
Object(s.a)(n, t(e, o, r), e)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/once.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/before.js");
t.a = function(e) {
return Object(s.a)(2, e)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/overSome.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_arraySome.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_createOver.js")
, r = Object(o.a)(s.a);
t.a = r
"../node_modules/lodash-es/range.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_createRange.js")
, o = Object(s.a)();
t.a = o
"../node_modules/lodash-es/remove.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseIteratee.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_basePullAt.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
var n = [];
if (!e || !e.length)
return n;
var r = -1
, i = []
, a = e.length;
for (t = Object(s.a)(t, 3); ++r < a; ) {
var c = e[r];
t(c, r, e) && (n.push(c),
return Object(o.a)(e, i),
"../node_modules/lodash-es/stubTrue.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = function() {
return !0
"../node_modules/lodash-es/takeRight.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseSlice.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toInteger.js");
t.a = function(e, t, n) {
var r = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
return r ? (t = r - (t = n || void 0 === t ? 1 : Object(o.a)(t)),
Object(s.a)(e, t < 0 ? 0 : t, r)) : []
"../node_modules/lodash-es/toArray.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_Symbol.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_copyArray.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_getTag.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isArrayLike.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isString.js");
var c = function(e) {
for (var t, n = []; !(t =; )
return n
, u = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_mapToArray.js")
, l = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_setToArray.js")
, d = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_stringToArray.js")
, p = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/values.js")
, m = s.a ? s.a.iterator : void 0;
t.a = function(e) {
if (!e)
return [];
if (Object(i.a)(e))
return Object(a.a)(e) ? Object(d.a)(e) : Object(o.a)(e);
if (m && e[m])
return c(e[m]());
var t = Object(r.a)(e);
return ("[object Map]" == t ? u.a : "[object Set]" == t ? l.a : p.a)(e)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/toLower.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toString.js");
t.a = function(e) {
return Object(s.a)(e).toLowerCase()
"../node_modules/lodash-es/truncate.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseToString.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_castSlice.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_hasUnicode.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isObject.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isRegExp.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_stringSize.js")
, u = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_stringToArray.js")
, l = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toInteger.js")
, d = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toString.js")
, p = /\w*$/;
t.a = function(e, t) {
var n = 30
, m = "...";
if (Object(i.a)(t)) {
var f = "separator"in t ? t.separator : f;
n = "length"in t ? Object(l.a)(t.length) : n,
m = "omission"in t ? Object(s.a)(t.omission) : m
var h = (e = Object(d.a)(e)).length;
if (Object(r.a)(e)) {
var _ = Object(u.a)(e);
h = _.length
if (n >= h)
return e;
var g = n - Object(c.a)(m);
if (g < 1)
return m;
var b = _ ? Object(o.a)(_, 0, g).join("") : e.slice(0, g);
if (void 0 === f)
return b + m;
if (_ && (g += b.length - g),
Object(a.a)(f)) {
if (e.slice(g).search(f)) {
var E, j = b;
for ( || (f = RegExp(f.source, Object(d.a)(p.exec(f)) + "g")),
f.lastIndex = 0; E = f.exec(j); )
var y = E.index;
b = b.slice(0, void 0 === y ? g : y)
} else if (e.indexOf(Object(s.a)(f), g) != g) {
var S = b.lastIndexOf(f);
S > -1 && (b = b.slice(0, S))
return b + m
"../node_modules/lodash-es/uniqBy.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseIteratee.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseUniq.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
return e && e.length ? Object(o.a)(e, Object(s.a)(t, 2)) : []
"../node_modules/lodash-es/unset.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseUnset.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
return null == e || Object(s.a)(e, t)
"../node_modules/lodash-es/without.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseDifference.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseRest.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isArrayLikeObject.js")
, i = Object(o.a)((function(e, t) {
return Object(r.a)(e) ? Object(s.a)(e, t) : []
t.a = i
"../node_modules/lodash-es/xor.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_arrayFilter.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseRest.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseXor.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isArrayLikeObject.js")
, a = Object(o.a)((function(e) {
return Object(r.a)(Object(s.a)(e, i.a))
t.a = a
"../node_modules/lodash-es/zipObject.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_assignValue.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/_baseZipObject.js");
t.a = function(e, t) {
return Object(o.a)(e || [], t || [], s.a)
"../node_modules/memize/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n, s, o = 0;
function r() {
var r, i, a = n, c = arguments.length;
e: for (; a; ) {
if (a.args.length === arguments.length) {
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
if (a.args[i] !== arguments[i]) {
a =;
continue e
return a !== n && (a === s && (s = a.prev), =, && ( = a.prev), = n,
a.prev = null,
n.prev = a,
n = a),
a =
for (r = new Array(c),
i = 0; i < c; i++)
r[i] = arguments[i];
return a = {
args: r,
val: e.apply(null, r)
n ? (n.prev = a, = n) : s = a,
o === t.maxSize ? (s = s.prev).next = null : o++,
n = a,
return t = t || {},
r.clear = function() {
n = null,
s = null,
o = 0
"../node_modules/moment/locale lazy recursive ^\\.\\/.*$ include: \\.js$": function(e, t, n) {
var s = {
"./af": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/af.js", 222],
"./af.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/af.js", 222],
"./ar": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar.js", 229],
"./ar-dz": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-dz.js", 223],
"./ar-dz.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-dz.js", 223],
"./ar-kw": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-kw.js", 224],
"./ar-kw.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-kw.js", 224],
"./ar-ly": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-ly.js", 225],
"./ar-ly.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-ly.js", 225],
"./ar-ma": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-ma.js", 226],
"./ar-ma.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-ma.js", 226],
"./ar-sa": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-sa.js", 227],
"./ar-sa.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-sa.js", 227],
"./ar-tn": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-tn.js", 228],
"./ar-tn.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar-tn.js", 228],
"./ar.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ar.js", 229],
"./az": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/az.js", 230],
"./az.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/az.js", 230],
"./be": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/be.js", 231],
"./be.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/be.js", 231],
"./bg": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bg.js", 232],
"./bg.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bg.js", 232],
"./bm": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bm.js", 233],
"./bm.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bm.js", 233],
"./bn": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bn.js", 234],
"./bn.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bn.js", 234],
"./bo": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bo.js", 235],
"./bo.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bo.js", 235],
"./br": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/br.js", 236],
"./br.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/br.js", 236],
"./bs": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bs.js", 237],
"./bs.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/bs.js", 237],
"./ca": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ca.js", 238],
"./ca.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ca.js", 238],
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"./cs.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/cs.js", 239],
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"./cv.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/cv.js", 240],
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"./cy.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/cy.js", 241],
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"./da.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/da.js", 242],
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"./de-at": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/de-at.js", 243],
"./de-at.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/de-at.js", 243],
"./de-ch": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/de-ch.js", 3],
"./de-ch.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/de-ch.js", 3],
"./de.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/de.js", 244],
"./dv": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/dv.js", 4],
"./dv.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/dv.js", 4],
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"./el.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/el.js", 5],
"./en-au": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/en-au.js", 6],
"./en-au.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/en-au.js", 6],
"./en-ca": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/en-ca.js", 7],
"./en-ca.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/en-ca.js", 7],
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"./en-ie.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/en-ie.js", 9],
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"./en-il.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/en-il.js", 10],
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"./en-in.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/en-in.js", 11],
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"./en-nz.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/en-nz.js", 12],
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"./en-sg.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/en-sg.js", 13],
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"./eo.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/eo.js", 14],
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"./es.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/es.js", 17],
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"./fr-ca.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/fr-ca.js", 24],
"./fr-ch": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/fr-ch.js", 25],
"./fr-ch.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/fr-ch.js", 25],
"./fr.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/fr.js", 26],
"./fy": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/fy.js", 27],
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"./gu.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/gu.js", 33],
"./he": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/he.js", 34],
"./he.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/he.js", 34],
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"./hi.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/hi.js", 35],
"./hr": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/hr.js", 36],
"./hr.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/hr.js", 36],
"./hu": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/hu.js", 37],
"./hu.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/hu.js", 37],
"./hy-am": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/hy-am.js", 38],
"./hy-am.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/hy-am.js", 38],
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"./is.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/is.js", 40],
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"./it.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/it.js", 42],
"./ja": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ja.js", 43],
"./ja.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ja.js", 43],
"./jv": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/jv.js", 44],
"./jv.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/jv.js", 44],
"./ka": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ka.js", 45],
"./ka.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ka.js", 45],
"./kk": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/kk.js", 46],
"./kk.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/kk.js", 46],
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"./kn": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/kn.js", 48],
"./kn.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/kn.js", 48],
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"./ko.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ko.js", 49],
"./ku": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ku.js", 50],
"./ku.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ku.js", 50],
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"./ky.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ky.js", 51],
"./lb": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/lb.js", 52],
"./lb.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/lb.js", 52],
"./lo": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/lo.js", 53],
"./lo.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/lo.js", 53],
"./lt": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/lt.js", 54],
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"./ms.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ms.js", 62],
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"./mt.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/mt.js", 246],
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"./my.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/my.js", 247],
"./nb": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/nb.js", 248],
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"./nl": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/nl.js", 251],
"./nl-be": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/nl-be.js", 250],
"./nl-be.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/nl-be.js", 250],
"./nl.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/nl.js", 251],
"./nn": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/nn.js", 252],
"./nn.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/nn.js", 252],
"./oc-lnc": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/oc-lnc.js", 253],
"./oc-lnc.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/oc-lnc.js", 253],
"./pa-in": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/pa-in.js", 254],
"./pa-in.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/pa-in.js", 254],
"./pl": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/pl.js", 255],
"./pl.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/pl.js", 255],
"./pt": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/pt.js", 257],
"./pt-br": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/pt-br.js", 256],
"./pt-br.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/pt-br.js", 256],
"./pt.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/pt.js", 257],
"./ro": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ro.js", 258],
"./ro.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ro.js", 258],
"./ru": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ru.js", 259],
"./ru.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ru.js", 259],
"./sd": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sd.js", 260],
"./sd.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sd.js", 260],
"./se": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/se.js", 261],
"./se.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/se.js", 261],
"./si": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/si.js", 262],
"./si.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/si.js", 262],
"./sk": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sk.js", 263],
"./sk.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sk.js", 263],
"./sl": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sl.js", 264],
"./sl.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sl.js", 264],
"./sq": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sq.js", 265],
"./sq.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sq.js", 265],
"./sr": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sr.js", 267],
"./sr-cyrl": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sr-cyrl.js", 266],
"./sr-cyrl.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sr-cyrl.js", 266],
"./sr.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sr.js", 267],
"./ss": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ss.js", 268],
"./ss.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ss.js", 268],
"./sv": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sv.js", 269],
"./sv.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sv.js", 269],
"./sw": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sw.js", 270],
"./sw.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/sw.js", 270],
"./ta": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ta.js", 271],
"./ta.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ta.js", 271],
"./te": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/te.js", 272],
"./te.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/te.js", 272],
"./tet": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tet.js", 273],
"./tet.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tet.js", 273],
"./tg": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tg.js", 274],
"./tg.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tg.js", 274],
"./th": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/th.js", 275],
"./th.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/th.js", 275],
"./tl-ph": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tl-ph.js", 276],
"./tl-ph.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tl-ph.js", 276],
"./tlh": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tlh.js", 277],
"./tlh.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tlh.js", 277],
"./tr": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tr.js", 278],
"./tr.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tr.js", 278],
"./tzl": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tzl.js", 279],
"./tzl.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tzl.js", 279],
"./tzm": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tzm.js", 281],
"./tzm-latn": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tzm-latn.js", 280],
"./tzm-latn.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tzm-latn.js", 280],
"./tzm.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/tzm.js", 281],
"./ug-cn": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ug-cn.js", 282],
"./ug-cn.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ug-cn.js", 282],
"./uk": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/uk.js", 283],
"./uk.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/uk.js", 283],
"./ur": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ur.js", 284],
"./ur.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/ur.js", 284],
"./uz": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/uz.js", 286],
"./uz-latn": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/uz-latn.js", 285],
"./uz-latn.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/uz-latn.js", 285],
"./uz.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/uz.js", 286],
"./vi": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/vi.js", 287],
"./vi.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/vi.js", 287],
"./x-pseudo": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/x-pseudo.js", 288],
"./x-pseudo.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/x-pseudo.js", 288],
"./yo": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/yo.js", 289],
"./yo.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/yo.js", 289],
"./zh-cn": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/zh-cn.js", 290],
"./zh-cn.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/zh-cn.js", 290],
"./zh-hk": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/zh-hk.js", 291],
"./zh-hk.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/zh-hk.js", 291],
"./zh-mo": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/zh-mo.js", 292],
"./zh-mo.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/zh-mo.js", 292],
"./zh-tw": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/zh-tw.js", 293],
"./zh-tw.js": ["../node_modules/moment/locale/zh-tw.js", 293]
function o(e) {
if (!n.o(s, e))
return Promise.resolve().then((function() {
var t = new Error("Cannot find module '" + e + "'");
throw t.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND",
var t = s[e]
, o = t[0];
return n.e(t[1]).then((function() {
return n.t(o, 7)
o.keys = function() {
return Object.keys(s)
, = "../node_modules/moment/locale lazy recursive ^\\.\\/.*$ include: \\.js$",
e.exports = o
"../node_modules/querystring/decode.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function s(e, t) {
return, t)
e.exports = function(e, t, n, o) {
t = t || "&",
n = n || "=";
var r = {};
if ("string" != typeof e || 0 === e.length)
return r;
var i = /\+/g;
e = e.split(t);
var a = 1e3;
o && "number" == typeof o.maxKeys && (a = o.maxKeys);
var c = e.length;
a > 0 && c > a && (c = a);
for (var u = 0; u < c; ++u) {
var l, d, p, m, f = e[u].replace(i, "%20"), h = f.indexOf(n);
h >= 0 ? (l = f.substr(0, h),
d = f.substr(h + 1)) : (l = f,
d = ""),
p = decodeURIComponent(l),
m = decodeURIComponent(d),
s(r, p) ? Array.isArray(r[p]) ? r[p].push(m) : r[p] = [r[p], m] : r[p] = m
return r
"../node_modules/querystring/encode.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = function(e) {
switch (typeof e) {
case "string":
return e;
case "boolean":
return e ? "true" : "false";
case "number":
return isFinite(e) ? e : "";
return ""
e.exports = function(e, t, n, o) {
return t = t || "&",
n = n || "=",
null === e && (e = void 0),
"object" == typeof e ? Object.keys(e).map((function(o) {
var r = encodeURIComponent(s(o)) + n;
return Array.isArray(e[o]) ? e[o].map((function(e) {
return r + encodeURIComponent(s(e))
)).join(t) : r + encodeURIComponent(s(e[o]))
)).join(t) : o ? encodeURIComponent(s(o)) + n + encodeURIComponent(s(e)) : ""
"../node_modules/querystring/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.decode = t.parse = n("../node_modules/querystring/decode.js"),
t.encode = t.stringify = n("../node_modules/querystring/encode.js")
"../node_modules/react-lifecycles-compat/": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function s() {
var e = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(this.props, this.state);
null != e && this.setState(e)
function o(e) {
this.setState(function(t) {
var n = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(e, t);
return null != n ? n : null
function r(e, t) {
try {
var n = this.props
, s = this.state;
this.props = e,
this.state = t,
this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag = !0,
this.__reactInternalSnapshot = this.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(n, s)
} finally {
this.props = n,
this.state = s
function i(e) {
var t = e.prototype;
if (!t || !t.isReactComponent)
throw new Error("Can only polyfill class components");
if ("function" != typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps && "function" != typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate)
return e;
var n = null
, i = null
, a = null;
if ("function" == typeof t.componentWillMount ? n = "componentWillMount" : "function" == typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && (n = "UNSAFE_componentWillMount"),
"function" == typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps ? i = "componentWillReceiveProps" : "function" == typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && (i = "UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps"),
"function" == typeof t.componentWillUpdate ? a = "componentWillUpdate" : "function" == typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && (a = "UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate"),
null !== n || null !== i || null !== a) {
var c = e.displayName ||
, u = "function" == typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps ? "getDerivedStateFromProps()" : "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()";
throw Error("Unsafe legacy lifecycles will not be called for components using new component APIs.\n\n" + c + " uses " + u + " but also contains the following legacy lifecycles:" + (null !== n ? "\n " + n : "") + (null !== i ? "\n " + i : "") + (null !== a ? "\n " + a : "") + "\n\nThe above lifecycles should be removed. Learn more about this warning here:\n")
if ("function" == typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps && (t.componentWillMount = s,
t.componentWillReceiveProps = o),
"function" == typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) {
if ("function" != typeof t.componentDidUpdate)
throw new Error("Cannot polyfill getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() for components that do not define componentDidUpdate() on the prototype");
t.componentWillUpdate = r;
var l = t.componentDidUpdate;
t.componentDidUpdate = function(e, t, n) {
var s = this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag ? this.__reactInternalSnapshot : n;, e, t, s)
return e
n.d(t, "polyfill", (function() {
return i
s.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0,
o.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0,
r.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0
"../node_modules/react-modal/lib/components/Modal.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.bodyOpenClassName = t.portalClassName = void 0;
var s = Object.assign || function(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var n = arguments[t];
for (var s in n), s) && (e[s] = n[s])
return e
, o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var s = t[n];
s.enumerable = s.enumerable || !1,
s.configurable = !0,
"value"in s && (s.writable = !0),
Object.defineProperty(e, s.key, s)
return function(t, n, s) {
return n && e(t.prototype, n),
s && e(t, s),
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = f(r)
, a = f(n("../node_modules/react-dom/index.js"))
, c = f(n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js"))
, u = f(n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/components/ModalPortal.js"))
, l = function(e) {
if (e && e.__esModule)
return e;
var t = {};
if (null != e)
for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]);
return t.default = e,
, d = n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/safeHTMLElement.js")
, p = f(d)
, m = n("../node_modules/react-lifecycles-compat/");
function f(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function h(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function _(e, t) {
if (!e)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
var g = t.portalClassName = "ReactModalPortal"
, b = t.bodyOpenClassName = "ReactModal__Body--open"
, E = void 0 !== a.default.createPortal
, j = function() {
return E ? a.default.createPortal : a.default.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer
function y(e) {
return e()
var S = function(e) {
function t() {
var e, n, o;
h(this, t);
for (var r = arguments.length, c = Array(r), l = 0; l < r; l++)
c[l] = arguments[l];
return n = o = _(this, (e = t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(c))),
o.removePortal = function() {
!E && a.default.unmountComponentAtNode(o.node),
o.portalRef = function(e) {
o.portal = e
o.renderPortal = function(e) {
var n = j()(o, i.default.createElement(u.default, s({
defaultStyles: t.defaultStyles
}, e)), o.node);
_(o, n)
return function(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
}(t, e),
o(t, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function() {
d.canUseDOM && (E || (this.node = document.createElement("div")),
this.node.className = this.props.portalClassName,
!E && this.renderPortal(this.props))
}, {
key: "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate",
value: function(e) {
return {
prevParent: y(e.parentSelector),
nextParent: y(this.props.parentSelector)
}, {
key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function(e, t, n) {
if (d.canUseDOM) {
var s = this.props
, o = s.isOpen
, r = s.portalClassName;
e.portalClassName !== r && (this.node.className = r);
var i = n.prevParent
, a = n.nextParent;
a !== i && (i.removeChild(this.node),
(e.isOpen || o) && !E && this.renderPortal(this.props)
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function() {
if (d.canUseDOM && this.node && this.portal) {
var e = this.portal.state
, t =
, n = e.isOpen && this.props.closeTimeoutMS && (e.closesAt || t + this.props.closeTimeoutMS);
n ? (e.beforeClose || this.portal.closeWithTimeout(),
setTimeout(this.removePortal, n - t)) : this.removePortal()
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
return d.canUseDOM && E ? (!this.node && E && (this.node = document.createElement("div")),
j()(i.default.createElement(u.default, s({
ref: this.portalRef,
defaultStyles: t.defaultStyles
}, this.props)), this.node)) : null
}], [{
key: "setAppElement",
value: function(e) {
S.propTypes = {
isOpen: c.default.bool.isRequired,
style: c.default.shape({
content: c.default.object,
overlay: c.default.object
portalClassName: c.default.string,
bodyOpenClassName: c.default.string,
htmlOpenClassName: c.default.string,
className: c.default.oneOfType([c.default.string, c.default.shape({
base: c.default.string.isRequired,
afterOpen: c.default.string.isRequired,
beforeClose: c.default.string.isRequired
overlayClassName: c.default.oneOfType([c.default.string, c.default.shape({
base: c.default.string.isRequired,
afterOpen: c.default.string.isRequired,
beforeClose: c.default.string.isRequired
appElement: c.default.instanceOf(p.default),
onAfterOpen: c.default.func,
onRequestClose: c.default.func,
closeTimeoutMS: c.default.number,
ariaHideApp: c.default.bool,
shouldFocusAfterRender: c.default.bool,
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: c.default.bool,
shouldReturnFocusAfterClose: c.default.bool,
parentSelector: c.default.func,
aria: c.default.object,
data: c.default.object,
role: c.default.string,
contentLabel: c.default.string,
shouldCloseOnEsc: c.default.bool,
overlayRef: c.default.func,
contentRef: c.default.func
S.defaultProps = {
isOpen: !1,
portalClassName: g,
bodyOpenClassName: b,
role: "dialog",
ariaHideApp: !0,
closeTimeoutMS: 0,
shouldFocusAfterRender: !0,
shouldCloseOnEsc: !0,
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: !0,
shouldReturnFocusAfterClose: !0,
parentSelector: function() {
return document.body
S.defaultStyles = {
overlay: {
position: "fixed",
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)"
content: {
position: "absolute",
top: "40px",
left: "40px",
right: "40px",
bottom: "40px",
border: "1px solid #ccc",
background: "#fff",
overflow: "auto",
WebkitOverflowScrolling: "touch",
borderRadius: "4px",
outline: "none",
padding: "20px"
t.default = S
"../node_modules/react-modal/lib/components/ModalPortal.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var s = Object.assign || function(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var n = arguments[t];
for (var s in n), s) && (e[s] = n[s])
return e
, o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
return typeof e
: function(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
, r = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var s = t[n];
s.enumerable = s.enumerable || !1,
s.configurable = !0,
"value"in s && (s.writable = !0),
Object.defineProperty(e, s.key, s)
return function(t, n, s) {
return n && e(t.prototype, n),
s && e(t, s),
, i = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, a = h(i)
, c = h(n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js"))
, u = f(n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/focusManager.js"))
, l = h(n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/scopeTab.js"))
, d = f(n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/ariaAppHider.js"))
, p = f(n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/classList.js"))
, m = h(n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/safeHTMLElement.js"));
function f(e) {
if (e && e.__esModule)
return e;
var t = {};
if (null != e)
for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]);
return t.default = e,
function h(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
var _ = {
overlay: "ReactModal__Overlay",
content: "ReactModal__Content"
, g = 0
, b = function(e) {
function t(e) {
!function(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
}(this, t);
var n = function(e, t) {
if (!e)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
}(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e));
return n.setOverlayRef = function(e) {
n.overlay = e,
n.props.overlayRef && n.props.overlayRef(e)
n.setContentRef = function(e) {
n.content = e,
n.props.contentRef && n.props.contentRef(e)
n.afterClose = function() {
var e = n.props
, t = e.appElement
, s = e.ariaHideApp
, o = e.htmlOpenClassName
, r = e.bodyOpenClassName;
r && p.remove(document.body, r),
o && p.remove(document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0], o),
s && g > 0 && 0 === (g -= 1) &&,
n.props.shouldFocusAfterRender && (n.props.shouldReturnFocusAfterClose ? (u.returnFocus(),
u.teardownScopedFocus()) : u.popWithoutFocus()),
n.props.onAfterClose && n.props.onAfterClose()
, = function() {
n.state.afterOpen && n.state.beforeClose ? (clearTimeout(n.closeTimer),
beforeClose: !1
})) : (n.props.shouldFocusAfterRender && (u.setupScopedFocus(n.node),
isOpen: !0
}, (function() {
afterOpen: !0
n.props.isOpen && n.props.onAfterOpen && n.props.onAfterOpen({
overlayEl: n.overlay,
contentEl: n.content
n.close = function() {
n.props.closeTimeoutMS > 0 ? n.closeWithTimeout() : n.closeWithoutTimeout()
n.focusContent = function() {
return n.content && !n.contentHasFocus() && n.content.focus()
n.closeWithTimeout = function() {
var e = + n.props.closeTimeoutMS;
beforeClose: !0,
closesAt: e
}, (function() {
n.closeTimer = setTimeout(n.closeWithoutTimeout, n.state.closesAt -
n.closeWithoutTimeout = function() {
beforeClose: !1,
isOpen: !1,
afterOpen: !1,
closesAt: null
}, n.afterClose)
n.handleKeyDown = function(e) {
9 === e.keyCode && (0,
l.default)(n.content, e),
n.props.shouldCloseOnEsc && 27 === e.keyCode && (e.stopPropagation(),
n.handleOverlayOnClick = function(e) {
null === n.shouldClose && (n.shouldClose = !0),
n.shouldClose && n.props.shouldCloseOnOverlayClick && (n.ownerHandlesClose() ? n.requestClose(e) : n.focusContent()),
n.shouldClose = null
n.handleContentOnMouseUp = function() {
n.shouldClose = !1
n.handleOverlayOnMouseDown = function(e) {
n.props.shouldCloseOnOverlayClick || != n.overlay || e.preventDefault()
n.handleContentOnClick = function() {
n.shouldClose = !1
n.handleContentOnMouseDown = function() {
n.shouldClose = !1
n.requestClose = function(e) {
return n.ownerHandlesClose() && n.props.onRequestClose(e)
n.ownerHandlesClose = function() {
return n.props.onRequestClose
n.shouldBeClosed = function() {
return !n.state.isOpen && !n.state.beforeClose
n.contentHasFocus = function() {
return document.activeElement === n.content || n.content.contains(document.activeElement)
n.buildClassName = function(e, t) {
var s = "object" === (void 0 === t ? "undefined" : o(t)) ? t : {
base: _[e],
afterOpen: _[e] + "--after-open",
beforeClose: _[e] + "--before-close"
, r = s.base;
return n.state.afterOpen && (r = r + " " + s.afterOpen),
n.state.beforeClose && (r = r + " " + s.beforeClose),
"string" == typeof t && t ? r + " " + t : r
n.attributesFromObject = function(e, t) {
return Object.keys(t).reduce((function(n, s) {
return n[e + "-" + s] = t[s],
), {})
n.state = {
afterOpen: !1,
beforeClose: !1
n.shouldClose = null,
n.moveFromContentToOverlay = null,
return function(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
}(t, e),
r(t, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function() {
this.props.isOpen &&
}, {
key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function(e, t) {
this.props.isOpen && !e.isOpen ? : !this.props.isOpen && e.isOpen && this.close(),
this.props.shouldFocusAfterRender && this.state.isOpen && !t.isOpen && this.focusContent()
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function() {
this.state.isOpen && this.afterClose(),
}, {
key: "beforeOpen",
value: function() {
var e = this.props
, t = e.appElement
, n = e.ariaHideApp
, s = e.htmlOpenClassName
, o = e.bodyOpenClassName;
o && p.add(document.body, o),
s && p.add(document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0], s),
n && (g += 1,
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e = this.props
, t =
, n = e.className
, o = e.overlayClassName
, r = e.defaultStyles
, i = n ? {} : r.content
, c = o ? {} : r.overlay;
return this.shouldBeClosed() ? null : a.default.createElement("div", {
ref: this.setOverlayRef,
className: this.buildClassName("overlay", o),
style: s({}, c,,
onClick: this.handleOverlayOnClick,
onMouseDown: this.handleOverlayOnMouseDown
}, a.default.createElement("div", s({
id: t,
ref: this.setContentRef,
style: s({}, i,,
className: this.buildClassName("content", n),
tabIndex: "-1",
onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,
onMouseDown: this.handleContentOnMouseDown,
onMouseUp: this.handleContentOnMouseUp,
onClick: this.handleContentOnClick,
role: this.props.role,
"aria-label": this.props.contentLabel
}, this.attributesFromObject("aria", this.props.aria || {}), this.attributesFromObject("data", || {}), {
"data-testid": this.props.testId
}), this.props.children))
b.defaultProps = {
style: {
overlay: {},
content: {}
defaultStyles: {}
b.propTypes = {
isOpen: c.default.bool.isRequired,
defaultStyles: c.default.shape({
content: c.default.object,
overlay: c.default.object
style: c.default.shape({
content: c.default.object,
overlay: c.default.object
className: c.default.oneOfType([c.default.string, c.default.object]),
overlayClassName: c.default.oneOfType([c.default.string, c.default.object]),
bodyOpenClassName: c.default.string,
htmlOpenClassName: c.default.string,
ariaHideApp: c.default.bool,
appElement: c.default.instanceOf(m.default),
onAfterOpen: c.default.func,
onAfterClose: c.default.func,
onRequestClose: c.default.func,
closeTimeoutMS: c.default.number,
shouldFocusAfterRender: c.default.bool,
shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: c.default.bool,
shouldReturnFocusAfterClose: c.default.bool,
role: c.default.string,
contentLabel: c.default.string,
aria: c.default.object,
data: c.default.object,
children: c.default.node,
shouldCloseOnEsc: c.default.bool,
overlayRef: c.default.func,
contentRef: c.default.func,
id: c.default.string,
testId: c.default.string
t.default = b,
e.exports = t.default
"../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/ariaAppHider.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.assertNodeList = c,
t.setElement = function(e) {
var t = e;
if ("string" == typeof t && i.canUseDOM) {
var n = document.querySelectorAll(t);
c(n, t),
t = "length"in n ? n[0] : n
return a = t || a
t.validateElement = u,
t.hide = function(e) {
u(e) && (e || a).setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true")
, = function(e) {
u(e) && (e || a).removeAttribute("aria-hidden")
t.documentNotReadyOrSSRTesting = function() {
a = null
t.resetForTesting = function() {
a = null
var s, o = n("../node_modules/warning/warning.js"), r = (s = o) && s.__esModule ? s : {
default: s
}, i = n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/safeHTMLElement.js");
var a = null;
function c(e, t) {
if (!e || !e.length)
throw new Error("react-modal: No elements were found for selector " + t + ".")
function u(e) {
return !(!e && !a) || ((0,
r.default)(!1, ["react-modal: App element is not defined.", "Please use `Modal.setAppElement(el)` or set `appElement={el}`.", "This is needed so screen readers don't see main content", "when modal is opened. It is not recommended, but you can opt-out", "by setting `ariaHideApp={false}`."].join(" ")),
"../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/classList.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.dumpClassLists = function() {
var s = {}
, o = {};
t.add = function(e, t) {
return n = e.classList,
r = "html" == e.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? s : o,
void t.split(" ").forEach((function(e) {
!function(e, t) {
e[t] || (e[t] = 0),
e[t] += 1
}(r, e),
var n, r
t.remove = function(e, t) {
return n = e.classList,
r = "html" == e.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? s : o,
void t.split(" ").forEach((function(e) {
!function(e, t) {
e[t] && (e[t] -= 1)
}(r, e),
0 === r[e] && n.remove(e)
var n, r
"../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/focusManager.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.handleBlur = u,
t.handleFocus = l,
t.markForFocusLater = function() {
t.returnFocus = function() {
var e = null;
try {
return void (0 !== i.length && (e = i.pop()).focus())
} catch (t) {
console.warn(["You tried to return focus to", e, "but it is not in the DOM anymore"].join(" "))
t.popWithoutFocus = function() {
i.length > 0 && i.pop()
t.setupScopedFocus = function(e) {
a = e,
window.addEventListener ? (window.addEventListener("blur", u, !1),
document.addEventListener("focus", l, !0)) : (window.attachEvent("onBlur", u),
document.attachEvent("onFocus", l))
t.teardownScopedFocus = function() {
a = null,
window.addEventListener ? (window.removeEventListener("blur", u),
document.removeEventListener("focus", l)) : (window.detachEvent("onBlur", u),
document.detachEvent("onFocus", l))
var s, o = n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/tabbable.js"), r = (s = o) && s.__esModule ? s : {
default: s
var i = []
, a = null
, c = !1;
function u() {
c = !0
function l() {
if (c) {
if (c = !1,
setTimeout((function() {
a.contains(document.activeElement) || ((0,
r.default)(a)[0] || a).focus()
), 0)
"../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/safeHTMLElement.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.canUseDOM = void 0;
var s, o = n("../node_modules/exenv/index.js");
var r = ((s = o) && s.__esModule ? s : {
default: s
, i = r.canUseDOM ? window.HTMLElement : {};
t.canUseDOM = r.canUseDOM;
t.default = i
"../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/scopeTab.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.default = function(e, t) {
var n = (0,
if (!n.length)
return void t.preventDefault();
var s, o = t.shiftKey, i = n[0], a = n[n.length - 1];
if (e === document.activeElement) {
if (!o)
s = a
a !== document.activeElement || o || (s = i);
i === document.activeElement && o && (s = a);
if (s)
return t.preventDefault(),
void s.focus();
var c = /(\bChrome\b|\bSafari\b)\//.exec(navigator.userAgent);
if (null == c || "Chrome" == c[1] || null != /\biPod\b|\biPad\b/g.exec(navigator.userAgent))
var u = n.indexOf(document.activeElement);
u > -1 && (u += o ? -1 : 1);
if (void 0 === n[u])
return t.preventDefault(),
void (s = o ? a : i).focus();
var s, o = n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/tabbable.js"), r = (s = o) && s.__esModule ? s : {
default: s
e.exports = t.default
"../node_modules/react-modal/lib/helpers/tabbable.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.default = function(e) {
return []"*"), 0).filter(i)
var s = /input|select|textarea|button|object/;
function o(e) {
var t = e.offsetWidth <= 0 && e.offsetHeight <= 0;
if (t && !e.innerHTML)
return !0;
var n = window.getComputedStyle(e);
return t ? "visible" !== n.getPropertyValue("overflow") || e.scrollWidth <= 0 && e.scrollHeight <= 0 : "none" == n.getPropertyValue("display")
function r(e, t) {
var n = e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return (s.test(n) && !e.disabled || "a" === n && e.href || t) && function(e) {
for (var t = e; t && t !== document.body; ) {
if (o(t))
return !1;
t = t.parentNode
return !0
function i(e) {
var t = e.getAttribute("tabindex");
null === t && (t = void 0);
var n = isNaN(t);
return (n || t >= 0) && r(e, !n)
e.exports = t.default
"../node_modules/react-modal/lib/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var s, o = n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/components/Modal.js"), r = (s = o) && s.__esModule ? s : {
default: s
t.default = r.default,
e.exports = t.default
"../node_modules/redux-dynamic-middlewares/lib/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.__esModule = !0,
t.createDynamicMiddlewares = t.resetMiddlewares = t.removeMiddleware = t.addMiddleware = void 0;
var s = n("../node_modules/redux/es/redux.js")
, o = function() {
var e = []
, t = []
, n = void 0;
return {
enhancer: function(e) {
return n = e,
function(e) {
return function(n) {
return s.compose.apply(void 0, t)(e)(n)
addMiddleware: function() {
for (var s, o, r = arguments.length, i = Array(r), a = 0; a < r; a++)
i[a] = arguments[a];
(s = t).push.apply(s, {
return e(n)
(o = e).push.apply(o, i)
removeMiddleware: function(n) {
var s = e.findIndex((function(e) {
return e === n
-1 !== s ? (e = e.filter((function(e, t) {
return t !== s
t = t.filter((function(e, t) {
return t !== s
))) : console.error("Middleware does not exist!", n)
resetMiddlewares: function() {
t = [],
e = []
, r = o();
t.default = r.enhancer;
var i = r.addMiddleware
, a = r.removeMiddleware
, c = r.resetMiddlewares;
t.addMiddleware = i,
t.removeMiddleware = a,
t.resetMiddlewares = c,
t.createDynamicMiddlewares = o
"../node_modules/sprintf-js/src/sprintf.js": function(e, t, n) {
var s;
!function() {
"use strict";
var o = {
not_string: /[^s]/,
not_bool: /[^t]/,
not_type: /[^T]/,
not_primitive: /[^v]/,
number: /[diefg]/,
numeric_arg: /[bcdiefguxX]/,
json: /[j]/,
not_json: /[^j]/,
text: /^[^\x25]+/,
modulo: /^\x25{2}/,
placeholder: /^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-gijostTuvxX])/,
key: /^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i,
key_access: /^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i,
index_access: /^\[(\d+)\]/,
sign: /^[+-]/
function r(e) {
return a(u(e), arguments)
function i(e, t) {
return r.apply(null, [e].concat(t || []))
function a(e, t) {
var n, s, i, a, c, u, l, d, p, m = 1, f = e.length, h = "";
for (s = 0; s < f; s++)
if ("string" == typeof e[s])
h += e[s];
else if ("object" == typeof e[s]) {
if ((a = e[s]).keys)
for (n = t[m],
i = 0; i < a.keys.length; i++) {
if (null == n)
throw new Error(r('[sprintf] Cannot access property "%s" of undefined value "%s"', a.keys[i], a.keys[i - 1]));
n = n[a.keys[i]]
n = a.param_no ? t[a.param_no] : t[m++];
if (o.not_type.test(a.type) && o.not_primitive.test(a.type) && n instanceof Function && (n = n()),
o.numeric_arg.test(a.type) && "number" != typeof n && isNaN(n))
throw new TypeError(r("[sprintf] expecting number but found %T", n));
switch (o.number.test(a.type) && (d = n >= 0),
a.type) {
case "b":
n = parseInt(n, 10).toString(2);
case "c":
n = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n, 10));
case "d":
case "i":
n = parseInt(n, 10);
case "j":
n = JSON.stringify(n, null, a.width ? parseInt(a.width) : 0);
case "e":
n = a.precision ? parseFloat(n).toExponential(a.precision) : parseFloat(n).toExponential();
case "f":
n = a.precision ? parseFloat(n).toFixed(a.precision) : parseFloat(n);
case "g":
n = a.precision ? String(Number(n.toPrecision(a.precision))) : parseFloat(n);
case "o":
n = (parseInt(n, 10) >>> 0).toString(8);
case "s":
n = String(n),
n = a.precision ? n.substring(0, a.precision) : n;
case "t":
n = String(!!n),
n = a.precision ? n.substring(0, a.precision) : n;
case "T":
n =, -1).toLowerCase(),
n = a.precision ? n.substring(0, a.precision) : n;
case "u":
n = parseInt(n, 10) >>> 0;
case "v":
n = n.valueOf(),
n = a.precision ? n.substring(0, a.precision) : n;
case "x":
n = (parseInt(n, 10) >>> 0).toString(16);
case "X":
n = (parseInt(n, 10) >>> 0).toString(16).toUpperCase()
o.json.test(a.type) ? h += n : (!o.number.test(a.type) || d && !a.sign ? p = "" : (p = d ? "+" : "-",
n = n.toString().replace(o.sign, "")),
u = a.pad_char ? "0" === a.pad_char ? "0" : a.pad_char.charAt(1) : " ",
l = a.width - (p + n).length,
c = a.width && l > 0 ? u.repeat(l) : "",
h += a.align ? p + n + c : "0" === u ? p + c + n : c + p + n)
return h
var c = Object.create(null);
function u(e) {
if (c[e])
return c[e];
for (var t, n = e, s = [], r = 0; n; ) {
if (null !== (t = o.text.exec(n)))
else if (null !== (t = o.modulo.exec(n)))
else {
if (null === (t = o.placeholder.exec(n)))
throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] unexpected placeholder");
if (t[2]) {
r |= 1;
var i = []
, a = t[2]
, u = [];
if (null === (u = o.key.exec(a)))
throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key");
for (i.push(u[1]); "" !== (a = a.substring(u[0].length)); )
if (null !== (u = o.key_access.exec(a)))
else {
if (null === (u = o.index_access.exec(a)))
throw new SyntaxError("[sprintf] failed to parse named argument key");
t[2] = i
} else
r |= 2;
if (3 === r)
throw new Error("[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported");
placeholder: t[0],
param_no: t[1],
keys: t[2],
sign: t[3],
pad_char: t[4],
align: t[5],
width: t[6],
precision: t[7],
type: t[8]
n = n.substring(t[0].length)
return c[e] = s
t.sprintf = r,
t.vsprintf = i,
"undefined" != typeof window && (window.sprintf = r,
window.vsprintf = i,
void 0 === (s = function() {
return {
sprintf: r,
vsprintf: i
.call(t, n, t, e)) || (e.exports = s))
"../node_modules/tracekit/tracekit.js": function(e, t, n) {
var s, o, r;
!function(n, i) {
if (n) {
var a = {}
, c = n.TraceKit
, u = [].slice
, l = /^(?:[Uu]ncaught (?:exception: )?)?(?:((?:Eval|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI|)Error): )?(.*)$/;
a.noConflict = function() {
return n.TraceKit = c,
a.wrap = function(e) {
return function() {
try {
return e.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (e) {
, = function() {
var e, t, s = [], o = null, r = null;
function i(e, t, n) {
var o = null;
if (!t || a.collectWindowErrors) {
for (var r in s)
if (d(s, r))
try {
s[r](e, t, n)
} catch (e) {
o = e
if (o)
throw o
function c(t, n, s, o, c) {
if (r)
a.computeStackTrace.augmentStackTraceWithInitialElement(r, n, s, t),
else if (c)
i(a.computeStackTrace(c), !0, c);
else {
var d, p = {
url: n,
line: s,
column: o
}, m = t;
if ("[object String]" === {} {
var f = t.match(l);
f && (d = f[1],
m = f[2])
p.func = a.computeStackTrace.guessFunctionName(p.url, p.line),
p.context = a.computeStackTrace.gatherContext(p.url, p.line),
name: d,
message: m,
mode: "onerror",
stack: [p]
}, !0, null)
return !!e && e.apply(this, arguments)
function u() {
var e = r
, t = o;
r = null,
o = null,
i(e, !1, t)
function p(e) {
if (r) {
if (o === e)
var t = a.computeStackTrace(e);
throw r = t,
o = e,
setTimeout((function() {
o === e && u()
), t.incomplete ? 2e3 : 0),
return p.subscribe = function(o) {
!function() {
if (!0 === t)
e = n.onerror,
n.onerror = c,
t = !0
p.unsubscribe = function(o) {
for (var r = s.length - 1; r >= 0; --r)
s[r] === o && s.splice(r, 1);
0 === s.length && (n.onerror = e,
t = !1)
a.computeStackTrace = function() {
var e = {};
function t(t) {
if ("string" != typeof t)
return [];
if (!d(e, t)) {
var s = ""
, o = "";
try {
o = n.document.domain
} catch (e) {}
var r = /(.*)\:\/\/([^:\/]+)([:\d]*)\/{0,1}([\s\S]*)/.exec(t);
r && r[2] === o && (s = function(e) {
if (!a.remoteFetching)
return "";
try {
var t = function() {
try {
return new n.XMLHttpRequest
} catch (e) {
return new n.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
return"GET", e, !1),
} catch (e) {
return ""
e[t] = s ? s.split("\n") : []
return e[t]
function s(e, n) {
var s, o = /function ([^(]*)\(([^)]*)\)/, r = /['"]?([0-9A-Za-z$_]+)['"]?\s*[:=]\s*(function|eval|new Function)/, i = "", a = t(e);
if (!a.length)
return "?";
for (var c = 0; c < 10; ++c)
if (!p(i = a[n - c] + i)) {
if (s = r.exec(i))
return s[1];
if (s = o.exec(i))
return s[1]
return "?"
function o(e, n) {
var s = t(e);
if (!s.length)
return null;
var o = []
, r = Math.floor(a.linesOfContext / 2)
, i = r + a.linesOfContext % 2
, c = Math.max(0, n - r - 1)
, u = Math.min(s.length, n + i - 1);
n -= 1;
for (var l = c; l < u; ++l)
p(s[l]) || o.push(s[l]);
return o.length > 0 ? o : null
function r(e) {
return e.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#]/g, "\\$&")
function i(e) {
return r(e).replace("<", "(?:<|&lt;)").replace(">", "(?:>|&gt;)").replace("&", "(?:&|&amp;)").replace('"', '(?:"|&quot;)').replace(/\s+/g, "\\s+")
function c(e, n) {
for (var s, o, r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; ++r)
if ((s = t(n[r])).length && (s = s.join("\n"),
o = e.exec(s)))
return {
url: n[r],
line: s.substring(0, o.index).split("\n").length,
column: o.index - s.lastIndexOf("\n", o.index) - 1
return null
function u(e, n, s) {
var o, i = t(n), a = new RegExp("\\b" + r(e) + "\\b");
return s -= 1,
i && i.length > s && (o = a.exec(i[s])) ? o.index : null
function l(e) {
if (!p(n && n.document)) {
for (var t, s, o, a, u = [n.location.href], l = n.document.getElementsByTagName("script"), d = "" + e, m = 0; m < l.length; ++m) {
var f = l[m];
f.src && u.push(f.src)
if (o = /^function(?:\s+([\w$]+))?\s*\(([\w\s,]*)\)\s*\{\s*(\S[\s\S]*\S)\s*\}\s*$/.exec(d)) {
var h = o[1] ? "\\s+" + o[1] : ""
, _ = o[2].split(",").join("\\s*,\\s*");
t = r(o[3]).replace(/;$/, ";?"),
s = new RegExp("function" + h + "\\s*\\(\\s*" + _ + "\\s*\\)\\s*{\\s*" + t + "\\s*}")
} else
s = new RegExp(r(d).replace(/\s+/g, "\\s+"));
if (a = c(s, u))
return a;
if (o = /^function on([\w$]+)\s*\(event\)\s*\{\s*(\S[\s\S]*\S)\s*\}\s*$/.exec(d)) {
var g = o[1];
if (t = i(o[2]),
a = c(s = new RegExp("on" + g + "=[\\'\"]\\s*" + t + "\\s*[\\'\"]","i"), u[0]))
return a;
if (a = c(s = new RegExp(t), u))
return a
return null
function m(e) {
if (!e.stack)
return null;
for (var t, n, r, i = /^\s*at (.*?) ?\(((?:file|https?|blob|chrome-extension|native|eval|webpack|<anonymous>|\/).*?)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i, a = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?(?:^|@)((?:file|https?|blob|chrome|webpack|resource|\[native).*?|[^@]*bundle)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\s*$/i, c = /^\s*at (?:((?:\[object object\])?.+) )?\(?((?:file|ms-appx|https?|webpack|blob):.*?):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i, l = /(\S+) line (\d+)(?: > eval line \d+)* > eval/i, d = /\((\S*)(?::(\d+))(?::(\d+))\)/, m = e.stack.split("\n"), f = [], h = /^(.*) is undefined$/.exec(e.message), _ = 0, g = m.length; _ < g; ++_) {
if (n = i.exec(m[_])) {
var b = n[2] && 0 === n[2].indexOf("native");
n[2] && 0 === n[2].indexOf("eval") && (t = d.exec(n[2])) && (n[2] = t[1],
n[3] = t[2],
n[4] = t[3]),
r = {
url: b ? null : n[2],
func: n[1] || "?",
args: b ? [n[2]] : [],
line: n[3] ? +n[3] : null,
column: n[4] ? +n[4] : null
} else if (n = c.exec(m[_]))
r = {
url: n[2],
func: n[1] || "?",
args: [],
line: +n[3],
column: n[4] ? +n[4] : null
else {
if (!(n = a.exec(m[_])))
n[3] && n[3].indexOf(" > eval") > -1 && (t = l.exec(n[3])) ? (n[3] = t[1],
n[4] = t[2],
n[5] = null) : 0 !== _ || n[5] || p(e.columnNumber) || (f[0].column = e.columnNumber + 1),
r = {
url: n[3],
func: n[1] || "?",
args: n[2] ? n[2].split(",") : [],
line: n[4] ? +n[4] : null,
column: n[5] ? +n[5] : null
!r.func && r.line && (r.func = s(r.url, r.line)),
r.context = r.line ? o(r.url, r.line) : null,
return f.length ? (f[0] && f[0].line && !f[0].column && h && (f[0].column = u(h[1], f[0].url, f[0].line)),
mode: "stack",
message: e.message,
stack: f
}) : null
function f(e, t, n, r) {
var i = {
url: t,
line: n
if (i.url && i.line) {
e.incomplete = !1,
i.func || (i.func = s(i.url, i.line)),
i.context || (i.context = o(i.url, i.line));
var a = / '([^']+)' /.exec(r);
if (a && (i.column = u(a[1], i.url, i.line)),
e.stack.length > 0 && e.stack[0].url === i.url) {
if (e.stack[0].line === i.line)
return !1;
if (!e.stack[0].line && e.stack[0].func === i.func)
return e.stack[0].line = i.line,
e.stack[0].context = i.context,
return e.stack.unshift(i),
e.partial = !0,
return e.incomplete = !0,
function h(e, t) {
for (var n, o, r, i = /function\s+([_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][_$a-zA-Z0-9\xA0-\uFFFF]*)?\s*\(/i, c = [], d = {}, p = !1, m = h.caller; m && !p; m = m.caller)
if (m !== _ && m !== {
if (o = {
url: null,
func: "?",
args: [],
line: null,
column: null
}, ? o.func = : (n = i.exec(m.toString())) && (o.func = n[1]),
void 0 === o.func)
try {
o.func = n.input.substring(0, n.input.indexOf("{"))
} catch (e) {}
if (r = l(m)) {
o.url = r.url,
o.line = r.line,
"?" === o.func && (o.func = s(o.url, o.line));
var g = / '([^']+)' /.exec(e.message || e.description);
g && (o.column = u(g[1], r.url, r.line))
d["" + m] ? p = !0 : d["" + m] = !0,
t && c.splice(0, t);
var b = {
mode: "callers",
message: e.message,
stack: c
return f(b, e.sourceURL || e.fileName, e.line || e.lineNumber, e.message || e.description),
function _(e, r) {
var a = null;
r = null == r ? 0 : +r;
try {
if (a = function(e) {
var t = e.stacktrace;
if (t) {
for (var n, r = / line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)(?:: in function (\S+))?$/i, i = / line (\d+), column (\d+)\s*(?:in (?:<anonymous function: ([^>]+)>|([^\)]+))\((.*)\))? in (.*):\s*$/i, a = t.split("\n"), c = [], u = 0; u < a.length; u += 2) {
var l = null;
if ((n = r.exec(a[u])) ? l = {
url: n[2],
line: +n[1],
column: null,
func: n[3],
args: []
} : (n = i.exec(a[u])) && (l = {
url: n[6],
line: +n[1],
column: +n[2],
func: n[3] || n[4],
args: n[5] ? n[5].split(",") : []
l) {
if (!l.func && l.line && (l.func = s(l.url, l.line)),
try {
l.context = o(l.url, l.line)
} catch (e) {}
l.context || (l.context = [a[u + 1]]),
return c.length ? {
mode: "stacktrace",
message: e.message,
stack: c
} : null
return a
} catch (e) {
try {
if (a = m(e))
return a
} catch (e) {
try {
if (a = function(e) {
var r = e.message.split("\n");
if (r.length < 4)
return null;
var a, u = /^\s*Line (\d+) of linked script ((?:file|https?|blob)\S+)(?:: in function (\S+))?\s*$/i, l = /^\s*Line (\d+) of inline#(\d+) script in ((?:file|https?|blob)\S+)(?:: in function (\S+))?\s*$/i, p = /^\s*Line (\d+) of function script\s*$/i, m = [], f = n && n.document && n.document.getElementsByTagName("script"), h = [];
for (var _ in f)
d(f, _) && !f[_].src && h.push(f[_]);
for (var g = 2; g < r.length; g += 2) {
var b = null;
if (a = u.exec(r[g]))
b = {
url: a[2],
func: a[3],
args: [],
line: +a[1],
column: null
else if (a = l.exec(r[g])) {
b = {
url: a[3],
func: a[4],
args: [],
line: +a[1],
column: null
var E = +a[1]
, j = h[a[2] - 1];
if (j) {
var y = t(b.url);
if (y) {
var S = (y = y.join("\n")).indexOf(j.innerText);
S >= 0 && (b.line = E + y.substring(0, S).split("\n").length)
} else if (a = p.exec(r[g])) {
var O = n.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, "")
, w = c(new RegExp(i(r[g + 1])), [O]);
b = {
url: O,
func: "",
args: [],
line: w ? w.line : a[1],
column: null
if (b) {
b.func || (b.func = s(b.url, b.line));
var v = o(b.url, b.line)
, T = v ? v[Math.floor(v.length / 2)] : null;
v && T.replace(/^\s*/, "") === r[g + 1].replace(/^\s*/, "") ? b.context = v : b.context = [r[g + 1]],
return m.length ? {
mode: "multiline",
message: r[0],
stack: m
} : null
return a
} catch (e) {
try {
if (a = h(e, r + 1))
return a
} catch (e) {
return {
message: e.message,
mode: "failed"
return _.augmentStackTraceWithInitialElement = f,
_.computeStackTraceFromStackProp = m,
_.guessFunctionName = s,
_.gatherContext = o,
_.ofCaller = function(e) {
e = 1 + (null == e ? 0 : +e);
try {
throw new Error
} catch (t) {
return _(t, e + 1)
_.getSource = t,
a.extendToAsynchronousCallbacks = function() {
var e = function(e) {
var t = n[e];
n[e] = function() {
var e =
, n = e[0];
return "function" == typeof n && (e[0] = a.wrap(n)),
t.apply ? t.apply(this, e) : t(e[0], e[1])
a.remoteFetching || (a.remoteFetching = !0),
a.collectWindowErrors || (a.collectWindowErrors = !0),
(!a.linesOfContext || a.linesOfContext < 1) && (a.linesOfContext = 11),
o = [],
void 0 === (r = "function" == typeof (s = a) ? s.apply(t, o) : s) || (e.exports = r)
function d(e, t) {
return, t)
function p(e) {
return void 0 === e
"../node_modules/url/node_modules/punycode/punycode.js": function(e, t, n) {
(function(e) {
var s;
!function(o) {
t && t.nodeType,
e && e.nodeType;
var r = "object" == typeof window && window; !== r && r.window !== r && r.self;
var i, a = 2147483647, c = /^xn--/, u = /[^\x20-\x7E]/, l = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g, d = {
overflow: "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process",
"not-basic": "Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)",
"invalid-input": "Invalid input"
}, p = Math.floor, m = String.fromCharCode;
function f(e) {
throw RangeError(d[e])
function h(e, t) {
for (var n = e.length, s = []; n--; )
s[n] = t(e[n]);
return s
function _(e, t) {
var n = e.split("@")
, s = "";
return n.length > 1 && (s = n[0] + "@",
e = n[1]),
s + h((e = e.replace(l, ".")).split("."), t).join(".")
function g(e) {
for (var t, n, s = [], o = 0, r = e.length; o < r; )
(t = e.charCodeAt(o++)) >= 55296 && t <= 56319 && o < r ? 56320 == (64512 & (n = e.charCodeAt(o++))) ? s.push(((1023 & t) << 10) + (1023 & n) + 65536) : (s.push(t),
o--) : s.push(t);
return s
function b(e) {
return h(e, (function(e) {
var t = "";
return e > 65535 && (t += m((e -= 65536) >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296),
e = 56320 | 1023 & e),
t += m(e)
function E(e, t) {
return e + 22 + 75 * (e < 26) - ((0 != t) << 5)
function j(e, t, n) {
var s = 0;
for (e = n ? p(e / 700) : e >> 1,
e += p(e / t); e > 455; s += 36)
e = p(e / 35);
return p(s + 36 * e / (e + 38))
function y(e) {
var t, n, s, o, r, i, c, u, l, d, m, h = [], _ = e.length, g = 0, E = 128, y = 72;
for ((n = e.lastIndexOf("-")) < 0 && (n = 0),
s = 0; s < n; ++s)
e.charCodeAt(s) >= 128 && f("not-basic"),
for (o = n > 0 ? n + 1 : 0; o < _; ) {
for (r = g,
i = 1,
c = 36; o >= _ && f("invalid-input"),
((u = (m = e.charCodeAt(o++)) - 48 < 10 ? m - 22 : m - 65 < 26 ? m - 65 : m - 97 < 26 ? m - 97 : 36) >= 36 || u > p((a - g) / i)) && f("overflow"),
g += u * i,
!(u < (l = c <= y ? 1 : c >= y + 26 ? 26 : c - y)); c += 36)
i > p(a / (d = 36 - l)) && f("overflow"),
i *= d;
y = j(g - r, t = h.length + 1, 0 == r),
p(g / t) > a - E && f("overflow"),
E += p(g / t),
g %= t,
h.splice(g++, 0, E)
return b(h)
function S(e) {
var t, n, s, o, r, i, c, u, l, d, h, _, b, y, S, O = [];
for (_ = (e = g(e)).length,
t = 128,
n = 0,
r = 72,
i = 0; i < _; ++i)
(h = e[i]) < 128 && O.push(m(h));
for (s = o = O.length,
o && O.push("-"); s < _; ) {
for (c = a,
i = 0; i < _; ++i)
(h = e[i]) >= t && h < c && (c = h);
for (c - t > p((a - n) / (b = s + 1)) && f("overflow"),
n += (c - t) * b,
t = c,
i = 0; i < _; ++i)
if ((h = e[i]) < t && ++n > a && f("overflow"),
h == t) {
for (u = n,
l = 36; !(u < (d = l <= r ? 1 : l >= r + 26 ? 26 : l - r)); l += 36)
S = u - d,
y = 36 - d,
O.push(m(E(d + S % y, 0))),
u = p(S / y);
O.push(m(E(u, 0))),
r = j(n, b, s == o),
n = 0,
return O.join("")
i = {
version: "1.3.2",
ucs2: {
decode: g,
encode: b
decode: y,
encode: S,
toASCII: function(e) {
return _(e, (function(e) {
return u.test(e) ? "xn--" + S(e) : e
toUnicode: function(e) {
return _(e, (function(e) {
return c.test(e) ? y(e.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : e
void 0 === (s = function() {
return i
.call(t, n, t, e)) || (e.exports = s)
).call(this, n("../node_modules/webpack/buildin/module.js")(e))
"../node_modules/url/url.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/url/node_modules/punycode/punycode.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/url/util.js");
function r() {
this.protocol = null,
this.slashes = null,
this.auth = null, = null,
this.port = null,
this.hostname = null,
this.hash = null, = null,
this.query = null,
this.pathname = null,
this.path = null,
this.href = null
t.parse = E,
t.resolve = function(e, t) {
return E(e, !1, !0).resolve(t)
t.resolveObject = function(e, t) {
return e ? E(e, !1, !0).resolveObject(t) : t
t.format = function(e) {
o.isString(e) && (e = E(e));
return e instanceof r ? e.format() :
t.Url = r;
var i = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i
, a = /:[0-9]*$/
, c = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^\?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/
, u = ["{", "}", "|", "\\", "^", "`"].concat(["<", ">", '"', "`", " ", "\r", "\n", "\t"])
, l = ["'"].concat(u)
, d = ["%", "/", "?", ";", "#"].concat(l)
, p = ["/", "?", "#"]
, m = /^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/
, f = /^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/
, h = {
javascript: !0,
"javascript:": !0
, _ = {
javascript: !0,
"javascript:": !0
, g = {
http: !0,
https: !0,
ftp: !0,
gopher: !0,
file: !0,
"http:": !0,
"https:": !0,
"ftp:": !0,
"gopher:": !0,
"file:": !0
, b = n("../node_modules/querystring/index.js");
function E(e, t, n) {
if (e && o.isObject(e) && e instanceof r)
return e;
var s = new r;
return s.parse(e, t, n),
r.prototype.parse = function(e, t, n) {
if (!o.isString(e))
throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + typeof e);
var r = e.indexOf("?")
, a = -1 !== r && r < e.indexOf("#") ? "?" : "#"
, u = e.split(a);
u[0] = u[0].replace(/\\/g, "/");
var E = e = u.join(a);
if (E = E.trim(),
!n && 1 === e.split("#").length) {
var j = c.exec(E);
if (j)
return this.path = E,
this.href = E,
this.pathname = j[1],
j[2] ? ( = j[2],
this.query = t ? b.parse( : : t && ( = "",
this.query = {}),
var y = i.exec(E);
if (y) {
var S = (y = y[0]).toLowerCase();
this.protocol = S,
E = E.substr(y.length)
if (n || y || E.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) {
var O = "//" === E.substr(0, 2);
!O || y && _[y] || (E = E.substr(2),
this.slashes = !0)
if (!_[y] && (O || y && !g[y])) {
for (var w, v, T = -1, I = 0; I < p.length; I++) {
-1 !== (R = E.indexOf(p[I])) && (-1 === T || R < T) && (T = R)
-1 !== (v = -1 === T ? E.lastIndexOf("@") : E.lastIndexOf("@", T)) && (w = E.slice(0, v),
E = E.slice(v + 1),
this.auth = decodeURIComponent(w)),
T = -1;
for (I = 0; I < d.length; I++) {
var R;
-1 !== (R = E.indexOf(d[I])) && (-1 === T || R < T) && (T = R)
-1 === T && (T = E.length), = E.slice(0, T),
E = E.slice(T),
this.hostname = this.hostname || "";
var A = "[" === this.hostname[0] && "]" === this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1];
if (!A)
for (var C = this.hostname.split(/\./), P = (I = 0,
C.length); I < P; I++) {
var U = C[I];
if (U && !U.match(m)) {
for (var N = "", k = 0, L = U.length; k < L; k++)
U.charCodeAt(k) > 127 ? N += "x" : N += U[k];
if (!N.match(m)) {
var D = C.slice(0, I)
, x = C.slice(I + 1)
, M = U.match(f);
M && (D.push(M[1]),
x.length && (E = "/" + x.join(".") + E),
this.hostname = D.join(".");
this.hostname.length > 255 ? this.hostname = "" : this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase(),
A || (this.hostname = s.toASCII(this.hostname));
var q = this.port ? ":" + this.port : ""
, F = this.hostname || ""; = F + q,
this.href +=,
A && (this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2),
"/" !== E[0] && (E = "/" + E))
if (!h[S])
for (I = 0,
P = l.length; I < P; I++) {
var V = l[I];
if (-1 !== E.indexOf(V)) {
var G = encodeURIComponent(V);
G === V && (G = escape(V)),
E = E.split(V).join(G)
var H = E.indexOf("#");
-1 !== H && (this.hash = E.substr(H),
E = E.slice(0, H));
var B = E.indexOf("?");
if (-1 !== B ? ( = E.substr(B),
this.query = E.substr(B + 1),
t && (this.query = b.parse(this.query)),
E = E.slice(0, B)) : t && ( = "",
this.query = {}),
E && (this.pathname = E),
g[S] && this.hostname && !this.pathname && (this.pathname = "/"),
this.pathname || {
q = this.pathname || "";
var Q = || "";
this.path = q + Q
return this.href = this.format(),
r.prototype.format = function() {
var e = this.auth || "";
e && (e = (e = encodeURIComponent(e)).replace(/%3A/i, ":"),
e += "@");
var t = this.protocol || ""
, n = this.pathname || ""
, s = this.hash || ""
, r = !1
, i = ""; ? r = e + : this.hostname && (r = e + (-1 === this.hostname.indexOf(":") ? this.hostname : "[" + this.hostname + "]"),
this.port && (r += ":" + this.port)),
this.query && o.isObject(this.query) && Object.keys(this.query).length && (i = b.stringify(this.query));
var a = || i && "?" + i || "";
return t && ":" !== t.substr(-1) && (t += ":"),
this.slashes || (!t || g[t]) && !1 !== r ? (r = "//" + (r || ""),
n && "/" !== n.charAt(0) && (n = "/" + n)) : r || (r = ""),
s && "#" !== s.charAt(0) && (s = "#" + s),
a && "?" !== a.charAt(0) && (a = "?" + a),
t + r + (n = n.replace(/[?#]/g, (function(e) {
return encodeURIComponent(e)
))) + (a = a.replace("#", "%23")) + s
r.prototype.resolve = function(e) {
return this.resolveObject(E(e, !1, !0)).format()
r.prototype.resolveObject = function(e) {
if (o.isString(e)) {
var t = new r;
t.parse(e, !1, !0),
e = t
for (var n = new r, s = Object.keys(this), i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
var a = s[i];
n[a] = this[a]
if (n.hash = e.hash,
"" === e.href)
return n.href = n.format(),
if (e.slashes && !e.protocol) {
for (var c = Object.keys(e), u = 0; u < c.length; u++) {
var l = c[u];
"protocol" !== l && (n[l] = e[l])
return g[n.protocol] && n.hostname && !n.pathname && (n.path = n.pathname = "/"),
n.href = n.format(),
if (e.protocol && e.protocol !== n.protocol) {
if (!g[e.protocol]) {
for (var d = Object.keys(e), p = 0; p < d.length; p++) {
var m = d[p];
n[m] = e[m]
return n.href = n.format(),
if (n.protocol = e.protocol, || _[e.protocol])
n.pathname = e.pathname;
else {
for (var f = (e.pathname || "").split("/"); f.length && !( = f.shift()); )
; || ( = ""),
e.hostname || (e.hostname = ""),
"" !== f[0] && f.unshift(""),
f.length < 2 && f.unshift(""),
n.pathname = f.join("/")
if ( =,
n.query = e.query, = || "",
n.auth = e.auth,
n.hostname = e.hostname ||,
n.port = e.port,
n.pathname || {
var h = n.pathname || ""
, b = || "";
n.path = h + b
return n.slashes = n.slashes || e.slashes,
n.href = n.format(),
var E = n.pathname && "/" === n.pathname.charAt(0)
, j = || e.pathname && "/" === e.pathname.charAt(0)
, y = j || E || && e.pathname
, S = y
, O = n.pathname && n.pathname.split("/") || []
, w = (f = e.pathname && e.pathname.split("/") || [],
n.protocol && !g[n.protocol]);
if (w && (n.hostname = "",
n.port = null, && ("" === O[0] ? O[0] = : O.unshift(, = "",
e.protocol && (e.hostname = null,
e.port = null, && ("" === f[0] ? f[0] = : f.unshift(, = null),
y = y && ("" === f[0] || "" === O[0])),
j) = || "" === ? :,
n.hostname = e.hostname || "" === e.hostname ? e.hostname : n.hostname, =,
n.query = e.query,
O = f;
else if (f.length)
O || (O = []),
O = O.concat(f), =,
n.query = e.query;
else if (!o.isNullOrUndefined( {
if (w)
n.hostname = = O.shift(),
(A = !!( &&"@") > 0) &&"@")) && (n.auth = A.shift(), = n.hostname = A.shift());
return =,
n.query = e.query,
o.isNull(n.pathname) && o.isNull( || (n.path = (n.pathname ? n.pathname : "") + ( ? : "")),
n.href = n.format(),
if (!O.length)
return n.pathname = null, ? n.path = "/" + : n.path = null,
n.href = n.format(),
for (var v = O.slice(-1)[0], T = ( || || O.length > 1) && ("." === v || ".." === v) || "" === v, I = 0, R = O.length; R >= 0; R--)
"." === (v = O[R]) ? O.splice(R, 1) : ".." === v ? (O.splice(R, 1),
I++) : I && (O.splice(R, 1),
if (!y && !S)
for (; I--; I)
!y || "" === O[0] || O[0] && "/" === O[0].charAt(0) || O.unshift(""),
T && "/" !== O.join("/").substr(-1) && O.push("");
var A, C = "" === O[0] || O[0] && "/" === O[0].charAt(0);
w && (n.hostname = = C ? "" : O.length ? O.shift() : "",
(A = !!( &&"@") > 0) &&"@")) && (n.auth = A.shift(), = n.hostname = A.shift()));
return (y = y || && O.length) && !C && O.unshift(""),
O.length ? n.pathname = O.join("/") : (n.pathname = null,
n.path = null),
o.isNull(n.pathname) && o.isNull( || (n.path = (n.pathname ? n.pathname : "") + ( ? : "")),
n.auth = e.auth || n.auth,
n.slashes = n.slashes || e.slashes,
n.href = n.format(),
r.prototype.parseHost = function() {
var e =
, t = a.exec(e);
t && (":" !== (t = t[0]) && (this.port = t.substr(1)),
e = e.substr(0, e.length - t.length)),
e && (this.hostname = e)
"../node_modules/url/util.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = {
isString: function(e) {
return "string" == typeof e
isObject: function(e) {
return "object" == typeof e && null !== e
isNull: function(e) {
return null === e
isNullOrUndefined: function(e) {
return null == e
"../node_modules/warning/warning.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {};
e.exports = s
"../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return m
n.d(t, "k", (function() {
return L
n.d(t, "l", (function() {
return D
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return k
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return N
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return U
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return P
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return C
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return A
n.d(t, "n", (function() {
return M
n.d(t, "m", (function() {
return q
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return F
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)()("calypso:analytics");
function r() {
var e = Boolean("undefined" != typeof window && ("1" === window.doNotTrack || window.navigator && "1" === window.navigator.doNotTrack));
return o("Do Not Track: " + e),
var i, a = n("../node_modules/hash.js/lib/hash/sha/256.js"), c = n.n(a);
function u(e) {
return c()().update(e.toString()).digest("hex")
function l() {
return i
var d = null
, p = 0;
function m() {
return d
"undefined" != typeof window && window.addEventListener("popstate", (function() {
d = null
var f, h = n("../node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js"), _ = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/times.js"), g = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js"), b = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/omitBy.js"), E = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isUndefined.js"), j = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/assign.js"), y = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js"), S = n.n(y), O = n("../node_modules/events/events.js"), w = n("../packages/load-script/dist/esm/index.js"), v = ["a8c_cookie_banner_ok", "wcadmin_storeprofiler_create_jetpack_account", "wcadmin_storeprofiler_connect_store", "wcadmin_storeprofiler_login_jetpack_account", "wcadmin_storeprofiler_payment_login", "wcadmin_storeprofiler_payment_create_account"], T = Promise.resolve();
function I(e) {
if ("undefined" == typeof window)
return "";
e = e.replace(/[[]/g, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/g, "\\]");
var t = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + e + "=([^&#]*)").exec(;
return null === t ? "" : decodeURIComponent(t[1].replace(/\+/g, " "))
function R() {
return T.catch((function() {
var e, t, n, s, r = l();
if (r && r.ID)
e = "wpcom:user_id",
t = r.ID;
else if (e = I("_ut") || "anon",
!(t = I("_ui"))) {
var i = S.a.parse(document.cookie);
if (i.tk_ai)
t = i.tk_ai;
else {
void 0 === (n = 18) && (n = 9),
t = "undefined" == typeof window ? "" : (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues ? (s = new Uint8Array(n),
window.crypto.getRandomValues(s)) : s = Object(_.a)(n, (function() {
return Math.floor(256 * Math.random())
window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, s))),
document.cookie = S.a.serialize("tk_ai", t)
return o("Loading /nostats.js", {
_ut: e,
_ui: t
Object(w.a)("/nostats.js?_ut=" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "&_ui=" + encodeURIComponent(t))
function A(e) {
"undefined" != typeof window && (window._tkq = window._tkq || [],
"undefined" != typeof document && (T = Object(w.a)("//"));
var C = new O.EventEmitter;
function P() {
return S.a.parse(document.cookie).tk_ai
function U(e, t) {
return "function" == typeof t && (o("superProps", t),
f = t),
"object" == typeof e && (o("identifyUser", e),
function N(e) {
if ("object" == typeof e) {
var t = function(e) {
if (e.ID && !isNaN(parseInt(e.ID, 10)) && e.username &&
return i = {
ID: parseInt(e.ID, 10),
username: e.username,
hashedPii: {
ID: u(e.ID),
username: u(e.username.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "")),
email: u(\s/g, ""))
t ? (o("Tracks identifyUser.", t),
A(["identifyUser", t.ID, t.username])) : o("Insufficient userData.", e)
} else
o("Invalid userData.", e)
function k(e, t) {
if (o('Record event "%s" called with props %o', e, t = t || {}),
e.startsWith("calypso_") || Object(g.a)(v, e)) {
if (f) {
var n = f(t);
t = Object(h.a)(Object(h.a)({}, t), n)
t = Object(b.a)(t, E.a),
o('Recording event "%s" with actual props %o', e, t),
A(["recordEvent", e, t]),
C.emit("record-event", e, t)
} else
o('- Event name must be prefixed by "calypso_" or added to `EVENT_NAME_EXCEPTIONS`')
function L(e, t) {
o("Recording pageview in tracks.", e, t);
var n = {
do_not_track: r() ? 1 : 0,
path: e
, s = "undefined" != typeof window && window.BUILD_TIMESTAMP;
if (s && (n = Object(j.a)(n, {
build_timestamp: s
t && (n = Object(j.a)(n, t)),
"undefined" != typeof window && window.location) {
var i = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams
, a = i && Array.from(i.entries()).filter((function(e) {
return e[0].startsWith("utm_")
, c = a ? Object.fromEntries(a) : {};
n = Object(j.a)(n, c)
k("calypso_page_view", n)
function D(e, t) {
var n = function(e) {
var t = {
last_pageview_path_with_count: d + "(" + p.toString() + ")",
this_pageview_path_with_count: e + "(" + (p + 1) + ")"
return d = e,
L(e, Object.assign(t || {}, n))
var x = n("../node_modules/uuid/index.js");
function M(e) {
k("calypso_traintracks_render", {
railcar: e.railcarId,
ui_algo: e.uiAlgo,
ui_position: e.uiPosition,
fetch_algo: e.fetchAlgo,
rec_result: e.result,
fetch_query: e.query
function q(e) {
k("calypso_traintracks_interact", {
railcar: e.railcarId,
action: e.action
function F(e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = "recommendation"),
Object(x.v4)().replace(/-/g, "") + "-" + e
"../packages/calypso-polyfills/browser-evergreen.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
"../packages/components/dist/esm/button/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return O
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/inherits.js")
, p = n.n(d)
, m = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createSuper.js")
, f = n.n(m)
, h = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, _ = n.n(h)
, g = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, b = n.n(g)
, E = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, j = n.n(E)
, y = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, S = n.n(y)
, O = (n("../packages/components/dist/esm/button/style.scss"),
function(e) {
p()(n, e);
var t = f()(n);
function n() {
return c()(this, n),
t.apply(this, arguments)
return l()(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e = S()("button", this.props.className, {
"is-compact": this.props.compact,
"is-primary": this.props.primary,
"is-scary": this.props.scary,
"is-busy": this.props.busy,
"is-borderless": this.props.borderless
if (this.props.href) {
var t = this.props
, n = (t.compact,
i()(t, ["compact", "primary", "scary", "busy", "borderless", "type"]))
, s = ? (n.rel || "").replace(/noopener|noreferrer/g, "") + " noopener noreferrer" : n.rel;
return b.a.createElement("a", o()({}, n, {
rel: s,
className: e
var r = this.props
, a = (r.compact,
i()(r, ["compact", "primary", "scary", "busy", "borderless", "target", "rel"]));
return b.a.createElement("button", o()({}, a, {
className: e
_()(O, "propTypes", {
compact: j.a.bool,
primary: j.a.bool,
scary: j.a.bool,
busy: j.a.bool,
type: j.a.string,
href: j.a.string,
borderless: j.a.bool,
target: j.a.string,
rel: j.a.string
_()(O, "defaultProps", {
type: "button"
"../packages/components/dist/esm/button/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"../packages/components/dist/esm/card/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/inherits.js")
, p = n.n(d)
, m = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createSuper.js")
, f = n.n(m)
, h = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, _ = n.n(h)
, g = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, b = n.n(g)
, E = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, j = n.n(E)
, y = n("./components/gridicon/index.tsx")
, S = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, O = n.n(S)
, w = (n("../packages/components/dist/esm/card/style.scss"),
function(e) {
p()(n, e);
var t = f()(n);
function n() {
return c()(this, n),
t.apply(this, arguments)
return l()(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e = this.props
, t = e.children
, n = e.className
, s = e.compact
, r = e.displayAsLink
, a = e.highlight
, c = e.tagName
, u = void 0 === c ? "div" : c
, l = e.href
, d =
, p = i()(e, ["children", "className", "compact", "displayAsLink", "highlight", "tagName", "href", "target"])
, m = j()("card", n, {
"is-card-link": r || l,
"is-clickable": this.props.onClick,
"is-compact": s,
"is-highlight": a
}, !!a && "is-" + a);
return l ? b.a.createElement("a", o()({}, p, {
href: l,
target: d,
className: m
}), b.a.createElement(y.a, {
className: "card__link-indicator",
icon: d ? "external" : "chevron-right"
}), t) : b.a.createElement(u, o()({}, p, {
className: m
}), r && b.a.createElement(y.a, {
className: "card__link-indicator",
icon: d ? "external" : "chevron-right"
}), t)
_()(w, "propTypes", {
className: O.a.string,
displayAsLink: O.a.bool,
href: O.a.string,
tagName: O.a.elementType,
target: O.a.string,
compact: O.a.bool,
highlight: O.a.oneOf(["error", "info", "success", "warning"])
t.a = w
"../packages/components/dist/esm/card/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"../packages/components/dist/esm/dialog/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/assertThisInitialized.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/inherits.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createSuper.js")
, p = n.n(d)
, m = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, f = n.n(m)
, h = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, _ = n.n(h)
, g = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, b = n.n(g)
, E = n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/index.js")
, j = n.n(E)
, y = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, S = n.n(y)
, O = (n("../packages/components/dist/esm/dialog/style.scss"),
function(e) {
l()(n, e);
var t = p()(n);
function n() {
var e;
o()(this, n);
for (var s = arguments.length, r = new Array(s), i = 0; i < s; i++)
r[i] = arguments[i];
return e =, [this].concat(r)),
f()(c()(e), "close", (function(t) {
e.props.onClose && e.props.onClose(t)
return i()(n, [{
key: "renderButtonsBar",
value: function() {
return this.props.buttons ? _.a.createElement("div", {
className: this.props.baseClassName + "__action-buttons"
},, this)) : null
}, {
key: "renderButton",
value: function(e, t) {
if (_.a.isValidElement(e))
return _.a.cloneElement(e, {
key: "dialog-button-" + t
var n = this.getButtonClasses(e)
, s = this.onButtonClick.bind(this, e);
return _.a.createElement("button", {
key: e.action,
className: n,
"data-e2e-button": e.action,
"data-tip-target": "dialog-base-action-".concat(e.action),
onClick: s,
disabled: !!e.disabled
}, _.a.createElement("span", {
className: this.props.baseClassName + "__button-label"
}, e.label))
}, {
key: "getButtonClasses",
value: function(e) {
return S()(e.className || "button", e.additionalClassNames, {
"is-primary": e.isPrimary || 1 === this.props.buttons.length
}, {
key: "onButtonClick",
value: function(e) {
e.onClick ? e.onClick(this.close.bind(this, e.action)) : this.close(e.action)
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e = this.props
, t = e.additionalClassNames
, n = e.isBackdropVisible
, s = e.className
, o = e.baseClassName
, r = e.isFullScreen
, i = e.shouldCloseOnEsc
, a = S()(o, "card", t)
, c = S()(o + "__backdrop", {
"is-full-screen": r,
"is-hidden": !n
, u = S()(o + "__content", s);
return _.a.createElement(j.a, {
isOpen: this.props.isVisible,
onRequestClose: this.close,
closeTimeoutMS: this.props.leaveTimeout,
contentLabel: this.props.label,
overlayClassName: c,
className: a,
htmlOpenClassName: "ReactModal__Html--open",
role: "dialog",
shouldCloseOnEsc: i
}, _.a.createElement("div", {
className: u,
tabIndex: -1
}, this.props.children), this.renderButtonsBar())
f()(O, "propTypes", {
additionalClassNames: b.a.oneOfType([b.a.object, b.a.string]),
autoFocus: b.a.bool,
baseClassName: b.a.string,
buttons: b.a.array,
className: b.a.string,
isBackdropVisible: b.a.bool,
isFullScreen: b.a.bool,
isVisible: b.a.bool,
label: b.a.string,
leaveTimeout: b.a.number,
onClose: b.a.func,
shouldCloseOnEsc: b.a.bool
f()(O, "defaultProps", {
autoFocus: !0,
baseClassName: "dialog",
isBackdropVisible: !0,
isFullScreen: !0,
isVisible: !1,
label: "",
leaveTimeout: 200
t.a = O
"../packages/components/dist/esm/dialog/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"../packages/format-currency/dist/esm/currencies.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return o
var s = {
AED: {
symbol: "د.إ.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
AFN: {
symbol: "؋",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
ALL: {
symbol: "Lek",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
AMD: {
symbol: "֏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
ANG: {
symbol: "ƒ",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
AOA: {
symbol: "Kz",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
ARS: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
AUD: {
symbol: "A$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
AWG: {
symbol: "ƒ",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
AZN: {
symbol: "₼",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
BAM: {
symbol: "КМ",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
BBD: {
symbol: "Bds$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
BDT: {
symbol: "৳",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
BGN: {
symbol: "лв.",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
BHD: {
symbol: "د.ب.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 3
BIF: {
symbol: "FBu",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
BMD: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
BND: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 0
BOB: {
symbol: "Bs",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
BRL: {
symbol: "R$",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
BSD: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
BTC: {
symbol: "Ƀ",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
BTN: {
symbol: "Nu.",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 1
BWP: {
symbol: "P",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
BYR: {
symbol: "р.",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
BZD: {
symbol: "BZ$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
CAD: {
symbol: "C$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
CDF: {
symbol: "FC",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
CHF: {
symbol: "CHF",
grouping: "'",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
CLP: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
CNY: {
symbol: "¥",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
COP: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
CRC: {
symbol: "₡",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
CUC: {
symbol: "CUC",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
CUP: {
symbol: "$MN",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
CVE: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
CZK: {
symbol: "Kč",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
DJF: {
symbol: "Fdj",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
DKK: {
symbol: "kr.",
grouping: "",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
DOP: {
symbol: "RD$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
DZD: {
symbol: "د.ج.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
EGP: {
symbol: "ج.م.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
ERN: {
symbol: "Nfk",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
ETB: {
symbol: "ETB",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
EUR: {
symbol: "€",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
FJD: {
symbol: "FJ$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
FKP: {
symbol: "£",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
GBP: {
symbol: "£",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
GEL: {
symbol: "Lari",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
GHS: {
symbol: "₵",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
GIP: {
symbol: "£",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
GMD: {
symbol: "D",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
GNF: {
symbol: "FG",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
GTQ: {
symbol: "Q",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
GYD: {
symbol: "G$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
HKD: {
symbol: "HK$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
HNL: {
symbol: "L.",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
HRK: {
symbol: "kn",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
HTG: {
symbol: "G",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
HUF: {
symbol: "Ft",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 0
IDR: {
symbol: "Rp",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 0
ILS: {
symbol: "₪",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
INR: {
symbol: "₹",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
IQD: {
symbol: "د.ع.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
IRR: {
symbol: "﷼",
grouping: ",",
decimal: "/",
precision: 2
ISK: {
symbol: "kr.",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 0
JMD: {
symbol: "J$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
JOD: {
symbol: "د.ا.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 3
JPY: {
symbol: "¥",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
KES: {
symbol: "S",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
KGS: {
symbol: "сом",
grouping: " ",
decimal: "-",
precision: 2
KHR: {
symbol: "៛",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
KMF: {
symbol: "CF",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
KPW: {
symbol: "₩",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
KRW: {
symbol: "₩",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
KWD: {
symbol: "د.ك.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 3
KYD: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
KZT: {
symbol: "₸",
grouping: " ",
decimal: "-",
precision: 2
LAK: {
symbol: "₭",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
LBP: {
symbol: "ل.ل.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
LKR: {
symbol: "₨",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
LRD: {
symbol: "L$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
LSL: {
symbol: "M",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
LYD: {
symbol: "د.ل.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 3
MAD: {
symbol: "د.م.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MDL: {
symbol: "lei",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MGA: {
symbol: "Ar",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
MKD: {
symbol: "ден.",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
MMK: {
symbol: "K",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MNT: {
symbol: "₮",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
MOP: {
symbol: "MOP$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MRO: {
symbol: "UM",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MTL: {
symbol: "₤",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MUR: {
symbol: "₨",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MVR: {
symbol: "MVR",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 1
MWK: {
symbol: "MK",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MXN: {
symbol: "MX$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MYR: {
symbol: "RM",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
MZN: {
symbol: "MT",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
NAD: {
symbol: "N$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
NGN: {
symbol: "₦",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
NIO: {
symbol: "C$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
NOK: {
symbol: "kr",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
NPR: {
symbol: "₨",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
NZD: {
symbol: "NZ$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
OMR: {
symbol: "﷼",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 3
PAB: {
symbol: "B/.",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
PEN: {
symbol: "S/.",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
PGK: {
symbol: "K",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
PHP: {
symbol: "₱",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
PKR: {
symbol: "₨",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
PLN: {
symbol: "zł",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
PYG: {
symbol: "₲",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
QAR: {
symbol: "﷼",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
RON: {
symbol: "lei",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
RSD: {
symbol: "Дин.",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
RUB: {
symbol: "₽",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
RWF: {
symbol: "RWF",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
SAR: {
symbol: "﷼",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SBD: {
symbol: "S$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SCR: {
symbol: "₨",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SDD: {
symbol: "LSd",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SDG: {
symbol: "£‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SEK: {
symbol: "kr",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SGD: {
symbol: "S$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SHP: {
symbol: "£",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SLL: {
symbol: "Le",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SOS: {
symbol: "S",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SRD: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
STD: {
symbol: "Db",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SVC: {
symbol: "₡",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SYP: {
symbol: "£",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
SZL: {
symbol: "E",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
THB: {
symbol: "฿",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
TJS: {
symbol: "TJS",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ";",
precision: 2
TMT: {
symbol: "m",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 0
TND: {
symbol: "د.ت.‏",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 3
TOP: {
symbol: "T$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
TRY: {
symbol: "TL",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
TTD: {
symbol: "TT$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
TVD: {
symbol: "$T",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
TWD: {
symbol: "NT$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
TZS: {
symbol: "TSh",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
UAH: {
symbol: "₴",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
UGX: {
symbol: "USh",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
USD: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
UYU: {
symbol: "$U",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
UZS: {
symbol: "сўм",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
VEB: {
symbol: "Bs.",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
VEF: {
symbol: "Bs. F.",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
VND: {
symbol: "₫",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ",",
precision: 1
VUV: {
symbol: "VT",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 0
WST: {
symbol: "WS$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
XAF: {
symbol: "F",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
XCD: {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
XOF: {
symbol: "F",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
XPF: {
symbol: "F",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
YER: {
symbol: "﷼",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
ZAR: {
symbol: "R",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ",",
precision: 2
ZMW: {
symbol: "ZK",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
WON: {
symbol: "₩",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
function o(e) {
return s[e] || {
symbol: "$",
grouping: ",",
decimal: ".",
precision: 2
"../packages/format-currency/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return c
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/objectSpread2.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, i = n("../packages/format-currency/dist/esm/currencies.js");
function a(e, t) {
var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}
, s = Object(i.b)(t);
if (!s || isNaN(e))
return null;
var a = o()({}, s, {}, n)
, c = a.decimal
, l = a.grouping
, d = a.precision
, p = a.symbol
, m = e < 0 ? "-" : ""
, f = Object(r.d)(Math.abs(e), {
decimals: d,
thousandsSep: l,
decPoint: c
return n.stripZeros && (f = u(f, c)),
function c(e, t) {
var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}
, s = Object(i.b)(t);
if (!s || isNaN(e))
return null;
var a = o()({}, s, {}, n)
, c = a.decimal
, u = a.grouping
, l = a.precision
, d = a.symbol
, p = e < 0 ? "-" : ""
, m = Math.abs(e)
, f = Math.floor(m)
, h = Object(r.d)(f, {
decimals: 0,
thousandsSep: u,
decPoint: c
, _ = l > 0 ? Object(r.d)(m - f, {
decimals: l,
thousandsSep: u,
decPoint: c
}).slice(1) : "";
return {
sign: p,
symbol: d,
integer: h,
fraction: _
function u(e, t) {
var n = new RegExp("\\".concat(t, "0+$"));
return e.replace(n, "")
"../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/i18n.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/interpolate-components/lib/index.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../node_modules/tannin/index.js")
, p = n("../node_modules/lru/index.js")
, m = n.n(p)
, f = n("../node_modules/hash.js/lib/hash/sha/1.js")
, h = n.n(f)
, _ = n("../node_modules/events/events.js")
, g = n("../node_modules/@tannin/sprintf/index.js");
function b(e, t, n, s) {
e = (e + "").replace(/[^0-9+\-Ee.]/g, "");
var o = isFinite(+e) ? +e : 0
, r = isFinite(+t) ? Math.abs(t) : 0
, i = void 0 === s ? "," : s
, a = void 0 === n ? "." : n
, c = "";
return (c = (r ? function(e, t) {
var n = Math.pow(10, t);
return "" + (Math.round(e * n) / n).toFixed(t)
}(o, r) : "" + Math.round(o)).split("."))[0].length > 3 && (c[0] = c[0].replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, i)),
(c[1] || "").length < r && (c[1] = c[1] || "",
c[1] += new Array(r - c[1].length + 1).join("0")),
var E = c()("i18n-calypso")
, j = [function(e) {
return e
, y = {};
function S() {
I.throwErrors && "undefined" != typeof window && window.console && window.console.warn && window.console.warn.apply(window.console, arguments)
function O(e) {
function w(e) {
var t = e[0];
("string" != typeof t || e.length > 3 || e.length > 2 && "object" == typeof e[1] && "object" == typeof e[2]) && S("Deprecated Invocation: `translate()` accepts ( string, [string], [object] ). These arguments passed:", O(e), ". See"),
2 === e.length && "string" == typeof t && "string" == typeof e[1] && S("Invalid Invocation: `translate()` requires an options object for plural translations, but passed:", O(e));
for (var n = {}, s = 0; s < e.length; s++)
"object" == typeof e[s] && (n = e[s]);
if ("string" == typeof t ? n.original = t : "object" == typeof n.original && (n.plural = n.original.plural,
n.count = n.original.count,
n.original = n.original.single),
"string" == typeof e[1] && (n.plural = e[1]),
void 0 === n.original)
throw new Error("Translate called without a `string` value as first argument.");
return n
function v(e, t) {
return e.dcnpgettext("messages", t.context, t.original, t.plural, t.count)
function T(e, t) {
for (var n = j.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
var s = j[n](Object.assign({}, t))
, o = s.context ? s.context + "" + s.original : s.original;
if (e.state.locale[o])
return v(e.state.tannin, s)
return null
function I() {
if (!(this instanceof I))
return new I;
this.defaultLocaleSlug = "en",
this.defaultPluralForms = function(e) {
return 1 === e ? 0 : 1
this.state = {
numberFormatSettings: {},
tannin: void 0,
locale: void 0,
localeSlug: void 0,
textDirection: void 0,
translations: m()({
max: 100
this.componentUpdateHooks = [],
this.translateHooks = [],
this.stateObserver = new _.EventEmitter,
I.throwErrors = !1,
I.prototype.on = function() {
var e;
(e = this.stateObserver).on.apply(e, arguments)
, = function() {
var e;
(e = this.stateObserver).off.apply(e, arguments)
I.prototype.emit = function() {
var e;
(e = this.stateObserver).emit.apply(e, arguments)
I.prototype.numberFormat = function(e) {
var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}
, n = "number" == typeof t ? t : t.decimals || 0
, s = t.decPoint || this.state.numberFormatSettings.decimal_point || "."
, o = t.thousandsSep || this.state.numberFormatSettings.thousands_sep || ",";
return b(e, n, s, o)
I.prototype.configure = function(e) {
Object.assign(this, e || {}),
I.prototype.setLocale = function(e) {
var t, n, s;
if (e && e[""] && e[""]["key-hash"]) {
var o = e[""]["key-hash"]
, r = function(e, t) {
var n = !1 === t ? "" : String(t);
if (void 0 !== y[n + e])
return y[n + e];
var s = h()().update(e).digest("hex");
return y[n + e] = t ? s.substr(0, t) : s
, a = function(e) {
return function(t) {
return t.context ? (t.original = r(t.context + String.fromCharCode(4) + t.original, e),
delete t.context) : t.original = r(t.original, e),
if ("sha1" === o.substr(0, 4))
if (4 === o.length)
else {
var c = o.substr(5).indexOf("-");
if (c < 0) {
var u = Number(o.substr(5));
} else
for (var l = Number(o.substr(5, c)), p = Number(o.substr(6 + c)), m = l; m <= p; m++)
if (e && e[""].localeSlug)
if (e[""].localeSlug === this.state.localeSlug) {
if (e === this.state.locale)
Object.assign(this.state.locale, e)
} else
this.state.locale = Object.assign({}, e);
this.state.locale = {
"": {
localeSlug: this.defaultLocaleSlug,
plural_forms: this.defaultPluralForms
this.state.localeSlug = this.state.locale[""].localeSlug,
this.state.textDirection = (null === (t = this.state.locale["text directionltr"]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t[0]) || (null === (n = this.state.locale[""]) || void 0 === n || null === (s = n.momentjs_locale) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.textDirection),
this.state.tannin = new d.default(i()({}, "messages", this.state.locale)),
this.state.numberFormatSettings.decimal_point = v(this.state.tannin, w(["number_format_decimals"])),
this.state.numberFormatSettings.thousands_sep = v(this.state.tannin, w(["number_format_thousands_sep"])),
"number_format_decimals" === this.state.numberFormatSettings.decimal_point && (this.state.numberFormatSettings.decimal_point = "."),
"number_format_thousands_sep" === this.state.numberFormatSettings.thousands_sep && (this.state.numberFormatSettings.thousands_sep = ","),
I.prototype.getLocale = function() {
return this.state.locale
I.prototype.getLocaleSlug = function() {
return this.state.localeSlug
I.prototype.isRtl = function() {
return "rtl" === this.state.textDirection
I.prototype.addTranslations = function(e) {
for (var t in e)
"" !== t && ([t] = e[t]);
I.prototype.hasTranslation = function() {
return !!T(this, w(arguments))
I.prototype.translate = function() {
var e = w(arguments)
, t = T(this, e);
if (t || (t = v(this.state.tannin, e)),
e.args) {
var n = Array.isArray(e.args) ? e.args.slice(0) : [e.args];
try {
t = g.a.apply(void 0, o()(n))
} catch (e) {
if (!window || !window.console)
var s = this.throwErrors ? "error" : "warn";
"string" != typeof e ? window.console[s](e) : window.console[s]("i18n sprintf error:", n)
return e.components && (t = l()({
mixedString: t,
components: e.components,
throwErrors: this.throwErrors
this.translateHooks.forEach((function(n) {
t = n(t, e)
I.prototype.reRenderTranslations = function() {
E("Re-rendering all translations due to external request"),
I.prototype.registerComponentUpdateHook = function(e) {
I.prototype.registerTranslateHook = function(e) {
t.a = I
"../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return A
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return C
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return P
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return U
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return N
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return k
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return D
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return x
var s = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/i18n.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/objectSpread2.js")
, r = n.n(o)
, i = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck.js")
, a = n.n(i)
, c = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass.js")
, u = n.n(c)
, l = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/assertThisInitialized.js")
, d = n.n(l)
, p = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/inherits.js")
, m = n.n(p)
, f = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createSuper.js")
, h = n.n(f)
, _ = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, g = n.n(_)
, b = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, E = n.n(b)
, j = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray.js")
, y = n.n(j)
, S = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, O = n.n(S)
, w = n("../node_modules/use-subscription/index.js")
, v = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/compose/build-module/utils/create-higher-order-component/index.js");
var T, I, R = new s.a, A = (t.a = R,
R.numberFormat.bind(R)), C = R.translate.bind(R), P = (R.configure.bind(R),
R.getLocaleSlug.bind(R)), U = (R.addTranslations.bind(R),
R.registerTranslateHook.bind(R)), N = (R.state,
I = {
numberFormat: (T = R).numberFormat.bind(T),
translate: T.translate.bind(T)
function(e) {
var t, n, s = e.displayName || || "";
return n = t = function(t) {
m()(s, t);
var n = h()(s);
function s() {
var e;
a()(this, s);
for (var t = arguments.length, o = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++)
o[r] = arguments[r];
return e =, [this].concat(o)),
g()(d()(e), "boundForceUpdate", e.forceUpdate.bind(d()(e))),
return u()(s, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function() {
T.on("change", this.boundForceUpdate)
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function() {"change", this.boundForceUpdate)
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
var t = r()({
locale: T.getLocaleSlug()
}, this.props, {}, I);
return E.a.createElement(e, t)
g()(t, "displayName", "Localized(" + s + ")"),
), k = function(e) {
function t() {
var t = e.translate.bind(e);
return Object.defineProperty(t, "localeSlug", {
get: e.getLocaleSlug.bind(e)
return function() {
var n = E.a.useState(t)
, s = y()(n, 2)
, o = s[0]
, r = s[1];
return E.a.useEffect((function() {
var n = function() {
return r(t)
return e.on("change", n),
function() {
return"change", n)
), []),
}(R), L = function(e) {
var t = {
getCurrentValue: function() {
return e.isRtl()
subscribe: function(t) {
return e.on("change", t),
function() {
return"change", t)
function n() {
return Object(w.useSubscription)(t)
var s = Object(v.a)((function(e) {
return Object(b.forwardRef)((function(t, s) {
var o = n();
return E.a.createElement(e, O()({}, t, {
isRtl: o,
ref: s
), "WithRTL");
return {
useRtl: n,
withRtl: s
}(R), D = L.useRtl, x = L.withRtl
"../packages/load-script/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return _
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return g
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = o()("lib/load-script/callback-handler")
, i = new Map;
function a() {
return i
function c(e) {
return a().has(e)
function u(e, t) {
var n = a();
c(e) ? (r('Adding a callback for an existing script from "'.concat(e, '"')),
n.get(e).add(t)) : (r('Adding a callback for a new script from "'.concat(e, '"')),
n.set(e, new Set([t])))
function l(e, t) {
if (r('Removing a known callback for a script from "'.concat(e, '"')),
c(e)) {
var n = a()
, s = n.get(e);
0 === s.size && n.delete(e)
function d(e) {
var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null
, n = a()
, s = n.get(e);
if (s) {
var o = 'Executing callbacks for "'.concat(e, '"') + (null === t ? " with success" : ' with error "'.concat(t, '"'));
s.forEach((function(e) {
"function" == typeof e && e(t)
function p() {
var e = this.getAttribute("src");
r('Handling successful request for "'.concat(e, '"')),
this.onload = null
function m() {
var e = this.getAttribute("src");
r('Handling failed request for "'.concat(e, '"')),
d(e, new Error('Failed to load script "'.concat(e, '"'))),
this.onerror = null
var f = o()("lib/load-script/dom-operations");
var h = o()("package/load-script");
function _(e, t) {
var n;
if (!c(e) && (n = function(e) {
f('Creating script element for "'.concat(e, '"'));
var t = document.createElement("script");
return t.src = e,
t.type = "text/javascript",
t.async = !0,
t.onload = p,
t.onerror = m,
f("Attaching element to head"),
"function" != typeof t)
return new Promise((function(t, n) {
u(e, (function(e) {
null === e ? t() : n(e)
u(e, t)
function g(e, t) {
if (h('Loading a jQuery dependent script from "'.concat(e, '"')),
return h('jQuery found on window, skipping jQuery script loading for "'.concat(e, '"')),
_(e, t);
var n = _("").then((function() {
return _(e)
if ("function" != typeof t)
return n;
n.then((function() {
return t(null)
), (function(e) {
return t(e)
"../packages/photon/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return d
var s = n("../node_modules/crc32/lib/crc32.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/seed-random/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, c = n.n(a)()("photon")
, u = {
width: "w",
height: "h",
letterboxing: "lb",
removeLetterboxing: "ulb"
, l = "http://".concat("__domain__.invalid");
function d(e, t) {
var n;
try {
n = new URL(e,l)
} catch (e) {
return null
var s, r, a, d, p, m = "https:" === n.protocol, f = new URL("");
if (p =,
f.pathname = n.pathname,
f.hostname = n.hostname;
else {
if (
return null;
var h = n.href.replace("".concat(n.protocol, "/"), "");
"blob:" === n.protocol && (h = n.pathname.replace("://", "//")),
"__domain__.invalid" === n.hostname && (h = n.pathname),
f.pathname = h,
f.hostname = (s = h,
r = o()(s),
a = i()(r),
d = "i" + Math.floor(3 * a()),
c('determined server "%s" to use with "%s"', d, s),
d + ""),
m && f.searchParams.set("ssl", 1)
if (t)
for (var _ in t)
"host" !== _ && "hostname" !== _ ? "secure" !== _ || t[_] ? f.searchParams.set(u[_] || _, t[_]) : f.protocol = "http:" : f.hostname = t[_];
return c("generated Photon URL: %s", f.href),
"../packages/react-i18n/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return u
var s = n("../node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/i18n/build/index.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/compose/build-module/utils/create-higher-order-component/index.js")
, a = o.createContext(l())
, c = function(e) {
var t = e.children
, n = e.localeData
, s = o.useMemo((function() {
return l(n)
), [n]);
return o.createElement(a.Provider, {
value: s
}, t)
, u = function() {
return o.useContext(a)
Object(i.a)((function(e) {
return function(t) {
var n = u();
return o.createElement(e, Object(s.a)({}, n, t))
), "withI18n");
function l(e) {
var t, n, s = Object(r.createI18n)(e), o = null !== (n = null === (t = null == e ? void 0 : e[""]) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.localeSlug) && void 0 !== n ? n : "en";
return {
__: s.__.bind(s),
_n: s._n.bind(s),
_nx: s._nx.bind(s),
_x: s._x.bind(s),
isRTL: s.isRTL.bind(s),
i18nLocale: o
"../packages/tree-select/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
var s = function() {
for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++)
t[n] = arguments[n];
return t.join()
function o(e, t) {
var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {};
var o = new WeakMap
, r = n.getCacheKey
, a = void 0 === r ? s : r
, c = function(n) {
for (var s = arguments.length, r = new Array(s > 1 ? s - 1 : 0), c = 1; c < s; c++)
r[c - 1] = arguments[c];
var u = e.apply(void 0, [n].concat(r));
var l = u.reduce(i, o)
, d = a.apply(void 0, r);
if (l.has(d))
return l.get(d);
var p = t.apply(void 0, [u].concat(r));
return l.set(d, p),
return c.clearCache = function() {
o = new WeakMap
var r = {};
function i(e, t, n, s) {
if (null != t && Object(t) !== t)
throw new TypeError("key must be an object, `null`, or `undefined`");
var o = t || r
, i = e.get(o);
if (i)
return i;
var a = n === s.length - 1 ? new Map : new WeakMap;
return e.set(o, a),
"../packages/viewport-react/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return m
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return f
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return h
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/compose/build-module/utils/create-higher-order-component/index.js")
, l = n("../packages/viewport/dist/esm/index.js");
function d(e) {
var t = Object(a.useState)((function() {
return {
isActive: Object(l.f)(e),
breakpoint: e
, n = i()(t, 2)
, s = n[0]
, o = n[1];
return Object(a.useEffect)((function() {
return Object(l.g)(e, (function(t) {
o((function(n) {
return n.isActive === t && n.breakpoint === e ? n : {
isActive: t,
breakpoint: e
), [e]),
e === s.breakpoint ? s.isActive : Object(l.f)(e)
function p() {
return d(l.b)
function m() {
return d(l.a)
var f = Object(u.a)((function(e) {
return Object(a.forwardRef)((function(t, n) {
var s = d(l.b);
return c.a.createElement(e, o()({}, t, {
isBreakpointActive: s,
ref: n
), "WithMobileBreakpoint")
, h = Object(u.a)((function(e) {
return Object(a.forwardRef)((function(t, n) {
var s = d(l.a);
return c.a.createElement(e, o()({}, t, {
isBreakpointActive: s,
ref: n
), "WithDesktopBreakpoint")
"../packages/viewport/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return m
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return f
var s = "<480px"
, o = ">960px"
, r = "undefined" == typeof window || !window.matchMedia
, i = function() {
return null
function a() {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}
, t = e.min
, n = e.max;
return void 0 !== t && void 0 !== n ? r ? {
matches: 769 > t && 769 <= n
} : window.matchMedia("(min-width: ".concat(t + 1, "px) and (max-width: ").concat(n, "px)")) : void 0 !== t ? r ? {
matches: 769 > t
} : window.matchMedia("(min-width: ".concat(t + 1, "px)")) : void 0 !== n && (r ? {
matches: 769 <= n
} : window.matchMedia("(max-width: ".concat(n, "px)")))
var c = {
"<480px": a({
max: 480
"<660px": a({
max: 660
"<800px": a({
max: 800
"<960px": a({
max: 960
"<1040px": a({
max: 1040
"<1280px": a({
max: 1280
"<1400px": a({
max: 1400
">480px": a({
min: 480
">660px": a({
min: 660
">800px": a({
min: 800
">960px": a({
min: 960
">1040px": a({
min: 1040
">1280px": a({
min: 1280
">1400px": a({
min: 1400
"480px-660px": a({
min: 480,
max: 660
"660px-960px": a({
min: 660,
max: 960
"480px-960px": a({
min: 480,
max: 960
function u(e) {
if (c.hasOwnProperty(e))
return c[e];
try {
console.warn("Undefined breakpoint used in `mobile-first-breakpoint`", e)
} catch (e) {}
function l(e) {
var t = u(e);
return t ? t.matches : void 0
function d(e, t) {
if (!t)
return i;
var n = u(e);
if (n && !r) {
var s = function(e) {
return t(e.matches)
return n.addListener(s),
function() {
return n.removeListener(s)
return i
function p() {
return l(s)
function m() {
return l(o)
function f() {
return r ? 769 : window.innerWidth
"../packages/wpcom-proxy-request/dist/esm/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "requestAllBlogsAccess", (function() {
return y
n.d(t, "reloadProxy", (function() {
return T
var s, o = n("../packages/wpcom-proxy-request/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js"), r = n("../node_modules/wp-error/index.js"), i = n.n(r), a = n("../node_modules/progress-event/index.js"), c = n.n(a), u = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js"), l = n.n(u)()("wpcom-proxy-request"), d = "", p = window.location.protocol + "//" +, m = function() {
var e = !1;
try {
toString: function() {
e = !0
}, "*")
} catch (e) {}
return e
}(), f = function() {
try {
return new window.File(["a"],"test.jpg",{
type: "image/jpeg"
} catch (e) {
return !1
}(), h = null, _ = !1, g = {}, b = !!window.ProgressEvent && !!window.FormData;
l('using "origin": %o', p);
var E = function(e, t) {
var n = Object.assign({}, e);
l("request(%o)", n),
h || v();
var r = Object(o.a)();
n.callback = r,
n.supports_args = !0,
n.supports_error_obj = !0,
n.supports_progress = b,
n.method = String(n.method || "GET").toUpperCase(),
l("params object: %o", n);
var i = new window.XMLHttpRequest;
if (i.params = n,
g[r] = i,
"function" == typeof t) {
var a = !1
, c = function(e) {
if (!a) {
a = !0;
var n = e.error || e.err || e;
l("error: ", n),
l("headers: ", e.headers),
t(n, null, e.headers)
i.addEventListener("load", (function(e) {
if (!a) {
a = !0;
var n = e.response || i.response;
l("body: ", n),
l("headers: ", e.headers),
t(null, n, e.headers)
i.addEventListener("abort", c),
i.addEventListener("error", c)
return _ ? S(n) : (l("buffering API request since proxying <iframe> is not yet loaded"),
, j = function(e, t) {
return "function" == typeof t ? E(e, t) : new Promise((function(t, n) {
E(e, (function(e, s) {
e ? n(e) : t(s)
function y() {
return j({
metaAPI: {
accessAllUsersBlogs: !0
function S(e) {
l("sending API request to proxy <iframe> %o", e),
e.formData && function(e) {
if (! || !f)
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = w(e[t][1]);
n && (e[t][1] = new window.File([n],,{
type: n.type
h.contentWindow.postMessage(m ? JSON.stringify(e) : e, d)
function O(e) {
return e && "[object File]" ===
function w(e) {
return O(e) ? e : "object" == typeof e && O(e.fileContents) ? e.fileContents : null
function v() {
h && (l("uninstall()"),
window.removeEventListener("message", I),
_ = !1,
h = null),
s = [],
window.addEventListener("message", I),
(h = document.createElement("iframe")).src = d + "/wp-admin/rest-proxy/?v=2.0#" + p, = "none",
var T = function() {
function I(e) {
if (l("onmessage"),
e.origin === d) {
var t =;
if (!t)
return l("no `data`, bailing");
if ("ready" !== t) {
if (m && "string" == typeof t && (t = JSON.parse(t)),
t.upload ||
return function(e) {
l('got "progress" event: %o', e);
var t = g[e.callbackId];
if (t) {
var n = new c.a("progress",e);
(e.upload ? t.upload : t).dispatchEvent(n)
if (!t.length)
return l("`` doesn't appear to be an Array, bailing...");
var n = t[t.length - 1];
if (!(n in g))
return l("bailing, no matching request with callback: %o", n);
var o = g[n]
, r = o.params
, a = t[0]
, u = t[1]
, p = t[2];
if (207 === u || delete g[n],
r.metaAPI ? u = "metaAPIupdated" === a ? 200 : 500 : l("got %o status code for URL: %o", u, r.path),
"object" == typeof p && (p.status = u),
u && 2 === Math.floor(u / 100))
!function(e, t, n) {
var s = new c.a("load"); = s.body = s.response = t,
s.headers = n,
}(o, a, p);
!function(e, t, n) {
var s = new c.a("error");
s.error = s.err = t,
s.headers = n,
}(o, i()(r, u, a), p)
} else
!function() {
if (l('proxy <iframe> "load" event'),
_ = !0,
s) {
for (var e = 0; e < s.length; e++)
s = null
} else
l("ignoring message... %o !== %o", e.origin, d)
t.default = j
"./assets/stylesheets/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./blocks/gdpr-banner/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/noop.js")
, c = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, u = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, p = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, m = n.n(p)
, f = n("../packages/components/dist/esm/card/index.js")
, h = n("../packages/components/dist/esm/button/index.js")
, _ = n("./lib/i18n-utils/browser.js")
, g = n("./state/analytics/actions/record.js")
, b = n("./state/analytics/actions/bump-stat.js")
, E = n("./lib/formatting/prevent-widows.js")
, j = n("./lib/formatting/decode-entities.js")
, y = n("./lib/analytics/utils/is-current-user-maybe-in-gdpr-zone.js")
, S = n("./lib/mobile-app/index.js");
const O = "not-rendered"
, w = "rendered"
, v = "rendered-but-hidden"
, T = "undefined" != typeof document;
function I(e) {
const [t,n] = Object(u.useState)(O)
, s = Object(c.h)()
, {recordCookieBannerOk: r, recordCookieBannerView: a} = e;
if (Object(u.useEffect)(()=>{
(function() {
if (!T)
return !1;
const e = i.a.parse(document.cookie);
return "yes" !== e.sensitive_pixel_option && "no" !== e.sensitive_pixel_option && (!Object(S.a)() && !!Object(y.a)())
)() && n(w)
, []),
t === w && a()
, [t, a]),
t === O)
return null;
const d = s("Our websites and dashboards use cookies. By continuing, you agree to their use. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}, including how to control cookies.", {
components: {
a: l.a.createElement("a", {
href: Object(_.l)("")
return l.a.createElement(f.a, {
compact: !0,
className: o()("gdpr-banner", {
"gdpr-banner__hiding": t === v
}, l.a.createElement("div", {
className: "gdpr-banner__text-content"
}, Object(E.a)(Object(j.a)(d))), l.a.createElement("div", {
className: "gdpr-banner__buttons"
}, l.a.createElement(h.a, {
className: "gdpr-banner__acknowledge-button",
onClick: ()=>{
document.cookie = i.a.serialize("sensitive_pixel_option", "yes", {
path: "/",
maxAge: 15552e3
}, s("Got it!"))))
I.propTypes = {
recordCookieBannerOk: m.a.func,
recordCookieBannerView: m.a.func
I.defaultProps = {
recordCookieBannerOk: a.a,
recordCookieBannerView: a.a
const R = {
recordCookieBannerOk: ()=>Object(g.e)("a8c_cookie_banner_ok", {
site: "Calypso"
recordCookieBannerView: ()=>Object(b.a)("cookie-banner-view", "total," +[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "-"))
t.default = Object(d.c)(null, R)(I)
"./blocks/gdpr-banner/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./boot/app.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/page/page.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/startsWith.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, u = n.n(c)
, l = n("../node_modules/react-dom/index.js")
, d = n.n(l)
, p = n("../node_modules/react-modal/lib/index.js")
, m = n.n(p)
, f = n("../node_modules/store/dist/store.modern.js")
, h = n.n(f)
, _ = n("./boot/locale.js")
, g = n("./config/index.js")
, b = n("./controller/index.web.js")
, E = n("./notices/index.js")
, j = n("./lib/oauth-token/index.js")
, y = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, S = n("./state/notices/actions.js")
, O = n("./lib/user/index.js");
function w(e, t) {
"1" === e.query.verified && (Object(O.default)().signalVerification(),
const t = "en" === y.a.getLocaleSlug() ? y.a.translate("Email confirmed!") : y.a.translate("Email confirmed! Now that you've confirmed your email address you can publish posts on your blog.")
, n = Object(S.f)(t, {
duration: 1e4
, 100)),
var v = n("./lib/abtest/index.js")
, T = n("./lib/accessible-focus/index.js")
, I = n("../node_modules/tracekit/tracekit.js")
, R = n.n(I);
const A = o()("calypso:error-logger");
class C {
constructor() {
this.diagnosticData = {
commit: COMMIT_SHA,
extra: {
previous_paths: [],
throttled: 0
this.diagnosticReducers = [],
this.lastReport = 0,
window.onerror ||>{
const t = {
message: e.message,
url: document.location.href
if (Array.isArray(e.stack)) {
const n = e.stack.slice(0, 10);
"context" === t && e[t] ? e[t] = JSON.stringify(e[t]).substring(0, 256) : "string" == typeof e[t] && e[t].length > 512 ? e[t] = e[t].substring(0, 512) : Array.isArray(e[t]) && (e[t] = e[t].slice(0, 3))
JSON.stringify(n).length < 8192 && (t.trace = n)
const n =;
this.lastReport + 6e4 < n ? (this.lastReport = n,
this.sendToApi(Object.assign(t, this.diagnosticData)),
this.diagnosticData.extra.throttled = 0) : this.diagnosticData.extra.throttled++
saveNewPath(e) {
const t = this.diagnosticData.extra.previous_paths;
this.diagnosticData.extra.previous_paths = t.slice(0, 5),
this.diagnosticData.calypso_path = e
saveDiagnosticReducer(e) {
saveDiagnosticData(e) {
"object" == typeof e.extra ? this.saveExtraData(e) : Object.assign(this.diagnosticData, e)
saveExtraData(e) {
Object.assign(this.diagnosticData.extra, e)
diagnose() {
return this.diagnosticReducers.forEach(e=>{
try {
} catch (e) {
diagnosticError: e.message
A("diagnostic: %o", this.diagnosticData)
log(e, t) {
"object" == typeof t && this.saveExtraData(t);
try { Error(e))
} catch (e) {}
sendToApi(e) {
const t = new XMLHttpRequest;"POST", "", !0),
t.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
let n = "client_id=39911&client_secret=cOaYKdrkgXz8xY7aysv4fU6wL6sK5J8a6ojReEIAPwggsznj4Cb6mW0nffTxtYT8&error=";
n += encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e)),
var P = n("./lib/wp/localization/index.js")
, U = n("./lib/touch-detect/index.js")
, N = n("./lib/perfmon/index.js")
, k = n("./state/ui/actions/index.js")
, L = n("./state/ui/layout-focus/actions.js")
, D = n("./state/analytics/actions/bump-stat.js")
, x = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/assign.js")
, M = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/noop.js")
, q = n("../node_modules/url/url.js")
, F = n.n(q)
, V = n("../node_modules/qs/lib/index.js")
, G = n("./lib/analytics/mc.js")
, H = n("./components/empty-content/index.jsx");
const B = o()("calypso:layout")
, Q = Object(y.c)(({translate: e})=>u.a.createElement(H.a, {
illustration: "/calypso/images/illustrations/error.svg",
title: e("We're sorry, but an unexpected error has occurred")
function z() {
return "1" === F.a.parse(window.location.href, !0).query.retry
var K = n("./utils.js")
, W = n("./sections-helper.js")
, $ = n("./sections-filter.js")
, Y = n("./state/add-reducer.ts")
, J = n("./lib/performance-tracking/index.ts")
, Z = [{
name: "root",
paths: ["/"],
module: "root",
group: "root",
secondary: !0,
enableLoggedOut: !0,
load: ()=>n.e(468).then(n.bind(null, "./root.js"))
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paths: ["/sites"],
module: "my-sites",
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secondary: !0,
load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(360), n.e(211)]).then(n.bind(null, "./my-sites/index.js"))
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name: "customize",
paths: ["/customize"],
module: "my-sites/customize",
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}, {
name: "account-close",
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module: "me/account-close",
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load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(118), n.e(431), n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(433), n.e(332), n.e(416), n.e(342), n.e(450), n.e(474), n.e(389), n.e(430), n.e(331), n.e(303)]).then(n.bind(null, "./reader/index.js"))
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name: "reader",
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load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(118), n.e(431), n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(433), n.e(332), n.e(416), n.e(342), n.e(450), n.e(474), n.e(389), n.e(430), n.e(331), n.e(303)]).then(n.bind(null, "./reader/index.js"))
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name: "reader",
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name: "help",
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name: "auth",
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module: "auth",
secondary: !1,
enableLoggedOut: !0,
load: ()=>n.e(324).then(n.bind(null, "./auth/index.js"))
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name: "posts-custom",
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name: "happychat",
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secondary: !0,
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name: "preview",
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name: "domain-connect-authorize",
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secondary: !1,
load: ()=>n.e(307).then(n.bind(null, "./my-sites/domains/domain-management/domain-connect/index.jsx"))
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name: "gutenberg-editor",
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name: "import",
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name: "export",
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name: "migrate",
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group: "sites",
load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(360), n.e(206)]).then(n.bind(null, "./my-sites/migrate/index.js"))
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name: "devdocs",
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load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(127), n.e(351)]).then(n.bind(null, "./devdocs/index.js"))
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name: "home",
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name: "hosting",
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name: "backup",
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name: "scan",
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module: "my-sites/scan",
secondary: !0,
group: "sites",
enableLoggedOut: !0,
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name: "jetpack-cloud",
paths: ["/", "/landing", "/settings", "/oauth-override"],
module: "landing/jetpack-cloud",
secondary: !0,
group: "jetpack-cloud",
enableLoggedOut: !0,
load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(360), n.e(209)]).then(n.bind(null, "./landing/jetpack-cloud/index.js"))
}, {
name: "jetpack-cloud-settings",
paths: ["/settings"],
module: "landing/jetpack-cloud/sections/settings",
secondary: !0,
group: "jetpack-cloud",
enableLoggedOut: !0,
load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(360), n.e(394), n.e(210)]).then(n.bind(null, "./landing/jetpack-cloud/sections/settings/index.js"))
}, {
name: "jetpack-cloud-auth",
paths: ["/connect", "/connect/oauth/token"],
module: "landing/jetpack-cloud/sections/auth",
secondary: !0,
group: "jetpack-cloud",
enableLoggedOut: !0,
load: ()=>n.e(428).then(n.bind(null, "./landing/jetpack-cloud/sections/auth/index.ts"))
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name: "hello-dolly",
paths: ["/hello-dolly"],
module: "hello-dolly",
group: "sites",
secondary: !0,
enableLoggedOut: !0,
envId: ["development", "wpcalypso"],
load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(431), n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(360), n.e(207)]).then(n.bind(null, "./extensions/hello-dolly/index.js"))
}, {
name: "sensei",
paths: ["/extensions/sensei"],
module: "sensei",
group: "sites",
secondary: !0,
envId: ["development", "wpcalypso"],
load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(431), n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(360), n.e(208)]).then(n.bind(null, "./extensions/sensei/index.js"))
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name: "woocommerce",
paths: ["/store"],
module: "woocommerce",
group: "sites",
secondary: !0,
envId: ["development", "desktop", "wpcalypso", "stage", "production"],
load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(296), n.e(460), n.e(72), n.e(97), n.e(123), n.e(126), n.e(73), n.e(431), n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(360), n.e(433), n.e(447), n.e(401), n.e(441), n.e(388), n.e(477), n.e(437), n.e(154)]).then(n.bind(null, "./extensions/woocommerce/index.js"))
}, {
name: "wp-super-cache",
paths: ["/extensions/wp-super-cache"],
settings_path: "/extensions/wp-super-cache",
module: "wp-super-cache",
group: "sites",
secondary: !0,
envId: ["development", "wpcalypso", "horizon", "stage", "production"],
load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(112), n.e(431), n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(360), n.e(433), n.e(402), n.e(370)]).then(n.bind(null, "./extensions/wp-super-cache/index.js"))
}, {
name: "zoninator",
paths: ["/extensions/zoninator"],
settings_path: "/extensions/zoninator",
module: "zoninator",
group: "sites",
secondary: !0,
envId: ["development", "wpcalypso", "stage", "production"],
load: ()=>Promise.all([n.e(160), n.e(84), n.e(79), n.e(431), n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(360), n.e(402), n.e(319)]).then(n.bind(null, "./extensions/zoninator/index.js"))
const X = {};
function ee(e, t) {
const {envId: n} = t;
if (n && !n.includes(Object(g.a)("env_id")))
const s = Object(K.a)(e);
t.enableLoggedOut || i()(s, b.e),
t.trackLoadPerformance && i()(s, Object(J.b)(,
i()(s, (async function(e, n) {
try {
const s = X[t.module];
if (s)
!0 !== s && await s;
else {
const n = async function(e, t) {{
type: "SECTION_SET",
isLoading: !0
const n = setTimeout(()=>{"calypso_chunk_waiting",
, 400);
try {
const s = await Object(W.b)(, t.module);
await s.default(b.b, Object(Y.a)(
} finally {{
type: "SECTION_SET",
isLoading: !1
}(e, t);
X[t.module] = n,
await n,
X[t.module] = !0
!function(e, t) {,
}(t, e),
} catch (n) {
delete X[t.module],
z() ? function(e, t) {
B("Chunk %s could not be loaded", t),
Object(G.a)("calypso_chunk_error", t),{
type: "SECTION_SET",
section: !1,
hasSidebar: !1
e.primary = u.a.createElement(Q, null),
Object(b.c)(e, M.a),
}(e, : function(e) {
if (!z()) {
const t = F.a.parse(window.location.href, !0);
Object(G.a)("calypso_chunk_retry", e), = Object(V.stringify)(Object(x.a)(t.query, {
retry: "1"
var te = n("./lib/protect-form/index.tsx")
, ne = n("./lib/redux-bridge/index.js")
, se = n("./state/push-notifications/actions.js")
, oe = n("./lib/user/support-user-interop.js")
, re = n("./lib/analytics/tracks.js")
, ie = n("./lib/analytics/init.js")
, ae = n("./lib/analytics/super-props.js")
, ce = n("./lib/route/path.ts")
, ue = n("./lib/route/untrailingslashit.ts");
var le = (e,t)=>{
const n = Object(ue.a)(e.pathname);
var s, o;
n !== e.pathname ? i.a.redirect((s = n,
o = e.querystring,
s + (o ? "?" + o : ""))) : t()
, de = n("./lib/route/legacy-routes.ts")
, pe = n("./state/current-user/actions.js")
, me = n("./state/current-user/selectors.js")
, fe = n("./state/happychat/connection/actions.js")
, he = n("./state/happychat/user/actions.js")
, _e = n("./state/happychat/utils.js")
, ge = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js");
var be = e=>{
const t = (e=>Object(ge.a)(e, ""))(e);
return - t < 6e5
, Ee = n("./state/route/actions.js")
, je = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-selected-site-id.js")
, ye = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-section-name.js")
, Se = n("./lib/keyboard-shortcuts/global.js")
, Oe = n("../node_modules/redux-thunk/es/index.js")
, we = n("../node_modules/redux/es/redux.js")
, ve = n("../node_modules/redux-dynamic-middlewares/lib/index.js")
, Te = n.n(ve)
, Ie = n("./state/utils/reducer-utils.js")
, Re = n("./state/data-layer/http-data.ts")
, Ae = n("./state/activity-log/reducer.js")
, Ce = n("./state/utils/schema-utils.js")
, Pe = n("./state/utils/without-persistence.js")
, Ue = n("./state/utils/keyed-reducer.js");
const Ne = {
type: "object",
properties: {
status: {
type: ["string", "null"]
, ke = Object(Ce.a)(Ne, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {transfer: n} = t;
return {
return e
, Le = Object(Pe.a)((e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0;
return !1
return e
, De = Object(Ie.a)({
atomicTransfer: ke,
fetchingTransfer: Le
var xe = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", De)
, Me = n("./state/current-user/reducer.js")
, qe = n("./state/data-layer/wpcom-http/utils.js")
, Fe = n("./state/document-head/reducer.js");
const Ve = /\(\?P?<([\w$]+)>/g
, Ge = /^([^\w\s\\])(.*)([^\w\s\\])([gim])?$/
, He = e=>>{
const t = (e = e.replace(Ve, "(")).match(Ge);
if (t && t[1] === t[3])
return new RegExp(t[2],t[4]);
try {
return new RegExp(e)
} catch (e) {
return !1
var Be = Object(Ie.a)({
siteItems: (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, embeds: s} = t;
return {
[n]: He(s)
return e
urlItems: (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {url: n, embed: s, siteId: o} = t;
return {
[o]: {
[n]: {
body: s.result,
scripts: s.scripts,
styles: s.styles
return e
, Qe = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, ze = n.n(Qe);
function Ke() {
if ("undefined" != typeof document) {
const e = ze.a.parse(document.cookie).tk_ai;
return null == e || "" === e ? null : e
return null
const We =;
var $e = (e=(e=>({
anonId: e,
isLoading: !0,
nextRefresh: We,
variations: null
switch (t.type) {
return {
isLoading: !1,
variations: t.variations,
nextRefresh: t.nextRefresh
return {
isLoading: !0
return e
const Ye = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "array",
items: {
oneOf: [{
type: "object",
required: ["email", "mailbox", "domain", "firstname", "lastname", "fullname", "site_id", "suspended", "agreed_to_terms"],
properties: {
mailbox: {
type: "string"
domain: {
type: "string"
email: {
type: "string"
firstname: {
type: "string"
lastname: {
type: "string"
fullname: {
type: "string"
site_id: {
type: "integer"
suspended: {
type: "boolean"
agreed_to_terms: {
type: "boolean"
}, {
type: "object",
required: ["domain", "site_id", "error"],
properties: {
error: {
type: "string"
domain: {
type: "string"
site_id: {
type: "integer"
}, (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return null;
const {response: {accounts: e}} = t;
return e
return e
, Je = Object(Pe.a)((e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !1;
return !0;
return !1
return e
, Ze = Object(Pe.a)((e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0;
return !1
return e
var Xe = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Object(Ie.a)({
users: Ye,
requesting: Ze,
requestError: Je
var et = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", (e,{type: t, optIn: n, optOut: s})=>"GUTENBERG_OPT_IN_OUT_SET" === t ? {
optIn: n,
optOut: s
} : e)
, tt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/sortBy.js")
, nt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/takeRight.js")
, st = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/find.js")
, ot = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/concat.js")
, rt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/filter.js")
, it = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/map.js")
, at = n("./state/happychat/constants.js");
const ct = {
type: "array",
additionalProperties: !1,
items: {
type: "object",
additionalProperties: !1,
required: ["id", "source", "message", "timestamp", "user_id", "type"],
properties: {
id: {
type: "string"
source: {
type: "string"
message: {
type: "string"
name: {
type: "string"
image: {
type: "string"
timestamp: {
type: ["number", "string"]
user_id: {
type: ["number", "string"]
type: {
type: "string"
links: {
type: "array"
, ut = e=>e < 17e8 ? 1e3 * e : e
, lt = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "number"
}, (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return e
, dt = Object(Ce.a)(ct, (e=[],t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return Object(nt.a)(e, at.s);
if (Object(ge.a)(t, "message.meta.forOperator", !1))
return e;
const s = ((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {message: e} = t;
return {
source: e.source,
message: e.text,
image: e.user.avatarURL,
timestamp: ut(e.timestamp),
type: Object(ge.a)(e, "type", "message"),
links: Object(ge.a)(e, "meta.links")
return e
)({}, t);
return Object(st.a)(e, ({id: e})=> === e) ? e : Object(ot.a)(e, [s]);
return e;
const o = Object(rt.a)(t.messages, t=>!! && (!Object(ge.a)(t, "meta.forOperator", !1) && !Object(st.a)(e, {
return n = e.concat(Object(it.a)(o, e=>({
source: e.source,
message: e.text,
image: e.user.picture,
timestamp: ut(e.timestamp),
type: Object(ge.a)(e, "type", "message"),
links: Object(ge.a)(e, "meta.links")
Object(tt.a)(n, e=>parseInt(e.timestamp, 10))
var n;
return e
var pt = Object(Ie.a)({
status: (e=at.f,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return t.status
return e
timeline: dt,
lastActivityTimestamp: lt
var mt = Object(Ie.a)({
error: (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return null;
return t.error
return e
isAvailable: (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return t.isAvailable
return e
localizedSupport: (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return t.isAvailable
return e
status: (e=at.p,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return at.l;
return at.k;
return at.m;
return at.n
return e
const ft = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "number"
}, (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return null === e ? : e;
return null
return e
var ht = Object(Ie.a)({
currentMessage: (e="",t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return "";
return t.message
return e
isMinimizing: (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !!t.isMinimizing
return e
isOpen: (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !!t.isOpen
return e
lostFocusAt: ft
const _t = Object(Ce.a)({
type: ["object", "null"],
properties: {
city: {
type: "string"
country_long: {
type: "string"
country_short: {
type: "string"
region: {
type: "string"
}, (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {user: {geoLocation: n}} = t;
return n && n.country_long && ? n : e
return e
, gt = Object(Ce.a)({
type: ["boolean", "null"]
}, (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return t.isEligible
return e
, bt = Object(Ce.a)({
type: ["object", "null"],
properties: {
precancellation: {
type: "boolean"
presale: {
type: "boolean"
}, (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return t.availability
return e
var Et = Object(Ie.a)({
geoLocation: _t,
isEligible: gt,
isPresalesPrecancellationEligible: bt
, jt = Object(Ie.a)({
chat: pt,
connection: mt,
ui: ht,
user: Et
var yt = Object(Ie.a)({
items: (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {courses: e} = t;
return e
return e
, St = n("./state/help/directly/constants.js");
var Ot = Object(Ie.a)({
questionAsked: (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {questionText: e, name: n, email: s} = t;
return {
questionText: e,
name: n,
email: s
return e
status: (e=St.d,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return St.b;
return St.c;
return St.a
return e
var wt = Object(Ie.a)({
isReady: (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0
return e
isRequesting: (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0;
return !1
return e
isUserEligible: (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {configuration: e} = t;
return e.is_user_eligible
return e
requestError: (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return null;
const {error: e} = t;
return e
return null
return e
var vt = Object(Ie.a)({
courses: yt,
directly: Ot,
links: (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return t.helpLinks;
return e
ticket: wt,
selectedSiteId: (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return t.siteId
return e
supportHistory: (e=[],{type: t, items: n})=>{
switch (t) {
return n;
return e
const Tt = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Object(Ie.a)({
layout: (e={},t)=>"HOME_LAYOUT_SET" === t.type ? t.layout : e
, It = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "string"
}, (e="expanded",t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return "expanded";
return "collapsed";
return e
var Rt = Object(Ie.a)({
quickLinksToggleStatus: It,
sites: Tt
, At = n("./state/i18n/reducer.js");
const Ct = {
attempt: !1,
success: !1,
reason: null,
email: null,
locale: null
var Pt = Object(Pe.a)((e=Ct,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {success: e, reason: n, email: s, locale: o} = t;
return {
attempt: !0,
success: !!e,
reason: n || null,
email: s || null,
locale: o || null
return e
const Ut = Object(Pe.a)((e="",t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {value: e=""} = t;
return e
return ""
return e
, Nt = Object(Pe.a)((e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0;
return !1
return e
, kt = Object(Pe.a)((e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteEngine: e, siteFavicon: n, siteTitle: s, siteUrl: o, importerTypes: r} = t;
return {
siteEngine: e,
siteFavicon: n,
siteTitle: s,
siteUrl: o,
importerTypes: r
return null
return e
var Lt = Object(Ie.a)({
isFromSignupFlow: Nt,
siteDetails: kt,
urlInputValue: Ut
, Dt = Object(Pe.a)((e={
postId: null,
postUrl: null,
isVisible: !1
switch (t.type) {
const {postId: e, postUrl: n=null, actionLabel: s=null, actionUrl: o=null} = t;
return {
postUrl: n,
postId: e,
isVisible: !0,
actionLabel: s,
actionUrl: o
return {
isVisible: !1
return e
, xt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/pick.js");
var Mt = Object(Ie.a)({
syncStatus: function(e={}, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: {}
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: Object.assign({}, Object(ge.a)(e, [t.siteId], {}), {
isRequesting: !0
const n = Object(ge.a)(e, [t.siteId], {});
let s = Object(ge.a)(n, "lastSuccessfulStatus", !1);
const o = Object(ge.a)(t, "data.started") && !Object(ge.a)(t, "data.finished");
return (s || o) && (s =,
!1 === s && Object(ge.a)(t, "data.started") < Object(ge.a)(t, "data.finished") && (s =,
Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: Object.assign({
isRequesting: !1,
error: !1,
lastSuccessfulStatus: s,
errorCounter: 0
}, Object(xt.a)(, ["started", "queue_finished", "sent_started", "finished", "queue", "sent", "is_scheduled", "total", "config", "progress", "queue_size", "queue_lag", "full_queue_size", "full_queue_lag"]))
const n = Object(ge.a)(e, [t.siteId, "errorCounter"], 0);
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: Object.assign({
isRequesting: !1,
error: t.error,
errorCounter: n + 1
}, Object(xt.a)(, ["started", "queue_finished", "sent_started", "finished", "queue", "sent", "is_scheduled", "total", "config", "progress", "queue_size", "queue_lag", "full_queue_size", "full_queue_lag"]))
return e
fullSyncRequest: function(e={}, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: Object.assign({}, Object(ge.a)(e, [t.siteId], {}), {
isRequesting: !0,
scheduled: !1,
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: Object.assign({}, Object(ge.a)(e, [t.siteId], {}), {
isRequesting: !1,
scheduled: Object(ge.a)(t, "data.scheduled"),
error: !1
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: Object.assign({}, Object(ge.a)(e, [t.siteId], {}), {
isRequesting: !1,
scheduled: !1,
error: t.error
return e
const qt = Object(Ue.a)("keyedPath", (e={},{type: t, jitms: n})=>"JITM_SET" === t ? n : e);
var Ft = Object(Ie.a)({
sitePathJITM: qt
, Vt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/pickBy.js")
, Gt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/mapValues.js")
, Ht = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/without.js")
, Bt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isEmpty.js")
, Qt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/omit.js")
, zt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isNil.js")
, Kt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/merge.js")
, Wt = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, $t = n.n(Wt)
, Yt = n("../node_modules/moment/moment.js")
, Jt = n.n(Yt)
, Zt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/every.js")
, Xt = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, en = n("./lib/query-manager/paginated/index.js")
, tn = n("./lib/query-manager/paginated/key.js");
const nn = {
context: "display",
http_envelope: !1,
pretty: !1,
number: 20,
offset: 0,
page: 1,
order: "DESC",
order_by: "date",
mime_type: "",
search: ""
class sn extends tn.a {
$t()(sn, "DEFAULT_QUERY", nn),
$t()(sn, "OMIT_NULL_VALUES", !0);
class on extends en.a {
static matches(e, t) {
return Object(Zt.a)({
}, (e,n)=>{
switch (n) {
case "search":
return !e || t.title && Object(Xt.a)(t.title.toLowerCase(), e.toLowerCase());
case "mime_type":
return !e || new RegExp(`^${e.replace(/(^%|(\/)%?)$/, "$2.+").split("/").map(e=>e.replace(/[^-*.+a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "")).concat(".+").slice(0, 2).join("/")}$`).test(t.mime_type);
case "post_ID":
return e === t.post_ID;
case "after":
case "before":
const s = Jt()(e, Jt.a.ISO_8601)
, o = /after$/.test(n) ? "isAfter" : "isBefore";
return s.isValid() && Jt()([o](s)
return !0
static compare(e, t, n) {
let s;
switch (e.order_by) {
case "ID":
s = t.ID - n.ID;
case "title":
s = t.title.localeCompare(n.title);
case "date":
s = Jt()(
return e.order && !/^desc$/i.test(e.order) || (s *= -1),
s || 0
$t()(on, "QueryKey", sn),
$t()(on, "DefaultQuery", nn);
var rn = n("./lib/media/constants.js");
const an = (e,t,n)=>{
const {[t]: {transientItems: s={}, transientIdsToServerIds: o={}}={}} = e;
return {
[t]: n({
transientItems: s,
transientIdsToServerIds: o
, cn = (()=>{
function e(e, t, n, s, ...o) {
if (!e[t])
return s ? {
[t]: (new on)[n](...o)
} : e;
const r = e[t][n](...o);
return r === e[t] ? e : {
[t]: r
return Object(Pe.a)((t={},n)=>{
switch (n.type) {
const {siteId: s, media: o, found: r, query: i} = n;
return e(t, s, "receive", !0, o, {
found: r,
query: i
const {siteId: s, mediaIds: o} = n;
return e(t, s, "removeItems", !0, o)
return t
, un = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, query: s} = t;
return {
[n]: {
[on.QueryKey.stringify(s)]: !0
const {siteId: n, query: s} = t;
return {
[n]: Object(Qt.a)(e[n], on.QueryKey.stringify(s))
const {siteId: n, query: s} = t;
return {
[n]: Object(Qt.a)(e[n], on.QueryKey.stringify(s))
return e
, ln = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: []
const {media: n, siteId: s} = t;
return {
var n;
const {site: s, transientMedia: o} = t;
return && t.transientMedia ? {
[s.ID]: [...null !== (n = e[s.ID]) && void 0 !== n ? n : [], o.ID]
} : e
const {media: n, siteId: s} = t;
if (t.found || t.query)
return e;
const {[s]: o=[]} = e
, r = n.reduce((e,t)=>o.includes(t.ID) ? e : [...e, t.ID], [...o]);
return {
[s]: r
var s;
const {mediaId: n, siteId: o} = t
, r = null !== (s = e[o]) && void 0 !== s ? s : [];
return {
[o]: r.filter(e=>n !== e)
const {mediaIds: n, siteId: s} = t;
return {
[s]: e[s].filter(e=>!n.includes(e))
return e
, dn = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return an(e, t.siteId, ()=>({
transientItems: {},
transientIdsToServerIds: {}
const {site: {ID: n}, transientMedia: s} = t;
return an(e, n, ({transientItems: e, ...t})=>({
transientItems: {
[s.ID]: s
const {siteId: n, media: s} = t
, o = s.filter(e=>!Object(zt.a)(e.transientId));
if (0 === o.length)
return e;
const r =>e.transientId)
, i = o.reduce((e,t)=>({
[t.transientId]: t.ID
}), {});
return an(e, n, ({transientIdsToServerIds: e, transientItems: t})=>({
transientIdsToServerIds: {
transientItems: Object(Qt.a)(t, r)
const {siteId: n, mediaId: s} = t;
return an(e, n, ({transientItems: e, ...t})=>({
transientItems: Object(Qt.a)(e, s)
return e
, pn = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const n = t.siteId;
return {
[n]: Object.assign({}, e[n], {
nextPage: !0
const n = t.siteId;
return {
[n]: Object.assign({}, e[n], {
nextPage: !1
const {siteId: n, mediaId: s} = t;
return {
[n]: Object(Kt.a)({}, e[n], {
items: {
[s]: !0
const {siteId: n, mediaId: s} = t;
return {
[n]: Object(Qt.a)(e[n], [`items[${s}]`])
return e
var mn = Object(Ie.a)({
errors: (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, mediaId: s, errors: o} = t;
return {
[n]: {
[s]: o
var n;
if (!(e=>{
return e.error && (e.siteId || (t = e.error).error && ("servicefail" === t.error || "keyring_token_error" === t.error));
var t
return e;
const s = (Array.isArray(t.error.errors) ? t.error.errors : [t.error]).map(e=>{
switch (e.error) {
case "http_404":
return rn.i.UPLOAD_VIA_URL_404;
case "rest_upload_limited_space":
return rn.i.NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE;
case "rest_upload_file_too_big":
case "rest_upload_user_quota_exceeded":
case "upload_error":
return rn.i.SERVER_ERROR;
case "keyring_token_error":
case "servicefail":
return rn.i.SERVICE_FAILED;
case "service_unavailable":
return rn.i.SERVER_ERROR
return {
[t.siteId]: {
[null !== (n = null == t ? void 0 : t.mediaId) && void 0 !== n ? n : 0]: s
return t.siteId ? {
[t.siteId]: Object(Vt.a)(Object(Gt.a)(e[t.siteId], e=>Object(Ht.a)(e, t.errorType)), e=>!Object(Bt.a)(e))
} : e;
return t.siteId && t.mediaId ? {
[t.siteId]: {
...Object(Qt.a)(e[t.siteId], [[t.siteId], [t.mediaId]])
} : e;
return t.siteId ? Object(Qt.a)(e, t.siteId) : e
return e
queries: cn,
queryRequests: un,
selectedItems: ln,
transientItems: dn,
fetching: pn
const fn = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "boolean"
}, (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !e;
return !0;
return !1;
return e
, hn = Object(Ie.a)({
isOpen: fn
var _n = Object(Ue.a)("sidebarSection", hn);
var gn = Object(Ie.a)({
sidebarSections: Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
patternProperties: {
"^\\w+$": {
type: "object"
additionalProperties: !1
}, _n)
, bn = n("./state/notices/reducer.js")
, En = n("./state/notifications/index.js");
const jn = Object(Ue.a)("orderId", Object(Pe.a)((e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return null;
const {transaction: e} = t;
return e
return e
, yn = Object(Ue.a)("orderId", Object(Pe.a)((e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0;
return !1
return e
, Sn = Object(Ue.a)("orderId", Object(Pe.a)((e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return null;
return t.error;
return null
return e
var On = Object(Ie.a)({
items: jn,
isFetching: yn,
errors: Sn
const wn = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !0
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
return e
, vn = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
additionalProperties: !1,
patternProperties: {
"^\\d+$": {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
required: ["label", "file"],
properties: {
label: {
type: "string"
file: {
type: "string"
}, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, templates: s} = t;
return {
[n]: s
return e
var Tn = Object(Ie.a)({
requesting: wn,
items: vn
function In(e={}, t, n) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t]: Object.assign({}, e[t], n)
var Rn = Object(Ie.a)({
items: function(e={}, t) {
const {type: n, pluginSlug: s} = t;
switch (n) {
return ? In(e, s, Object.assign({
fetched: !0,
wporg: !0
}, : In(e, s, Object.assign({
fetched: !1,
wporg: !1
return e
fetchingItems: function(e={}, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.pluginSlug]: !0
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.pluginSlug]: !1
return e
const An = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
patternProperties: {
"^[0-9]+$": {
type: "array",
items: {
required: ["slug"],
properties: {
name: {
type: "string"
slug: {
type: "string"
status: {
type: "string"
error: {
type: ["object", "string", "null"]
key: {
type: "null"
additionalProperties: !1
}, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
return void 0 !== e[t.siteId] ? Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: Cn(e[t.siteId], t)
}) : e;
return Object(Gt.a)(e, e=>>null !== e.error ? Object.assign({}, e, {
error: e.error.toString()
}) : Object(Qt.a)(e, "key")));
return e
function Cn(e=[], t) {
switch (t.type) {
return>function(e, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return e.slug !== t.slug ? e : Object.assign({}, e, {
status: Pn(e.status, t)
return e.slug !== t.slug ? e : Object.assign({}, e, {
status: Pn(e.status, t),
error: t.error
return e
}(e, t));
return e
function Pn(e, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return "install";
return "activate";
return "configure";
return "done";
return e || "wait"
var Un = Object(Ie.a)({
isRequesting: function(e={}, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: !0
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: !1
return e
hasRequested: function(e={}, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: !0
return e
plugins: An
, Nn = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/findIndex.js");
function kn(e={}, t) {
const {pluginId: n} = t;
switch (t.type) {
return void 0 !== e[n] ? Object.assign({}, e, {
[n]: Ln(e[n], t)
}) : Object.assign({}, e, {
[n]: Ln({}, t)
return e
function Ln(e={}, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
status: "inProgress",
action: t.action
return Object.assign({}, e, {
status: "completed",
action: t.action
return Object.assign({}, e, {
status: "error",
action: t.action,
error: t.error
return e
const Dn = function(e, t) {
return void 0 !== e[t.siteId] ? Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: Mn(e[t.siteId], t)
}) : e
, xn = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
patternProperties: {
"^[0-9]+$": {
type: "array",
items: {
required: ["id", "slug", "name", "active", "autoupdate"],
properties: {
id: {
type: "string"
slug: {
type: "string"
active: {
type: "boolean"
name: {
type: "string"
plugin_url: {
type: "string"
version: {
type: "string"
description: {
type: "string"
author: {
type: "string"
author_url: {
type: "string"
network: {
type: "boolean"
autoupdate: {
type: "boolean"
update: {
type: "object"
additionalProperties: !1
}, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return {
return Dn(e, t)
return e
function Mn(e=[], t) {
switch (t.type) {
return>function(e, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return !== ? e : Object.assign({}, e,;
return !== ? e : Object.assign({}, Object(Qt.a)(e, "update"),;
return e
}(e, t));
return [...e,];
const n = Object(Nn.a)(e, {
id: t.pluginId
return [...e.slice(0, n), ...e.slice(n + 1)];
return e
var qn = Object(Ie.a)({
isRequesting: function(e={}, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: !0
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: !1
return e
plugins: xn,
status: function(e={}, t) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[n]: kn(e[n], t)
return e
const Fn = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return null;
const {pluginId: e} = t;
return e
return null;
const {uploadedPluginId: e} = t;
return e
return e
, Vn = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {error: e} = t;
return e
return null
return e
, Gn = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {progress: e} = t;
return e
return 0
return e
, Hn = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0;
return !1;
return !0;
const {status: e} = t;
return "complete" !== e
return e
var Bn = Object(Ie.a)({
uploadedPluginId: Fn,
uploadError: Vn,
progressPercent: Gn,
inProgress: Hn
var Qn = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", (e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return e || []
return e
, zn = Object(Ie.a)({
wporg: Rn,
premium: Un,
installed: qn,
upload: Bn,
recommended: Qn
const Kn = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !0
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
return e
, Wn = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
additionalProperties: !1,
patternProperties: {
"^\\d+$": {
type: "object",
description: "List of supported post formats.",
additionalProperties: !1,
patternProperties: {
"^[0-9a-z-_]+$": {
type: "string",
description: "Label of the post format"
}, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, formats: s} = t;
return {
[n]: s
return e
var $n = Object(Ie.a)({
requesting: Kn,
items: Wn
, Yn = n("./state/receipts/reducer.js");
const Jn = Object(Ie.a)({
backups: (e={},{type: t, backups: n})=>"REWIND_BACKUPS_SET" === t ? n : e,
capabilities: (e={},{type: t, data: n})=>"REWIND_CAPABILITIES_UPDATE" === t ? n : e,
state: (e=null,{type: t, data: n})=>"REWIND_STATE_UPDATE" === t ? n : e
var Zn = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Jn);
var Xn = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", (e,{type: t, editor: n})=>"EDITOR_TYPE_SET" === t ? n : e)
, es = n("./state/simple-payments/product-list/schema.js");
function ts(e=[], t) {
let n = 0;
const s =>e.ID === t.ID ? (n = 1,
t) : e);
return n ? s : [t, ...s]
const ns = Object(Ce.a)(es.a, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, product: s} = t;
return {
[n]: ts(e[n], s)
const {siteId: n, products: s} = t;
return {
[n]: s
const {siteId: n, product: s} = t;
return {
[n]: ts(e[n], s)
const {siteId: n, productId: s} = t;
return {
[n]: e[n].filter(e=>e.ID !== s)
return e
var ss = Object(Ie.a)({
items: ns
, os = Object(Ie.a)({
productList: ss
const rs = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !0
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
return e
, is = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
status: "pending",
error: !1
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
status: "success",
error: !1
const {siteId: n, error: s} = t;
return {
[n]: {
status: "error",
error: s
return e
, as = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
...Object(ge.a)(e, n, {}),
pending: !0,
error: null,
isAvailable: null
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
...Object(ge.a)(e, n, {}),
pending: !1,
error: null,
isAvailable: !0
const {siteId: n, errorType: s, message: o} = t;
return {
[n]: {
...Object(ge.a)(e, n, {}),
isAvailable: !1,
pending: !1,
error: {
errorType: s,
message: o
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
...Object(ge.a)(e, n, {}),
error: null,
isAvailable: null
return e
var cs = Object(Ie.a)({
validation: as,
status: is,
requesting: rs
const us = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !0
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
return e
, ls = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
saving: !0,
status: "pending",
error: !1
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
saving: !1,
status: "success",
error: !1
const {siteId: n, error: s} = t;
return {
[n]: {
saving: !1,
status: "error",
error: s
return e
, ds = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
additionalProperties: !1,
patternProperties: {
"^\\d+$": {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
keyring_id: {
type: "number"
service: {
type: "string"
external_user_id: {
type: ["string", "null"]
}, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, keyrings: s} = t;
return {
[n]: s
const {siteId: n, keyring: s} = t;
return {
[n]: (e[n] || []).concat([s])
const {siteId: n, keyringId: s, externalUserId: o} = t;
return {
[n]: e[n].map(e=>e.keyring_id === s ? {
external_user_id: o
} : e)
const {siteId: n, keyringId: s, externalUserId: o} = t;
return {
[n]: (e[n] || []).filter(e=>!(e.keyring_id === s && (!o || e.external_user_id === o)))
return e
var ps = Object(Ie.a)({
items: ds,
requesting: us,
saveRequests: ls
const ms = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !0
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
return e
, fs = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
patternProperties: {
"^\\d+$": {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
name: {
type: "string"
display_name: {
type: "string"
capabilities: {
type: "object",
patternProperties: {
"^.+$": {
type: "boolean"
required: ["name", "display_name", "capabilities"]
}, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, roles: s} = t;
return {
[n]: s
return e
var hs = Object(Ie.a)({
requesting: ms,
items: fs
, _s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/reduce.js")
, gs = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isEqual.js")
, bs = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/stubTrue.js")
, Es = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/stubFalse.js")
, js = n("./state/sites/plans/reducer.js")
, ys = n("./state/sites/products/reducer.js");
const Ss = e=>(t,{siteId: n})=>({
[n]: e
, Os = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, status: s} = t;
return {
[n]: s
return e
, ws = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return Ss(!0)(e, t);
return Ss(!1)(e, t)
return e
var vs = Object(Ie.a)({
items: Os,
requesting: ws
, Ts = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/indexOf.js");
const Is = (e,t,n,s)=>{
const o = Object(st.a)(e[t], {
domain: n
, r = Object(Ts.a)(e[t], o)
, i = [...e[t]];
return i.splice(r, 1, Object.assign({}, o, s)),
Object.assign({}, e, {
[t]: i
, Rs = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
additionalProperties: !1,
patternProperties: {
"^\\d+$": {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
required: ["domain"],
properties: {
autoRenewalDate: {
type: "string"
autoRenewing: {
type: "boolean"
blogId: {
type: "number"
canSetAsPrimary: {
type: "boolean"
currentUserCanManage: {
type: "boolean"
domain: {
type: "string"
expired: {
type: "boolean"
expiry: {
type: ["null", "string"]
expirySoon: {
type: "boolean"
googleAppsSubscription: {
type: "object"
hasRegistration: {
type: "boolean"
hasWpcomNameservers: {
type: "boolean"
hasZone: {
type: "boolean"
isPendingIcannVerification: {
type: "boolean"
isPrimary: {
type: "boolean"
isSubdomain: {
type: "boolean"
isWPCOMDomain: {
type: "boolean"
manualTransferRequired: {
type: "boolean"
newRegistration: {
type: "boolean"
name: {
type: "string"
owner: {
type: "string",
optional: !0
partnerDomain: {
type: "boolean"
pendingRegistration: {
type: "boolean"
pendingRegistrationTime: {
type: "string"
pointsToWpcom: {
type: "boolean"
registrar: {
type: "string"
registrationDate: {
type: "string"
subscriptionId: {
type: ["null", "string"]
supportsDomainConnect: {
type: "boolean",
optional: !0
supportsGdprConsentManagement: {
type: "boolean",
optional: !0
type: {
type: "string"
transferStartDate: {
type: ["null", "string"]
transferEndDate: {
type: ["null", "string"]
}, (e={},t)=>{
const {siteId: n} = t;
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
return Is(e, n, t.domain, {
privateDomain: !0,
contactInfoDisclosed: !1
return Is(e, n, t.domain, {
privateDomain: !1,
contactInfoDisclosed: !1
return Is(e, n, t.domain, {
privateDomain: !1,
contactInfoDisclosed: !0
return Is(e, n, t.domain, {
privateDomain: !1,
contactInfoDisclosed: !1
return e
var As = Object(Ie.a)({
errors: (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: null
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: t.error
return e
items: Rs,
requesting: (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: "SITE_DOMAINS_REQUEST" === t.type
return e
updatingPrivacy: (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: {
return e
const Cs = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
additionalProperties: !1,
patternProperties: {
"^\\d+$": {
type: "object",
properties: {
issues: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
reason: {
type: "string"
prevents_transfer: {
type: "boolean"
upgrade_purchased: {
type: "boolean"
host_details_entered: {
type: "boolean"
}, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return {
[t.siteId]: t.guidedTransferStatus
return e
, Ps = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return {
[t.siteId]: !0
return {
[t.siteId]: !1
return {
[t.siteId]: !1
return e
, Us = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return {
[t.siteId]: null
return {
[t.siteId]: null
let n = !0;
return t.error && t.error.error && (n = t.error.error),
[t.siteId]: n
return e
, Ns = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return {
[t.siteId]: !0
return {
[t.siteId]: !1
return {
[t.siteId]: !1
return e
var ks = Object(Ie.a)({
error: Us,
isFetching: Ps,
isSaving: Ns,
status: Cs
const Ls = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, settings: s} = t;
return {
[n]: s
return e
, Ds = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return Object(bs.a)(e, t);
return Object(Es.a)(e, t)
return e
, xs = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return Object(bs.a)(e, t);
return Object(Es.a)(e, t)
return e
var Ms = Object(Ie.a)({
items: Ls,
requesting: Ds,
updating: xs
const qs = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
additionalProperties: !1,
patternProperties: {
"^\\d+$": {
type: "object",
additionalProperties: !1,
patternProperties: {
"^[a-z-]+$": {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
required: ["assigned", "assigned_by"],
additionalProperties: !1,
properties: {
assigned: {
type: "string"
assigned_by: {
type: "number"
code: {
type: "string"
status: {
type: "string"
}, (e={},t)=>{
const {siteId: n, type: s, voucher: o, vouchers: r, serviceType: i} = t;
switch (s) {
const t = e[n] && e[n][i] || [];
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[n]: {
[i]: t.concat(o)
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[n]: r
return e
var Fs = Object(Ie.a)({
items: qs,
requesting: (e={},{type: t, siteId: n})=>{
switch (t) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[n]: {
return e
errors: (e={},{type: t, siteId: n, error: s})=>{
switch (t) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[n]: {
getAll: null,
assign: null
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[n]: {
getAll: "SITE_VOUCHERS_REQUEST_FAILURE" === t ? s : null,
return e
, Vs = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/uniqBy.js");
const Gs = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !0
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
return e
, Hs = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
saving: !0,
status: "pending"
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
saving: !1,
status: "success"
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: {
saving: !1,
status: "error"
return e
, Bs = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
additionalProperties: !1,
patternProperties: {
"^\\d+$": {
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object"
}, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n, settings: s} = t;
return {
[n]: s
const {siteId: n, settings: s} = t;
return {
[n]: Object(Vs.a)(s.concat(e[n] || []), "ID")
return e
var Qs = Object(Ie.a)({
items: Bs,
requesting: Gs,
saveRequests: Hs
const zs = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "object",
patternProperties: {
"^\\d+$": {
type: "object",
required: ["max_storage_bytes", "storage_used_bytes"],
properties: {
max_storage_bytes: {
type: ["integer"]
storage_used_bytes: {
type: ["integer"]
additionalProperties: !1
}, (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const n = Object(xt.a)(t.mediaStorage, ["max_storage_bytes", "storage_used_bytes"]);
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: n
return e
var Ks = Object(Ie.a)({
items: zs,
fetchingItems: function(e={}, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: "SITE_MEDIA_STORAGE_REQUEST" === t.type
return e
, Ws = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/compact.js")
, $s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/reject.js");
const Ys = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return {
[t.payload.blogId]: t.payload.stickers
const {blogId: n, stickerName: s} = t.payload;
return Object(Xt.a)(e[n], s) ? e : {
[n]: Object(Ws.a)(Object(ot.a)(s, e[n]))
const {blogId: n, stickerName: s} = t.payload;
return Object(Xt.a)(e[n], s) ? {
[n]: Object($s.a)(e[n], e=>e === s)
} : e
return e
var Js = Object(Ie.a)({
items: Ys
, Zs = n("./state/themes/action-types.js")
, Xs = n("./state/sites/schema.js");
const eo = Object(Ce.a)(Xs.b, (e=null,t)=>{
if (null === e && "SITE_RECEIVE" !== t.type && "SITES_RECEIVE" !== t.type)
return null;
switch (t.type) {
const n = e[t.siteId];
return n ? Object.assign({}, e, {
[t.siteId]: Object(Kt.a)({}, n, {
options: {
wordads: !0
}) : e
const n = ? [] : t.sites
, s = "SITES_RECEIVE" === t.type ? {} : e;
return Object(_s.a)(n, (t,n)=>(Object(gs.a)(t[n.ID], n) || (t === e && (t = {
t[n.ID] = n),
t), s || {})
return Object(Qt.a)(e, t.siteId);
case Zs.p:
const {siteId: n, themeStylesheet: s} = t
, o = e[n];
if (!o)
return {
[n]: Object(Kt.a)({}, o, {
options: {
theme_slug: s
const {siteId: n, settings: s} = t
, o = e[n];
if (!o)
return e;
let r = o;
return Object(_s.a)(["blog_public", "wpcom_coming_soon", "site_icon"], (t,i)=>{
if (!s.hasOwnProperty(i))
return t;
switch (i) {
case "blog_public":
const e = -1 === parseInt(s.blog_public, 10);
if (o.is_private === e)
return t;
r = {
is_private: e
case "wpcom_coming_soon":
const e = 1 === parseInt(s.wpcom_coming_soon, 10);
if (o.is_coming_soon === e)
return t;
r = {
is_coming_soon: e
case "site_icon":
const e = s.site_icon;
if (!o.icon && null === e || o.icon && o.icon.media_id === e)
return t;
r = null === e ? Object(Qt.a)(r, "icon") : {
icon: {
media_id: e
return t === e && (t = {
t[n] = r,
, e)
const {siteId: n, mediaIds: s} = t
, o = Object(ge.a)(e[n], "icon.media_id");
return o && Object(Xt.a)(s, o) ? {
[n]: Object(Qt.a)(e[n], "icon")
} : e
const {siteId: n} = t
, s = Object(ge.a)(e[n], "updates");
return s ? {
[n]: {
updates: {
plugins: s.plugins - 1,
total: - 1
} : e
const {siteId: n, frontPageOptions: s} = t
, o = e[n];
if (!o)
return {
[n]: Object(Kt.a)({}, o, {
options: {
const {siteId: n, migrationStatus: s, lastModified: o} = t;
if (!e[n])
return e;
const r = e[n].site_migration || {}
, i = {
status: s
return o && (i.last_modified = o),
[n]: {
site_migration: Object(Kt.a)({}, r, i)
return e
, to = Object(Pe.a)((e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0;
return !1
return e
, no = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !0
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
const {siteId: n} = t;
return {
[n]: !1
return e
, so = Object(Ue.a)("siteId", Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return Object(bs.a)(e, t);
return Object(Es.a)(e, t)
return e
, oo = Object(Ce.a)(Xs.a, (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0
return e
var ro = Object(Ie.a)({
connection: vs,
deleting: so,
domains: As,
requestingAll: to,
items: eo,
mediaStorage: Ks,
plans: js.b,
products: ys.b,
guidedTransfer: ks,
monitor: Ms,
vouchers: Fs,
requesting: no,
sharingButtons: Qs,
blogStickers: Js,
hasAllSitesList: oo
const io = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "array",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
added: {
type: "string"
email: {
type: "string"
expiry: {
type: "string"
card: {
type: "string"
card_type: {
type: "string"
last_service: {
type: "string"
last_used: {
type: "string"
meta: {
type: "array"
mp_ref: {
type: "string"
name: {
type: "string"
payment_partner: {
type: "string"
remember: {
type: "string"
stored_details_id: {
type: "string"
user_id: {
type: "string"
additionalProperties: !1
}, (e=[],t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {item: n} = t;
return [...e, n]
const {list: e} = t;
return e
const {card: n} = t;
return e.filter(e=>!n.allStoredDetailsIds.includes(e.stored_details_id))
return e
var ao = Object(Ie.a)({
hasLoadedFromServer: (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0
return e
isDeleting: (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return {
[t.card.stored_details_id]: !0
const n = {
return delete n[t.card.stored_details_id],
return e
isFetching: (e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0;
return !1
return e
items: io
, co = n("./state/support/reducer.js")
, uo = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/has.js")
, lo = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isFunction.js")
, po = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/overSome.js");
const mo = ["calypso_themeshowcase_theme_click"]
, fo = {
, ho = Object(po.a)([e=>Object(uo.a)(fo, e.type) && (!Object(lo.a)(fo[e.type]) || fo[e.type](e)), e=>Object(ge.a)(e, "", []).some(e=>Object(Xt.a)(mo,]);
const _o = Object(Ce.a)({
type: "string"
}, (e="",t)=>{
var n;
return "SECTION_SET" !== t.type || t.isLoading || !(null === (n = t.section) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : || ["checkout", "checkout-thank-you", "plans"].includes( ? e : ["plugins", "themes", "hosting"].includes( ? : ""
var go = Object(Ie.a)({
isShowingCartOnMobile: function(e=!1, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return !e;
return e
upgradeIntent: _o
var bo = function(e={}, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return Object.assign({}, e, Object(Qt.a)(t, "type"))
return e
var Eo = Object(Ie.a)({
isShowing: Object(Ce.a)({
type: "boolean"
}, (function(e=!0, t) {
return "EDITOR_DEPRECATION_DIALOG_IS_SHOWING" === t.type ? t.isShowing : e
var jo = Object(Ie.a)({
isShowing: function(e=!1, t) {
return "GUTENBERG_OPT_IN_DIALOG_IS_SHOWING" === t.type ? t.isShowing : e
, yo = n("./state/ui/language/reducer.js");
const So = {
current: "content",
next: null
var Oo = n("./state/ui/masterbar-visibility/reducer.js");
const wo = Object(Pe.a)((e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return t.view
return e
var vo = Object(Ie.a)({
view: wo
const To = {
postIdWithActiveSharePanel: null,
postIdWithActiveLikesPopover: null,
isMultiSelectEnabled: !1,
selectedPosts: []
var Io = (e=To,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return {
isMultiSelectEnabled: !e.isMultiSelectEnabled,
selectedPosts: e.isMultiSelectEnabled ? e.selectedPosts : []
return e.selectedPosts.indexOf(t.postGlobalId) > -1 ? {
selectedPosts: Object(Ht.a)(e.selectedPosts, t.postGlobalId)
} : {
selectedPosts: [...e.selectedPosts, t.postGlobalId]
case "ROUTE_SET":
return {
isMultiSelectEnabled: !1,
postIdWithActiveLikesPopover: null,
selectedPosts: []
return {
postIdWithActiveLikesPopover: null
return e.postIdWithActiveLikesPopover === t.postGlobalId ? {
postIdWithActiveLikesPopover: null
} : {
postIdWithActiveLikesPopover: t.postGlobalId
return {
postIdWithActiveSharePanel: null
return e.postIdWithActiveSharePanel === t.postGlobalId ? {
postIdWithActiveSharePanel: null
} : {
postIdWithActiveSharePanel: t.postGlobalId
return e
var Ro = Object(Ie.a)({
currentPreviewSiteId: function(e=null, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return t.siteId
return e
currentPreviewUrl: function(e=null, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return t.url;
return null
return e
, Ao = n("./state/ui/section/reducer.js");
const Co = Object(Pe.a)((e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return !0
return e
const Po = Object(Pe.a)((e=!1,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {isShowing: n} = t;
return void 0 !== n ? n : e
return e
var Uo = Object(Ie.a)({
actionLog: (e=[],t)=>ho(t) ? ((e,t)=>t ? Object(nt.a)([...e, t], 50) : e)(e, (e=>({
}))(t)) : e,
checkout: go,
editorDeprecationDialog: Eo,
guidedTour: bo,
gutenbergOptInDialog: jo,
hasSidebar: function(e=!0, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return void 0 !== t.hasSidebar ? t.hasSidebar : e
return e
isLoading: function(e=!1, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return void 0 !== t.isLoading ? t.isLoading : e
return e
isNotificationsOpen: function(e=!1, {type: t}) {
return "NOTIFICATIONS_PANEL_TOGGLE" === t ? !e : e
isPreviewShowing: Po,
language: yo.a,
layoutFocus: function(e=So, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return t.area === e.current ? e : Object.assign({}, e, {
current: t.area
return t.area === ? e : Object.assign({}, e, {
next: t.area
let n =;
return n || "content" === e.current || (n = "content"),
n ? Object.assign({}, e, {
current: n,
next: null
}) : e
return e
masterbarVisibility: Oo.a,
mediaModal: vo,
postTypeList: Io,
preview: Ro,
section: Ao.a,
selectedSiteId: function(e=null, t) {
switch (t.type) {
return t.siteId || null
return e
siteSelectionInitialized: Co
, No = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {devices: n} = t;
return {
return e
const ko = Object(Pe.a)((e=null,t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
const {profileLinks: e} = t;
return e
const {linkSlug: n} = t;
return Object($s.a)(e, {
link_slug: n
return e
, Lo = Object(Pe.a)((e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return {};
const {profileLinks: e} = t;
return {
duplicate: e
const {profileLinks: e} = t;
return {
malformed: e
const {error: e} = t;
return {
error: e
return {};
const {error: e} = t;
return {
error: e
return {}
return e
var Do = Object(Ie.a)({
items: ko,
errors: Lo
var xo = Object(Ie.a)({
settings: (e=null,{type: t, settingValues: n})=>"USER_SETTINGS_UPDATE" === t ? {
} : e,
unsavedSettings: (e={},t)=>{
switch (t.type) {
return t.settingNames ? Object(Qt.a)(e, t.settingNames) : {};
return e[t.settingName] === t.value ? e : {
[t.settingName]: t.value
return Object(Qt.a)(e, t.settingName);
return e
, Mo = n("./state/users/reducer.js");
const qo = {
activityLog: Ae.a,
atomicTransfer: xe,
currentUser: Me.a,
dataRequests: qe.d,
documentHead: Fe.a,
embeds: Be,
experiments: $e,
gsuiteUsers: Xe,
gutenbergOptInOut: et,
happychat: jt,
help: vt,
home: Rt,
httpData: Re.g,
i18n: At.a,
immediateLogin: Pt,
importerNux: Lt,
inlineSupportArticle: Dt,
jetpackSync: Mt,
jitm: Ft,
media: mn,
mySites: gn,
notices: bn.a,
notificationsUnseenCount: En.b,
orderTransactions: On,
pageTemplates: Tn,
plugins: zn,
postFormats: $n,
receipts: Yn.a,
rewind: Zn,
selectedEditor: Xn,
simplePayments: os,
siteAddressChange: cs,
siteKeyrings: ps,
siteRoles: hs,
sites: ro,
storedCards: ao,
support: co.c,
ui: Uo,
userDevices: No,
userProfileLinks: Do,
userSettings: xo,
users: Mo.a
var Fo = Object(Ie.a)(qo);
const Vo = {
actionHistory: [],
shouldRecordActions: !0,
historySize: 100,
watchPredicate: null
, Go = e=>{
if (e instanceof RegExp)
return ({type: t})=>e.test(t);
if ("string" == typeof e)
return ({type: t})=>t === e;
if ("function" == typeof e)
return e;
throw new TypeError("provide string or RegExp matching `action.type` or a predicate function")
, Ho = {
clear: ()=>{
Vo.actionHistory = []
filter: e=>Vo.actionHistory.filter(Go(e)),
setSize: e=>{
Vo.historySize = e
start: ()=>{
Vo.shouldRecordActions = !0
stop: ()=>{
Vo.shouldRecordActions = !1
unwatch: ()=>{
Vo.watchPredicate = null
watch: e=>{
Vo.watchPredicate = e ? Go(e) : null
Object.defineProperty(Ho, "history", {
enumerable: !0,
get: ()=>Vo.actionHistory
var Bo = e=>(...t)=>{
const n = e(...t);
if ("undefined" == typeof window)
return n;
return Object.assign(window, {
actionLog: Ho
dispatch: e=>(Vo.shouldRecordActions && (e=>{
const {actionHistory: t, historySize: n} = Vo
, s = "function" == typeof e ? {
type: "thunk (hidden)"
} : {};
meta: {
t.length > 2 * n && (Vo.actionHistory = t.slice(-1 * n))
"function" == typeof Vo.watchPredicate && "function" == typeof console.log && Vo.watchPredicate(e) && console.log("Watched action observed:\n%o", e),
var Qo = e=>(...t)=>{
const n = e(...t);
return "undefined" != typeof window && (Object.assign(window, n),
Object.defineProperty(window, "state", {
enumerable: !0,
get: n.getState
, zo = n("./state/utils/add-reducer-enhancer.js")
, Ko = n("./lib/url/add-query-args.ts")
, Wo = n("./state/activity-log/utils.js")
, $o = n("./state/selectors/get-activity-log-filter.js");
var Yo = e=>t=>n=>{
switch (n.type) {
const s = t(n);
if (Object(ge.a)(n, ["meta", "skipUrlUpdate"]) || !/^[/]activity-log[/]/.test(document.location.pathname) && !/^[/]backup[/]activity[/]/.test(document.location.pathname))
return s;
const o = Object($o.a)(e.getState(), n.siteId)
, r = Object(Wo.b)(o);
return i()(Object(Ko.a)(r, window.location.pathname + window.location.hash)),
case "NAVIGATE":
return n.path && i()(n.path),
return n.path && (n.saveContext ? i.a.replace(n.path, null, !1, !1) : i.a.replace(n.path)),
return t(n)
, Jo = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/truncate.js")
, Zo = n("./state/posts/selectors/get-site-post.js")
, Xo = n("./state/sites/selectors/get-site-domain.js")
, er = n("./state/invites/selectors.js")
, tr = n("./state/posts/actions/restore-post.js")
, nr = n("./me/purchases/paths.js")
, sr = n("./state/account-recovery/settings/selectors.js");
const or = {
"infinite-scroll": {
JETPACK_MODULE_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS: Object(y.f)("Infinite scroll is now on."),
JETPACK_MODULE_DEACTIVATE_SUCCESS: Object(y.f)("Infinite scroll is now off."),
JETPACK_MODULE_ACTIVATE_FAILURE: Object(y.f)("Infinite scroll could not be switched on."),
JETPACK_MODULE_DEACTIVATE_FAILURE: Object(y.f)("Infinite scroll could not be switched off.")
, rr = ({type: e, moduleSlug: t, silent: n})=>{
if (n)
return null;
const s = {
duration: 1e4,
id: "site-settings-save"
let o, r = or[t] && or[t][e];
switch (e) {
r = r || Object(y.f)("Settings saved successfully!"),
o = "success";
r = r || Object(y.f)("There was a problem saving your changes. Please try again."),
o = "error"
return r ? "success" === o ? Object(S.f)(r, s) : "error" === o ? Object(S.b)(r, s) : void 0 : null
, ir = ({connection: e})=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("The %(service)s account was successfully disconnected.", {
args: {
service: e.label
context: "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation"
}), {
id: "publicize"
, ar = ({error: e})=>Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("The %(service)s account was unable to be disconnected.", {
args: {
service: e.label
context: "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation"
}), {
id: "publicize"
, cr = {
ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_SETTINGS_FETCH_FAILED: ()=>Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("An error occurred while fetching your account recovery settings.")),
ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_SETTINGS_UPDATE_SUCCESS: ({target: e})=>(t,n)=>t(Object(S.f)(((e,t)=>{
switch (e) {
case "phone":
return null == Object(sr.b)(t()) ? Object(y.f)("Successfully added. Please check your phone for the validation code.") : Object(y.f)("Successfully updated. Please check your phone for the validation code.");
case "email":
return Object(sr.a)(t()) ? Object(y.f)("Successfully updated. Please check your mailbox for the validation email.") : Object(y.f)("Successfully added. Please check your mailbox for the validation email.");
return Object(y.f)("Successfully updated the recovery option.", {
comment: "Recovery option: generic term for methods of account recovery, i.e emails or sms."
)(e, n))),
switch (e) {
case "phone":
return Object(y.f)("An error occurred while updating your account recovery phone number.");
case "email":
return Object(y.f)("An error occurred while updating your account recovery email.");
return Object(y.f)("An error occurred while updating your account recovery options.", {
comment: "Recovery option: generic term for methods of account recovery, i.e emails or sms."
switch (e) {
case "phone":
return Object(y.f)("Successfully removed recovery SMS number.");
case "email":
return Object(y.f)("Successfully removed recovery email address.");
return Object(y.f)("Successfully removed the recovery option.", {
comment: "Recovery option: generic term for methods of account recovery, i.e emails or sms."
switch (e) {
case "phone":
return Object(y.f)("An error occurred while deleting your account recovery phone number.");
case "email":
return Object(y.f)("An error occurred while deleting your account recovery email.");
return Object(y.f)("An error occurred while deleting your account recovery options.", {
comment: "Recovery option: generic term for methods of account recovery, i.e emails or sms."
switch (e) {
case "phone":
return Object(y.f)("The validation code has been resent successfully. Please check your phone.");
case "email":
return Object(y.f)("The validation email has been resent successfully. Please check your mailbox.");
return Object(y.f)("The validation has been resent successfully.")
switch (e) {
case "phone":
return Object(y.f)("We've encountered a problem sending you the validation code. Please try again later.");
case "email":
return Object(y.f)("We've encountered a problem sending you the validation email. Please try again later.");
return Object(y.f)("We've encountered a problem. Please try again later.")
ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_SETTINGS_VALIDATE_PHONE_SUCCESS: ()=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Your recovery SMS number has been validated successfully.")),
ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_SETTINGS_VALIDATE_PHONE_FAILED: ()=>Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("There was a problem validating your recovery SMS number. Please try again later.")),
BILLING_RECEIPT_EMAIL_SEND_FAILURE: ()=>Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("There was a problem sending your receipt. Please try again later or contact support.")),
BILLING_RECEIPT_EMAIL_SEND_SUCCESS: ()=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Your receipt was sent by email successfully.")),
BILLING_TRANSACTION_REQUEST_FAILURE: ({transactionId: e, error: t})=>{
const n = "transaction-fetch-" + e;
return "invalid_receipt" === t.error ? Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("Sorry, we couldn't find receipt #%s.", {
args: e
}), {
id: n,
displayOnNextPage: !0,
duration: 5e3
}) : Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("Sorry, we weren't able to load the requested receipt."), {
id: n,
displayOnNextPage: !0,
button: Object(y.f)("Try again"),
href: Object(nr.d)(e)
GRAVATAR_RECEIVE_IMAGE_FAILURE: e=>Object(S.b)(e.errorMessage),
GRAVATAR_UPLOAD_REQUEST_FAILURE: ()=>Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("Hmm, your new profile photo was not saved. Please try uploading again.")),
GRAVATAR_UPLOAD_REQUEST_SUCCESS: ()=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("You successfully uploaded a new profile photo — looking sharp!")),
INVITES_DELETE_REQUEST_SUCCESS: ({inviteIds: e})=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Invite deleted.", "Invites deleted.", {
count: e.length
}), {
displayOnNextPage: !0
for (const s of e.inviteIds) {
const o = Object(er.d)(n(), e.siteId, s);
t(Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("An error occurred while deleting the invite for %s.", {
args: Object(Jo.a)(, {
length: 20
INVITE_RESEND_REQUEST_FAILURE: ()=>Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("Invitation failed to resend.")),
const s = Object(Zo.a)(n(), e.siteId, e.postId);
let o;
o = s ? Object(y.f)('An error occurred while deleting "%s"', {
args: [Object(Jo.a)(s.title, {
length: 24
}) : Object(y.f)("An error occurred while deleting the post"),
POST_DELETE_SUCCESS: ()=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Post successfully deleted")),
const s = Object(Zo.a)(n(), e.siteId, e.postId);
let o;
o = s ? Object(y.f)('An error occurred while restoring "%s"', {
args: [Object(Jo.a)(s.title, {
length: 24
}) : Object(y.f)("An error occurred while restoring the post"),
POST_RESTORE_SUCCESS: ()=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Post successfully restored")),
POST_SAVE_SUCCESS: ({post: e, savedPost: t})=>n=>{
switch (e.status) {
case "trash":
const e = "trash_" + t.global_ID;
n(Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Post successfully moved to trash."), {
id: e,
button: Object(y.f)("Undo"),
onClick: ()=>{
n(Object(tr.a)(t.site_ID, t.ID))
case "publish":
n(Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Post successfully published")))
PUBLICIZE_CONNECTION_CREATE: ({connection: e})=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("The %(service)s account was successfully connected.", {
args: {
service: e.label
context: "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation"
}), {
id: "publicize"
PUBLICIZE_CONNECTION_CREATE_FAILURE: ({error: e})=>Object(S.b)(e.message || Object(y.f)("An error occurred while connecting the account.", {
context: "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation"
}), {
id: "publicize"
PUBLICIZE_CONNECTION_UPDATE: ({connection: e})=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("The %(service)s account was successfully updated.", {
args: {
service: e.label
context: "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation"
}), {
id: "publicize"
PUBLICIZE_CONNECTION_UPDATE_FAILURE: ({error: e})=>Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("The %(service)s account was unable to be updated.", {
args: {
service: e.label
context: "Sharing: Publicize reconnection confirmation"
}), {
id: "publicize"
GUIDED_TRANSFER_HOST_DETAILS_SAVE_SUCCESS: ()=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Thanks for confirming those details!")),
SITE_DELETE: ({siteId: e})=>(t,n)=>{
const s = Object(Xo.a)(n(), e);
t(Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("%(siteDomain)s is being deleted.", {
args: {
siteDomain: s
}), {
duration: 5e3,
id: "site-delete"
SITE_DELETE_FAILURE: ({error: e})=>"active-subscriptions" === e.error ? Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("You must cancel any active subscriptions prior to deleting your site."), {
id: "site-delete",
showDismiss: !1,
button: Object(y.f)("Manage Purchases"),
href: nr.k
}) : Object(S.b)(e.message),
SITE_DELETE_RECEIVE: ({siteId: e})=>(t,n)=>{
const s = Object(Xo.a)(n(), e);
t(Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("%(siteDomain)s has been deleted.", {
args: {
siteDomain: s
}), {
duration: 5e3,
id: "site-delete"
SITE_MONITOR_SETTINGS_UPDATE_SUCCESS: ()=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Settings saved successfully!")),
SITE_MONITOR_SETTINGS_UPDATE_FAILURE: ()=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("There was a problem saving your changes. Please, try again.")),
[Zs.t]: ({themeId: e})=>Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("Problem deleting %(themeId)s. Check theme is not active.", {
args: {
themeId: e
context: "Themes: Theme delete failure"
[Zs.u]: ({themeName: e})=>Object(S.f)(Object(y.f)("Deleted theme %(themeName)s.", {
args: {
themeName: e
context: "Themes: Theme delete confirmation"
}), {
duration: 5e3
[Zs.o]: ({error: e})=>Object(Xt.a)(e.error, "theme_not_found") ? Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("Theme not yet available for this site")) : Object(S.b)(Object(y.f)("Unable to activate theme. Contact support."))
var ur = e=>t=>n=>{
const s = t(n);
if (!Object(ge.a)(n, "meta.notices.skip") && cr.hasOwnProperty(n.type)) {
const t = cr[n.type](n);
t && e.dispatch(t)
return s
, lr = n("./state/data-layer/wpcom-api-middleware.js");
var dr = n("./state/initial-state.js")
, pr = n("./lib/detect-history-navigation/index.js")
, mr = n("./lib/url/url-parts.ts")
, fr = n("./lib/url/is-outside-calypso.ts")
, hr = n("./state/redux-store.ts")
, _r = n("./state/reader-ui/seen-posts/actions.js")
, gr = n("./lib/jetpack/is-jetpack-cloud.ts")
, br = n("./lib/jetpack/oauth-override.ts");
const Er = o()("calypso");
const jr = (e,t)=>{
Er("Executing Calypso setup middlewares."),
i()("*", (t,n)=>{
const s = Object(mr.b)(t.canonicalPath)
, o = s.pathname + || null;
if (t.prevPath = o !== t.path && o,
t.query = Object.fromEntries(s.searchParams.entries()),
t.hashstring = s.hash && s.hash.substring(1) || "",
try {
t.hash = Object.fromEntries(new globalThis.URLSearchParams(t.hashstring).entries())
} catch (e) {
Er("failed to query-string parse `location.hash`", e),
t.hash = {}
t.hash = {}; = e,
t.redirect = (e,n=null)=>(isNaN(e) && !n && (n = e),
i.a.replace(n, t.state, !1, !1)),
"/wp-login.php" !== t.pathname ? Object(fr.a)(t.pathname) ? window.location.href = t.pathname : n() : window.location.href = t.path
i.a.exit("*", (t,n)=>{ || ( = e),
if (g.a.isEnabled("oauth")) {
const e = ["/oauth-login", "/oauth", "/start", "/authorize", "/api/oauth/token", "/connect"];
i()("*", (function(t, n) {
const s = e.some(e=>Object(a.a)(t.path, e));
if (!1 !== Object(j.a)() || s || Object(gr.a)() && Object(br.a)())
else {
const e = ["desktop", "desktop-development"].includes(Object(g.a)("env_id")) || Object(gr.a)() ? Object(g.a)("login_url") : "/authorize"
, t = window.location.pathname;
if (gr.a && "/" !== t) {
const e = 300
, n = "jetpack_cloud_redirect_path"
, s = "jetpack_cloud_redirect_path_expires_in";
window.sessionStorage.setItem(n, t),
window.sessionStorage.setItem(s, parseInt((new Date).getTime() / 1e3) + e)
for (const e of Z)
if (Object($.a)(e))
for (const t of e.paths)
ee(t, e)
i()("*", (e,t)=>{, e.query)),
i()("*", E.a.clearNoticesOnNavigation),
i.a.exit("*", te.b),
Object(ie.a)(e ? e.get() : void 0, Object(ae.a)(t)),
function(e) {
if (!g.a.isEnabled("catch-js-errors"))
const t = new C;
user_id: Object(me.h)(e.getState()),
calypso_env: Object(g.a)("env_id")
t.saveDiagnosticReducer((function() {
const t = e.getState();
return {
blog_id: Object(je.a)(t),
calypso_section: Object(ye.a)(t)
tests: Object(v.d)()
re.tracksEvents.on("record-event", (e,n)=>t.saveExtraData({
lastTracksEvent: n
i()("*", (function(e, n) {
t.saveNewPath(e.canonicalPath.replace(Object(ce.d)(e.canonicalPath), ":siteId")),
i()("*", (function(e, n) {
if (-1 !== ["sb", "sp"].indexOf(e.querystring)) {
const n = "sb" === e.querystring ? "sidebar" : "sites";
i()("*", (function(e, t) {
return Object(de.a)(e.pathname) ? t() : le(e, t)
i()("*", (function(e, t) {
const n = e.pathname;
if (Object(de.a)(n))
return t();
newdash_pageviews: "route"
i()("*", (function(t, n) {
"/me/account" !== t.path && e.get().phone_account && i()("/me/account"),
i()("*", w),
Object(a.a)(window.location.pathname, "/start") || ["signupProgress", "signupDependencies"].forEach(e=>h.a.remove(e)),
e.get() || i()("*", (function(e, t) {
if ("/plans" !== e.pathname)
else {
const t = e.query && e.query.for;
window.location = t && "jetpack" === t ? "" : ""
const s = t.getState();
g.a.isEnabled("reader/seen-posts") && t.dispatch(Object(_r.b)()),
g.a.isEnabled("happychat") && t.dispatch(Object(he.a)()),
be(s) && t.dispatch(Object(fe.a)(Object(_e.a)(s)())),
g.a.isEnabled("keyboard-shortcuts") && Object(Se.a)(),
g.a.isEnabled("rubberband-scroll-disable") && n.e(451).then(n.bind(null, "./lib/rubberband-scroll-disable/index.js")).then((function(e) {
g.a.isEnabled("dev/test-helper") && document.querySelector("") && n.e(162).then(n.bind(null, "./lib/abtest/test-helper/index.js")).then((function(e) {
g.a.isEnabled("dev/preferences-helper") && document.querySelector("") && Promise.all([n.e(161), n.e(380)]).then(n.bind(null, "./lib/preferences-helper/index.js")).then((function(e) {
e.default)(document.querySelector(""), t)
const yr = (e,t)=>{
Er("Executing Calypso utils."),
Object(U.a)() ? document.documentElement.classList.add("touch") : document.documentElement.classList.add("notouch"),
const s = function(e, t=Fo) {
const s = "object" == typeof window
, o = Object(g.c)("desktop")
, r = "object" == typeof window && "function" == typeof window.Audio
, i = [Oe.a, lr.a, ur, s && n("./state/happychat/middleware.js").default, s && n("./state/happychat/middleware-calypso.js").default, Te.a, s && n("./state/analytics/middleware.js").analyticsMiddleware, s && n("./state/lib/middleware.js").default, r && n("./state/audio/middleware.js").default, o && n("./state/desktop/middleware.js").default, Yo].filter(Boolean)
, a = [zo.a, s && && && Qo, Re.d, Object(we.applyMiddleware)(...i), s && && && Bo, s && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__()].filter(Boolean);
return Object(we.createStore)(t, e, Object(we.compose)(...a))
}(Object(dr.a)(Fo), Fo);
Object(_.a)(e.get(), s),
Er("Executing Calypso configure Redux store."),
e.get() && (t.dispatch(Object(pe.a)(e.get())),
e.on("change", ()=>{
g.a.isEnabled("network-connection") && n.e(445).then(n.bind(null, "./lib/network-connection/index.js")).then((function(e) {
e.get() && g.a.isEnabled("push-notifications") && t.dispatch(Object(se.a)())
)(e, s),
jr(e, s),
t && t(),
document.getElementById("primary") || function(e) {
const t = u.a.createElement(b.a, {
store: e
d.a.render(t, document.getElementById("wpcom")),
Er("Main layout rendered.")
decodeURLComponents: !1
window.AppBoot = ()=>{
const n = Object(O.default)();
Er(`Starting ${e}. Let's do this.`),
yr(n, t)
"./boot/locale.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return f
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, r = n.n(o)
, i = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, a = n("./config/index.js")
, c = n("./lib/i18n-utils/browser.js")
, u = n("./lib/i18n-utils/switch-locale.js")
, l = n("./lib/url/url-parts.ts")
, d = n("./state/ui/language/actions.js")
, p = n("./lib/i18n-utils/empathy-mode.js");
const m = r()("calypso:i18n")
, f = (e,t)=>{
const n = a.a.isEnabled("use-translation-chunks") || Object(l.b)(document.location.href).searchParams.has("useTranslationChunks");
if (a.a.isEnabled("i18n/empathy-mode") && e.i18n_empathy_mode && Object(p.b)(),
n && "__requireChunkCallback__"in window) {
const n = e && e.localeSlug
, s = window.location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, "")
, o = s.substr(s.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
, r = Object(c.e)().includes(o) && !Object(c.i)(o) && o
, a = n || r;
a && !Object(c.i)(a) && (async(e,t)=>{
const {translatedChunks: n, locale: s} = await Object(u.c)(e, window.BUILD_TARGET).catch(()=>(m(`Failed to get language manifest for ${e}.`),
if (!s || !n)
return void m(`Encountered an error setting up translation chunks for ${e}. Falling back to English.`);
let o;
const r = {}
, a = e=>{
if (n.includes(e) && !r[e])
return Object(u.d)(e, i.a.getLocaleSlug(), window.BUILD_TARGET).then(t=>{
r[e] = !0
new Set((window.installedChunks || []).concat(window.__requireChunkCallback__.getInstalledChunks())).forEach(e=>{
window.__requireChunkCallback__.add(({publicPath: e, scriptSrc: t},n)=>{
const s = t.replace(e, "").replace(/\.js$/, "");
const c = Object(u.e)(e);
c && c.then(e=>{
o = e
)(a, t)
if (window.i18nLocaleStrings) {
const e = JSON.parse(window.i18nLocaleStrings);
const n = Object(s.a)(e, ["", "localeSlug"]);
n && Object(u.e)(n)
} else
e && e.localeSlug && t.dispatch(Object(d.a)(e.localeSlug, e.localeVariant))
"./boot/polyfills.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/noop.js");
"./components/async-load/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return l
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/omit.js");
class l extends r.Component {
constructor() {
o()(this, "componentDidMount", ()=>{
this.mounted = !0,
this.state = {
require: null,
component: null
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(e) {
this.mounted && this.props.require !== e.require && this.setState({
component: null
componentDidUpdate(e) {
this.props.require !== e.require && this.require()
componentWillUnmount() {
this.mounted = !1
require() {
const e = this.props.require;
this.mounted && this.props.require === e && this.setState({
component: t
render() {
if (this.state.component) {
const e = Object(u.a)(this.props, ["placeholder", "require"]);
return i.a.createElement(this.state.component, e)
return this.props.placeholder
o()(l, "propTypes", {
placeholder: c.a.node,
require: c.a.func.isRequired
o()(l, "defaultProps", {
placeholder: i.a.createElement("div", {
className: "async-load__placeholder"
"./components/async-load/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./components/community-translator/utils.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return m
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return f
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return _
var s = n("../packages/viewport/dist/esm/index.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/head.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/find.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, a = n("./lib/user-settings/index.js")
, c = n("./lib/i18n-utils/glotpress.js")
, u = n("./lib/i18n-utils/constants.js")
, l = n("./lib/i18n-utils/browser.js");
function d(e=a.a.getSetting("language"), t=a.a.getSetting("locale_variant")) {
return !Object(s.e)() && (!(!e || !Object(l.b)(e)) && !(t && !Object(l.b)(t)))
function p() {
return !(!a.a.getSettings() || !a.a.getOriginalSetting(u.a)) && !!d()
function m(e, t, n=u.b + "/api", s=u.c, r=c.b) {
return r(n + "/translations/-query-by-originals", ["project=" + s, "&locale_slug=" + (e.parentLangSlug || e.langSlug), "&translation_set_slug=" + (u.d[e.langSlug] || "default"), "&original_strings=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([t]))].join("")).then(e=>h(Object(o.a)(e)))
function f(e, t, n, s=u.b + "/api", o=u.c, r=c.b) {
return r(s + "/translations/-new", ["project=" + o, "&locale_slug=" + (n.parentLangSlug || n.langSlug), "&translation_set_slug=" + (u.d[n.langSlug] || "default"), ...Object.keys(t).map(n=>t[n] && `&translation[${e}][]=${encodeURIComponent(t[n])}`)].join("")).then(e=>h(e))
function h(e) {
const t = Object(r.a)(e.translations, {
original_id: e.original_id
return {
originalId: e.original_id,
comment: e.original_comment,
translatedSingular: Object(i.a)(t, "translation_0", ""),
translatedPlural: Object(i.a)(t, "translation_1", ""),
lastModified: Object(i.a)(t, "date_modified", "")
function _(e, t, n=u.c) {
if (!e || !t)
return null;
return `${u.b + "/projects"}/${n}/${t.parentLangSlug || t.langSlug}/${u.d[t.langSlug] || "default"}?filters[original_id]=${e}`
"./components/count/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, p = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/omit.js")
, m = n("./lib/format-number-compact/index.js");
const f = ({count: e, compact: t, numberFormat: n, primary: s, ...r})=>i.a.createElement("span", o()({
className: l()("count", {
"is-primary": s
}, Object(p.a)(r, ["translate", "moment"])), t && Object(m.a)(e) || n(e));
f.propTypes = {
count: c.a.number.isRequired,
numberFormat: c.a.func,
primary: c.a.bool,
compact: c.a.bool
f.defaultProps = {
primary: !1,
compact: !1
t.a = Object(d.c)(f)
"./components/count/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./components/data/document-head/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, u = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/debounce.js")
, l = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isEqual.js")
, d = n("./state/document-head/selectors/get-document-head-title.js")
, p = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/compact.js")
, m = n("./config/index.js")
, f = n("./lib/create-selector/index.js")
, h = n("./lib/formatting/decode-entities.js")
, _ = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, g = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-section-group.js");
function b(e) {
return Object(_.a)(["sites", "editor", "gutenberg"], Object(g.a)(e))
var E = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-selected-site-id.js")
, j = n("./state/sites/selectors/get-site-title.js")
, y = n("./state/document-head/selectors/get-document-head-capped-unread-count.js");
const S = Object(f.a)(e=>{
let t = "";
const n = Object(y.a)(e);
return n && (t += `(${n}) `),
t += Object(p.a)([Object(d.a)(e), b(e) && Object(j.a)(e, Object(E.a)(e))]).join(" ‹ "),
t && (t = Object(h.a)(t) + " — "),
t + Object(m.a)("site_name")
, e=>[e.documentHead, e.ui.section, e.ui.selectedSiteId]);
var O = n("./state/document-head/actions.js")
, w = n("./components/translatable/proptype.js");
class v extends a.Component {
constructor(...e) {
o()(this, "setFormattedTitle", Object(u.a)(e=>{
document.title = e
UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
const {title: e, unreadCount: t} = this.props;
void 0 !== this.props.title && this.props.setTitle(e),
void 0 !== this.props.unreadCount && this.props.setUnreadCount(t),
void 0 !== && this.props.setLink(,
void 0 !== this.props.meta && this.props.setMeta(this.props.meta)
componentDidMount() {
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(e) {
void 0 !== e.title && this.props.title !== e.title && this.props.setTitle(e.title),
void 0 !== e.unreadCount && this.props.unreadCount !== e.unreadCount && this.props.setUnreadCount(e.unreadCount),
void 0 === || Object(l.a)(, || this.props.setLink(,
void 0 === e.meta || Object(l.a)(this.props.meta, e.meta) || this.props.setMeta(e.meta),
e.formattedTitle !== this.props.formattedTitle && this.setFormattedTitle(e.formattedTitle)
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return null
v.propTypes = {
title: w.a,
skipTitleFormatting: i.a.bool,
unreadCount: i.a.number,
link: i.a.array,
meta: i.a.array,
setTitle: i.a.func.isRequired,
setLink: i.a.func.isRequired,
setMeta: i.a.func.isRequired,
setUnreadCount: i.a.func.isRequired
t.a = Object(c.c)((e,t)=>({
formattedTitle: t.skipTitleFormatting ? Object(d.a)(e) : S(e)
}), {
setTitle: O.c,
setLink: O.a,
setMeta: O.b,
setUnreadCount: O.d
"./components/data/query-post-counts/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return l
var s = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, a = n("./lib/wp/browser.js");
var c = n("./state/posts/counts/selectors.js");
const u = (e,t)=>(n,s)=>{
Object(c.d)(s(), e, t) || n(function(e, t) {
return n=>(n({
postType: t,
siteId: e
type: t
n(function(e, t, n) {
return {
siteId: e,
postType: t,
counts: n
}(e, t, s.counts)),
siteId: e,
postType: t
siteId: e,
postType: t,
error: s
}(e, t))
function l({siteId: e, type: t}) {
const n = Object(i.d)();
return Object(r.useEffect)(()=>{
e && t && n(u(e, t))
, [n, e, t]),
l.propTypes = {
siteId: o.a.number.isRequired,
type: o.a.string.isRequired
"./components/data/query-preferences/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
var s = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, r = n("./state/preferences/selectors.js")
, i = n("./state/preferences/actions.js");
function a() {
const e = Object(o.d)();
return Object(s.useEffect)(()=>{
Object(r.d)(t()) || e(Object(i.a)())
, [e]),
"./components/data/query-sites/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return E
var s = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, c = n("./state/sites/selectors/is-requesting-sites.js")
, u = n("./state/sites/selectors/is-requesting-site.js")
, l = n("./state/sites/selectors/has-all-sites-list.js")
, d = n("./state/sites/actions.js")
, p = n("./state/preferences/selectors.js")
, m = n("./state/selectors/get-primary-site-id.js");
const f = e=>Object(p.b)(e, "recentSites");
function h() {
const e = Object(a.d)();
return Object(r.useEffect)(()=>{
Object(c.a)(t()) || e(Object(d.f)())
, [e]),
const _ = e=>(t,n)=>{
e && !Object(u.a)(n(), e) && t(Object(d.e)(e))
function g({siteId: e}) {
const t = Object(a.d)();
return Object(r.useEffect)(()=>{
e && t(_(e))
, [t, e]),
function b() {
const e = Object(a.e)(m.a)
, t = Object(a.e)(f)
, n = Object(a.d)();
return Object(r.useEffect)(()=>{
const s = [...e ? [e] : [], ...null != t ? t : []];
s && s.length && n((e=>(t,n)=>{
const s = n();
Object(l.a)(s) || e.forEach(e=>t(_(e)))
, [n, e, t]),
function E({siteId: e, allSites: t=!1, primaryAndRecent: n=!1}) {
return i.a.createElement(r.Fragment, null, t && i.a.createElement(h, null), e && i.a.createElement(g, {
siteId: e
}), n && i.a.createElement(b, null))
E.propTypes = {
allSites: o.a.bool,
primaryAndRecent: o.a.bool,
siteId: o.a.oneOfType([o.a.number, o.a.string])
"./components/empty-content/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../packages/components/dist/esm/button/index.js")
, p = n("./lib/i18n-utils/browser.js");
class m extends a.Component {
primaryAction() {
return "string" != typeof this.props.action ? this.props.action : this.props.actionURL || this.props.actionCallback ? c.a.createElement(d.a, {
primary: !0,
className: "empty-content__action",
onClick: this.props.actionCallback,
href: Object(p.l)(this.props.actionURL),
target: this.props.actionTarget,
onMouseEnter: this.props.actionHoverCallback,
onTouchStart: this.props.actionHoverCallback
}, this.props.action) : void 0
secondaryAction() {
return "string" != typeof this.props.secondaryAction ? this.props.secondaryAction : this.props.secondaryActionURL || this.props.secondaryActionCallback ? c.a.createElement(d.a, {
className: "empty-content__action button",
onClick: this.props.secondaryActionCallback,
href: this.props.secondaryActionURL,
target: this.props.secondaryActionTarget
}, this.props.secondaryAction) : void 0
render() {
const e = this.props.action && this.primaryAction()
, t = this.props.secondaryAction && this.secondaryAction()
, n = this.props.illustration && c.a.createElement("img", {
src: this.props.illustration,
alt: "",
width: this.props.illustrationWidth,
className: "empty-content__illustration"
return c.a.createElement("div", {
className: l()("empty-content", this.props.className, {
"is-compact": this.props.isCompact,
"has-title-only": this.props.title && !this.props.line
}, n, this.props.title ? c.a.createElement("h2", {
className: "empty-content__title"
}, this.props.title) : null, this.props.line ? c.a.createElement("h3", {
className: "empty-content__line"
}, this.props.line) : null, e, t, this.props.children)
o()(m, "propTypes", {
title: i.a.oneOfType([i.a.string, i.a.array]),
illustration: i.a.string,
illustrationWidth: i.a.number,
line: i.a.oneOfType([i.a.string, i.a.array]),
action: i.a.oneOfType([i.a.string, i.a.element]),
actionURL: i.a.string,
actionCallback: i.a.func,
actionTarget: i.a.string,
actionHoverCallback: i.a.func,
secondaryAction: i.a.oneOfType([i.a.string, i.a.element]),
secondaryActionURL: i.a.string,
secondaryActionCallback: i.a.func,
secondaryActionTarget: i.a.string,
className: i.a.string,
isCompact: i.a.bool
o()(m, "defaultProps", {
title: "You haven't created any content yet.",
illustration: "/calypso/images/illustrations/illustration-empty-results.svg",
isCompact: !1
t.a = m
"./components/empty-content/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./components/environment-badge/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./components/gravatar/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, l = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, d = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, p = n.n(d)
, m = n("./lib/safe-image-url/index.js")
, f = n("./lib/url/url-type.ts")
, h = n("./lib/url/url-parts.ts")
, _ = n("./lib/url/format.ts")
, g = n("./state/current-user/gravatar-status/selectors.js");
class b extends r.Component {
constructor(...e) {
o()(this, "state", {
failedToLoad: !1
o()(this, "onError", ()=>this.setState({
failedToLoad: !0
getResizedImageURL(e) {
const {imgSize: t} = this.props
, n = "";
e = e || n;
const s = Object(f.b)(e);
if (s === f.a.INVALID || s === f.a.PATH_RELATIVE)
return n;
const {search: o, origin: r, host: i, ...a} = Object(h.b)(e);
return /^([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.)*($/.test(a.hostname) ? (a.searchParams.set("s", t),
a.searchParams.set("d", "mm")) : a.searchParams.set("resize", `${t},${t}`),
a.protocol = a.protocol || "https:",
a.hostname = a.hostname || "__domain__.invalid",
Object(_.a)(Object(h.a)(a), s)
render() {
const {alt: e, title: t, size: n, tempImage: s, user: o} = this.props;
if (!o)
return i.a.createElement("span", {
className: "gravatar is-placeholder",
style: {
width: n,
height: n
if (this.state.failedToLoad && !s)
return i.a.createElement("span", {
className: "gravatar is-missing"
const r = e || o.display_name ||
, a = s || this.getResizedImageURL(Object(m.a)(o.avatar_URL))
, c = p()("gravatar", this.props.className);
return i.a.createElement("img", {
alt: r,
title: t,
className: c,
src: a,
width: n,
height: n,
onError: this.onError
o()(b, "propTypes", {
user: c.a.object,
size: c.a.number,
imgSize: c.a.number,
tempImage: c.a.oneOfType([c.a.string, c.a.bool])
o()(b, "defaultProps", {
imgSize: 96,
size: 32
t.a = Object(u.c)((e,t)=>({
tempImage: Object(g.a)(e, Object(l.a)(t, "user.ID", !1))
"./components/gravatar/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./components/gridicon/index.tsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/gridicons/dist/util/icons-offset.js")
, l = n("../node_modules/gridicons/svg-sprite/gridicons.svg");
function d(e, t) {
return t.indexOf(e) >= 0
const p = i.a.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
const {size: n=24, icon: s, onClick: r, className: a, ...p} = e
, m = "gridicons-" + s
, f = n % 18 == 0 ? [!!d(m, u.iconsThatNeedOffset) && "needs-offset", !!d(m, u.iconsThatNeedOffsetX) && "needs-offset-x", !!d(m, u.iconsThatNeedOffsetY) && "needs-offset-y"] : []
, h = c()("gridicon", m, a, ...f);
return i.a.createElement("svg", o()({
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
className: h,
height: n,
width: n,
onClick: r,
ref: t
}, p), i.a.createElement("use", {
xlinkHref: `${l.a}#${m}`
t.a = i.a.memo(p)
"./components/jetpack-logo/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@automattic/color-studio/dist/colors.json")
, o = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, r = n.n(o)
, i = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, a = n.n(i)
, c = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, u = n.n(c);
const l = s.a["Jetpack Green"]
, d = s.a.White
, p = ({monochrome: e=!1})=>{
const t = e ? "white" : l
, n = e ? "black" : d;
return r.a.createElement(r.a.Fragment, null, r.a.createElement("path", {
className: "jetpack-logo__icon-circle",
fill: t,
d: "M16,0C7.2,0,0,7.2,0,16s7.2,16,16,16s16-7.2,16-16S24.8,0,16,0z"
}), r.a.createElement("polygon", {
className: "jetpack-logo__icon-triangle",
fill: n,
points: "15,19 7,19 15,3 "
}), r.a.createElement("polygon", {
className: "jetpack-logo__icon-triangle",
fill: n,
points: "17,29 17,13 25,13 "
, m = ()=>r.a.createElement(r.a.Fragment, null, r.a.createElement("mask", {
id: "jetpack-logo-mask"
}, r.a.createElement(p, {
monochrome: !0
})), r.a.createElement("path", {
className: "jetpack-logo__icon-monochrome",
d: "M16,0C7.2,0,0,7.2,0,16s7.2,16,16,16s16-7.2,16-16S24.8,0,16,0z",
mask: "url( #jetpack-logo-mask )"
, f = ({full: e=!1, monochrome: t=!1, size: n=32, className: s})=>{
const o = u()("jetpack-logo", s);
return !0 === e ? r.a.createElement("svg", {
height: n,
className: o,
viewBox: "0 0 118 32"
}, r.a.createElement("title", null, "Jetpack"), t ? r.a.createElement(m, null) : r.a.createElement(p, null), r.a.createElement("path", {
className: "jetpack-logo__text",
d: "M41.3 26.6c-.5-.7-.9-1.4-1.3-2.1 2.3-1.4 3-2.5 3-4.6V8h-3V6h6v13.4C46 22.8 45 24.8 41.3 26.6zM58.5 21.3c-1.5.5-2.7.6-4.2.6-3.6 0-5.8-1.8-5.8-6 0-3.1 1.9-5.9 5.5-5.9s4.9 2.5 4.9 4.9c0 .8 0 1.5-.1 2h-7.3c.1 2.5 1.5 2.8 3.6 2.8 1.1 0 2.2-.3 3.4-.7C58.5 19 58.5 21.3 58.5 21.3zM56 15c0-1.4-.5-2.9-2-2.9-1.4 0-2.3 1.3-2.4 2.9C51.6 15 56 15 56 15zM65 18.4c0 1.1.8 1.3 1.4 1.3.5 0 2-.2 2.6-.4v2.1c-.9.3-2.5.5-3.7.5-1.5 0-3.2-.5-3.2-3.1V12H60v-2h2.1V7.1H65V10h4v2h-4V18.4zM71 10h3v1.3c1.1-.8 1.9-1.3 3.3-1.3 2.5 0 4.5 1.8 4.5 5.6s-2.2 6.3-5.8 6.3c-.9 0-1.3-.1-2-.3V28h-3V10zM76.5 12.3c-.8 0-1.6.4-2.5 1.2v5.9c. 1.8.2 2 0 3.2-1.3 3.2-3.9C79 13.4 78.1 12.3 76.5 12.3zM93 22h-3v-1.5c-.9.7-1.9 1.5-3.5 1.5-1.5 0-3.1-1.1-3.1-3.2 0-2.9 2.5-3.4 4.2-3.7l2.4-.3v-.3c0-1.5-.5-2.3-2-2.3-.7 0-2.3.5-3.7 1.1L84 11c1.2-.4 3-1 4.4-1 2.7 0 4.6 1.4 4.6 4.7L93 22zM90 16.4l-2.2.4c-.7.1-1.4.5-1.4 1.6 0 .9.5 1.4 1.3 1.4s1.5-.5 2.3-1V16.4zM104.5 21.3c-1.1.4-2.2.6-3.5.6-4.2 0-5.9-2.4-5.9-5.9 0-3.7 2.3-6 6.1-6 1.4 0 2.3.2 3.2.5V13c-.8-.3-2-.6-3.2-.6-1.7 0-3.2.9-3.2 3.6 0 2.9 1.5 3.8 3.3 3.8.9 0 1.9-.2 3.2-.7V21.3zM110 15.2c.2-.3.2-.8 3.8-5.2h3.7l-4.6 5.7 5 6.3h-3.7l-4.2-5.8V22h-3V6h3V15.2z"
})) : 24 === n ? r.a.createElement("svg", {
className: o,
height: "24",
width: "24",
viewBox: "0 0 24 24"
}, r.a.createElement("path", {
d: "M12,2C6.5,2,2,6.5,2,12s4.5,10,10,10s10-4.5,10-10S17.5,2,12,2z M11,14H6l5-10V14z M13,20V10h5L13,20z"
})) : r.a.createElement("svg", {
className: o,
height: n,
width: n,
viewBox: "0 0 32 32"
}, t ? r.a.createElement(m, null) : r.a.createElement(p, null))
f.propTypes = {
full: a.a.bool,
monochrome: a.a.bool,
size: a.a.number
t.a = f
"./components/jetpack/masterbar/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./components/jetpack/profile-dropdown/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./components/localized-moment/context.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return _
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return f
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/moment/moment.js")
, u = n.n(c)
, l = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, d = n.n(l)
, p = n("./state/selectors/get-current-locale-slug.js");
const m = d()("calypso:localized-moment")
, f = i.a.createContext({
moment: u(),
momentLocale: u.a.locale()
class h extends i.a.Component {
constructor(...e) {
o()(this, "state", {
moment: u(),
momentLocale: u.a.locale()
async checkAndLoad(e) {
const {currentLocale: t} = this.props;
if (t !== e) {
if ("en" === t)
this.loadingLocalePromise = Promise.resolve();
else {
m("Loading moment locale for %s", t);
try {
this.loadingLocalePromise = n("../node_modules/moment/locale lazy recursive ^\\.\\/.*$ include: \\.js$")("./" + t),
await this.loadingLocalePromise
} catch (e) {
return void m("Failed to load moment locale for %s", t, e)
m("Loaded moment locale for %s", t)
t === this.props.currentLocale && (u.a.locale() !== t && u.a.locale(t),
momentLocale: t
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(e) {
render() {
return i.a.createElement(f.Provider, {
value: this.state
}, this.props.children)
const _ = Object(a.c)(e=>({
currentLocale: Object(p.a)(e)
"./components/pulsing-dot/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, u = n.n(c);
class l extends i.a.Component {
constructor(...e) {
o()(this, "timeout", null),
o()(this, "state", {
show: !1
componentDidMount() {
const {delay: e} = this.props;
this.timeout = setTimeout(()=>{
show: !0
, e)
componentWillUnmount() {
this.timeout && clearTimeout(this.timeout)
render() {
const {active: e} = this.props
, {show: t} = this.state;
if (!t)
return null;
const n = u()("pulsing-dot", {
"is-active": e
return i.a.createElement("div", {
className: n
l.propTypes = {
delay: a.number.isRequired
l.defaultProps = {
delay: 0
t.a = l
"./components/pulsing-dot/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./components/translatable/proptype.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = function(e) {
function t(t, n, s, o, r) {
return o = o || "ANONYMOUS",
void 0 === n[s] ? t ? new Error("Required " + r + " `" + s + "` was not specified in `" + o + "`.") : null : e(n, s, o, r)
const n = t.bind(null, !1);
return n.isRequired = t.bind(null, !0),
}((function(e, t, n) {
n = n || "ANONYMOUS";
const s = e[t];
return null != s ? "string" == typeof s || "object" == typeof s && "data" === s.type ? null : "object" != typeof s || "function" != typeof s.type || "Translatable" !== && !String(s.type.displayName).match(/\(Translatable\)/) ? new Error("Invalid value for Translatable string in `" + n + "`. Please pass a translate() call.") : null : null
"./components/web-preview/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("./components/async-load/index.jsx")
, c = function(e) {
Promise.all([n.e(106), n.e(431), n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(332), n.e(342), n.e(450), n.e(474), n.e(389), n.e(341), n.e(430), n.e(331), n.e(349)]).then(n.bind(null, "./components/web-preview/component.jsx")).then((function(t) {
t.a = e=>e.showPreview ? i.a.createElement(a.a, o()({}, e, {
require: c
})) : null
"./components/wordpress-logo/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, i = n.n(r);
function a({className: e="wordpress-logo", size: t=72}) {
return o.a.createElement("svg", {
className: e,
height: t,
width: t,
viewBox: "0 0 72 72"
}, o.a.createElement("path", {
d: "M36,0C16.1,0,0,16.1,0,36c0,19.9,16.1,36,36,36c19.9,0,36-16.2,36-36C72,16.1,55.8,0,36,0z M3.6,36 c0-4.7,1-9.1,2.8-13.2l15.4,42.3C11.1,59.9,3.6,48.8,3.6,36z M36,68.4c-3.2,0-6.2-0.5-9.1-1.3l9.7-28.2l9.9,27.3 c0.1,0.2,0.1,0.3,0.2,0.4C43.4,67.7,39.8,68.4,36,68.4z M40.5,20.8c1.9-0.1,3.7-0.3,3.7-0.3c1.7-0.2,1.5-2.8-0.2-2.7 c0,0-5.2,0.4-8.6,0.4c-3.2,0-8.5-0.4-8.5-0.4c-1.7-0.1-2,2.6-0.2,2.7c0,0,1.7,0.2,3.4,0.3l5,13.8L28,55.9L16.2,20.8 c2-0.1,3.7-0.3,3.7-0.3c1.7-0.2,1.5-2.8-0.2-2.7c0,0-5.2,0.4-8.6,0.4c-0.6,0-1.3,0-2.1,0C14.7,9.4,24.7,3.6,36,3.6 c8.4,0,16.1,3.2,21.9,8.5c-0.1,0-0.3,0-0.4,0c-3.2,0-5.4,2.8-5.4,5.7c0,2.7,1.5,4.9,3.2,7.6c1.2,2.2,2.7,4.9,2.7,8.9 c0,2.8-0.8,6.3-2.5,10.5l-3.2,10.8L40.5,20.8z M52.3,64l9.9-28.6c1.8-4.6,2.5-8.3,2.5-11.6c0-1.2-0.1-2.3-0.2-3.3 c2.5,4.6,4,9.9,4,15.5C68.4,47.9,61.9,58.4,52.3,64z"
a.propTypes = {
className: i.a.string,
size: i.a.number
t.a = a
"./components/wordpress-logo/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./components/wordpress-wordmark/index.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return u
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, c = n.n(a);
class u extends r.PureComponent {
render() {
return i.a.createElement("svg", {
className: this.props.className,
width: this.props.width,
height: this.props.height,
viewBox: "0 0 1007.7 172.4",
xmlns: ""
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fill: "#FFF"
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d: "M84.18,3.7a82,82,0,1,0,82,82A82.09,82.09,0,0,0,84.18,3.7Zm-73.72,82a73.48,73.48,0,0,1,6.38-30L52,152.05A73.72,73.72,0,0,1,10.46,85.7Zm73.72,73.73a73.77,73.77,0,0,1-20.83-3L85.47,92.15l22.66,62.08a6.44,6.44,0,0,0,.53,1A73.52,73.52,0,0,1,84.18,159.43ZM94.34,51.13c4.43-.23,8.43-.7,8.43-.7,4-.47,3.51-6.31-.46-6.07,0,0-12,.93-19.65.93-7.25,0-19.42-.93-19.42-.93-4-.24-4.44,5.83-.47,6.07,0,0,3.76.47,7.73.7L82,82.6,65.85,131,39,51.13c4.44-.23,8.43-.7,8.43-.7,4-.47,3.51-6.31-.47-6.07,0,0-11.94.93-19.64.93-1.39,0-3,0-4.75-.09A73.7,73.7,0,0,1,134,31.33c-.32,0-.63-.06-1-.06-7.25,0-12.38,6.31-12.38,13.09,0,6.07,3.5,11.21,7.24,17.29,2.8,4.91,6.07,11.21,6.07,20.33q0,9.47-5.61,23.83L121,130.38Zm26.9,98.29,22.52-65.11c4.21-10.51,5.6-18.92,5.6-26.4a55.93,55.93,0,0,0-.49-7.58,73.73,73.73,0,0,1-27.63,99.09Z"
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width: 150,
height: 25,
className: "wpcom-wordmark"
o()(u, "propTypes", {
width: c.a.number,
height: c.a.number,
className: c.a.string
"./config/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return p
var s = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./lib/create-config/index.js")
, i = n.n(r);
if ("undefined" == typeof window || !window.configData)
throw new ReferenceError("No configuration was found: please see client/config/ for more information");
const a = window.configData
, c = /^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)?calypso\.live$/;
function u() {
return "undefined" != typeof window && c.test(
function l(e, t) {
const n = e.replace(/^[-+]/, "")
, s = !/^-/.test(e);
a.features[n] = s,
console.log("%cConfig flag %s via %s: %s", "font-weight: bold;", s ? "enabled" : "disabled", t, n)
if (["wpcalypso", "horizon", "stage", "jetpack-cloud-stage"].includes(a.env_id) || u()) {
const e = o.a.parse(document.cookie);
e.flags && l(e.flags, "cookie");
const t = &&[?&]flags=([^&]+)(&|$)/);
t && l(t[1], "URL")
const d = i()(a);
t.a = d;
const p = d.isEnabled
"./controller/index.web.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return Qt.c
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return zt
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return Kt
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return Wt
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return $t
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return Yt
var s = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/page/page.js")
, a = n.n(i)
, c = n("./config/index.js")
, u = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, l = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, d = n.n(l)
, p = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, m = n.n(p)
, f = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, h = n.n(f)
, _ = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/startsWith.js")
, g = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, b = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, E = n.n(b)
, j = n("./components/async-load/index.jsx")
, y = n("./state/analytics/actions/record.js")
, S = n("./layout/masterbar/masterbar.jsx")
, O = n("./layout/masterbar/item.jsx")
, w = n("../packages/viewport/dist/esm/index.js")
, v = n("./state/analytics/actions/with-analytics.js")
, T = n("./sections-helper.js")
, I = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-selected-site-id.js")
, R = n("./state/current-user/selectors.js")
, A = n("./layout/masterbar/drafts.jsx")
, C = n("./components/translatable/proptype.js")
, P = n("./state/selectors/get-editor-url.js")
, U = n("./state/selectors/get-primary-site-id.js")
, N = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-section-group.js")
, k = n("./lib/redux-bridge/index.js")
, L = n("./state/ui/actions/index.js")
, D = function(e) {
Promise.all([n.e(431), n.e(348), n.e(352), n.e(325), n.e(212)]).then(n.bind(null, "./components/sites-popover/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
class x extends o.a.Component {
constructor(...e) {
m()(this, "state", {
isShowingPopover: !1
m()(this, "postButtonRef", o.a.createRef()),
m()(this, "toggleSitesPopover", ()=>{
isShowingPopover: !e.isShowingPopover
m()(this, "closeSitesPopover", ()=>{
isShowingPopover: !1
m()(this, "onClick", e=>{
this.props.shouldOpenSiteSelector && (this.toggleSitesPopover(),
m()(this, "preloadPostEditor", ()=>Object(T.c)("post-editor")),
m()(this, "onSiteSelect", e=>{
const t = Object(P.b)(Object(k.c)(), e, null, "post");
return this.props.openEditor(t),
getPopoverPosition() {
return Object(w.e)() ? "bottom" : "bottom left"
renderPopover() {
return this.state.isShowingPopover ? o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: D,
placeholder: null,
id: "popover__sites-popover-masterbar",
visible: !0,
groups: !0,
context: this.postButtonRef.current,
onClose: this.closeSitesPopover,
onSiteSelect: this.onSiteSelect,
position: this.getPopoverPosition(),
isGutenbergOverride: !0
}) : null
render() {
const e = E()(this.props.className);
return o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "masterbar__publish"
}, o.a.createElement(O.a, {
ref: this.postButtonRef,
url: this.props.editorUrl,
icon: "create",
onClick: this.onClick,
isActive: this.props.isActive,
tooltip: this.props.tooltip,
className: e,
preloadSection: this.preloadPostEditor
}, this.props.children), o.a.createElement(A.a, null), this.renderPopover())
m()(x, "propTypes", {
isActive: h.a.bool,
className: h.a.string,
tooltip: C.a,
shouldOpenSiteSelector: h.a.bool,
editorUrl: h.a.string
var M = Object(r.c)(e=>{
const t = Object(I.a)(e)
, n = "sites" === Object(N.a)(e)
, s = Object(R.m)(e) > 1
, o = !(t && n) && s
, r = t || Object(U.a)(e);
return {
shouldOpenSiteSelector: o,
editorUrl: Object(P.b)(e, r, null, "post")
, {
openEditor: e=>Object(v.a)(Object(y.e)("calypso_masterbar_write_button_clicked"), Object(L.c)(e))
, q = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/partial.js")
, F = n("../node_modules/store/dist/store.modern.js")
, V = n.n(F)
, G = n("./state/selectors/is-notifications-open.js");
var H, B = (H = R.b,
const t = (e=>void 0 === e.notificationsUnseenCount ? null : e.notificationsUnseenCount)(e);
if (null !== t)
return t > 0;
const n = H(e);
return null !== n ? !!n.has_unseen_notes : null
), Q = function(e) {
Promise.all([n.e(121), n.e(1)]).then(n.bind(null, "../apps/notifications/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
class z extends s.Component {
constructor(...e) {
m()(this, "notificationLink", Object(s.createRef)()),
m()(this, "state", {
animationState: 0
m()(this, "checkToggleNotes", (e,t)=>{
const n = !!e &&
, s = this.notificationLink.current;
n && s.contains(n) || (this.props.isNotificationsOpen || !0 === t) && this.toggleNotesFrame(e)
m()(this, "toggleNotesFrame", e=>{
e && (e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(),
e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation()),
m()(this, "setNotesIndicator", e=>{
const t = V.a.get("wpnotes_unseen_count");
let n = this.state.animationState;
0 === e ? n = 0 : e > t && (n = 1 - Math.abs(this.state.animationState)),
V.a.set("wpnotes_unseen_count", e),
newNote: e > 0,
animationState: n
UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
newNote: this.props.hasUnseenNotifications
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(e) {
const {isNotificationsOpen: t, recordOpening: n} = e;
!this.props.isNotificationsOpen && t && (n({
unread_notifications: V.a.get("wpnotes_unseen_count")
this.props.isNotificationsOpen && !t && (this.notificationLink.current.blur(),
render() {
const e = E()(this.props.className, {
"is-active": this.props.isNotificationsOpen,
"has-unread": this.state.newNote,
"is-initial-load": -1 === this.state.animationState
return o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "masterbar__notifications",
ref: this.notificationLink
}, o.a.createElement(O.a, {
url: "/notifications",
icon: "bell",
onClick: this.toggleNotesFrame,
isActive: this.props.isActive,
tooltip: this.props.tooltip,
className: e
}, this.props.children, o.a.createElement("span", {
className: "masterbar__notifications-bubble",
key: "notification-indicator-animation-state-" + Math.abs(this.state.animationState)
})), o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: Q,
isShowing: this.props.isNotificationsOpen,
checkToggle: this.checkToggleNotes,
setIndicator: this.setNotesIndicator,
placeholder: null
m()(z, "propTypes", {
isActive: h.a.bool,
className: h.a.string,
tooltip: C.a,
isNotificationsOpen: h.a.bool
const K = {
toggleNotificationsPanel: L.j,
recordOpening: Object(q.a)(y.e, "calypso_notification_open")
var W = Object(r.c)(e=>({
isNotificationsOpen: Object(G.a)(e),
hasUnseenNotifications: B(e)
}), K)(z)
, $ = n("./components/gravatar/index.jsx")
, Y = n("./state/support/selectors.js")
, J = n("./state/selectors/is-domain-only-site.js")
, Z = n("./state/selectors/is-site-migration-in-progress.js")
, X = n("./state/selectors/is-site-migration-active-route.js")
, ee = n("./state/ui/layout-focus/actions.js")
, te = n("./state/sites/selectors/get-site-slug.js")
, ne = n("./state/sites/selectors/can-current-user-use-customer-home.js")
, se = n("./lib/route/path.ts")
, oe = n("./my-sites/domains/paths.js")
, re = n("./components/wordpress-wordmark/index.jsx")
, ie = n("./state/selectors/get-site-migration-status.js")
, ae = n("./state/sites/actions.js")
, ce = n("./state/data-layer/http-data.ts")
, ue = n("./state/data-layer/wpcom-http/actions.js");
const le = e=>e.readerUi.hasUnseenPosts;
var de = n("./state/selectors/get-previous-path.js")
, pe = function(e) {
Promise.all([n.e(433), n.e(427), n.e(404)]).then(n.bind(null, "./layout/masterbar/quick-language-switcher.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, me = function(e) {
Promise.all([n.e(348), n.e(379)]).then(n.bind(null, "./my-sites/resume-editing/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
class fe extends o.a.Component {
constructor(...e) {
m()(this, "clickMySites", ()=>{
if (this.props.recordTracksEvent("calypso_masterbar_my_sites_clicked"),
c.a.isEnabled("tools/migrate")) {
const {migrationStatus: e, currentSelectedSiteId: t} = this.props;
t && "error" === e && (this.props.updateSiteMigrationMeta(t, "inactive", null),
Object(ce.h)("site-migration", Object(ue.a)({
apiNamespace: "wpcom/v2",
method: "POST",
path: `/sites/${t}/reset-migration`,
body: {}
}), {
freshness: 0
m()(this, "clickReader", ()=>{
m()(this, "clickMe", ()=>{
m()(this, "clickClose", ()=>{
m()(this, "preloadMySites", ()=>{
Object(T.c)(this.props.domainOnlySite ? "domains" : "stats")
m()(this, "preloadReader", ()=>{
m()(this, "preloadMe", ()=>{
m()(this, "isActive", e=>e === this.props.section && !this.props.isNotificationsShowing),
m()(this, "wordpressIcon", ()=>"" === Object(c.a)("hostname") ? "my-sites-horizon" : "my-sites")
renderMySites() {
const {domainOnlySite: e, hasMoreThanOneSite: t, siteSlug: n, translate: s, isCustomerHomeEnabled: r} = this.props
, i = r ? "/home/" + n : Object(se.f)("day", n)
, a = e ? Object(oe.k)(n) : i;
return o.a.createElement(O.a, {
url: a,
tipTarget: "my-sites",
icon: this.wordpressIcon(),
onClick: this.clickMySites,
isActive: this.isActive("sites"),
tooltip: s("View a list of your sites and access their dashboards"),
preloadSection: this.preloadMySites
}, s(t ? "My Sites" : "My Site", {
comment: "Toolbar, must be shorter than ~12 chars"
render() {
const {domainOnlySite: e, translate: t, isCheckout: n, isMigrationInProgress: s, previousPath: r, siteSlug: i} = this.props;
if (!0 === n) {
let e = i ? "/plans/" + i : "/plans";
return "" !== r && r !== window.location.href && (e = r),
o.a.createElement(S.a, null, o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "masterbar__secure-checkout"
}, o.a.createElement(O.a, {
url: e,
icon: "cross",
className: "masterbar__close-button",
onClick: this.clickClose,
tooltip: t("Close Checkout"),
tipTarget: "close"
}), o.a.createElement(re.a, {
className: "masterbar__wpcom-wordmark"
}), o.a.createElement("span", {
className: "masterbar__secure-checkout-text"
}, t("Secure checkout"))))
return o.a.createElement(S.a, null, this.renderMySites(), o.a.createElement(O.a, {
tipTarget: "reader",
className: "masterbar__reader",
url: "/read",
icon: "reader",
onClick: this.clickReader,
isActive: this.isActive("reader"),
tooltip: t("Read the blogs and topics you follow"),
preloadSection: this.preloadReader,
hasUnseen: this.props.hasUnseen
}, t("Reader", {
comment: "Toolbar, must be shorter than ~12 chars"
})), (this.props.isSupportSession || c.a.isEnabled("quick-language-switcher")) && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: pe,
placeholder: null
}), o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: me,
placeholder: null
}), !e && !s && o.a.createElement(M, {
isActive: this.isActive("post"),
className: "masterbar__item-new",
tooltip: t("Create a New Post")
}, t("Write")), o.a.createElement(O.a, {
tipTarget: "me",
url: "/me",
icon: "user-circle",
onClick: this.clickMe,
isActive: this.isActive("me"),
className: "masterbar__item-me",
tooltip: t("Update your profile, personal settings, and more"),
preloadSection: this.preloadMe
}, o.a.createElement($.a, {
user: this.props.user,
alt: t("My Profile"),
size: 18
}), o.a.createElement("span", {
className: "masterbar__item-me-label"
}, t("My Profile", {
context: "Toolbar, must be shorter than ~12 chars"
}))), o.a.createElement(W, {
isShowing: this.props.isNotificationsShowing,
isActive: this.isActive("notifications"),
className: "masterbar__item-notifications",
tooltip: t("Manage your notifications")
}, o.a.createElement("span", {
className: "masterbar__item-notifications-label"
}, t("Notifications", {
comment: "Toolbar, must be shorter than ~12 chars"
m()(fe, "propTypes", {
user: h.a.object.isRequired,
domainOnlySite: h.a.bool,
section: h.a.oneOfType([h.a.string, h.a.bool]),
setNextLayoutFocus: h.a.func.isRequired,
siteSlug: h.a.string,
hasMoreThanOneSite: h.a.bool,
isCheckout: h.a.bool,
hasUnseen: h.a.bool
var he = Object(r.c)(e=>{
const t = Object(I.a)(e)
, n = t || Object(U.a)(e)
, s = Object(Z.a)(e, t) || Object(X.a)(e);
return {
hasUnseen: le(e),
isCustomerHomeEnabled: Object(ne.a)(e, n),
isNotificationsShowing: Object(G.a)(e),
siteSlug: Object(te.a)(e, n),
domainOnlySite: Object(J.a)(e, n),
hasMoreThanOneSite: Object(R.l)(e) > 1,
user: Object(R.b)(e),
isSupportSession: Object(Y.a)(e),
isMigrationInProgress: s,
migrationStatus: Object(ie.a)(e, t),
currentSelectedSiteId: t,
previousPath: Object(de.a)(e)
, {
setNextLayoutFocus: ee.c,
recordTracksEvent: y.e,
updateSiteMigrationMeta: ae.i
, _e = n("./state/document-head/selectors/get-document-head-title.js")
, ge = n("./state/selectors/get-current-route.js")
, be = n("./components/jetpack-logo/index.jsx")
, Ee = n("../packages/components/dist/esm/button/index.js")
, je = n("./lib/user/utils.js")
, ye = n("./lib/jetpack/use-track-callback.ts");
var Se = ({isOpen: e, close: t})=>{
const n = Object(u.h)()
, s = Object(r.e)(R.b)
, i = Object(ye.a)(e=>{
, "calypso_jetpack_settings_masterbar_logout")
, a = o.a.useRef(null);
return ((e,t)=>{
const n = o.a.useCallback(e=>{
"Escape" === e.key && t()
, [t])
, s = o.a.useCallback(({target: n})=>{
e.current && !e.current.contains(n) && t()
, [e, t]);
o.a.useEffect(()=>(document.addEventListener("keydown", n),
document.addEventListener("click", s),
document.removeEventListener("keydown", n),
document.removeEventListener("click", s)
), [s, n])
)(a, o.a.useCallback(()=>{
e && t()
, [t, e])),
o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "profile-dropdown",
ref: a
}, o.a.createElement($.a, {
user: s,
alt: n("My Profile"),
size: 18
}), o.a.createElement("span", {
className: "profile-dropdown__me-label"
}, n("My Profile", {
context: "Toolbar, must be shorter than ~12 chars"
})), e && o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "profile-dropdown__items"
}, o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "profile-dropdown__logout-item"
}, o.a.createElement($.a, {
className: "profile-dropdown__logout-gravatar",
user: s,
alt: n("My Profile"),
size: 64
}), o.a.createElement("span", {
className: "profile-dropdown__me-label"
}, n("My Profile", {
context: "Toolbar, must be shorter than ~12 chars"
})), o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "profile-dropdown__logout-username"
}, o.a.createElement("span", null, s.username), o.a.createElement(Ee.a, {
borderless: !0,
onClick: i
}, n("Log out"))), o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "profile-dropdown__empty-space"
, Oe = n("../packages/viewport-react/dist/esm/index.js");
var we = ()=>{
const e = Object(u.h)()
, t = Object(r.e)(_e.a)
, n = Object(r.e)(ge.a)
, s = Object(Oe.a)("<660px")
, i = /^\/(?:backup|scan)\/[^/]*$/.test(n)
, {isOpen: a, close: c, toggle: l} = (()=>{
const [e,t] = o.a.useState(!1)
, n = o.a.useCallback(()=>{
, [t])
, s = o.a.useCallback(()=>{
, [e, t]);
return {
isOpen: e,
close: n,
toggle: s
, d = Object(ye.a)(l, "calypso_jetpack_masterbar_profile_toggle")
, p = Object(ye.a)(c, "calypso_jetpack_masterbar_profile_close");
return o.a.createElement(S.a, {
className: "is-jetpack-cloud-masterbar"
}, o.a.createElement(O.a, {
className: "masterbar__item-home",
url: "/",
tooltip: e("Jetpack Cloud Dashboard", {
comment: "Jetpack Cloud top navigation bar item"
}, o.a.createElement(be.a, {
size: 28,
full: !s || i
})), o.a.createElement(O.a, {
className: "masterbar__item-title"
}, t), o.a.createElement(O.a, {
tipTarget: "me",
url: "#",
onClick: d,
icon: "user-circle",
className: E()("masterbar__item-me", {
"masterbar__item-me--open": a
tooltip: e("Log out of Jetpack Cloud")
}, o.a.createElement(Se, {
isOpen: a,
close: p
, ve = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-section-name.js");
var Te = e=>!(!Object(I.a)(e) || "gutenberg-editor" !== Object(ve.a)(e));
var Ie = ()=>{
const e = Object(r.e)(Te);
return Object(s.useEffect)(()=>{
const t = document.querySelector("html");
if (t)
return e ? (t.classList.add("is-iframe"),
()=>t.classList.remove("is-iframe")) : void t.classList.remove("is-iframe")
, [e]),
, Re = n("./notices/index.js");
var Ae = ()=>o.a.createElement("span", {
className: "offline-status"
}, o.a.createElement("svg", {
className: "gridicon",
height: 18,
width: 18,
xmlns: "",
viewBox: "0 0 24 24"
}, o.a.createElement("g", null, o.a.createElement("path", {
d: "M12.736 3.184L7.834 12.57l5.106.035-2.592 7.904 7.265-10.502-"
}))), "Offline")
, Ce = n("./components/data/query-preferences/index.jsx")
, Pe = n("./components/data/query-sites/index.jsx")
, Ue = n("./state/selected-editor/actions.js");
function Ne({siteId: e}) {
const t = Object(r.d)();
return Object(s.useEffect)(()=>{
e && t(Object(Ue.a)(e))
, [t, e]),
Ne.propTypes = {
siteId: h.a.number
function ke(e) {
return "OFFLINE" === e.application.connectionState
var Le = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-selected-site.js")
, De = n("./state/ui/selectors/masterbar-is-visible.js")
, xe = n("./state/ui/selectors/has-sidebar.js")
, Me = n("./state/selectors/is-site-automated-transfer.js")
, qe = n("./state/happychat/selectors/is-happychat-open.js")
, Fe = n("./state/sites/selectors/is-jetpack-site.js")
, Ve = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, Ge = n.n(Ve)
, He = n("./state/ui/preview/actions.js")
, Be = n("./state/sites/selectors/get-site.js");
function Qe(e) {
return e.ui.preview.currentPreviewUrl
function ze(e) {
const t = Ke(e);
return t ? Object(Be.a)(e, t) : null
function Ke(e) {
const t = Object(I.a)(e);
return t || e.ui.preview.currentPreviewSiteId
var We = n("./state/sites/selectors/get-site-option.js")
, $e = n("./state/ui/layout-focus/selectors.js")
, Ye = n("./lib/url/add-query-args.ts")
, Je = n("./components/web-preview/index.jsx");
const Ze = Ge()("calypso:site-preview");
class Xe extends s.Component {
constructor(...e) {
m()(this, "state", {
previewCount: 0
m()(this, "previewCounter", 0)
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(e) {
this.props.selectedSiteId && this.props.selectedSiteId !== e.selectedSiteId && (this.previewCounter = 0),
!this.props.showPreview && e.showPreview && (Ze("forcing refresh"),
this.previewCounter > 0 && this.setState({
previewCount: this.previewCounter
this.previewCounter += 1)
getPreviewUrl() {
if (!this.props.selectedSiteUrl && !this.props.previewUrl)
return Ze("no preview url and no site url were found for this site"),
const e = Object(Ye.a)({
iframe: !0,
theme_preview: !0,
"frame-nonce": this.props.selectedSiteNonce,
cachebust: this.state.previewCount
}, this.getBasePreviewUrl());
return Ze("using this preview url", e),
getBasePreviewUrl() {
return this.props.previewUrl || this.props.selectedSiteUrl
render() {
return this.props.selectedSite && this.props.selectedSite.is_previewable ? o.a.createElement(Je.a, {
className: this.props.className,
previewUrl: this.getPreviewUrl(),
externalUrl: this.getBasePreviewUrl(),
showExternal: !0,
showClose: !0,
showPreview: this.props.showPreview,
onClose: this.props.closePreview,
showSEO: !this.props.isDomainOnlySite
}) : (Ze("a preview is not available for this site"),
m()(Xe, "propTypes", {
className: h.a.string,
showPreview: h.a.bool,
previewUrl: h.a.string,
selectedSite: h.a.object,
selectedSiteId: h.a.number,
selectedSiteNonce: h.a.string,
selectedSiteUrl: h.a.string,
closePreview: h.a.func.isRequired
var et = Object(r.c)((function(e) {
const t = Ke(e)
, n = "https://" + Object(te.a)(e, t);
return {
showPreview: "preview" === Object($e.a)(e),
selectedSite: ze(e),
selectedSiteId: t,
selectedSiteUrl: n.replace(/::/g, "/"),
selectedSiteNonce: Object(We.a)(e, t, "frame_nonce") || "",
previewUrl: Qe(e),
isDomainOnlySite: Object(J.a)(e, t)
), {
closePreview: He.a
, tt = n("./state/selectors/get-current-query-arguments.js")
, nt = n("./components/data/document-head/index.jsx")
, st = n("./state/preferences/selectors.js")
, ot = n("../packages/components/dist/esm/dialog/index.js")
, rt = n("./lib/keyboard-shortcuts/index.js")
, it = n("./lib/keyboard-shortcuts/key-bindings.js");
class at extends o.a.Component {
constructor(...e) {
m()(this, "state", {
showDialog: !1
m()(this, "closeDialog", ()=>{
showDialog: !1
m()(this, "toggleShowDialog", ()=>{
showDialog: !this.state.showDialog
componentDidMount() {
rt.a.on("open-keyboard-shortcuts-menu", this.toggleShowDialog)
componentWillUnmount() {"open-keyboard-shortcuts-menu", this.toggleShowDialog)
getShortcutsByCategory() {
const e = it.a
, t = [{
name: this.props.translate("List Navigation"),
shortcuts: e.listNavigation,
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__list-navigation",
disabled: !0
}, {
name: this.props.translate("Site Navigation"),
shortcuts: e.siteNavigation,
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__site-navigation"
}, {
name: this.props.translate("Reader"),
shortcuts: e.reader,
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__reader",
disabled: !0
}, {
name: this.props.translate("Blog Posts and Pages"),
shortcuts: e.blogPostsAndPages,
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__blog-posts-and-pages",
disabled: !0
return c.a.isEnabled("devdocs") && t.push({
name: this.props.translate("Developer"),
shortcuts: e.developer,
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__developer"
const t = E()("keyboard-shortcuts__category", e.className, {
"keyboard-shortcuts__category-disabled": e.disabled
return o.a.createElement("li", {
className: t,
}, o.a.createElement("h3", null,, o.a.createElement("ul", {
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__list"
}, this.getShortcutList(e.shortcuts)))
getShortcutList(e) {
if (!e.description)
return null;
const t =,n)=>o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__key",
key: e.eventName + n
}, t))
, n = e.description.text(this.props.translate);
return o.a.createElement("li", {
key: e.eventName
}, o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__keys"
}, t), o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__description"
}, n))
render() {
return this.state.showDialog ? o.a.createElement(ot.a, {
isVisible: !0,
additionalClassNames: "keyboard-shortcuts",
onClose: this.closeDialog
}, o.a.createElement("h1", {
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__title"
}, this.props.translate("Keyboard Shortcuts")), o.a.createElement("ul", {
className: "keyboard-shortcuts__categories"
}, this.getShortcutsByCategory())) : null
var ct = Object(u.c)(at)
, ut = n("./lib/user/support-user-interop.js");
class lt extends s.Component {
constructor(...e) {
m()(this, "onKeyboardShortcut", ()=>{
this.props.isSupportSession && Object(ut.rebootNormally)()
componentDidMount() {
rt.a.on("exit-support-user", this.onKeyboardShortcut)
componentWillUnmount() {"exit-support-user", this.onKeyboardShortcut)
render() {
return null
var dt = Object(r.c)(e=>({
isSupportSession: Object(Y.a)(e)
, pt = n("./components/community-translator/utils.js")
, mt = n("./lib/e2e/index.ts")
, ft = n("./layout/body-section-css-class.js")
, ht = n("./jetpack-connect/persistence-utils.js")
, _t = n("./lib/oauth2-clients.js")
, gt = n("./state/oauth2-clients/ui/selectors.js")
, bt = n("./components/pulsing-dot/index.jsx")
, Et = n("./state/ui/selectors/is-section-loading.js");
var jt = Object(r.c)(e=>({
isLoading: Object(Et.a)(e)
}))(({isLoading: e})=>o.a.createElement("div", {
className: E()("layout__loader", {
"is-active": e
}, e && o.a.createElement(bt.a, {
delay: 400,
active: !0
, yt = n("./jetpack-connect/woo-dna-config.js");
var St = function(e) {
n.e(176).then(n.bind(null, "./layout/guided-tours/index.js")).then((function(t) {
, Ot = function(e) {
n.e(170).then(n.bind(null, "./layout/nps-survey-notice/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, wt = function(e) {
n.e(338).then(n.bind(null, "./blocks/jitm/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, vt = function(e) {
n.e(413).then(n.bind(null, "./components/global-notices/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, Tt = function(e) {
n.e(375).then(n.bind(null, "./components/community-translator/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, It = function(e) {
n.e(94).then(n.bind(null, "./layout/community-translator/launcher.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, Rt = function(e) {
Promise.all([n.e(121), n.e(390), n.e(299)]).then(n.bind(null, "./components/happychat/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, At = function(e) {
Promise.all([n.e(336), n.e(164)]).then(n.bind(null, "./blocks/inline-help/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, Ct = function(e) {
n.e(354).then(n.bind(null, "./blocks/support-article-dialog/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, Pt = function(e) {
n.e(326).then(n.bind(null, "./blocks/app-banner/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, Ut = function(e) {
Promise.resolve().then(n.bind(null, "./blocks/gdpr-banner/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
, Nt = function(e) {
n.e(318).then(n.bind(null, "./blocks/legal-updates-banner/index.js")).then((function(t) {
class kt extends s.Component {
componentDidMount() {
c.a.isEnabled("me/account/color-scheme-picker") && "undefined" != typeof document && this.props.colorSchemePreference && document.querySelector("body").classList.add("is-" + this.props.colorSchemePreference)
componentDidUpdate(e) {
if (c.a.isEnabled("me/account/color-scheme-picker") && e.colorSchemePreference !== this.props.colorSchemePreference && "undefined" != typeof document) {
const t = document.querySelector("body").classList;
t.remove("is-" + e.colorSchemePreference),
t.add("is-" + this.props.colorSchemePreference)
shouldLoadInlineHelp() {
if (!c.a.isEnabled("inline-help"))
return !1;
return !["jetpack-connect", "happychat", "devdocs", "help"].includes(this.props.sectionName) && !["/jetpack/new", "/log-in/jetpack", "/me/account/closed"].includes(this.props.currentRoute)
renderMasterbar() {
const e = c.a.isEnabled("jetpack-cloud") ? we : he;
return o.a.createElement(e, {
section: this.props.sectionGroup,
isCheckout: "checkout" === this.props.sectionName
render() {
const e = E()("layout", "is-group-" + this.props.sectionGroup, "is-section-" + this.props.sectionName, "focus-" + this.props.currentLayoutFocus, {
"is-add-site-page": "/jetpack/new" === this.props.currentRoute,
"is-support-session": this.props.isSupportSession,
"has-no-sidebar": !this.props.hasSidebar,
"has-chat": this.props.chatIsOpen,
"has-no-masterbar": this.props.masterbarIsHidden,
"is-jetpack-login": this.props.isJetpackLogin,
"is-jetpack-site": this.props.isJetpack,
"is-jetpack-mobile-flow": this.props.isJetpackMobileFlow,
"is-jetpack-woocommerce-flow": c.a.isEnabled("jetpack/connect/woocommerce") && this.props.isJetpackWooCommerceFlow,
"is-jetpack-woo-dna-flow": this.props.isJetpackWooDnaFlow,
"is-wccom-oauth-flow": c.a.isEnabled("woocommerce/onboarding-oauth") && Object(_t.c)(this.props.oauth2Client) && this.props.wccomFrom
, {shouldShowAppBanner: t} = this.props;
return o.a.createElement("div", {
className: e
}, o.a.createElement(ft.a, d()({
group: this.props.sectionGroup,
section: this.props.sectionName
}, (()=>{
const e = {};
return (this.props.isNewLaunchFlow || this.props.isCheckoutFromGutenboarding) && (e.bodyClass = "is-new-launch-flow"),
)())), o.a.createElement(Ie, null), o.a.createElement(nt.a, null), o.a.createElement(Pe.a, {
primaryAndRecent: !c.a.isEnabled("jetpack-cloud")
}), this.props.shouldQueryAllSites && o.a.createElement(Pe.a, {
allSites: !0
}), o.a.createElement(Ce.a, null), c.a.isEnabled("layout/query-selected-editor") && o.a.createElement(Ne, {
siteId: this.props.siteId
}), c.a.isEnabled("layout/guided-tours") && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: St,
placeholder: null
}), c.a.isEnabled("layout/nps-survey-notice") && !Object(mt.a)() && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: Ot,
placeholder: null
}), c.a.isEnabled("keyboard-shortcuts") ? o.a.createElement(ct, null) : null, this.renderMasterbar(), c.a.isEnabled("support-user") && o.a.createElement(dt, null), o.a.createElement(jt, null), this.props.isOffline && o.a.createElement(Ae, null), o.a.createElement("div", {
id: "content",
className: "layout__content"
}, c.a.isEnabled("jitms") && this.props.isEligibleForJITM && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: wt,
messagePath: `calypso:${this.props.sectionJitmPath}:admin_notices`,
sectionName: this.props.sectionName
}), o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: vt,
placeholder: null,
id: "notices",
notices: Re.a.list
}), o.a.createElement("div", {
id: "secondary",
className: "layout__secondary",
role: "navigation"
}, this.props.secondary), o.a.createElement("div", {
id: "primary",
className: "layout__primary"
}, this.props.primary)), c.a.isEnabled("i18n/community-translator") ? Object(pt.d)() && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: Tt
}) : Object(c.a)("restricted_me_access") && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: It,
placeholder: null
}), "sites" === this.props.sectionGroup && o.a.createElement(et, null), c.a.isEnabled("happychat") && this.props.chatIsOpen && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: Rt
}), !1, this.shouldLoadInlineHelp() && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: At,
placeholder: null
}), c.a.isEnabled("layout/support-article-dialog") && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: Ct,
placeholder: null
}), t && c.a.isEnabled("layout/app-banner") && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: Pt,
placeholder: null
}), c.a.isEnabled("gdpr-banner") && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: Ut,
placeholder: null
}), c.a.isEnabled("legal-updates-banner") && o.a.createElement(j.a, {
require: Nt,
placeholder: null
m()(kt, "propTypes", {
primary: h.a.element,
secondary: h.a.element,
focus: h.a.object,
masterbarIsHidden: h.a.bool,
isSupportSession: h.a.bool,
isOffline: h.a.bool,
sectionGroup: h.a.string,
sectionName: h.a.string,
colorSchemePreference: h.a.string,
shouldShowAppBanner: h.a.bool
var Lt = Object(r.c)(e=>{
var t;
const n = Object(N.a)(e)
, s = Object(ve.a)(e)
, o = Object(ge.b)(e)
, r = Object(I.a)(e)
, i = function(e) {
if (e && e.options) {
const t = - new Date(e.options.created_at).getTime() > 6048e5
, n = "unlaunched" !== e.launch_status;
return t && n
return !1
, a = Object(se.c)(o)
, c = Object(_.a)(o, "/log-in/jetpack")
, u = Object(Fe.a)(e, r) && !Object(Me.a)(e, r)
, l = "checkout" === s && "1" === (null === (t = Object(tt.a)(e)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.preLaunch)
, d = c || l || "/me/account/closed" === o
, p = "signup" === s || "jetpack-connect" === s
, m = "jetpack-connect" === s && !!Object(ht.g)()
, f = ("jetpack-connect" === s || "login" === s) && "woocommerce-onboarding" === Object(g.a)(Object(tt.a)(e), "from")
, h = ("jetpack-connect" === s || "login" === s) && Object(yt.a)(Object(tt.a)(e)).isWooDnaFlow()
, b = Object(gt.a)(e)
, E = Object(g.a)(Object(tt.a)(e), "wccom-from")
, j = ["stats", "plans", "themes", "plugins"].indexOf(s) >= 0
, y = Object(_.a)(o, "/start/new-launch");
return {
masterbarIsHidden: !Object(De.a)(e) || p || d,
isJetpack: u,
isJetpackLogin: c,
isJetpackWooCommerceFlow: f,
isJetpackWooDnaFlow: h,
isJetpackMobileFlow: m,
isEligibleForJITM: j,
oauth2Client: b,
wccomFrom: E,
isSupportSession: Object(Y.a)(e),
sectionGroup: n,
sectionName: s,
sectionJitmPath: a,
shouldShowAppBanner: i,
hasSidebar: Object(xe.a)(e),
isOffline: ke(e),
currentLayoutFocus: Object($e.a)(e),
chatIsOpen: Object(qe.a)(e),
colorSchemePreference: Object(st.b)(e, "colorScheme"),
currentRoute: o,
siteId: r,
shouldQueryAllSites: o && "/jetpack/connect/authorize" !== o,
isNewLaunchFlow: y,
isCheckoutFromGutenboarding: l
, Dt = n("./layout/logged-out.jsx")
, xt = n("./components/empty-content/index.jsx")
, Mt = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/i18n/build/index.js")
, qt = n("../packages/react-i18n/dist/esm/index.js");
var Ft = ({children: e})=>{
const [t,n] = s.useState(u.a.getLocale());
return s.useEffect(()=>{
const e = ()=>{
const e = Object.assign({}, u.a.getLocale());
return u.a.on("change", e),
()=>{"change", e)
, []),
s.createElement(qt.a, {
localeData: t
}, e)
, Vt = n("./components/localized-moment/context.js")
, Gt = n("./lib/paths/index.js")
, Ht = n("./controller/shared.js")
, Bt = n("./state/immediate-login/selectors.js")
, Qt = n("./controller/web-util.js");
const zt = ({store: e, primary: t, secondary: n, redirectUri: s})=>{
const i = e.getState()
, a = Object(R.o)(i) ? o.a.createElement(Lt, {
primary: t,
secondary: n
}) : o.a.createElement(Dt.a, {
primary: t,
secondary: n,
redirectUri: s
return o.a.createElement(Ft, null, o.a.createElement(r.a, {
store: e
}, o.a.createElement(Vt.b, null, a)))
, Kt = Object(Ht.a)(zt);
function Wt(e, ...t) {
a()(e, ...t, Qt.a)
function $t(e, t) {
const n =;
if (!Object(R.o)(n)) {
const t = || Object(se.d)(e.path)
, s = {
isNative: c.a.isEnabled("login/native-login-links"),
redirectTo: e.path,
site: t
, o = Object(Bt.a)(n);
o && (s.emailAddress = o);
const r = Object(Bt.b)(n);
return r && (s.locale = r),
void (window.location = Object(Gt.a)(s))
const Yt = (e,t)=>{
e.primary = o.a.createElement(xt.a, {
className: "content-404",
illustration: "/calypso/images/illustrations/illustration-404.svg",
title: Object(u.f)("Uh oh. Page not found."),
line: Object(u.f)("Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn't exist or has been moved.")
"./controller/shared.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return p
var s = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/noop.js")
, i = n("./config/index.js")
, a = n("./state/current-user/selectors.js")
, c = n("./state/ui/actions/index.js")
, u = n("./state/ui/language/actions.js");
function l(e) {
return (t,n)=>{
const {store: s, primary: r, secondary: i} = t;
t.isServerSide && Object(a.b)( || (t.layout = o.a.createElement(e, {
store: s,
primary: r,
secondary: i,
redirectUri: t.originalUrl
function d(e) {
return (t,n=r.a)=>{,
function p(e, t) {
const n = Object(a.b)(;
e.params.lang ? e.lang = e.params.lang : n && (e.lang = n.localeSlug), || Object(i.a)("i18n_default_locale_slug"))),
"./controller/web-util.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return l
var s = n("../node_modules/react-dom/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/page/page.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("./state/current-user/selectors.js");
function c(e, t) {
Object(a.o)( ? i.a.redirect("/") : t()
function u(e) {
o.a.render(e.layout, document.getElementById("wpcom"))
function l(e) {
o.a.hydrate(e.layout, document.getElementById("wpcom"))
"./dispatcher/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/flux/index.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js");
const r = n.n(o)()("calypso:dispatcher")
, i = Object.assign(new s.Dispatcher, {
handleViewAction: function(e) {
r("Dispatching view action %s: %o", e.type, e),
source: "VIEW_ACTION",
action: e
handleServerAction: function(e) {
r("Dispatching server action %s: %o", e.type, e),
source: "SERVER_ACTION",
action: e
t.a = i
"./jetpack-connect/persistence-utils.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return m
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return f
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return h
var s = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./state/jetpack-connect/constants.js")
, i = n("./lib/url/http-utils.ts");
const a = e=>{
document.cookie = o.a.serialize("jetpack_connect_selected_plan", e, {
path: "/"
, c = ()=>{
document.cookie = o.a.serialize("jetpack_connect_selected_plan", "", {
path: "/"
, u = ()=>o.a.parse(document.cookie).jetpack_connect_selected_plan
, l = e=>{
const t = {
maxAge: r.e,
path: "/"
document.cookie = o.a.serialize("jetpack_connect_session_url", Object(i.b)(e), t)
, d = e=>o.a.parse(document.cookie).jetpack_connect_session_url === Object(i.b)(e)
, p = e=>{
document.cookie = o.a.serialize("jetpack_sso_approved", e, {
maxAge: 300,
path: "/"
, m = e=>{
const t = o.a.parse(document.cookie);
return e === parseInt(t.jetpack_sso_approved, 10)
, f = e=>{
document.cookie = o.a.serialize("jetpack_connect_mobile_redirect", e, {
path: "/"
, h = ()=>o.a.parse(document.cookie).jetpack_connect_mobile_redirect
"./jetpack-connect/woo-dna-config.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = e=>Object.freeze({
isWooDnaFlow: ()=>Boolean(e && e.woodna_service_name),
getFlowName: ()=>"woodna:" + e.from,
getServiceName: ()=>e.woodna_service_name,
getServiceHelpUrl: ()=>e.woodna_help_url
"./landing/gutenboarding/basename.json": function(e) {
e.exports = JSON.parse('"new"')
"./languages.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
const s = [{
value: 2,
langSlug: "af",
name: "Afrikaans",
wpLocale: "af",
territories: ["002"]
}, {
value: 418,
langSlug: "als",
name: "Alemannisch",
wpLocale: "",
territories: ["155"]
}, {
value: 481,
langSlug: "am",
name: "አማርኛ",
wpLocale: "am",
territories: ["002"]
}, {
value: 3,
langSlug: "ar",
name: "العربية",
wpLocale: "ar",
rtl: !0,
popular: 16,
territories: ["145", "002"]
}, {
value: 419,
langSlug: "arc",
name: "ܕܥܒܪܸܝܛ",
wpLocale: "",
territories: ["145"]
}, {
value: 4,
langSlug: "as",
name: "অসমীয়া",
wpLocale: "as",
territories: ["034"]
}, {
value: 420,
langSlug: "ast",
name: "Asturianu",
wpLocale: "ast",
territories: ["039"]
}, {
value: 421,
langSlug: "av",
name: "авар мацӀ",
wpLocale: "",
territories: ["151"]
}, {
value: 422,
langSlug: "ay",
name: "aymar aru",
wpLocale: "",
territories: ["019"]
}, {
value: 79,
langSlug: "az",
name: "Azərbaycan dili",
wpLocale: "az",
territories: ["145"]
}, {
value: 423,
langSlug: "ba",
name: "башҡорт теле",
wpLocale: "ba",
territories: ["151"]
}, {
value: 5,
langSlug: "bel",
name: "Беларуская мова",
wpLocale: "bel",
territories: ["151"]
}, {
value: 6,
langSlug: "bg",
name: "Български",
wpLocale: "bg_BG",
territories: ["151"]
}, {
value: 7,
langSlug: "bm",
name: "Bamanankan",
wpLocale: "",
territories: ["002"]
}, {
value: 8,
langSlug: "bn",
name: "বাংলা",
wpLocale: "bn_BD",
territories: ["034"]
}, {
value: 9,
langSlug: "bo",
name: "བོད་སྐད",
wpLocale: "bo",
territories: ["030"]
}, {
value: 424,
langSlug: "br",
name: "Brezhoneg",
wpLocale: "bre",
territories: ["155"]
}, {
value: 454,
langSlug: "bs",
name: "Bosanski",
wpLocale: "bs_BA",
territories: ["039"]
}, {
value: 10,
langSlug: "ca",
name: "Català",
wpLocale: "ca",
territories: ["039"]
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}, o.a.createElement("img", {
className: "masterbar__crowdsignal-client-logo",
src: e.icon,
alt: e.title
}))), o.a.createElement("li", {
className: "masterbar__crowdsignal-nav-item masterbar__crowdsignal-nav-text"
}, o.a.createElement("p", {
className: "masterbar__crowdsignal-text"
}, o.a.createElement("span", null, t("{{span}}%(product)s is {{/span}}built by the people behind", {
args: {
product: e.title
components: {
span: o.a.createElement("span", {
className: "masterbar__crowdsignal-wide-screen-only"
})))), o.a.createElement("li", {
className: "masterbar__crowdsignal-nav-item"
}, o.a.createElement("a", {
href: "",
className: "masterbar__crowdsignal-link"
}, o.a.createElement(j.a, {
size: 40,
className: "masterbar__crowdsignal-wordpress-logo"
var L = Object(g.c)(k)
, D = n("./components/jetpack-logo/index.jsx");
const x = ({oauth2Client: e})=>o.a.createElement("header", {
className: "masterbar masterbar__oauth-client"
}, o.a.createElement("nav", null, o.a.createElement("ul", {
className: "masterbar__oauth-client-main-nav"
}, o.a.createElement("li", {
className: "masterbar__oauth-client-current"
}, Object(U.b)(e) ? o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "masterbar__oauth-client-logo"
}, o.a.createElement(D.a, {
full: !0,
monochrome: !1,
size: 28
})) : e.icon && o.a.createElement("div", {
className: "masterbar__oauth-client-logo"
}, o.a.createElement("img", {
src: e.icon,
alt: e.title
}))), Object(U.c)(e) && o.a.createElement("li", {
className: "masterbar__oauth-client-close"
}, o.a.createElement("a", {
href: ""
}, "Cancel ", o.a.createElement("span", null, "X"))), !Object(U.c)(e) && !Object(U.b)(e) && o.a.createElement("li", {
className: "masterbar__oauth-client-wpcc-sign-in"
}, o.a.createElement("a", {
href: Object(I.l)(""),
className: "masterbar__oauth-client-wpcom",
target: "_self"
}, o.a.createElement(P.a, {
icon: "my-sites",
size: 24
}), "")))))
, M = ({oauth2Client: e})=>Object(U.a)(e) ? o.a.createElement(L, {
oauth2Client: e
}) : o.a.createElement(x, {
oauth2Client: e
M.displayName = "OauthClientMasterbar",
M.propTypes = {
oauth2Client: i.a.object
var q = M
, F = n("./state/oauth2-clients/ui/selectors.js")
, V = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-section.js")
, G = n("./state/ui/selectors/masterbar-is-visible.js")
, H = n("./layout/body-section-css-class.js")
, B = n("./blocks/gdpr-banner/index.jsx")
, Q = n("./landing/gutenboarding/basename.json")
, z = n("./jetpack-connect/woo-dna-config.js");
const K = e=>"devdocs" === && !Object(l.a)(e.paths, "/devdocs/start");
var W = function(e) {
n.e(413).then(n.bind(null, "./components/global-notices/index.jsx")).then((function(t) {
const $ = ({currentRoute: e, isJetpackLogin: t, isGutenboardingLogin: n, isPopup: s, isJetpackWooCommerceFlow: r, isJetpackWooDnaFlow: i, wccomFrom: a, masterbarIsHidden: u, oauth2Client: l, primary: p, secondary: h, section: _, redirectUri: g, useOAuth2Layout: b})=>{
const E = Object(d.a)(_, "group", null)
, j = Object(d.a)(_, "name", null)
, y = {
["is-group-" + E]: E,
["is-section-" + j]: j,
"is-add-site-page": "/jetpack/new" === e,
"focus-content": !0,
"has-no-sidebar": !K(_),
"has-no-masterbar": u,
"is-jetpack-login": t,
"is-gutenboarding-login": n,
"is-popup": s,
"is-jetpack-woocommerce-flow": f.a.isEnabled("jetpack/connect/woocommerce") && r,
"is-jetpack-woo-dna-flow": i,
"is-wccom-oauth-flow": f.a.isEnabled("woocommerce/onboarding-oauth") && Object(U.c)(l) && a
let S = null;
return b && l && ? f.a.isEnabled("woocommerce/onboarding-oauth") && Object(U.c)(l) && a ? S = null : (y.dops = !0,
y[] = !0,
Object(U.a)(l) && (y["has-no-masterbar"] = !1),
S = o.a.createElement(q, {
oauth2Client: l
})) : S = f.a.isEnabled("jetpack-cloud") ? null : o.a.createElement(A, {
title: _.title,
redirectUri: g
o.a.createElement("div", {
className: c()("layout", y)
}, o.a.createElement(H.a, {
group: E,
section: j
}), S, o.a.createElement("div", {
id: "content",
className: "layout__content"
}, o.a.createElement(m.a, {
require: W,
placeholder: null,
id: "notices",
notices: C.a.list
}), o.a.createElement("div", {
id: "primary",
className: "layout__primary"
}, p), o.a.createElement("div", {
id: "secondary",
className: "layout__secondary"
}, h)), f.a.isEnabled("gdpr-banner") && o.a.createElement(B.default, null))
$.displayName = "LayoutLoggedOut",
$.propTypes = {
primary: i.a.element,
secondary: i.a.element,
currentRoute: i.a.string,
masterbarIsHidden: i.a.bool,
section: i.a.oneOfType([i.a.bool, i.a.object]),
redirectUri: i.a.string,
showOAuth2Layout: i.a.bool
t.a = Object(u.c)(e=>{
const t = Object(V.a)(e)
, n = Object(w.b)(e)
, s = Object(p.a)(n, "/log-in/jetpack")
, o = Object(p.a)(n, "/log-in/" + Q)
, r = s || o
, i = "1" === Object(d.a)(Object(O.a)(e), "is_popup")
, a = "signup" === || "jetpack-connect" ===;
return {
currentRoute: n,
isJetpackLogin: s,
isGutenboardingLogin: o,
isPopup: i,
isJetpackWooCommerceFlow: "woocommerce-onboarding" === Object(d.a)(Object(O.a)(e), "from"),
isJetpackWooDnaFlow: Object(z.a)(Object(O.a)(e)).isWooDnaFlow(),
wccomFrom: Object(d.a)(Object(O.a)(e), "wccom-from"),
masterbarIsHidden: !Object(G.a)(e) || a || r,
section: t,
oauth2Client: Object(F.a)(e),
useOAuth2Layout: Object(F.c)(e)
"./layout/masterbar/crowdsignal.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./layout/masterbar/drafts.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, p = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, m = n("./components/async-load/index.jsx")
, f = n("./components/data/query-post-counts/index.jsx")
, h = n("../packages/components/dist/esm/button/index.js")
, _ = n("./components/count/index.jsx")
, g = n("./state/analytics/actions/record.js")
, b = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-selected-site-id.js")
, E = n("./state/posts/counts/selectors.js")
, j = function(e) {
Promise.all([n.e(431), n.e(159)]).then(n.bind(null, "./layout/masterbar/drafts-popover.jsx")).then((function(t) {
const y = e=>l.a.createElement(m.a, i()({}, e, {
require: j,
placeholder: null
class S extends u.Component {
constructor(...e) {
o()(this, "state", {
showDrafts: !1
o()(this, "preloaded", !1),
o()(this, "preload", ()=>{
this.preloaded || (Promise.all([n.e(431), n.e(159)]).then(n.bind(null, "./layout/masterbar/drafts-popover.jsx")),
this.preloaded = !0)
o()(this, "toggleDrafts", ()=>{
showDrafts: !e.showDrafts
o()(this, "closeDrafts", ()=>{
showDrafts: !1
o()(this, "draftClicked", ()=>{
o()(this, "newDraftClicked", ()=>{
o()(this, "seeAllDraftsClicked", ()=>{
o()(this, "setDraftsRef", e=>{
this.draftsRef = e
renderButton() {
return this.props.selectedSiteId && this.props.draftCount ? l.a.createElement(h.a, {
compact: !0,
borderless: !0,
className: "masterbar__toggle-drafts",
title: this.props.translate("Latest Drafts"),
onClick: this.toggleDrafts,
onTouchStart: this.preload,
onMouseEnter: this.preload,
ref: this.setDraftsRef
}, l.a.createElement(_.a, {
count: this.props.draftCount
})) : null
renderPopover() {
return this.state.showDrafts ? l.a.createElement(y, {
siteId: this.props.selectedSiteId,
draftCount: this.props.draftCount,
context: this.draftsRef,
closeDrafts: this.closeDrafts,
draftClicked: this.draftClicked,
newDraftClicked: this.newDraftClicked,
seeAllDraftsClicked: this.seeAllDraftsClicked
}) : null
render() {
return this.props.selectedSiteId ? l.a.createElement("div", {
className: "masterbar__drafts"
}, l.a.createElement(f.a, {
siteId: this.props.selectedSiteId,
type: "post"
}), this.renderButton(), this.renderPopover()) : null
o()(S, "propTypes", {
selectedSiteId: c.a.number
t.a = Object(d.c)(e=>{
const t = Object(b.a)(e);
return {
selectedSiteId: t,
draftCount: Object(E.a)(e, t, "post", "draft")
, {
recordTracksEvent: g.e
"./layout/masterbar/item.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isFunction.js")
, p = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/noop.js")
, m = n("./components/gridicon/index.tsx")
, f = n("./components/translatable/proptype.js");
class h extends a.Component {
constructor(...e) {
o()(this, "_preloaded", !1),
o()(this, "preload", ()=>{
!this._preloaded && Object(d.a)(this.props.preloadSection) && (this._preloaded = !0,
render() {
const e = l()("masterbar__item", this.props.className, {
"is-active": this.props.isActive,
"has-unseen": this.props.hasUnseen
return c.a.createElement("a", {
"data-tip-target": this.props.tipTarget,
href: this.props.url,
onClick: this.props.onClick,
title: this.props.tooltip,
className: e,
onTouchStart: this.preload,
onMouseEnter: this.preload
}, this.props.hasUnseen && c.a.createElement("span", {
className: "masterbar__item-bubble",
"aria-label": "You have unseen content"
}), !!this.props.icon && c.a.createElement(m.a, {
icon: this.props.icon,
size: 24
}), c.a.createElement("span", {
className: "masterbar__item-content"
}, this.props.children))
o()(h, "propTypes", {
url: i.a.string,
onClick: i.a.func,
tooltip: f.a,
icon: i.a.string,
className: i.a.string,
isActive: i.a.bool,
preloadSection: i.a.func,
hasUnseen: i.a.bool
o()(h, "defaultProps", {
icon: "",
onClick: p.a,
hasUnseen: !1
t.a = h
"./layout/masterbar/masterbar.jsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/classnames/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, c = n.n(a);
const u = ({children: e, className: t})=>c.a.createElement("header", {
id: "header",
className: o()("masterbar", t)
}, e);
u.propTypes = {
children: i.a.node.isRequired,
className: i.a.string
t.a = u
"./layout/masterbar/oauth-client.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./layout/masterbar/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./layout/offline-status/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./layout/style.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./lib/abtest/active-tests.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("./lib/performance-tracking/const.js");
t.a = {
cartNudgeUpdateToPremium: {
datestamp: "20180917",
variations: {
test: 50,
control: 50
defaultVariation: "control",
allowExistingUsers: !0
springSale30PercentOff: {
datestamp: "20180413",
variations: {
upsell: 50,
control: 50
defaultVariation: "control",
allowExistingUsers: !0
ATPromptOnCancel: {
datestamp: "20170515",
variations: {
hide: 20,
show: 80
defaultVariation: "hide",
allowExistingUsers: !0
skipThemesSelectionModal: {
datestamp: "20170904",
variations: {
skip: 50,
show: 50
defaultVariation: "show",
allowExistingUsers: !0,
localeTargets: "any"
builderReferralStatsNudge: {
datestamp: "20181218",
variations: {
builderReferralBanner: 25,
googleMyBusinessBanner: 75
defaultVariation: "googleMyBusinessBanner"
builderReferralThemesBanner: {
datestamp: "20181218",
variations: {
builderReferralBanner: 25,
original: 75
defaultVariation: "original"
pageBuilderMVP: {
datestamp: "20190419",
variations: {
control: 100,
test: 0
defaultVariation: "control",
allowExistingUsers: !0
conciergeUpsellDial: {
datestamp: "20200421",
variations: {
offer: 50,
noOffer: 50
defaultVariation: "noOffer",
allowExistingUsers: !0
skippableDomainStep: {
datestamp: "20290717",
variations: {
skippable: 0,
notSkippable: 100
defaultVariation: "notSkippable",
allowExistingUsers: !0
passwordlessSignup: {
datestamp: "20291029",
variations: {
passwordless: 0,
default: 100
defaultVariation: "default"
domainStepCopyUpdates: {
datestamp: "20191121",
variations: {
variantShowUpdates: 100,
control: 0
defaultVariation: "variantShowUpdates",
allowExistingUsers: !0
domainStepPlanStepSwap: {
datestamp: "20200513",
variations: {
variantShowSwapped: 0,
control: 100
defaultVariation: "control",
allowExistingUsers: !0
newSiteGutenbergOnboarding: {
datestamp: "20200714",
variations: {
gutenberg: 10,
control: 90
defaultVariation: "control",
allowExistingUsers: !0,
localeTargets: ["en"],
countryCodeTargets: ["US", "ID", "NG", "BD", "NL", "SE", "SG", "LK", "NZ", "IE", "CA", "AU"]
[s.a]: {
datestamp: "20200602",
variations: {
[s.c]: 50,
[s.b]: 50
defaultVariation: s.b,
localeTargets: "any",
allowExistingUsers: !0
showBusinessPlanBump: {
datestamp: "20300619",
variations: {
variantShowPlanBump: 0,
control: 100
defaultVariation: "control",
allowExistingUsers: !0
showCompositeCheckoutI18N: {
datestamp: "20200710",
variations: {
composite: 90,
regular: 10
defaultVariation: "regular",
allowExistingUsers: !0,
localeTargets: "any"
"./lib/abtest/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return S
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return O
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return w
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return v
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return T
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/keys.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isArray.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/every.js")
, u = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/some.js")
, l = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/reduce.js")
, d = n("../node_modules/store/dist/store.modern.js")
, p = n.n(d)
, m = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, f = n("./lib/abtest/active-tests.js")
, h = n("./lib/analytics/tracks.js")
, _ = n("./lib/user/index.js")
, g = n("./lib/wp/browser.js")
, b = n("./lib/abtest/utility.js")
, E = n("./lib/i18n-utils/utils.js");
const j = o()("calypso:abtests");
function y(e, t) {
if (!(this instanceof y))
return new y(e,t);
this.init(e, t)
const S = (e,t=!1)=>new y(e,t).getVariationAndSetAsNeeded()
, O = e=>new y(e).getVariation()
, w = ()=>p.a.get(b.a) || {}
, v = (e,t)=>new y(e).saveVariation(t)
, T = ()=>Object(r.a)(f.a).map(y)
, I = ()=>Object(_.default)() && !1 !== Object(_.default)().get()
, R = Object(E.e)()
, A = e=>-1 !== R.indexOf(e);
y.prototype.init = function(e, t) {
if (!/^[A-Za-z\d]+$/.test(e))
throw new Error('The test name "' + e + '" should be camel case');
const n = f.a[e];
if (!n)
throw new Error("No A/B test configuration data found for " + e);
const s = n.variations
, o = void 0 !== n.assignmentMethod ? n.assignmentMethod : "default"
, u = Object(r.a)(s);
if (!s || 0 === u.length)
throw new Error("No A/B test variations found for " + e);
if (!n.defaultVariation)
throw new Error("No default variation found for " + e);
if (!Object(i.a)(u, n.defaultVariation))
throw new Error("A default variation is specified for " + e + " but it is not part of the variations");
if (this.localeTargets = ["en"],
if ("any" === n.localeTargets)
this.localeTargets = !1;
else {
if (!Object(a.a)(n.localeTargets) || !Object(c.a)(n.localeTargets, A))
throw new Error('localeTargets can be either "any" or an array of one or more valid language slugs');
this.localeTargets = n.localeTargets
this.localeExceptions = !1,
n.localeExceptions && Object(a.a)(n.localeExceptions) && Object(c.a)(n.localeExceptions, A) && (this.localeExceptions = n.localeExceptions);
const l = n.datestamp;
if ( = e,
this.datestamp = l,
this.startDate = (e=>{
if (e.length === "YYYYMMDD".length) {
const t = `${e.substr(0, 4)}-${e.substr(4, 2)}-${e.substr(6, 2)}`
, n = Date.parse(t);
if (!isNaN(n))
return n
throw new Error(`The date ${e} should be in the YYYYMMDD format`)
this.variationDetails = s,
this.defaultVariation = n.defaultVariation,
this.variationNames = u,
this.assignmentMethod = o,
this.experimentId = e + "_" + l,
n.countryCodeTargets) {
if (!1 === t)
throw new Error("Test config has countryCodeTargets, but no geoLocation passed to abtest function");
this.countryCodeTargets = n.countryCodeTargets,
this.geoLocation = t
this.allowExistingUsers = !0 === n.allowExistingUsers
y.prototype.getVariationAndSetAsNeeded = function() {
const e = this.getSavedVariation(this.experimentId);
if (!this.hasTestStartedYet())
return j("%s: Test will start on %s.", this.experimentId, this.datestamp),
e || this.defaultVariation;
if (e && Object(i.a)(this.variationNames, e))
return j('%s: existing variation: "%s"', this.experimentId, e),
if (!this.isEligibleForAbTest())
return j("%s: User is ineligible to participate in A/B test", this.experimentId),
const t = this.assignVariation();
return this.saveVariation(t),
j('%s: new variation: "%s"', this.experimentId, t),
y.prototype.getVariation = function() {
return this.getSavedVariation(this.experimentId)
const C = (e,t=null)=>{
const n = "undefined" != typeof navigator ? window.navigator : {}
, s = n.language || n.userLanguage || "en"
, o = n.languages && n.languages.length ? n.languages[0] : "en"
, r = Object(m.b)() || "en"
, i = new RegExp("^(" + e.join("|") + ")","i")
, a = Object(_.default)().get().localeSlug || "en";
return I() && !a.match(i) ? (j("%s: User has a %s locale", t, a),
!1) : I() || s.match(i) ? I() || o.match(i) ? !(!I() && !r.match(i)) || (j("%s: Logged-out user has the %s locale in session", t, a),
!1) : (j("%s: Logged-out user has a %s navigator.languages primary preference", t, a),
!1) : (j("%s: Logged-out user has a %s navigator.language preference", t, a),
y.prototype.isEligibleForAbTest = function() {
return p.a.enabled ? !(this.localeTargets && !C(this.localeTargets, this.experimentId)) && ((!this.localeExceptions || !C(this.localeExceptions, this.experimentId)) && (this.countryCodeTargets && -1 === this.countryCodeTargets.indexOf(this.geoLocation) ? (j("%s: geoLocation is %s, test targets: %s", this.experimentId, this.geoLocation, this.countryCodeTargets.join(", ")),
!1) : this.hasBeenInPreviousSeriesTest() ? (j("%s: User has been in a previous series test", this.experimentId),
!1) : !(this.hasRegisteredBeforeTestBegan() && !this.allowExistingUsers) || (j("%s: User was registered before the test began", this.experimentId),
!1))) : (j("%s: Local storage is not enabled", this.experimentId),
y.prototype.hasTestStartedYet = function() {
return new Date > new Date(this.startDate)
y.prototype.hasBeenInPreviousSeriesTest = function() {
const e = Object(r.a)(w());
let t;
return Object(u.a)(e, function(e) {
return t = e.substring(0, e.length - "_YYYYMMDD".length),
e !== this.experimentId && t ===
y.prototype.hasRegisteredBeforeTestBegan = function() {
return Object(_.default)() && Object(_.default)().get() && new Date(Object(_.default)().get().date) < new Date(this.startDate)
y.prototype.getSavedVariation = function() {
return w()[this.experimentId] || null
y.prototype.assignVariation = function() {
var e, t;
let n, s, o = 0;
const r = null === (e = Object(_.default)()) || void 0 === e || null === (t = e.get()) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.ID
, i = Object(l.a)(this.variationDetails, (e,t)=>e + t, 0);
for (n in s = "userId" !== this.assignmentMethod || isNaN(+r) ? Math.random() * i : Number(r) % i,
if (o += this.variationDetails[n],
s < o)
return n
y.prototype.recordVariation = function(e) {
Object(h.recordTracksEvent)("calypso_abtest_start", {
abtest_name: this.experimentId,
abtest_variation: e
y.prototype.saveVariation = function(e) {
I() ? this.saveVariationOnBackend(e) : this.recordVariation(e),
y.prototype.saveVariationOnBackend = function(e) {
g.a.undocumented().saveABTestData(this.experimentId, e, function(t) {
t ? j("%s: Error saving variation %s: %s", this.experimentId, e, t) : j("%s: Variation saved successfully: %s.", this.experimentId, e)
y.prototype.saveVariationInLocalStorage = function(e) {
const t = w();
t[this.experimentId] = e,
p.a.set(b.a, t)
"./lib/abtest/utility.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return r
var s = n("./lib/abtest/active-tests.js");
const o = "ABTests";
function r({appendDatestamp: e=!1, asCSV: t=!1}={}) {
const n = Object.keys(s.a).map(t=>e ? `${t}_${s.a[t].datestamp}` : t);
return t ? n.join(",") : n
"./lib/accessible-focus/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
let s = !1
, o = [9, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40];
t.a = function() {
document.addEventListener("keydown", (function(e) {
s || -1 !== o.indexOf(e.keyCode) && (s = !0,
document.addEventListener("mouseup", (function() {
s && (s = !1,
"./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "H", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "I", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "F", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "E", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "B", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "G", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "R", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "O", (function() {
return m
n.d(t, "D", (function() {
return f
n.d(t, "L", (function() {
return h
n.d(t, "N", (function() {
return _
n.d(t, "J", (function() {
return g
n.d(t, "Q", (function() {
return b
n.d(t, "K", (function() {
return E
n.d(t, "C", (function() {
return j
n.d(t, "M", (function() {
return y
n.d(t, "P", (function() {
return S
n.d(t, "A", (function() {
return O
n.d(t, "z", (function() {
return w
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return v
n.d(t, "m", (function() {
return T
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return I
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return R
n.d(t, "y", (function() {
return A
n.d(t, "x", (function() {
return C
n.d(t, "s", (function() {
return P
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return U
n.d(t, "o", (function() {
return N
n.d(t, "p", (function() {
return k
n.d(t, "n", (function() {
return L
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return D
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return x
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return M
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return q
n.d(t, "w", (function() {
return F
n.d(t, "q", (function() {
return V
n.d(t, "u", (function() {
return G
n.d(t, "r", (function() {
return H
n.d(t, "t", (function() {
return B
n.d(t, "v", (function() {
return Q
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return z
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return K
n.d(t, "l", (function() {
return W
n.d(t, "k", (function() {
return $
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./config/index.js");
const i = !0
, a = !0
, c = !0
, u = !0
, l = !0
, d = !0
, p = !0
, m = !0
, f = !0
, h = !0
, _ = !0
, g = !1
, b = !1
, E = !1
, j = !1
, y = !1
, S = !1
, O = !1
, w = o()("calypso:analytics:ad-tracking")
, v = ""
, T = ""
, I = ""
, R = ""
, A = ""
, C = ""
, P = ""
, U = ""
, N = ""
, k = ""
, L = ""
, D = ""
, x = ""
, M = ""
, q = ""
, F = ""
, V = ""
, G = ""
, H = ""
, B = ""
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bingInit: "4074038",
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pinterestInit: "2613194105266"
, z = "dcmsid"
, K = 1800
, W = ""
, $ = "Jetpack"
"./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/floodlight.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return d
var s = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/assign.js")
, i = n("./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js")
, a = n("./lib/analytics/utils/is-ad-tracking-allowed.js")
, c = n("../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js")
, u = n("./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/constants.js");
function l(e) {
if (!Object(a.a)() || !u.F)
const t = Object(r.a)(function() {
const e = {}
, t = Object(c.b)()
, n = Object(c.f)();
t && (e.u4 = t.hashedPii.ID);
n && (e.u5 = n);
return e
}(), {
allow_custom_scripts: !0
, n = ["event", "conversion", Object(r.a)({}, t, e)];
Object(u.z)("recordParamsInFloodlightGtag:", n),
function d(e) {
if (!Object(a.a)() || !u.F)
const t = function() {
const e = o.a.parse(document.cookie)[u.g];
if (e)
return Object(u.z)("Floodlight: Existing session: " + e),
const t = Object(i.a)().replace(new RegExp("-","g"), "");
return Object(u.z)("Floodlight: New session: " + t),
document.cookie = o.a.serialize(u.g, t, {
maxAge: u.h
Object(u.z)("retarget: recordPageViewInFloodlight: wpvisit"),
session_id: t,
u6: e,
u7: t,
send_to: "DC-6355556/wordp0/wpvisit+per_session"
Object(u.z)("retarget: recordPageViewInFloodlight: wppv"),
u6: e,
u7: t,
send_to: "DC-6355556/wordp0/wppv+standard"
"./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/load-tracking-scripts.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
var s = n("../packages/load-script/dist/esm/index.js")
, o = n("../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js")
, r = n("./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/constants.js");
const i = function(e) {
let t, n = "not-loading";
const s = new Promise(e=>{
t = e
return ()=>("not-loading" === n && (n = "loading",
n = "loaded",
, ()=>{
n = "not-loading"
const e = function() {
const e = [];
r.E && e.push(r.j);
const t = [r.H && r.v.wpcomGoogleAnalyticsGtag, r.R && r.v.wpcomGoogleAdsGtag, r.F && r.v.wpcomFloodlightGtag].filter(e=>!1 !== e);
t.length > 0 && e.push(r.m + t[0]);
r.B && e.push(r.e);
r.C && e.push(r.f);
r.O && e.push(("https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https://secure" : "http://edge") + "");
r.Q && e.push(r.w);
r.K && e.push(r.q);
r.P && e.push(r.u);
r.L && e.push(r.r);
r.N && e.push(r.t);
return e
let t = !1;
for (const n of e) {
try {
await Object(s.a)(n)
} catch (e) {
t = !0,
Object(r.z)("loadTrackingScripts: [Load Error] a tracking script failed to load: ", e)
Object(r.z)("loadTrackingScripts: [Loaded]", n)
if (t)
throw new Error("One or more tracking scripts failed to load");
Object(r.z)("loadTrackingScripts: load done"),
function() {
r.E && function() {
let e = {};
const t = Object(o.b)();
t && (e = {
Object(r.z)("initFacebook", e),
window.fbq("init", r.v.facebookInit, e),
window.fbq("set", "autoConfig", !1, r.v.facebookJetpackInit),
window.fbq("init", r.v.facebookJetpackInit, e)
if (r.B) {
const e = {
ti: r.v.bingInit,
q: window.uetq
"undefined" != typeof UET && (window.uetq = new UET(e))
r.Q && window.twq("init", r.v.twitterPixelId);
r.P && window.qp("init", r.v.quoraPixelId);
if (r.N) {
const e = Object(o.b)()
, t = e ? {
} : {};
window.pintrk("load", r.v.pinterestInit, t)
Object(r.z)("loadTrackingScripts: init done")
Object(r.z)("loadTrackingScripts: dataLayer:", JSON.stringify(window.dataLayer, null, 2))
"./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/setup-gtag.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function s() {
window.dataLayer && window.gtag || (window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [],
window.gtag = function() {
window.gtag("js", new Date))
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
"./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/setup.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/constants.js")
, o = n("./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/setup-gtag.js");
"undefined" != typeof window && (Object(o.a)(),
s.E && function() {
if (window.fbq)
const e = window.fbq = function() {
e.callMethod ? e.callMethod.apply(e, arguments) : e.queue.push(arguments)
window._fbq || (window._fbq = e);
window._fbq.disablePushState = !0,
e.push = e,
e.loaded = !0,
e.version = "2.0",
e.queue = []
s.B && !window.uetq && (window.uetq = []),
s.C && !window.criteo_q && (window.criteo_q = []),
s.O && !window._qevents && (window._qevents = []),
s.R && (Object(o.a)(),
window.gtag("config", s.v.wpcomGoogleAdsGtag)),
s.F && (Object(o.a)(),
window.gtag("config", s.v.wpcomFloodlightGtag)),
s.Q && function() {
if (window.twq)
const e = window.twq = function() {
e.exe ? e.exe.apply(e, arguments) : e.queue.push(arguments)
e.version = "1.1",
e.queue = []
s.K && (window._linkedin_data_partner_id || (window._linkedin_data_partner_id = s.v.linkedInPartnerId)),
s.P && function() {
if (window.qp)
const e = window.qp = function() {
e.qp ? e.qp.apply(e, arguments) : e.queue.push(arguments)
e.queue = []
s.L && function() {
const e = window.obApi = function() {
e.dispatch ? e.dispatch.apply(e, arguments) : e.queue.push(arguments)
e.version = "1.0",
e.loaded = !0,
e.marketerId = s.v.outbrainAdvId,
e.queue = []
s.N && function() {
if (!window.pintrk) {
window.pintrk = function() {
const e = window.pintrk;
e.queue = [],
e.version = "3.0"
s.A && (window.adRoll || (window.adRoll = {
trackPageview: function() {
(new window.Image).src = s.a,
(new window.Image).src = s.b
trackPurchase: function() {
(new window.Image).src = s.c,
(new window.Image).src = s.d
"./lib/analytics/ga.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return h
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return _
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return g
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./config/index.js")
, i = n("./lib/analytics/utils/is-pii-url.js")
, a = n("./lib/analytics/utils/may-we-track-current-user-gdpr.js")
, c = n("../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js")
, u = n("./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/constants.js")
, l = n("./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/setup-gtag.js");
function d() {
const e = Object(c.b)();
return {
...e && {
user_id: e.hashedPii.ID
anonymize_ip: !0,
transport_type: "function" == typeof window.navigator.sendBeacon ? "beacon" : "xhr",
use_amp_client_id: !0,
custom_map: {
dimension3: "client_id"
const p = o()("calypso:analytics:ga");
let m = !1;
function f() {
if (!m) {
const t = {
send_page_view: !1,
p("parameters:", t),
e = t,
window.gtag("config", u.v.wpcomGoogleAnalyticsGtag, e),
m = !0
var e
const h = b((function(e, t) {
p("Recording Page View ~ [URL: " + e + "] [Title: " + t + "]"),
function(e, t) {
window.gtag("config", u.v.wpcomGoogleAnalyticsGtag, {
page_path: e,
page_title: t
}(e, t)
, _ = b((function(e, t, n, s) {
void 0 === s || isNaN(Number(String(s))) || (s = Math.round(Number(String(s))));
let o = "Recording Event ~ [Category: " + e + "] [Action: " + t + "]";
void 0 !== n && (o += " [Option Label: " + n + "]"),
void 0 !== s && (o += " [Option Value: " + s + "]"),
function(e, t, n, s) {
window.gtag("event", t, {
event_category: e,
event_label: n,
value: s
}(e, t, n, s)
, g = b((function(e, t, n, s) {
var o, r, i, a;
p("Recording Timing ~ [URL: " + e + "] [Duration: " + n + "]"),
o = t,
r = n,
i = e,
a = s,
window.gtag("event", "timing_complete", {
name: o,
value: r,
event_category: i,
event_label: a
function b(e) {
return function(...t) {
u.H && r.a.isEnabled("ad-tracking") && !Object(c.c)() && !Object(i.a)() && Object(a.a)() ? (f(),
e(...t)) : p("[Disallowed] analytics %s( %o )",, t)
"./lib/analytics/hotjar.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return p
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./config/index.js")
, i = n("./lib/analytics/utils/is-pii-url.js")
, a = n("./lib/analytics/utils/may-we-track-current-user-gdpr.js")
, c = n("../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js")
, u = n("./lib/e2e/index.ts");
const l = o()("calypso:analytics:hotjar");
let d = !1;
function p() {
var e, t, n, s;
d || !Object(r.a)("hotjar_enabled") || Object(u.a)() || Object(c.c)() || Object(i.a)() || !Object(a.a)() ? l("Not loading HotJar script") : (e = window,
t = document,
l("Loading HotJar script"),
e.hj = e.hj || function() {
(e.hj.q = e.hj.q || []).push(arguments)
e._hjSettings = {
hjid: 227769,
hjsv: 5
n = t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
(s = t.createElement("script")).async = 1,
s.src = "//" + e._hjSettings.hjid + ".js?sv=" + e._hjSettings.hjsv,
d = !0)
"./lib/analytics/init.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js");
const i = o()("calypso:analytics:init");
async function a(e, t) {
await Object(r.h)(e, t);
const s = Object(r.b)();
if ("object" == typeof e && s && Object(r.f)()) {
const e = await n.e(442).then(n.bind(null, "./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/record-alias-in-floodlight.js"))
, {recordAliasInFloodlight: t} = e;
i("recordAliasInFloodlight", s),
"./lib/analytics/mc.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return c
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./config/index.js");
const i = o()("calypso:analytics:mc");
function a(e, t) {
if ("object" == typeof e ? i("Bumping stats %o", e) : i("Bumping stat %s:%s", e, t),
Object(r.a)("mc_analytics_enabled")) {
const n = function(e, t) {
let n = "";
if ("object" == typeof e)
for (const t in e)
n += "&x_" + encodeURIComponent(t) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e[t]);
n = "&x_" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t);
return n
}(e, t);
(new window.Image).src = document.location.protocol + "//" + n + "&t=" + Math.random()
function c(e, t) {
if ("object" == typeof e ? i("Bumping page view with props %o", e) : i("Bumping page view %s:%s", e, t),
Object(r.a)("mc_analytics_enabled")) {
const n = function(e, t) {
let n = "";
if ("object" == typeof e)
for (const t in e)
n += "&" + encodeURIComponent(t) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e[t]);
n = "&" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t);
return n
}(e, t);
(new window.Image).src = document.location.protocol + "//" + n + "&t=" + Math.random()
"./lib/analytics/page-view.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return C
var s = n("./lib/analytics/utils/debug.js")
, o = n("./lib/analytics/utils/marketing-coupons-key.js");
function r(e) {
const t = {
"-": "+",
_: "/",
".": "="
return window.atob(e.replace(/[-_.]/g, e=>t[e]))
function i(e) {
try {
const t = new URL(e);
if (Object(s.a)("urlParseAmpCompatible: original query:",,
t.searchParams.has("tk_amp")) {
const e = function(e) {
if (0 === (e = e.split("*").filter(e=>e.length).slice(2)).length || 0 != e.length % 2)
return null;
const t = {};
for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n += 2)
t[e[n]] = r(e[n + 1]);
return t
Object(s.a)("urlParseAmpCompatible: tk_amp:", e);
for (const n of Object.keys(e))
t.searchParams.has(n) || t.searchParams.set(n, e[n])
return Object(s.a)("urlParseAmpCompatible: merged query:",,
} catch {
return null
var a = n("./lib/analytics/utils/refresh-country-code-cookie-gdpr.js")
, c = n("./lib/analytics/utils/is-ad-tracking-allowed.js")
, u = n("./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/constants.js")
, l = n("./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/floodlight.js")
, d = n("./lib/analytics/ad-tracking/load-tracking-scripts.js");
let p = 0;
var m = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, f = n.n(m)
, h = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, _ = n.n(h)
, g = n("../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js");
const b = _()("calypso:analytics:sem")
, E = ["adgroupid", "campaignid", "device", "gclid", "gclsrc", "fbclid", "keyword", "matchtype", "network", "type", "term", "utm_campaign", "utm_content", "utm_medium", "utm_source", "utm_term", "targetid", "locationid", "ref", "format"]
, j = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z\\d_\\-]{1,128}$");
function y(e, t) {
return -1 !== E.indexOf(e) && ("utm_source" === e || "utm_campaign" === t ? function(e) {
return j.test(e)
}(t) : function(e, t) {
return "gclid" === e ? t.length <= 100 : "keyword" === e ? t.length <= 80 : t.length <= 50
}(e, t))
function S(e, t) {
document.cookie = f.a.serialize(e, t, {
path: "/",
maxAge: 31536e3,
domain: "." + document.location.hostname.split(".").slice(-2).join(".")
var O = n("./lib/analytics/ga.js")
, w = n("./lib/analytics/queue.js")
, v = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/pick.js")
, T = n("./lib/analytics/tracks.js");
const I = _()("calypso:analytics:refer")
, R = ["status", "success", "duplicate", "description", "cookie_id", "vendor_id", "affiliate_id", "campaign_id", "sub_id", "referrer"];
function A() {
if (!window || !window.location)
const e = window.location.href
, t = i(e)
, n = (null == t ? void 0 : t.searchParams.get("aff")) || (null == t ? void 0 : t.searchParams.get("affiliate"))
, s = null == t ? void 0 : t.searchParams.get("cid")
, o = null == t ? void 0 : t.searchParams.get("sid");
n && !isNaN(n) && (Object(T.recordTracksEvent)("calypso_refer_visit", {
page: + t.pathname
async function({affiliateId: e, campaignId: t, subId: n, referrer: s}) {
I("Recording affiliate referral.", {
affiliateId: e,
campaignId: t,
subId: n,
referrer: s
const o = {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
Accept: "application/json"
, r = new URLSearchParams({
affiliate_id: e,
campaign_id: t || "",
sub_id: n || "",
referrer: s || ""
I("Fetching Refer platform response.");
try {
const e = await window.fetch("", {
withCredentials: !0,
method: "POST",
headers: o,
body: r
, t = await e.json();
if (e.ok)
return I("Recording Refer platform success response.", t),
void Object(T.recordTracksEvent)("calypso_refer_visit_response", {
...Object(v.a)(, R),
status: e.status || "",
success: t.success || !0,
description: t.message || "success"
I("Recording Refer platform error response.", t),
Object(T.recordTracksEvent)("calypso_refer_visit_response", {
...Object(v.a)(, R),
status: e.status || "",
success: t.success || !1,
description: t.message || "error"
} catch (e) {
I("Failed to fetch Refer platform response.", e)
affiliateId: n,
campaignId: s,
subId: o,
referrer: e
function C(e, t, n={}) {
Object(g.l)(e, n),
Object(O.b)(e, t),
function() {
const e = i(window.location.href)
, t = null == e ? void 0 : e.searchParams.get("coupon");
if (!t)
const n = window.localStorage.getItem(o.a)
, r = JSON.parse(n) || {}
, a =;
Object(s.a)("Found coupons in localStorage: ", r),
r[t] = a,
a > r[e] + 6048e5 && delete r[e]
Object(s.a)("Storing coupons in localStorage: ", r),
window.localStorage.setItem(o.a, JSON.stringify(r))
function() {
var e;
if (!
return void b("No query data in URL.");
const t = null === (e = i(document.location.href)) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.searchParams;
let n = new URLSearchParams;
if (t) {
const e = Array.from(t.entries()).filter(([e,t])=>y(e, t));
n = new URLSearchParams(e),
t.get("amp_client_id") && Object(g.i)(["identifyAnonUser", t.get("amp_client_id")])
if (!n.get("utm_source") || !n.get("utm_campaign"))
return void b("Missing utm_source or utm_campaign.");
const s = n.toString();
s && (b("ad_details: " + s),
S("ad_details", s),
S("ad_timestamp", Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1e3)))
async function(e) {
if (await Object(a.a)(),
return void Object(u.z)("retarget: [Skipping] ad tracking is not allowed", e);
if (await Object(d.a)(),
Object(u.z)("retarget:", e),
u.O) {
const e = {
qacct: u.v.quantcast,
event: "refresh"
Object(u.z)("retarget: [Quantcast]", e),
if (u.E) {
const e = ["trackSingle", u.v.facebookInit, "PageView"];
Object(u.z)("retarget: [Facebook]", e),
if (u.B && (Object(u.z)("retarget: [Bing]"),
u.R) {
const t = ["config", u.v.wpcomGoogleAdsGtag, {
page_path: e
Object(u.z)("retarget: [Google Ads] WPCom", t),
u.N && (Object(u.z)("retarget: [Pinterest]"),
u.A && (Object(u.z)("retarget: [AdRoll]"),
const t = / 1e3;
if (t >= p + 86400) {
if (p = t,
u.L) {
const e = ["track", "PAGE_VIEW"];
Object(u.z)("retarget: [Outbrain] [rate limited]", e),
if (u.J) {
const e = u.o;
Object(u.z)("retarget: [Icon Media] [rate limited]", e),
(new window.Image).src = e
if (u.Q) {
const e = ["track", "PageView"];
Object(u.z)("retarget: [Twitter] [rate limited]", e),
if (u.G) {
const e = u.x;
Object(u.z)("retarget: [Yahoo Gemini] [rate limited]", e),
(new window.Image).src = e
if (u.P) {
const e = ["track", "ViewContent"];
Object(u.z)("retarget: [Quora] [rate limited]", e),
Object(u.z)("retarget: dataLayer:", JSON.stringify(window.dataLayer, null, 2))
, 0)
"./lib/analytics/queue.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return u
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js");
const o = n.n(s)()("calypso:analytics:queue")
, r = {
signup: ()=>n.e(443).then(n.bind(null, "./lib/analytics/signup.js"))
function i() {
if (!window.localStorage)
return [];
let e = window.localStorage.getItem("analyticsQueue");
return e = e ? JSON.parse(e) : [],
e = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [],
function a(e, t, ...n) {
"string" == typeof t && "function" == typeof r[e] && r[e]().then(e=>{
"function" == typeof e[t] && e[t].apply(null, n || void 0)
function c(e, t, ...n) {
if (!window.localStorage)
return a(e, t, ...n);
let s = i();
const r = {
moduleName: e,
trigger: t,
args: n
s = s.slice(-100),
o("Adding new item to queue.", r),
window.localStorage.setItem("analyticsQueue", JSON.stringify(s))
function u() {
if (!window.localStorage)
const e = i();
window.localStorage && window.localStorage.removeItem("analyticsQueue"),
o("Processing items in queue.", e),
"object" == typeof e && "string" == typeof e.trigger && (o("Processing item in queue.", e),
a(e.moduleName, e.trigger, ...e.args))
"./lib/analytics/super-props.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("./config/index.js");
const o = /\/(:site|:site_id|:siteid|:blogid|:blog_id|:siteslug)(\/|$|\?)/i;
var r = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-selected-site.js")
, i = n("./state/current-user/selectors.js");
t.a = e=>t=>{
const n = e.getState()
, a = {
environment: "production",
environment_id: Object(s.a)("env_id"),
site_count: Object(i.l)(n) || 0,
site_id_label: "wpcom",
client: Object(s.a)("client_slug")
var c;
const u = !(c = t.path) || !o.test(c) ? null : Object(r.a)(n);
return u && Object.assign(a, {
blog_id: u.ID,
blog_lang: u.lang,
site_id_label: u.jetpack ? "jetpack" : "wpcom",
site_plan_id: u.plan ? u.plan.product_id : null
"./lib/analytics/tracks.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "tracksEvents", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "recordTracksEvent", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "recordTracksPageView", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "setTracksOptOut", (function() {
return c
var s = n("../node_modules/events/events.js")
, o = n("../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js");
const r = new s.EventEmitter;
function i(e, t) {
o.a.once("record-event", (e,t)=>{
r.emit("record-event", e, t)
Object(o.j)(e, t)
function a(e, t) {
Object(o.k)(e, t)
function c(e) {
Object(o.i)(["setOptOut", e])
"./lib/analytics/utils/debug.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s);
t.a = o()("calypso:analytics:utils")
"./lib/analytics/utils/is-ad-tracking-allowed.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return u
var s = n("./config/index.js")
, o = n("./lib/analytics/utils/debug.js");
const r = ["/log-in"];
var i = n("./lib/analytics/utils/is-pii-url.js")
, a = n("./lib/analytics/utils/may-we-track-current-user-gdpr.js")
, c = n("../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js");
function u() {
const e = s.a.isEnabled("ad-tracking") && !Object(c.c)() && !function() {
const {href: e} = document.location
, t = r.some(t=>-1 !== e.indexOf(t));
return Object(o.a)("Is URL Excluded for Performance: " + t),
}() && !Object(i.a)() && Object(a.a)();
return Object(o.a)("isAdTrackingAllowed: " + e),
"./lib/analytics/utils/is-current-user-maybe-in-gdpr-zone.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
var s = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js");
function i() {
const e = o.a.parse(document.cookie).country_code;
if (!e || "unknown" === e)
return !0;
return Object(r.a)(["AT", "BE", "BG", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "EE", "ES", "FI", "FR", "GR", "HR", "HU", "IE", "IT", "LT", "LU", "LV", "MT", "NL", "PL", "PT", "RO", "SE", "SI", "SK", "GB", "CH", "IS", "LI", "NO"], e)
"./lib/analytics/utils/is-pii-url.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
var s = n("./lib/analytics/utils/debug.js");
const o = ["@", "email=", "email_address=", "first=", "last=", "first-name=", "last-name=", "address-1=", "phone="]
, r =>encodeURIComponent(e));
function i() {
const e = document.location.href
, t = t=>-1 !== e.indexOf(t)
, n = o.some(t) || r.some(t);
return Object(s.a)("Is PII URL: " + n),
"./lib/analytics/utils/marketing-coupons-key.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = "marketing-coupons"
"./lib/analytics/utils/may-we-track-current-user-gdpr.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
var s = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./lib/analytics/utils/debug.js")
, i = n("./lib/analytics/utils/is-current-user-maybe-in-gdpr-zone.js");
function a() {
let e = !1;
const t = o.a.parse(document.cookie);
return e = "yes" === t.sensitive_pixel_option || "no" !== t.sensitive_pixel_option && !Object(i.a)(),
Object(r.a)("mayWeTrackCurrentUserGdpr: " + e),
"./lib/analytics/utils/refresh-country-code-cookie-gdpr.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
var s = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./lib/analytics/utils/debug.js");
async function i() {
const e = o.a.parse(document.cookie);
if (e.country_code)
Object(r.a)("refreshCountryCodeCookieGdpr: country_code cookie is fresh: %s", e.country_code);
try {
const e = (new Date).getTime()
, t = await fetch("" + e);
if (!t.ok)
throw new Error(await t.body());
a((await t.json()).country_short)
} catch (e) {
Object(r.a)("refreshCountryCodeCookieGdpr: error: ", e),
function a(e) {
document.cookie = o.a.serialize("country_code", e, {
path: "/",
maxAge: 21600
Object(r.a)("refreshCountryCodeCookieGdpr: country_code cookie set to %s", e)
"./lib/automated-transfer/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, o = n("./config/index.js")
, r = n("./lib/plans/index.js")
, i = n("./lib/site/utils.js");
function a(e) {
if ("object" != typeof window)
return !1;
if (Object(s.a)(e, "options.is_automated_transfer"))
return !0;
if (!Object(o.c)("automated-transfer"))
return !1;
if ("wpcalypso" === Object(o.a)("env_id"))
return !0;
const t = Object(s.a)(e, "plan.product_slug");
return !(!Object(r.x)(t) && !Object(r.y)(t)) && Object(i.h)("manage_options", e)
"./lib/browser-storage/index.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return w
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return v
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return T
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return I
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/kebabCase.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, r = n.n(o)
, i = n("./lib/memoize-last/index.ts");
const a = r()("calypso:support-user")
, c = new Map;
var u, l = n("./lib/analytics/mc.js"), d = n("./config/index.js");
const p = r()("calypso:browser-storage");
let m = !1
, f = !1;
const h = "calypso_store"
, _ = d.a.isEnabled("safari-idb-mitigation") && "undefined" != typeof window && !!(null === (u = window.IDBKeyRange) || void 0 === u ? void 0 : u.lowerBound(0).includes) && !!window.webkitAudioContext && !!window.PointerEvent;
p("Safari IDB mitigation active: %s", _);
const g = Object(i.b)(async()=>{
if ("undefined" == typeof window || !window.indexedDB)
return p("IDB not found in host"),
if (f)
return p("IDB disabled"),
try {
const e =;
return await O("browser-storage-sanity-test", e),
await E("browser-storage-sanity-test"),
} catch (e) {
return !1
, b = Object(i.b)(()=>{
const e ="calypso", 2);
return new Promise((t,n)=>{
try {
e && (e.onerror = t=>{
e.error && "InvalidStateError" === && t.preventDefault(),
e.onsuccess = ()=>{
const n = e.result;
n.onerror = function(e) {
var t, n;
p("IDB Error", e),
(null === (t = || void 0 === t || null === (n = t.error) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : && (Object(l.a)("calypso-browser-storage", Object(s.a)(,
"QuotaExceededError" === && (f = !0,
p("disabling IDB because we saw a QuotaExceededError")))
n.onversionchange = ()=>{
e.onupgradeneeded = ()=>e.result.createObjectStore(h))
} catch (e) {
function E(e) {
return new Promise((t,n)=>{
const o = s.transaction(h, "readonly")
, r = o.objectStore(h).get(e)
, i = ()=>n(o.error);
o.oncomplete = ()=>t(r.result),
o.onabort = i,
o.onerror = i
function j(e) {
return b().then(t=>new Promise((n,s)=>{
const o = {}
, r = t.transaction(h, "readonly")
, i = ()=>s(r.error);
r.objectStore(h).openCursor().onsuccess = t=>{
const s =;
if (s) {
const {primaryKey: t, value: n} = s;
!t || "string" != typeof t || "browser-storage-sanity-test" === t || e && !e.test(t) || (o[t] = n),
} else
r.onabort = i,
r.onerror = i
let y = 0
, S = null;
async function O(e, t) {
return S && await S,
_ && ++y % 20 == 0 && await async function() {
if (S)
return S;
return p("performing safari idb mitigation"),
S = async function() {
const e = await j();
return await function() {
return new Promise((e,t)=>{
const n = window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase("calypso");
n.onsuccess = ()=>{
n.onerror = e=>t(e)
new Promise((t,n)=>{
const o = s.transaction(h, "readwrite")
, r = o.objectStore(h);
for (let[t,n] of Object.entries(e))
r.put(n, t);
const i = ()=>n(o.error);
o.oncomplete = ()=>t(),
o.onabort = i,
o.onerror = i
, e=>n(e))
S = null,
p("idb mitigation complete")
new Promise((n,s)=>{
b().then(async o=>{
const r = o.transaction(h, "readwrite");
r.objectStore(h).put(t, e);
const i = ()=>s(r.error);
r.oncomplete = ()=>n(),
r.onabort = i,
r.onerror = i
function w(e) {
m = e,
m && c.clear()
async function v(e) {
if (m)
return await async function(e) {
if (a("browser-storage bypass", "getAllStoredItems"),
return Object.fromEntries(c.entries());
const t = Array.from(c.entries());
return Object.fromEntries(t.filter(([t])=>e.test(t)))
if (!await g()) {
const t = Object.entries(window.localStorage).map(([e,t])=>[e, void 0 !== t ? JSON.parse(t) : void 0]);
return e ? Object.fromEntries(t.filter(([t])=>e.test(t))) : Object.fromEntries(t)
return await j(e)
async function T(e, t) {
if (m)
return await async function(e, t) {
a("browser-storage bypass", "setStoredItem", e),
c.set(e, t)
}(e, t);
if (await g())
return await O(e, t);
window.localStorage.setItem(e, JSON.stringify(t))
async function I() {
if (m)
return await async function() {
a("browser-storage bypass", "clearStorage"),
if (await g())
return await new Promise((e,t)=>{
const s = n.transaction(h, "readwrite");
const o = ()=>t(s.error);
s.oncomplete = ()=>e(),
s.onabort = o,
s.onerror = o
"./lib/catch-js-errors/log.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "registerLogger", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "default", (function() {
return a
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js");
const o = n.n(s)()("calypso:catch-js-errors:log");
let r = null;
function i(e) {
r = e
function a(e, t) {
o(e, t),
r && r.log && r.log(e, t)
"./lib/create-config/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = e=>{
const t = (e=>t=>{
if (t in e)
return e[t];
"undefined" != typeof window && console.error("%cCore Error: %cCould not find config value for key %c${ key }%c. Please make sure that if you need it then it has a default value assigned in %cconfig/_shared.json%c.", "color: red; font-size: 120%", "color: black;", "color: blue;", "color: black;", "color: blue;", "color: black")
return t.isEnabled = (e=>t=>e.features && !!e.features[t] || !1)(e),
"./lib/create-selector/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return c
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/memoize.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/is-shallow-equal/lib/index.js")
, r = n.n(o);
const i = e=>e
, a = (e,...t)=>t.join();
function c(e, t=i, n=a) {
const o = Object(s.a)(e, n);
let c;
var u;
return Array.isArray(t) && (u = t,
t = (e,...t)=>>n(e, ...t))),
Object.assign((function(e, ...n) {
let s = t(e, ...n);
return Array.isArray(s) || (s = [s]),
c && !r()(s, c) && o.cache.clear(),
c = s,
o(e, ...n)
), {
memoizedSelector: o
"./lib/detect-history-navigation/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
let s = !1;
t.a = {
start: function() {
window.addEventListener("popstate", (function(e) {
s = !!e.state
loadedViaHistory: function() {
return s
"./lib/domains/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return d
const s = {
, o = {
, r = {
MAINTENANCE: "Registrar TLD Maintenance"
, i = {
AVAILABLE: "available",
AVAILABLE_PREMIUM: "available_premium",
AVAILABILITY_CHECK_ERROR: "availability_check_error",
DISALLOWED: "blacklisted_domain",
DOMAIN_SUGGESTIONS_THROTTLED: "domain_suggestions_throttled",
DOTBLOG_SUBDOMAIN: "dotblog_subdomain",
EMPTY_QUERY: "empty_query",
EMPTY_RESULTS: "empty_results",
FORBIDDEN: "forbidden_domain",
FORBIDDEN_SUBDOMAIN: "forbidden_subdomain",
IN_REDEMPTION: "in_redemption",
INVALID: "invalid_domain",
INVALID_QUERY: "invalid_query",
INVALID_TLD: "invalid_tld",
MAINTENANCE: "tld_in_maintenance",
MAPPABLE: "mappable",
MAPPED: "mapped_domain",
MAPPED_OTHER_SITE_SAME_USER: "mapped_to_other_site_same_user",
MAPPED_SAME_SITE_NOT_TRANSFERRABLE: "mapped_to_same_site_not_transferrable",
MAPPED_SAME_SITE_TRANSFERRABLE: "mapped_to_same_site_transferrable",
NOT_AVAILABLE: "not_available",
NOT_REGISTRABLE: "available_but_not_registrable",
PURCHASES_DISABLED: "domain_registration_unavailable",
RECENTLY_UNMAPPED: "recently_mapped",
RECENTLY_EXPIRED: "recently_expired",
REGISTERED: "registered_domain",
REGISTERED_OTHER_SITE_SAME_USER: "registered_on_other_site_same_user",
REGISTERED_SAME_SITE: "registered_on_same_site",
RESTRICTED: "restricted_domain",
TLD_NOT_SUPPORTED: "tld_not_supported",
TLD_NOT_SUPPORTED_AND_DOMAIN_NOT_AVAILABLE: "tld_not_supported_and_domain_not_available",
TLD_NOT_SUPPORTED_TEMPORARILY: "tld_not_supported_temporarily",
TRANSFER_PENDING: "transfer_pending",
TRANSFER_PENDING_SAME_USER: "transfer_pending_same_user",
TRANSFERRABLE: "transferrable",
TRANSFERRABLE_PREMIUM: "transferrable_premium",
UNKNOWN: "unknown",
UNKOWN_ACTIVE: "unknown_active_domain_with_wpcom",
WPCOM_STAGING_DOMAIN: "wpcom_staging_domain"
, a = {
PROVIDER: "g-suite",
SERVICE: "G-Suite"
PROVIDER: "microsoft-office365",
PROVIDER: "zoho-mail",
, c = {
TRANSFER_IN: "domain_transfer"
, u = {
, l = {
DISCOVERY_TXT_RECORD_NAME: "_domainconnect",
, d = {
SSL_DISABLED: "disabled",
SSL_PENDING: "pending",
SSL_ACTIVE: "active"
"./lib/domains/mapped-domains.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return i
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, o = n("./lib/domains/constants.js");
function r(e) {
return e.type === o.i.MAPPED
function i(e) {
return r(e) && Object(s.a)(e, "hasWpcomNameservers", !1)
"./lib/domains/registered-domains.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return r
var s = n("./lib/domains/constants.js");
function o(e) {
return e.filter(r)
function r(e) {
return e.type === s.i.REGISTERED
"./lib/domains/utils/is-domain-connect-authorize-path.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function s(e) {
return e && "string" == typeof e && e.startsWith("/domain-connect/authorize/")
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
"./lib/e2e/index.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
function s() {
return "undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent.includes("wp-e2e-tests")
"./lib/format-number-compact/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return i
var s = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js");
const o = {
en: {
symbol: "K",
grouping: ",",
decimal: "."
es: {
symbol: " mil",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ","
"pt-br": {
symbol: " mil",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ","
de: {
symbol: " Tsd.",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ","
fr: {
symbol: " k",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ","
he: {
symbol: "K",
grouping: ",",
decimal: "."
ja: {
symbol: "万",
unitValue: 1e4,
grouping: ",",
decimal: "."
nl: {
symbol: "K",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ","
tr: {
symbol: " B",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ","
id: {
symbol: " rb",
grouping: ".",
decimal: ","
"zh-cn": {
symbol: "万",
unitValue: 1e4,
grouping: ",",
decimal: "."
"zh-tw": {
symbol: "萬",
unitValue: 1e4,
grouping: ",",
decimal: "."
ko: {
symbol: "천",
grouping: ",",
decimal: "."
ar: {
symbol: " ألف",
grouping: "٬",
decimal: "٫"
sv: {
symbol: " tn",
grouping: " ",
decimal: ","
function r(e, t=s.a.getLocaleSlug()) {
if (isNaN(e) || !o[t])
return null;
const {decimal: n, grouping: r, symbol: i, unitValue: a=1e3} = o[t]
, c = e < 0 ? "-" : ""
, u = Math.abs(e);
if (u < a)
return `${c}${u}`;
const l = u < 10 * a ? 1 : 0;
return `${c}${Object(s.d)(u / a, {
decimals: l,
thousandsSep: r,
decPoint: n
function i(e) {
return e < 1e3 ? String(e) : e < 1e6 ? (e / 1e3).toFixed(1) + "K" : e < 1e9 ? (e / 1e6).toFixed(1) + "M" : (e / 1e9).toFixed(1) + "G"
"./lib/formatting/decode-entities.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
const s = document.implementation && document.implementation.createHTMLDocument ? document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("").createElement("textarea") : document.createElement("textarea");
function o(e) {
return "string" != typeof e || -1 === e.indexOf("&") ? e : function(e) {
s.innerHTML = e;
const t = s.textContent;
return s.innerHTML = "",
"./lib/formatting/prevent-widows.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function s(e, t=2) {
if ("string" != typeof e) {
if (Array.isArray(e) && "string" == typeof e[e.length - 1]) {
const n = e.pop()
, o = n.match(/^\s+/);
o && e.push(o[0]),
e.push(s(n, t))
return e
if (!(e = e && e.trim()))
return e;
const n = e.match(/\S+/g);
if (!n || 1 === n.length)
return e;
if (n.length <= t)
return n.join(" ");
const o = n.splice(-t, t);
return n.join(" ") + " " + o.join(" ")
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
"./lib/gsuite/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return a
var s = n("../node_modules/prop-types/index.js");
const o = "gapps"
, r = "gapps_unlimited"
, i = "gapps_extra_license"
, a = n.n(s).a.oneOf([o, r])
"./lib/gsuite/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return f
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return A
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return _
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return g
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return E
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return b
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return j
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return y
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return w
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return O
n.d(t, "k", (function() {
return S
n.d(t, "l", (function() {
return v
n.d(t, "m", (function() {
return I
n.d(t, "n", (function() {
return R
n.d(t, "o", (function() {
return T
var s = n("../packages/format-currency/dist/esm/index.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/endsWith.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isNumber.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isString.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/sortBy.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, u = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, l = n("./lib/gsuite/constants.js")
, d = n("./lib/domains/registered-domains.js")
, p = n("./lib/domains/mapped-domains.js")
, m = n("./lib/user/index.js");
function f(e) {
return !Object(o.a)(e, "") && A()
function h(e, t, n={}) {
return void 0 !== n.precision && (e = function(e, t) {
const n = Math.pow(10, t);
return Math.ceil(e * n) / n
}(e, n.precision)),
Object(s.a)(e, t, e % 1 > 0 ? {} : {
precision: 0
function _(e, t, n="-") {
return Object(r.a)(e) || Object(i.a)(t) ? h(e, t) : n
function g(e, t) {
if (e && f(e))
return e;
const n = Object(a.a)(b(t), e=>!e.isPrimary);
return Object(c.a)(n, "[0].name", "")
function b(e) {
return e.filter((function(e) {
if (O(e))
return !1;
return !!(Object(d.b)(e) && (e.hasWpcomNameservers || S(e)) || Object(p.b)(e)) && f(
function E(e) {
return Object(c.a)(e, "googleAppsSubscription.totalUserCount", 0)
function j(e, t) {
return "" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "&service=CPanel&continue=" + encodeURIComponent(`${t}/AcceptTermsOfService?continue=${e}`)
function y(e, t, n="-") {
return Object(r.a)(e) || Object(i.a)(t) ? h(e / 12, t, {
precision: 1
}) : n
function S(e) {
const t = Object(c.a)(e, "googleAppsSubscription.status", "");
return !Object(u.a)(["", "no_subscription", "other_provider"], t)
function O(e) {
return "other_provider" === Object(c.a)(e, "googleAppsSubscription.status", "")
function w(e) {
return b(e).length > 0
function v(e) {
return 0 !== Object(c.a)(e, "googleAppsSubscription.pendingUsers.length", 0)
function T(e) {
return [l.a, l.b].includes(e)
function I(e) {
return e === l.c
function R(e) {
return T(e) || I(e)
function A() {
const e = Object(m.default)();
return Object(c.a)(e.get(), "is_valid_google_apps_country", !1)
"./lib/i18n-utils/browser.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return r
var s = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, o = n("./lib/i18n-utils/utils.js");
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o.a
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return o.c
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return o.d
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return o.e
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return o.f
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return o.h
n.d(t, "k", (function() {
return o.j
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return o.i
n.d(t, "l", (function() {
return o.k
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return o.b
n.d(t, "m", (function() {
return o.l
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return o.g
n.d(t, "n", (function() {
return o.m
const r = ()=>s.a.getLocaleSlug()
"./lib/i18n-utils/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
const s = "wpcom"
, o = ""
, r = {
de_formal: "formal"
, i = "enable_translator"
"./lib/i18n-utils/empathy-mode.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return l
var s = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, o = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/i18n.js");
let r = Object(s.f)("I don't understand");
s.a.on("change", ()=>{
r = Object(s.f)("I don't understand")
let i = !1
, a = !1;
function c(e) {
i = "boolean" == typeof e ? e : !i,
!a && i && l(),
function u() {
return i
function l() {
const e = new o.a
, t = e.translate.bind(e)
, n = e.registerTranslateHook.bind(e)
, c = [r];
const o = s.a.getLocaleSlug();
return !i || o === s.a.defaultLocaleSlug || c.includes(n.original) ? e : s.a.hasTranslation(n) ? t(n) : "👉 " + function(e, t=r) {
let n = t;
for (; n.length < e.length; )
n += " " + t;
return n.substr(0, e.length)
a = !0,
i = !0
"./lib/i18n-utils/glotpress.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return u
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./lib/i18n-utils/constants.js");
const i = o()("calypso:i18n-utils:glotpress");
async function a(e, t) {
let n;
try {
if (n = await fetch(e, {
method: "POST",
credentials: "include",
body: t
return await n.json()
} catch (e) {
throw e
throw new Error(await n.body)
function c({original: e, context: t}) {
return t + "" + e
function u(e, t, n=a) {
return n(r.b + "/api/translations/-record-originals", (t ? `record_id=${encodeURIComponent(t)}&` : "") + "originals=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e))).catch(e=>i("recordOriginals failed:", e))
"./lib/i18n-utils/switch-locale.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return g
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return b
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return E
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return y
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return S
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return O
var s = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, r = n.n(o)
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/forEach.js")
, c = n("./config/index.js")
, u = n("./lib/i18n-utils/utils.js")
, l = n("./lib/url/url-parts.ts");
const d = r()("calypso:i18n")
, p = {};
function m(e="evergreen") {
return `/calypso/${e}/languages`
function f(e, t="json", n={}) {
Object(i.a)(["js", "json"], t) || (t = "json");
const s = n[e]
, o = `${("undefined" == typeof window ? "https://" : "//") + ""}${e}-v1.1.${t}`;
return "number" == typeof s ? o + "?v=" + s : o
function h() {
const e = function() {
const e = s.a.translate("html_lang_attribute");
return "html_lang_attribute" === e ? s.a.getLocaleSlug() : e
, t = s.a.isRtl();
document.documentElement.lang = e,
document.documentElement.dir = t ? "rtl" : "ltr",
document.body.classList[t ? "add" : "remove"]("rtl"),
async function _(e) {
const t = await function(e) {
return e in p || (p[e] = globalThis.fetch(e).finally(()=>delete p[e])),
if (t.ok) {
if (t.bodyUsed)
return await t.json()
throw new Error
function g(e) {
return _(f(e, "json", window.languageRevisions || {}))
function b(e, t="evergreen") {
var n, s, o, r, a, c, u, l;
if ((null === (n = window) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.i18nLanguageManifest) && (null === (s = window) || void 0 === s || null === (o = s.i18nLanguageManifest) || void 0 === o || null === (r = o.locale) || void 0 === r || null === (a = r[""]) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.localeSlug) === e)
return Promise.resolve(window.i18nLanguageManifest);
return _(function({localeSlug: e, fileType: t="json", targetBuild: n="evergreen", hash: s=null}={}) {
Object(i.a)(["js", "json"], t) || (t = "json"),
"number" == typeof s && (s = s.toString());
const o = `${m(n)}/${e}-language-manifest.${t}`;
return "string" == typeof s ? o + "?v=" + s : o
localeSlug: e,
fileType: "json",
targetBuild: t,
hash: (null === (c = window) || void 0 === c || null === (u = c.languageRevisions) || void 0 === u || null === (l = u.hashes) || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l[e]) || null
function E(e, t, n="evergreen") {
var s, o, r, a, c, u, l, d;
if ((null === (s = window) || void 0 === s || null === (o = s.i18nLanguageManifest) || void 0 === o || null === (r = o.locale) || void 0 === r || null === (a = r[""]) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.localeSlug) === t && (null === (c = window) || void 0 === c || null === (u = c.i18nTranslationChunks) || void 0 === u ? void 0 : u[e]))
return Promise.resolve(window.i18nTranslationChunks[e]);
return _(function({chunkId: e, localeSlug: t, fileType: n="json", targetBuild: s="evergreen", hash: o=null}={}) {
Object(i.a)(["js", "json"], n) || (n = "json"),
"number" == typeof o && (o = o.toString());
const r = `${m(s)}/${`${t}-${e}.${n}`}`;
return "string" == typeof o ? r + "?v=" + o : r
chunkId: e,
localeSlug: t,
fileType: "json",
targetBuild: n,
hash: (null === (l = window) || void 0 === l || null === (d = l.languageRevisions) || void 0 === d ? void 0 : d[t]) || null
let j = null;
function y(e) {
if (!Object(u.c)(e))
if ("undefined" == typeof document)
j = e;
const t = c.a.isEnabled("use-translation-chunks") || Object(l.b)(document.location.href).searchParams.has("useTranslationChunks");
if (Object(u.h)(e))
defaultLocaleSlug: e
else if (t) {
if (e === s.a.getLocaleSlug())
return void h();
b(e, window.BUILD_TARGET).then(({translatedChunks: t, locale: n}={})=>{
if (!n)
const s = [ Set((window.installedChunks || []).concat(window.__requireChunkCallback__.getInstalledChunks()).filter(e=>t.includes(e)))].map(t=>E(t, e, window.BUILD_TARGET));
return Promise.all([Promise.resolve(n), ...s])
if (!t)
const n = t.reduce((e,t)=>({
}), {});
d(`Encountered an error loading language manifest and/or translation chunks for ${e}. Falling back to English.`)
} else
if (t) {
if (e !== j)
, ()=>{
d(`Encountered an error loading locale file for ${e}. Falling back to English.`)
function S(e) {
if ("undefined" == typeof window || !window.location || !
const t = new URLSearchParams(
, n = Object.fromEntries(t.entries())
, {"load-user-translations": o, project: r="wpcom", translationSet: a="default", translationStatus: c="current", locale: u=e} = n;
if (!o)
if (!Object(i.a)(["current", "waiting"], c))
if ("waiting" === c)
const d = ["api", "projects", r, u, a, "export-translations"].join("/")
, p = new URLSearchParams({
"filters[user_login]": o,
"filters[status]": c,
format: "json"
, m = Object(l.a)({
protocol: "https:",
host: "",
pathname: d,
searchParams: p
return window.fetch(m.href, {
headers: {
Accept: "application/json"
credentials: "include"
function O(e) {
const t = document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"][data-webpack]');
Object(a.a)(t, async t=>{
const n = t.getAttribute("href")
, s = function(e, t) {
return t ? e.endsWith(".rtl.css") ? e : e.replace(/\.css$/, ".rtl.css") : e.endsWith(".rtl.css") ? e.replace(/\.rtl.css$/, ".css") : e
}(n, e);
n !== s && ((await function(e, t) {
return new Promise(n=>{
const s = document.createElement("link");
s.rel = "stylesheet",
s.type = "text/css",
s.href = e,
"onload"in s ? s.onload = ()=>{
s.onload = null,
: setTimeout(()=>n(s), 500),
document.head.insertBefore(s, t ? t.nextSibling : null)
}(s, t)).setAttribute("data-webpack", !0),
t.parentElement && t.parentElement.removeChild(t))
"./lib/i18n-utils/utils.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return m
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return f
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return h
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return _
n.d(t, "m", (function() {
return g
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return b
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return E
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return j
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return y
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return S
n.d(t, "k", (function() {
return A
n.d(t, "l", (function() {
return C
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isString.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/map.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/find.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/endsWith.js")
, a = (n("../node_modules/lodash-es/pickBy.js"),
, c = n("./config/index.js")
, u = n("./languages.js")
, l = n("./lib/url/url-parts.ts");
const d = /^[A-Z]{2,3}(-[A-Z]{2,3})?(_[A-Z]{2,6})?$/i;
function p(e) {
return e.replace(/\/$/, "").split("/")
function m(e) {
return e === Object(c.a)("i18n_default_locale_slug")
function f(e) {
if (!Object(s.a)(e))
return !1;
const t = j(e);
return !!t && Object(s.a)(t.parentLangSlug)
function h(e) {
if (!Object(s.a)(e))
return null;
const t = j(e);
return t ? Boolean(t.rtl) : null
function _(e) {
return -1 === ["en", "sr_latin"].indexOf(e)
function g() {
const e = "function" == typeof a.b ? Object(a.b)() : "en";
return m(e) || a.a.hasTranslation(...arguments)
function b() {
return Object(o.a)(u.a, "langSlug")
function E(e="lang", t=!0) {
return `:${e}(${b().join("|")})${t ? "?" : ""}`
function j(e) {
if (d.test(e))
return Object(r.a)(u.a, {
langSlug: e
}) || Object(r.a)(u.a, {
langSlug: e.split(/[-_]/)[0]
function y(e) {
const t = p(Object(l.b)(e).pathname).pop();
return void 0 === j(t) ? void 0 : t
function S(e, t) {
const n = Object(l.b)(e)
, s = || "";
return C(n.pathname) + "/" + t + s
const O = ["en", "ja", "es", "pt", "fr", "pt-br"]
, w = {
"pt-br": "br",
br: "bre",
zh: "zh-cn",
"zh-hk": "zh-tw",
"zh-sg": "zh-cn",
kr: "ko"
, v = (e,t=[])=>(n,s)=>("string" == typeof t && (t = Object(c.a)(t)),
t.includes(s) && "en" !== s && n.pathname.substr(0, s.length + 2) !== "/" + s + "/" && ( = `${w[s] || s}.${e}`),
, T = (e,t=[],n=null)=>(s,o)=>( = "",
"object" == typeof n && n instanceof RegExp && !n.test(s.pathname) && (t = []),
s.pathname = e + s.pathname,
"string" == typeof t && (t = Object(c.a)(t)),
t.includes(o) && "en" !== o && (s.pathname = (w[o] || o) + s.pathname),
, I = (e=[],t=null)=>(n,s)=>("string" == typeof e && (e = Object(c.a)(e)),
"object" == typeof t && t instanceof RegExp && !t.test(n.pathname) || e.includes(s) && "en" !== s && (n.pathname = (w[s] || s) + n.pathname),
, R = {
"": I("support_site_locales"),
"": I(O, /^\/blog\/?$/),
"": v("", "magnificent_non_en_locales"),
"": v("", "jetpack_com_locales"),
"": T("/support", "support_site_locales"),
"": T("/blog", O, /^\/$/),
"": v("", "forum_locales"),
"": I(["en", "fr", "de"]),
"": I(["en", "fr", "de"]),
"": v("", "magnificent_non_en_locales")
function A(e, t) {
const n = t || ("function" == typeof a.b ? Object(a.b)() : "en")
, s = Object(l.b)(String(e));
if (!
return e;
if (s.protocol = "https:",
delete s.hostname,
Object(i.a)(s.pathname, ".php") || (s.pathname = (s.pathname + "/").replace(/\/+$/, "/")),
(!n || "en" === n) && "" ===
return = "",
"" === && ( = "");
const o = [, + s.pathname, + s.pathname.substr(0, 1 + s.pathname.indexOf("/", 1))];
for (let e = o.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
if (o[e]in R)
return Object(l.a)(R[o[e]](s, n)).href;
return e
function C(e) {
const t = Object(l.b)(e)
, n = || ""
, s = p(t.pathname)
, o = s.pop();
return void 0 === j(o) && s.push(o),
s.join("/") + n
"./lib/impure-lodash/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/debounce.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isPlainObject.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/uniqueId.js");
t.a = {
debounce: s.a,
isPlainObject: o.a,
uniqueId: r.a
"./lib/invites/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
const s = {
"./lib/jetpack/is-jetpack-cloud.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("./config/index.js");
const o = ["jetpack-cloud-development", "jetpack-cloud-stage", "jetpack-cloud-horizon", "jetpack-cloud-production"];
t.a = ()=>o.includes(Object(s.a)("env_id"))
"./lib/jetpack/oauth-override.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
const s = ()=>{
window.sessionStorage.setItem("jetpack-cloud-oauth-override", (new Date).getTime().toString())
, o = ()=>{
const e = window.sessionStorage.getItem("jetpack-cloud-oauth-override");
if (null !== e) {
const t = parseInt(e);
if ((new Date).getTime() - t < 9e5)
return s(),
return !1
"./lib/jetpack/use-track-callback.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/noop.js")
, a = n("./state/analytics/actions/record.js")
, c = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-selected-site-id.js");
t.a = (e=i.a,t,n={})=>{
const s = Object(r.d)()
, u = Object(r.e)(c.a);
return o.a.useCallback((...o)=>{
s(Object(a.e)(t, {
site_id: u,
, [e, t, s, u])
"./lib/keyboard-shortcuts/global.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/page/page.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./config/index.js")
, i = n("./lib/route/path.ts")
, a = n("./lib/keyboard-shortcuts/index.js")
, c = n("./lib/redux-bridge/index.js")
, u = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-section-group.js")
, l = n("./state/ui/layout-focus/actions.js");
let d;
function p() {
if (!(this instanceof p))
return new p;
this.selectedSite = null,
t.a = function() {
return d || (d = new p),
p.prototype.bindShortcuts = function() {
a.a.on("open-help", this.openHelp.bind(this)),
a.a.on("go-to-reader", this.goToReader.bind(this)),
a.a.on("go-to-my-likes", this.goToMyLikes.bind(this)),
a.a.on("open-site-selector", this.openSiteSelector.bind(this)),
a.a.on("go-to-stats", this.goToStats.bind(this)),
a.a.on("go-to-blog-posts", this.goToBlogPosts.bind(this)),
a.a.on("go-to-pages", this.goToPages.bind(this)),
r.a.isEnabled("devdocs") && a.a.on("go-to-dev-docs", this.goToDevDocs.bind(this))
p.prototype.setSelectedSite = function(e) {
this.selectedSite = e
p.prototype.openHelp = function() {
this.showInlineHelp && this.showInlineHelp()
p.prototype.openSiteSelector = function() {
"sites" === Object(u.a)(Object(c.c)()) ? Object(c.b)(Object(l.b)("sites")) : o()("/sites")
p.prototype.goToReader = function() {
p.prototype.goToMyLikes = function() {
p.prototype.goToStats = function() {
const e = this.selectedSite;
if (e && e.capabilities && !e.capabilities.view_stats)
return null;
e && e.slug ? o()(Object(i.e)(e.slug)) : o()("/stats")
p.prototype.goToBlogPosts = function() {
const e = this.selectedSite;
if (e && e.capabilities && !e.capabilities.edit_posts)
return null;
e && e.slug ? o()("/posts/my/" + e.slug) : o()("/posts/my")
p.prototype.goToPages = function() {
const e = this.selectedSite;
if (e && e.capabilities && !e.capabilities.edit_pages)
return null;
e && e.slug ? o()("/pages/" + e.slug) : o()("/pages")
p.prototype.goToDevDocs = function() {
"./lib/keyboard-shortcuts/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/flatMap.js")
, o = n("./lib/mixins/emitter/index.js")
, r = n("./lib/keyboard-shortcuts/key-bindings.js");
const i = "undefined" == typeof window ? void 0 : n("../node_modules/keymaster/keymaster.js")
, a = i ? i.filter : void 0
, c = Object(s.a)(r.a);
function u(e) {
return a(e) && !
function l(e) {
if (!(this instanceof l))
return new l(e);
this.lastKey = void 0,
this.lastKeyTime = void 0,
this.timeLimit = 2e3,
this.boundKeyHandler = this.handleKeyPress.bind(this),
this.isNotificationsOpen = !1,
"undefined" != typeof window && (i.filter = u,
l.prototype.bindShortcuts = function(e) {
this.bindShortcut(e.eventName, e.keys, e.type, e.checkKeys)
window.addEventListener("keydown", this.boundKeyHandler, !1)
l.prototype.bindShortcut = function(e, t, n, s) {
let o, r = [];
r = "string" == typeof t[0] ? [t] : t,
"sequence" === n ? i(t[1], (n,s)=>{
if (!this.isNotificationsOpen)
return this.lastKey === t[0] && this.lastKeyTime > - this.timeLimit ? (this.emitEvent(e, n, s),
this.lastKey = t[1],
this.lastKeyTime =,
!1) : void 0
) : (t = t.join("+"),
i(t, (t,n)=>{
if (this.isNotificationsOpen && "n" !== this._getKey(t) && 27 !== t.keyCode)
let r;
s && s.length > 0 ? (r = this._getKey(t),
o = s.filter((function(e) {
return e === r
1 === o.length && this.emitEvent(e, t, n)) : this.emitEvent(e, t, n)
l.prototype._getKey = function(e) {
let t;
return e.key ? e.key : (t = e.keyIdentifier,
t = t.substring(2, t.length),
String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t, 16)))
l.prototype.emitEvent = function() {
this.emit.apply(this, arguments)
l.prototype.handleKeyPress = function(e) {
i.filter(e) && (this.lastKey = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode).toLowerCase(),
this.lastKeyTime =
l.prototype.setNotificationsOpen = function(e) {
this.isNotificationsOpen = e
t.a = new l(c)
"./lib/keyboard-shortcuts/key-bindings.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
const s = e=>t=>t(e)
, o = {
listNavigation: [{
eventName: "move-selection-down",
keys: ["j"],
description: {
keys: ["j"],
text: s("Move selection down")
}, {
eventName: "move-selection-up",
keys: ["k"],
description: {
keys: ["k"],
text: s("Move selection up")
}, {
eventName: "open-selection",
keys: [["enter"]],
description: {
keys: [["enter"]],
text: s("Open selection")
}, {
eventName: "open-selection-new-tab",
keys: [["v"]],
description: {
keys: [["v"]],
text: s("Open selection in a new tab")
}, {
eventName: "go-to-top",
keys: ["."],
description: {
keys: ["."],
text: s("Go to top")
siteNavigation: [{
eventName: "open-keyboard-shortcuts-menu",
keys: [["shift", "/"], ["shift", ","]],
checkKeys: ["?", "¿", "¼"],
description: {
keys: ["?"],
text: s("This menu")
}, {
eventName: "open-help",
keys: ["g", "h"],
type: "sequence",
description: {
keys: ["g", "h"],
text: s("Open Help")
}, {
eventName: "go-to-reader",
keys: ["g", "r"],
type: "sequence",
description: {
keys: ["g", "r"],
text: s("Go to Reader")
}, {
eventName: "go-to-my-likes",
keys: ["g", "l"],
type: "sequence",
description: {
keys: ["g", "l"],
text: s("Go to My Likes")
}, {
eventName: "open-site-selector",
keys: ["g", "w"],
type: "sequence",
description: {
keys: ["g", "w"],
text: s("Switch Site")
}, {
eventName: "go-to-stats",
keys: ["g", "s"],
type: "sequence",
description: {
keys: ["g", "s"],
text: s("Go to Stats")
}, {
eventName: "go-to-blog-posts",
keys: ["g", "b"],
type: "sequence",
description: {
keys: ["g", "b"],
text: s("Go to Blog Posts")
}, {
eventName: "go-to-pages",
keys: ["g", "p"],
type: "sequence",
description: {
keys: ["g", "p"],
text: s("Go to Pages")
}, {
eventName: "open-notifications",
keys: ["n"],
description: {
keys: ["n"],
text: s("Open Notifications")
}, {
eventName: "exit-support-user",
keys: ["s", "u"],
type: "sequence"
reader: [{
eventName: "like-selection",
keys: ["l"],
description: {
keys: ["l"],
text: s("Like post")
}, {
eventName: "close-full-post",
keys: ["esc"],
description: {
keys: ["esc"],
text: s("Close full post")
blogPostsAndPages: [{
eventName: "edit-selection",
keys: ["e"],
description: {
keys: ["e"],
text: s("Edit selection")
}, {
eventName: "open-stats-page",
keys: ["s"],
description: {
keys: ["s"],
text: s("Open stats page")
developer: [{
eventName: "go-to-dev-docs",
keys: ["g", "d"],
type: "sequence",
description: {
keys: ["g", "d"],
text: s("Go to DevDocs")
t.a = o
"./lib/keyboard-shortcuts/menu.scss": function(e, t, n) {},
"./lib/make-json-schema-parser/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return a
var s = n("../node_modules/is-my-json-valid/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/identity.js");
class i extends Error {
constructor(e) {
super("Failed to validate with JSON schema"),
this.schemaErrors = e
class a extends Error {
constructor(e, t, n) {
this.inputData = t,
this.transformer = n
t.c = function(e, t=r.a, n={}) {
let s, c;
return r=>(s || (()=>{
const r = Object.assign({
greedy: !0,
verbose: !0
}, n)
, u = o()(e, r)
, l = o.a.filter(Object.assign({}, e, e.type && "object" === e.type && {
additionalProperties: !1
c = e=>{
if (!u(e))
throw new i(u.errors);
return l(e)
s = e=>{
try {
return t(e)
} catch (n) {
throw new a(n,e,t)
"./lib/media/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return p
const s = {
, o = {
thumbnail: {
width: 150,
height: 150
medium: {
width: 300,
height: 300
large: {
width: 1024,
height: 1024
, r = ["ogv", "mp4", "m4v", "mov", "wmv", "avi", "mpg", "3gp", "3g2"]
, i = ["default", "circle", "square"]
, a = ["default"]
, c = {
items: [],
type: "default",
columns: 3,
orderBy: "menu_order",
link: "",
size: "thumbnail"
, u = {
jpg: "image/jpeg",
jpeg: "image/jpeg",
jpe: "image/jpeg",
gif: "image/gif",
png: "image/png",
bmp: "image/bmp",
tif: "image/tiff",
tiff: "image/tiff",
ico: "image/x-icon",
asf: "video/x-ms-asf",
asx: "video/x-ms-asf",
wmv: "video/x-ms-wmv",
wmx: "video/x-ms-wmx",
wm: "video/x-ms-wm",
avi: "video/avi",
divx: "video/divx",
flv: "video/x-flv",
mov: "video/quicktime",
qt: "video/quicktime",
mpeg: "video/mpeg",
mpg: "video/mpeg",
mpe: "video/mpeg",
mp4: "video/mp4",
m4v: "video/mp4",
ogv: "video/ogg",
webm: "video/webm",
mkv: "video/x-matroska",
txt: "text/plain",
asc: "text/plain",
c: "text/plain",
cc: "text/plain",
h: "text/plain",
csv: "text/csv",
tsv: "text/tab-separated-values",
ics: "text/calendar",
rtx: "text/richtext",
css: "text/css",
htm: "text/html",
html: "text/html",
mp3: "audio/mpeg",
m4a: "audio/mpeg",
m4b: "audio/mpeg",
ra: "audio/x-realaudio",
ram: "audio/x-realaudio",
wav: "audio/wav",
ogg: "audio/ogg",
oga: "audio/ogg",
mid: "audio/midi",
midi: "audio/midi",
wma: "audio/x-ms-wma",
wax: "audio/x-ms-wax",
mka: "audio/x-matroska",
rtf: "application/rtf",
js: "application/javascript",
pdf: "application/pdf",
swf: "application/x-shockwave-flash",
class: "application/java",
tar: "application/x-tar",
zip: "application/zip",
gz: "application/x-gzip",
gzip: "application/x-gzip",
rar: "application/rar",
"7z": "application/x-7z-compressed",
exe: "application/x-msdownload",
doc: "application/msword",
pot: "application/",
pps: "application/",
ppt: "application/",
wri: "application/",
xla: "application/",
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xlt: "application/",
xlw: "application/",
mdb: "application/",
mpp: "application/",
docx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
docm: "application/",
dotx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template",
dotm: "application/",
xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
xlsm: "application/",
xlsb: "application/",
xltx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template",
xltm: "application/",
xlam: "application/",
pptx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation",
pptm: "application/",
ppsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow",
ppsm: "application/",
potx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template",
potm: "application/",
ppam: "application/",
sldx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide",
sldm: "application/",
onetoc: "application/onenote",
onetoc2: "application/onenote",
onetmp: "application/onenote",
onepkg: "application/onenote",
odt: "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text",
odp: "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation",
ods: "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet",
odg: "application/",
odc: "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart",
odb: "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database",
odf: "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula",
wp: "application/wordperfect",
wpd: "application/wordperfect",
key: "application/",
numbers: "application/",
pages: "application/"
, p = [.077, .115, .157, .24, .323]
"./lib/memoize-last/index.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function s(e) {
let t, n;
const s = (...s)=>(t && s.length === t.length && s.every((e,n)=>e === t[n]) || (t = s,
n = e(...s)),
return s.clear = ()=>{
t = void 0,
n = void 0
function o(e) {
return s(e)
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return o
"./lib/mixins/emitter/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/assign.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/events/events.js");
t.a = function(e) {
Object(s.a)(e, o.EventEmitter.prototype),
e.emitChange = function() {
, = e.removeListener
"./lib/mobile-app/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function s() {
return navigator && /wp-(android|iphone)/.test(navigator.userAgent)
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
"./lib/oauth-token/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return c
var s = n("../node_modules/cookie/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/store/dist/store.modern.js")
, i = n.n(r);
function a() {
const e = o.a.parse(document.cookie);
if (void 0 !== e.wpcom_token)
return e.wpcom_token;
const t = i.a.get("wpcom_token");
return t || !1
function c(e) {
document.cookie = o.a.serialize("wpcom_token", e, {
maxAge: 31536e6
"./lib/oauth2-clients.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return i
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js");
const o = e=>e && 978 ===
, r = e=>e && Object(s.a)([50019, 50915, 50916],
, i = e=>e && Object(s.a)([68663, 69040, 69041],
"./lib/paths/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return l
var s = n("./lib/url/add-query-args.ts")
, o = n("./lib/i18n-utils/browser.js")
, r = n("./config/index.js")
, i = n("./landing/gutenboarding/basename.json");
function a({isJetpack: e, isGutenboarding: t, isNative: n, locale: a, redirectTo: c, twoFactorAuthType: u, socialConnect: l, emailAddress: d, socialService: p, oauth2ClientId: m, wccomFrom: f, site: h, useMagicLink: _, from: g}={}) {
let b = Object(r.a)("login_url");
return n && Object(r.c)("login/wp-login") && (b = "/log-in",
p ? b += "/" + p + "/callback" : u && e ? b += "/jetpack/" + u : u && t ? b += `/${i}/` + u : u ? b += "/" + u : l ? b += "/social-connect" : e ? b += "/jetpack" : t ? b += "/" + i : _ && (b += "/link")),
a && "en" !== a && (b = n ? Object(o.a)(b, a) : Object(o.l)(b, a)),
h && (b = Object(s.a)({
site: h
}, b)),
c && (b = Object(s.a)({
redirect_to: c
}, b)),
d && (b = Object(s.a)({
email_address: d
}, b)),
m && !isNaN(m) && (b = Object(s.a)({
client_id: m
}, b)),
f && (b = Object(s.a)({
"wccom-from": f
}, b)),
g && (b = Object(s.a)({
from: g
}, b)),
function c(e) {
if (!e)
return "";
return "/" + ("object" == typeof e ? e.slug : e)
function u(e) {
return "/post" + c(e)
function l(e) {
let t = "/marketing/connections";
return e && (t += "/" + e.slug),
"./lib/perfmon/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return N
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return k
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/remove.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/forEach.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/page/page.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("./lib/analytics/ga.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, u = n.n(c)
, l = n("./config/index.js");
function d(e, t, n) {
const s = e.replace(/[.:-]/g, "_")
, o = t.replace("-", "_")
, r = JSON.stringify({
beacons: [`calypso.${Object(l.a)("boom_analytics_key")}.${s}.${o}:${n}`]
, [i,a] = [s, r].map(encodeURIComponent);
return `${i}&json=${a}`
function p(e="") {
let t, n = "/" === e ? "homepage" : e.replace(/^\//, "").replace(/\.|\/|:/g, "_");
return n.startsWith("read_list") ? n = "read_list" : n.startsWith("tag_") ? n = "tag__id" : n.startsWith("domains_add_suggestion_") ? n = "domains_add_suggestion__suggestion__domain" : n.match(/^plugins_[^_].*__/) ? n = "plugins__site__plugin" : n.match(/^plugins_[^_]/) ? n = "plugins__site__unknown" : n.startsWith("read_post_feed_") ? n = "read_post_feed__id" : n.startsWith("read_post_id_") ? n = "read_post_id__id" : null != (t = n.match(/^start_(.*)_(..)$/)) ? n = "start_" + t[1] : n.startsWith("page__") ? n = n.replace(/^page__/, "post__") : n.startsWith("edit_") && (n = n.replace(/^edit_.+?__/, "post__")),
const m = u()("calypso:analytics:statsd");
function f(e, t, n) {
if (Object(l.a)("boom_analytics_enabled")) {
const s = p(e);
m(`Recording timing: path=${s} event=${t} duration=${n}ms`);
const o = function(e, t, n) {
return d(e, t, n + "|ms")
}(s, t, n);
(new window.Image).src = o
var h = n("../packages/calypso-analytics/dist/esm/index.js");
const _ = u()("calypso:perfmon")
, g = ["placeholder", "pulsing-dot is-active", "is-loading", "is-processing"]
, b = ["editor-drawer-well__placeholder", "stats-page-placeholder__header", "stats-page-placeholder__content"]
, E =>`[class*='${e}']`).join(", ")
, j = document.getElementById("wpcom")
, y = {
subtree: !0,
attributes: !0,
childList: !0,
attributeFilter: ["class"]
let S = null
, O = !1
, w = 0
, v = null
, T = []
, I = !1;
function R(e) {
Object(s.a)(T, e=>!j.contains(e) || !C(e)),
function() {
const e = T.length;
_("Checking active placeholders. Count: " + e),
e > 0 && (I = !0);
if (I && 0 === e) {
const {startTime: e, trigger: t} = function() {
if (w > 1)
return {
startTime: v,
trigger: "navigation"
return {
startTime: 0,
trigger: "initial"
, n = Math.round( - e);
_(`Recording placeholder wait. Duration: ${n}, Trigger: ${t}`),
function(e, t, n) {
const s = Object(h.d)() || "unknown";
Object(a.c)(s, e, t, n),
f(s, e, t)
}("placeholder-wait." + t, n),
function A() {
S && O && (T = [],
I = !1,
O = !1)
function C(e) {
const t = e.className;
return t && t.indexOf && g.some(e=>t.indexOf(e) >= 0) && !b.some(e=>t.indexOf(e) >= 0)
function P(e) {
let t = [];
if ("class" === e.attributeName)
t = [];
else {
if (!("childList" === e.type && e.addedNodes.length > 0))
t = e.addedNodes
Object(o.a)(t, (function(e) {
C(e) && U(e),
e.querySelectorAll && Object(o.a)(e.querySelectorAll(E), U)
function U(e) {
T.indexOf(e) >= 0 || T.push(e)
function N() {
Object(l.c)("perfmon") && "undefined" != typeof window && (window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver) && window.performance && (i()((function(e, t) {
v =,
_("entering page navigation", e.path),
i.a.exit((function(e, t) {
_("exiting page navigation", e.path),
function() {
const e = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;
S = new e(R)
function k() {
S && !O && (S.observe(j, y),
O = !0)
"./lib/performance-tracking/const.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return i
const s = "rum-tracking/logstash"
, o = "rumDataCollection"
, r = "collectData"
, i = "noData"
"./lib/performance-tracking/index.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return L
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return G
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return H
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return V
var s = n("../node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js")
, o = function(e) {
return"memory", function() {
var e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.navigator;
return null == e ? void 0 : e.deviceMemory
, r = function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.navigationStart
, i = function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.domContentLoadedEventStart
, a = function(e, t) {
return 0 === e ? 0 : e - t
, c = function(e) {
var t, n;
return"navigationStart", a(r(), e.beginning)),"unloadEventStart", a(null === (n = null === (t = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.timing) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.unloadEventStart, e.beginning)),"unloadEventEnd", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.unloadEventEnd
}(), e.beginning)),"redirectStart", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.redirectStart
}(), e.beginning)),"redirectEnd", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.redirectEnd
}(), e.beginning)),"fetchStart", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.fetchStart
}(), e.beginning)),"domainLookupStart", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.domainLookupStart
}(), e.beginning)),"domainLookupEnd", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.domainLookupEnd
}(), e.beginning)),"connectStart", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.connectStart
}(), e.beginning)),"connectEnd", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.connectEnd
}(), e.beginning)),"secureConnectionStart", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.secureConnectionStart
}(), e.beginning)),"requestStart", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.requestStart
}(), e.beginning)),"responseStart", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.responseStart
}(), e.beginning)),"responseEnd", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.responseEnd
}(), e.beginning)),"domLoading", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.domLoading
}(), e.beginning)),"domInteractive", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.domInteractive
}(), e.beginning)),"domContentLoadedEventStart", a(i(), e.beginning)),"domContentLoadedEventEnd", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.domContentLoadedEventEnd
}(), e.beginning)),"domComplete", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.domComplete
}(), e.beginning)),"loadEventStart", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.loadEventStart
}(), e.beginning)),"loadEventEnd", a(function() {
var e, t;
return null === (t = null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.timing) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.loadEventEnd
}(), e.beginning)),
, u = function(e) {
var t;
return"version", null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.COMMIT_SHA),"target", null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.BUILD_TARGET),"env", null === (t = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.configData) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.env_id),
, l = function(e) {
var t, n;
return"network", null === (n = null === (t = window.navigator) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.connection) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.effectiveType),
, d = function(e) {
return e.beginning = r(),"fullPage", !0),
, p = function(e) {
return e.beginning =,"fullPage", !1),
, m = !1
, f = function() {
"hidden" === document.visibilityState && (m = !0)
, h = function(e) {
return "hidden" === document.visibilityState ? m = !0 : document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", f),
, _ = function(e) {
return document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", f),"hidden", m),
, g = function(e) {
var t = i() - r();
if (t <= 0)
return e;
var n = function() {
var e;
return (null === (e = null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.performance) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.getEntriesByType("resource")) || []
}().filter((function(e) {
return "script" === e.initiatorType && e.responseEnd <= t && e.decodedBodySize > 0
, s = n.length
, o = n.reduce((function(e, t) {
var n = e.start
, s = e.end;
return {
start: Math.min(n, t.requestStart),
end: Math.max(s, t.responseEnd)
), {
start: 1 / 0,
end: -1 / 0
, a = o.start
, c = o.end
, u = n.reduce((function(e, t) {
return {
resourcesCompressed: e.resourcesCompressed + t.encodedBodySize,
resourcesUncompressed: e.resourcesUncompressed + t.decodedBodySize,
resourcesTransferred: e.resourcesTransferred + t.transferSize
), {
resourcesCompressed: 0,
resourcesUncompressed: 0,
resourcesTransferred: 0
, l = u.resourcesCompressed
, d = u.resourcesUncompressed
, p = u.resourcesTransferred
, m = 100 - Math.round(100 * Math.min(1, p / l));
return"resourcesCount", s),"resourcesStart", Math.round(a)),"resourcesEnd", Math.round(c)),"resourcesCompressed", l),"resourcesUncompressed", d),"resourcesTransferred", p),"resourcesCacheRatio", m),
, b = function() {
function e(e, t) { = new Map, = e,
t ? (this.startCollectors = [d, h],
this.stopCollectors = [o, c, u, _, l, g]) : (this.startCollectors = [p, h],
this.stopCollectors = [o, u, _, l])
return e.fromNow = function(t, n) {
return void 0 === n && (n = []),
Object(s.b)(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
var o;
return Object(s.c)(this, (function(s) {
switch (s.label) {
case 0:
return [4, (o = new e(t,!1)).start(n)];
case 1:
return s.sent(),
[2, o]
e.fromPageStart = function(t, n) {
return void 0 === n && (n = []),
Object(s.b)(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
var o;
return Object(s.c)(this, (function(s) {
switch (s.label) {
case 0:
return [4, (o = new e(t,!0)).start(n)];
case 1:
return s.sent(),
[2, o]
e.prototype.runCollectors = function(e) {
return Object(s.b)(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
var t = this;
return Object(s.c)(this, (function(n) {
return [2, Promise.all(, n) {
try {
return e(t)
} catch (e) {
return console.warn("Collector #" + n + " for report " + + " failed to run", e),
e.prototype.start = function(e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = []),
Object(s.b)(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
return Object(s.c)(this, (function(t) {
switch (t.label) {
case 0:
return [4, this.runCollectors(Object(s.f)(this.startCollectors, e))];
case 1:
return t.sent(),
[2, this]
e.prototype.stop = function(e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = []),
Object(s.b)(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
var t;
return Object(s.c)(this, (function(n) {
switch (n.label) {
case 0:
return this.end =,
[4, this.runCollectors(Object(s.f)(this.stopCollectors, e))];
case 1:
return n.sent(),
t = Array.from(, t) {
var n, o = Object(s.d)(t, 2), r = o[0], i = o[1];
return Object(s.a)(Object(s.a)({}, e), ((n = {})[r] = i,
), {}),
[2, Object(s.a)({
duration: this.end - this.beginning
}, t)]
, E = n("../packages/wpcom-proxy-request/dist/esm/index.js")
, j = function(e) {
return Object(s.b)(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() {
return Object(s.c)(this, (function(t) {
return [2, Object(E.default)({
method: "POST",
apiVersion: "1.1",
path: "/logstash",
body: {
params: JSON.stringify({
feature: "calypso_client",
message: "perf.nav",
properties: e
, y = new Map
, S = n("./config/index.js")
, O = n("./lib/abtest/index.js")
, w = n("./lib/performance-tracking/const.js")
, v = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-selected-site-id.js")
, T = n("./state/sites/selectors/is-jetpack-site.js")
, I = n("./state/sites/selectors/is-single-user-site.js")
, R = n("./state/selectors/is-site-wpcom-atomic.js")
, A = n("./state/current-user/selectors.js");
const C = e=>{
const t = Object(v.a)(e)
, n = Object(T.a)(e, t)
, s = Object(I.a)(e, t)
, o = Object(R.a)(e, t)
, r = Object(A.l)(e)
, i = Object(A.m)(e);
return e=>{"siteIsJetpack", n),"siteIsSingleUser", s),"siteIsAtomic", o),"sitesCount", r),"sitesVisibleCount", i)
, P = (e={})=>t=>{
Object.entries(e).forEach(([e,n])=>, n))
, U = ()=>{
const e = S.a.isEnabled(w.d)
, t = Object(O.a)(w.a) === w.c;
return e && t
, N = (e,{fullPageLoad: t=!1}={})=>{
U() && function(e, t) {
var n = void 0 === t ? {} : t
, o = n.fullPageLoad
, r = void 0 === o || o
, i = n.collectors
, a = void 0 === i ? [] : i;
Object(s.b)(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() {
var t;
return Object(s.c)(this, (function(n) {
return y.has(e) || (t = r ? b.fromPageStart(e, a) : b.fromNow(e, a),
y.set(e, t)),
}(e, {
fullPageLoad: t
, k = (e,{state: t={}, metadata: n={}}={})=>{
var o, r, i, a;
U() && (o = e,
r = {
collectors: [C(t), P(n)]
i = (void 0 === r ? {} : r).collectors,
a = void 0 === i ? [] : i,
Object(s.b)(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() {
var e, t;
return Object(s.c)(this, (function(n) {
switch (n.label) {
case 0:
return (e = y.get(o)) ? (y.delete(o),
[4, e]) : [2, !1];
case 1:
return [4, n.sent().stop(a)];
case 2:
return t = n.sent(),
[2, j(t)]
, L = e=>(t,n)=>{
var s;
N(e, {
fullPageLoad: null !== (s = t.init) && void 0 !== s && s
var D = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, x = n.n(D)
, M = n("../node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js")
, q = n("./state/ui/selectors/get-section-name.js");
var F = n("../node_modules/@wordpress/compose/build-module/utils/create-higher-order-component/index.js");
var V = ()=>(function() {
const e = Object(M.e)(q.a)
, t = Object(M.f)();
k(e, {
state: t.getState()
, [e, t])
const G = Object(F.a)(e=>function(t) {
return x.a.createElement(x.a.Fragment, null, x.a.createElement(e, t), x.a.createElement(V, null))
, "WithPerformanceTrackerStop")
, H = Object(M.c)(null, {
stopPerformanceTracking: (e={})=>(t,n)=>{
const s = n()
, o = Object(q.a)(s);
k(o, {
state: s,
metadata: e
"./lib/plans/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "uc", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "sc", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "tc", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "Kc", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "Lc", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "Ic", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "Jc", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "qc", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "rc", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "wc", (function() {
return m
n.d(t, "xc", (function() {
return f
n.d(t, "yc", (function() {
return h
n.d(t, "Cc", (function() {
return _
n.d(t, "Fc", (function() {
return g
n.d(t, "Ac", (function() {
return b
n.d(t, "Dc", (function() {
return E
n.d(t, "Gc", (function() {
return j
n.d(t, "Bc", (function() {
return y
n.d(t, "Ec", (function() {
return S
n.d(t, "zc", (function() {
return O
n.d(t, "Mc", (function() {
return w
n.d(t, "vc", (function() {
return v
n.d(t, "nc", (function() {
return R
n.d(t, "Hc", (function() {
return C
n.d(t, "oc", (function() {
return P
n.d(t, "pc", (function() {
return U
n.d(t, "jc", (function() {
return N
n.d(t, "E", (function() {
return k
n.d(t, "J", (function() {
return L
n.d(t, "ib", (function() {
return D
n.d(t, "bb", (function() {
return x
n.d(t, "V", (function() {
return M
n.d(t, "Vb", (function() {
return q
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return F
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return V
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return G
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return H
n.d(t, "Xb", (function() {
return B
n.d(t, "G", (function() {
return Q
n.d(t, "R", (function() {
return z
n.d(t, "N", (function() {
return K
n.d(t, "P", (function() {
return W
n.d(t, "O", (function() {
return $
n.d(t, "M", (function() {
return Y
n.d(t, "Ab", (function() {
return J
n.d(t, "A", (function() {
return Z
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return X
n.d(t, "Y", (function() {
return ee
n.d(t, "ab", (function() {
return te
n.d(t, "Jb", (function() {
return ne
n.d(t, "rb", (function() {
return se
n.d(t, "fc", (function() {
return oe
n.d(t, "gc", (function() {
return re
n.d(t, "hc", (function() {
return ie
n.d(t, "s", (function() {
return ae
n.d(t, "ic", (function() {
return ce
n.d(t, "sb", (function() {
return ue
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return le
n.d(t, "F", (function() {
return de
n.d(t, "Zb", (function() {
return pe
n.d(t, "ac", (function() {
return me
n.d(t, "wb", (function() {
return fe
n.d(t, "Db", (function() {
return he
n.d(t, "Lb", (function() {
return _e
n.d(t, "m", (function() {
return ge
n.d(t, "n", (function() {
return be
n.d(t, "o", (function() {
return Ee
n.d(t, "p", (function() {
return je
n.d(t, "q", (function() {
return ye
n.d(t, "r", (function() {
return Se
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return Oe
n.d(t, "Bb", (function() {
return we
n.d(t, "bc", (function() {
return ve
n.d(t, "Z", (function() {
return Te
n.d(t, "U", (function() {
return Ie
n.d(t, "T", (function() {
return Re
n.d(t, "Yb", (function() {
return Ae
n.d(t, "S", (function() {
return Ce
n.d(t, "Q", (function() {
return Pe
n.d(t, "qb", (function() {
return Ue
n.d(t, "kc", (function() {
return Ne
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return ke
n.d(t, "W", (function() {
return Le
n.d(t, "z", (function() {
return De
n.d(t, "pb", (function() {
return xe
n.d(t, "yb", (function() {
return Me
n.d(t, "D", (function() {
return qe
n.d(t, "Sb", (function() {
return Fe
n.d(t, "Nb", (function() {
return Ve
n.d(t, "Tb", (function() {
return Ge
n.d(t, "nb", (function() {
return He
n.d(t, "Ob", (function() {
return Be
n.d(t, "tb", (function() {
return Qe
n.d(t, "ub", (function() {
return ze
n.d(t, "w", (function() {
return Ke
n.d(t, "v", (function() {
return We
n.d(t, "x", (function() {
return $e
n.d(t, "y", (function() {
return Ye
n.d(t, "t", (function() {
return Je
n.d(t, "K", (function() {
return Ze
n.d(t, "lb", (function() {
return Xe
n.d(t, "mb", (function() {
return et
n.d(t, "vb", (function() {
return tt
n.d(t, "u", (function() {
return nt
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return st
n.d(t, "xb", (function() {
return ot
n.d(t, "I", (function() {
return rt
n.d(t, "C", (function() {
return it
n.d(t, "Qb", (function() {
return at
n.d(t, "Pb", (function() {
return ct
n.d(t, "Rb", (function() {
return ut
n.d(t, "B", (function() {
return lt
n.d(t, "Mb", (function() {
return dt
n.d(t, "Hb", (function() {
return pt
n.d(t, "Eb", (function() {
return mt
n.d(t, "ec", (function() {
return ft
n.d(t, "Gb", (function() {
return ht
n.d(t, "Cb", (function() {
return _t
n.d(t, "Ub", (function() {
return gt
n.d(t, "k", (function() {
return bt
n.d(t, "X", (function() {
return Et
n.d(t, "cc", (function() {
return jt
n.d(t, "dc", (function() {
return yt
n.d(t, "Ib", (function() {
return St
n.d(t, "H", (function() {
return Ot
n.d(t, "ob", (function() {
return wt
n.d(t, "Fb", (function() {
return vt
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return Tt
n.d(t, "Kb", (function() {
return It
n.d(t, "Wb", (function() {
return Rt
n.d(t, "L", (function() {
return At
n.d(t, "zb", (function() {
return Ct
n.d(t, "l", (function() {
return Pt
n.d(t, "eb", (function() {
return Ut
n.d(t, "fb", (function() {
return Nt
n.d(t, "gb", (function() {
return kt
n.d(t, "hb", (function() {
return Lt
n.d(t, "jb", (function() {
return Dt
n.d(t, "kb", (function() {
return xt
n.d(t, "cb", (function() {
return Mt
n.d(t, "db", (function() {
return qt
n.d(t, "mc", (function() {
return Ft
n.d(t, "lc", (function() {
return Vt
n.d(t, "Pc", (function() {
return Gt
n.d(t, "Nc", (function() {
return Ht
n.d(t, "Oc", (function() {
return Bt
n.d(t, "Tc", (function() {
return Qt
n.d(t, "Qc", (function() {
return zt
n.d(t, "Uc", (function() {
return Kt
n.d(t, "Vc", (function() {
return Wt
n.d(t, "Rc", (function() {
return $t
n.d(t, "Sc", (function() {
return Yt
n.d(t, "Yc", (function() {
return Jt
n.d(t, "Zc", (function() {
return Zt
n.d(t, "Xc", (function() {
return Xt
n.d(t, "Wc", (function() {
return en
var s = n("./lib/products-values/constants.js");
const o = "business-bundle-monthly"
, r = "business-bundle"
, i = "business-bundle-2y"
, a = "value_bundle"
, c = "value_bundle-2y"
, u = "personal-bundle"
, l = "personal-bundle-2y"
, d = "blogger-bundle"
, p = "blogger-bundle-2y"
, m = "ecommerce-bundle"
, f = "ecommerce-bundle-2y"
, h = "free_plan"
, _ = "jetpack_free"
, g = "jetpack_premium"
, b = "jetpack_business"
, E = "jetpack_personal"
, j = "jetpack_premium_monthly"
, y = "jetpack_business_monthly"
, S = "jetpack_personal_monthly"
, O = "host-bundle"
, w = "wpcom-enterprise"
, v = "chargeback"
, T = []
, I = [g, j]
, R = [b, y, _, E, S, g, j]
, A = [j, y, S]
, C = 31
, P = 365
, U = 730
, N = "wordpress-subdomain"
, k = "blog-domain"
, L = "custom-domain"
, D = "jetpack-essential"
, x = "jetpack-advanced"
, M = "free-themes"
, q = "premium-themes"
, F = "3gb-storage"
, V = "6gb-storage"
, G = "13gb-storage"
, H = "200gb-storage"
, B = "unlimited-storage"
, Q = "community-support"
, z = "email-support"
, K = "email-live-chat-support"
, W = "email-live-chat-support-business-days"
, $ = "email-live-chat-support-all-days"
, Y = "email-forwarding-extended-limit"
, J = "priority-support"
, Z = "basic-design"
, X = "advanced-design"
, ee = "google-analytics"
, te = "google-my-business"
, ne = "sftp"
, se = "no-adverts"
, oe = "video-upload"
, re = "video-upload-jetpack-premium"
, ie = "video-upload-jetpack-pro"
, ae = "audio-upload"
, ce = "wordads-instant"
, ue = "no-wp-branding"
, le = "advanced-seo"
, de = "business-onboarding"
, pe = "upload-plugins"
, me = "upload-themes"
, fe = "performance"
, he = "republicize"
, _e = "simple-payments"
, ge = "all-free-features"
, be = "all-free-features-jetpack"
, Ee = "all-personal-features"
, je = "all-personal-features-jetpack"
, ye = "all-premium-features"
, Se = "all-premium-features-jetpack"
, Oe = "advanced-customization"
, we = "unlimited-premium-themes"
, ve = "upload-themes-and-plugins"
, Te = "google-analytics-signup"
, Ie = "free-custom-domain"
, Re = "free-blog-domain"
, Ae = "unlimited-storage-signup"
, Ce = "email-support-signup"
, Pe = "email-live-chat-support-signup"
, Ue = "monetise-your-site"
, Ne = "wordpress-subdomain-signup"
, ke = "advanced-seo-tools"
, Le = "free-themes-signup"
, De = "unlimited-backup"
, xe = "memberships"
, Me = "premium-content-block"
, qe = "blank-feature"
, Fe = "standard-security-tools"
, Ve = "site-stats"
, Ge = "traffic-tools"
, He = "jetpack-manage"
, Be = "spam-akismet-plus"
, Qe = "offsite-backup-vaultpress-daily"
, ze = "offsite-backup-vaultpress-realtime"
, Ke = "backup-archive-30"
, We = "backup-archive-15"
, $e = "backup-archive-unlimited"
, Ye = "backup-storage-space-unlimited"
, Je = "automated-restores"
, Ze = "easy-site-migration"
, Xe = "malware-scanning-daily"
, et = "malware-scanning-daily-and-on-demand"
, tt = "one-click-threat-resolution"
, nt = "automatic-security-fixes"
, st = "site-activity-log"
, ot = "polls-pro"
, rt = "core-jetpack"
, it = "basic-support-jetpack"
, at = "speed-jetpack"
, ct = "speed-advanced-jetpack"
, ut = "speed-unlimited_jetpack"
, lt = "basic-security-jetpack"
, dt = "site-backups-jetpack"
, pt = "security-scanning-jetpack"
, mt = "revenue-generation-jetpack"
, ft = "vidoe-hosting-jetpack"
, ht = "security-essentials-jetpack"
, _t = "priority-support-jetpack"
, gt = "seo-tools-jetpack"
, bt = "seo-tools-jetpack"
, Et = "free-wordpress-themes"
, jt = "video-cdn-limited"
, yt = "video-cdn-unlimited"
, St = "seo-preview-tools"
, Ot = "concierge-setup-jetpack"
, wt = "marketing-automation"
, vt = "search"
, Tt = "accept-payments"
, It = "shipping-carriers"
, Rt = "unlimited-products-service"
, At = "ecommerce-marketing"
, Ct = "premium-customizable-themes"
, Pt = "all-business-features"
, Ut = s.i
, Nt = s.j
, kt = s.k
, Lt = s.l
, Dt = s.m
, xt = s.n
, Mt = s.g
, qt = s.h
, Qt = "TYPE_FREE"
function Jt(e) {
return e === o || A.includes(e)
function Zt(e) {
return T.includes(e)
function Xt(e) {
return I.includes(e)
function en(e) {
switch (e) {
case Gt:
return C;
case Ht:
return P;
case Bt:
return U
"./lib/plans/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return h
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return _
n.d(t, "l", (function() {
return g
n.d(t, "k", (function() {
return b
n.d(t, "B", (function() {
return E
n.d(t, "C", (function() {
return j
n.d(t, "G", (function() {
return y
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return S
n.d(t, "o", (function() {
return O
n.d(t, "D", (function() {
return w
n.d(t, "r", (function() {
return v
n.d(t, "q", (function() {
return T
n.d(t, "v", (function() {
return I
n.d(t, "u", (function() {
return R
n.d(t, "p", (function() {
return A
n.d(t, "s", (function() {
return C
n.d(t, "x", (function() {
return P
n.d(t, "y", (function() {
return U
n.d(t, "A", (function() {
return N
n.d(t, "w", (function() {
return k
n.d(t, "z", (function() {
return L
n.d(t, "t", (function() {
return D
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return x
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return M
n.d(t, "E", (function() {
return q
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return F
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return V
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return G
n.d(t, "F", (function() {
return H
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return B
n.d(t, "m", (function() {
return Q
n.d(t, "n", (function() {
return z
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return K
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/values.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isFunction.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/pick.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/difference.js")
, u = (n("./config/index.js"),
, l = n("./lib/url/url-parts.ts")
, d = n("./lib/url/format.ts")
, p = n("./lib/plans/constants.js")
, m = n("./lib/plans/plans-list.js");
function f() {
return m.a
function h(e) {
return "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.apply(e) && -1 !== Object(s.a)(m.a).indexOf(e) ? e : m.a[e]
function _(e, t) {
return Object.values(m.a).filter(e=>!t || === t).find(t=>Object(o.a)(t.getPathSlug) && t.getPathSlug() === e)
function g(e) {
return (h(e).getPathSlug || (()=>{}
function b(e) {
return C(e) ? "is-free-plan" : A(e) ? "is-blogger-plan" : R(e) ? "is-personal-plan" : I(e) ? "is-premium-plan" : T(e) ? "is-business-plan" : v(e) ? "is-ecommerce-plan" : ""
function E(e, t) {
const n = h(e)
, s = ["getPlanCompareFeatures", "getPromotedFeatures", "getSignupFeatures", "getBlogSignupFeatures", "getPortfolioSignupFeatures", "getHiddenFeatures"].reduce((e,t)=>[...Object(r.a)(n, t, ()=>[])(), ...e], []);
return Object(i.a)(s, t)
function j(e, t) {
const n = h(e);
return Object(i.a)(n.getInferiorHiddenFeatures(), t)
function y(e, t) {
return !e.hasLoadedFromServer && !e.isRequesting && t
function S(e) {
return x(e, {
term: p.Pc
}) || ""
function O(e) {
return x(e, {
term: p.Nc
}) || ""
function w(e, t) {
const n = h(e)
, s = h(t);
return n && s && n.type === s.type && ===
function v(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Sc
function T(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Rc
function I(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Vc
function R(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Uc
function A(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Qc
function C(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Tc
function P(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Rc,
function U(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Sc,
function N(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Vc,
function k(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Qc,
function L(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Tc,
function D(e) {
return q(e, {
type: p.Rc,
function x(e, t) {
return function(e, t={}) {
const n = h(e);
if (!n)
return [];
return M({
...Object(a.a)(n, "type", "group", "term"),
}(e, t)[0]
function M(e={}) {
const t = f();
return Object.keys(t).filter(n=>q(t[n], e))
function q(e, t={}) {
const n = ["type", "group", "term"]
, s = Object(c.a)(Object.keys(t), n);
if (s.length)
throw new Error(`planMatches can only match against ${n.join(",")}, but unknown keys ${s.join(",")} were passed.`);
const o = h(e) || {}
, r = e=>!(e in t) || o[e] === t[e];
return r("type") && r("group") && r("term")
function F(e, t) {
return function(e, t) {
const n = G(e);
return parseFloat((t / n).toFixed(2))
}(h(e).term, t)
function V(e) {
return G(h(e).term)
function G(e) {
if (e === p.Pc)
return 1;
if (e === p.Nc)
return 12;
if (e === p.Oc)
return 24;
throw new Error("Unknown term: " + e)
function H(e, t, n, s=!1) {
const o = Object(u.b)(e)
, r = Object(l.b)(e);
return ("monthly" === n || s) && (r.pathname += "/" + n),
t && (r.pathname += "/" + t),
r.protocol = r.protocol || "https:",
r.hostname = r.hostname || "__hostname__.invalid",
Object(d.a)(Object(l.a)(r), o)
function B(e, t) {
const n = {
, s = h(e).getPlanCompareFeatures(t);
return n.getPlanCompareFeatures = ()=>s,
function Q(e, t) {
const n = h(e);
if (n && n.term)
switch (n.term) {
case p.Pc:
return t("Monthly subscription");
case p.Nc:
return t("Annual subscription");
case p.Oc:
return t("Two year subscription")
const z = ({customerType: e, isJetpack: t, availablePlans: n})=>{
if (t)
return !1;
if (0 === n.length)
return !1;
const s = h(n[0]);
if (!s)
return !1;
const o =;
if ("personal" === e) {
if (-1 !== n.findIndex(I))
return {
type: p.Vc,
group: o
} else if (-1 !== n.findIndex(T))
return {
type: p.Rc,
group: o
return {
type: s.type,
group: o
, K = ({currentCustomerType: e, selectedPlan: t, currentPlan: n})=>{
if (e)
return e;
const s =
, o = [M({
group: s,
term: p.Nc,
type: p.Vc
})[0], M({
group: s,
term: p.Oc,
type: p.Vc
})[0], M({
group: s,
term: p.Nc,
type: p.Rc
})[0], M({
group: s,
term: p.Oc,
type: p.Rc
})[0], M({
group: s,
term: p.Nc,
type: p.Sc
})[0], M({
group: s,
term: p.Oc,
type: p.Sc
if (t)
return o.includes(t) ? "business" : "personal";
if (n) {
return -1 !== o.indexOf(n.product_slug) ? "business" : "personal"
return "personal"
"./lib/plans/plans-list.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return b
var s = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/compact.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, a = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, c = n("./config/index.js")
, u = n("./lib/plans/constants.js");
const l = ()=>a.a.translate("per month, billed annually")
, d = ()=>a.a.translate("/month, billed every two years")
, p = {
components: {
strong: o.a.createElement("strong", {
className: "plans__features plan-features__targeted-description-heading"
, m = ()=>({
type: u.Qc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Blogger"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for bloggers"),
getBlogAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for bloggers"),
getPortfolioAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for bloggers"),
getStoreAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for bloggers"),
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for bloggers:{{/strong}} Brand your blog with a custom .blog domain name, and remove all advertising. Receive additional storage space and email support.", p),
getShortDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("Brand your blog with a custom .blog domain name, and remove all advertising. Receive additional storage space and email support."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>[u.E, u.ib, u.R, u.V, u.A, u.d, u.rb, u.pb, u.yb],
getSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.S, u.E, u.m],
getBlogSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.T, u.S, u.m],
getPortfolioSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.T, u.S, u.m],
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.s],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
, f = ()=>({
type: u.Uc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Personal"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for personal use"),
getBlogAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for personal use"),
getPortfolioAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for personal use"),
getStoreAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for personal use"),
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for personal use:{{/strong}} Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all advertising. Get access to high-quality email and live chat support.", p),
getShortDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all advertising. Get access to high-quality email and live chat support."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>[u.J, u.ib, u.P, u.V, u.A, u.d, u.rb, u.pb, u.yb],
getSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.Q, u.U, u.V],
getBlogSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.U, u.Q, u.m],
getPortfolioSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.U, u.Q, u.m],
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.s],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
, h = ()=>({
type: u.Sc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("eCommerce"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for online stores"),
getBlogAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for online stores"),
getPortfolioAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for online stores"),
getStoreAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for online stores"),
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for online stores:{{/strong}} Sell products or services with this powerful, all-in-one online store experience. This plan includes premium integrations and is extendable, so it’ll grow with you as your business grows.", p),
getShortDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("Sell products or services with this powerful, all-in-one online store experience. This plan includes premium integrations and is extendable, so it’ll grow with you as your business grows."),
getTagline: ()=>a.a.translate("Learn more about everything included with eCommerce and take advantage of its powerful marketplace features."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.J,, u.O, u.Vb, u.h, u.b, u.rb, u.pb, u.yb, u.Lb, u.Y, Object(c.c)("republicize") && u.Db, u.ic, u.fc, u.F, u.i, Object(c.c)("automated-transfer") && u.Zb, Object(c.c)("automated-transfer") &&,, u.e, u.Kb, u.Wb, u.L, u.zb]),
getPromotedFeatures: ()=>[u.b, u.Vb, u.J, u.rb, u.h, u.F],
getSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.e, u.Kb, u.l],
getBlogSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.e, u.Kb, u.l],
getPortfolioSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.e, u.Kb, u.l],
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.s, u.ab, u.bc, u.M],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
, _ = ()=>({
type: u.Vc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Premium"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for freelancers"),
getBlogAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for freelancers"),
getPortfolioAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for freelancers"),
getStoreAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for freelancers"),
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for freelancers:{{/strong}} Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of space for audio and video, Google Analytics support, and the ability to monetize your site with ads.", p),
getShortDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of space for audio and video, Google Analytics support, and the ability to monetize your site with ads."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.J, u.ib, u.P, u.Vb, u.h, u.a, u.rb, u.pb, u.yb, u.Lb, u.Y, Object(c.c)("republicize") && u.Db, u.ic, u.fc]),
getPromotedFeatures: ()=>[u.J, u.rb, u.h, u.a],
getSignupFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.g, u.Bb, u.o]),
getBlogSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.qb, u.Bb, u.o],
getPortfolioSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.g, u.Bb, u.o],
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.s],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
, g = ()=>({
type: u.Rc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Business"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for small businesses"),
getBlogAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for small businesses"),
getPortfolioAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for small businesses"),
getStoreAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("The plan for small businesses"),
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for small businesses:{{/strong}} Power your business website with custom plugins and themes, unlimited premium and business theme templates, 200 GB storage, and the ability to remove branding.", p),
getShortDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("Power your business website with custom plugins and themes, unlimited premium and business theme templates, 200 GB storage, and the ability to remove branding."),
getTagline: ()=>a.a.translate("Learn more about everything included with Business and take advantage of its professional features."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.J,, u.O, u.Vb, u.h, u.b, u.rb, u.pb, u.yb, u.Lb, u.Y, Object(c.c)("republicize") && u.Db, u.ic, u.fc, u.F, u.i, Object(c.c)("automated-transfer") && u.Zb, Object(c.c)("automated-transfer") &&,]),
getPromotedFeatures: ()=>[u.b, u.Vb, u.J, u.rb, u.h, u.fc, u.F],
getSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.bc, u.j, u.q],
getBlogSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.bc, u.j, u.q],
getPortfolioSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.bc, u.b, u.q],
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.s, u.ab, u.M],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
, b = {
[u.yc]: {
type: u.Tc,
term: u.Nc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Free"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for students"),
getBlogAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for students"),
getPortfolioAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for students"),
getStoreAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for students"),
getProductId: ()=>1,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.yc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"beginner",
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("Get a free website and be on your way to publishing your first post in less than five minutes."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>[u.jc, u.ib, u.G, u.V, u.A, u.c],
getSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.G, u.kc, u.W],
getBlogSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.G, u.kc, u.W],
getPortfolioSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.G, u.kc, u.W],
getBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("for life"),
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
[u.qc]: {
term: u.Nc,
getBillingTimeFrame: l,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1010,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.qc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"blogger"
[u.rc]: {
term: u.Oc,
getBillingTimeFrame: d,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1030,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.rc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"blogger-2-years"
[u.Ic]: {
term: u.Nc,
getBillingTimeFrame: l,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc, u.rc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1009,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Ic,
getPathSlug: ()=>"personal"
[u.Jc]: {
term: u.Oc,
getBillingTimeFrame: d,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc, u.rc, u.Ic], e),
getProductId: ()=>1029,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Jc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"personal-2-years"
[u.Kc]: {
term: u.Nc,
getBillingTimeFrame: l,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc, u.rc, u.Ic, u.Jc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1003,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Kc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"premium"
[u.Lc]: {
term: u.Oc,
getBillingTimeFrame: d,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc, u.rc, u.Ic, u.Jc, u.Kc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1023,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Lc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"premium-2-years"
[u.uc]: {
term: u.Pc,
getBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per month, billed monthly"),
availableFor: e=>Object(c.c)("upgrades/wpcom-monthly-plans") && Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc, u.rc, u.Ic, u.Jc, u.Kc, u.Lc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1018,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.uc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"business-monthly"
[]: {
term: u.Nc,
getBillingTimeFrame: l,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc, u.rc, u.Ic, u.Jc, u.Kc, u.Lc, u.uc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1008,
getStoreSlug: ()=>,
getPathSlug: ()=>"business"
[]: {
term: u.Oc,
getBillingTimeFrame: d,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc, u.rc, u.Ic, u.Jc, u.Kc, u.Lc,, u.uc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1028,
getStoreSlug: ()=>,
getPathSlug: ()=>"business-2-years"
[u.wc]: {
term: u.Nc,
getBillingTimeFrame: l,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc, u.rc, u.Ic, u.Jc, u.Kc, u.Lc,,, u.uc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1011,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.wc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"ecommerce"
[u.xc]: {
term: u.Oc,
getBillingTimeFrame: d,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.yc, u.qc, u.rc, u.Ic, u.Jc, u.Kc, u.Lc,,, u.uc, u.wc], e),
getProductId: ()=>1031,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.xc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"ecommerce-2-years"
[u.Cc]: {
term: u.Nc,
type: u.Tc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Free"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for students"),
getProductId: ()=>2002,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Cc,
getTagline: e=>{
switch (e) {
case u.eb:
case u.fb:
case u.hb:
return a.a.translate("Upgrade your site to access additional features, including spam protection and priority support.");
return a.a.translate("Upgrade your site to access additional features, including spam protection, backups, and priority support.")
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("The features most needed by WordPress sites — perfectly packaged and optimized for everyone."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>[u.Sb, u.Nb, u.Tb, u.nb],
getSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.X, u.Nb, u.Sb, u.Tb, u.D],
getBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("for life"),
getSignupBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("for life"),
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
[u.Fc]: {
type: u.Vc,
term: u.Nc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Premium"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for small businesses"),
getSubtitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Protection, speed, and revenue."),
getProductId: ()=>2e3,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Fc,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.Cc, u.Dc, u.Ec, u.Gc], e),
getPathSlug: ()=>"premium",
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for small businesses:{{/strong}}Comprehensive, automated scanning for security vulnerabilities, fast video hosting, and marketing automation.", p),
getTagline: ()=>a.a.translate("Your site is being secured and you have access to marketing tools and priority support."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.tb, u.w, u.y, u.t, u.Ob, u.K, u.Ab, Object(c.c)("republicize") && u.Db, u.Lb, u.ic, u.hc,, u.i, u.Y]),
getSignupFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([, u.u, u.hc, u.ic, u.i, u.p]),
getBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per year"),
getSignupBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per year"),
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.eb, u.fb, u.jb, u.kb, u.cb, u.db],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
[u.Gc]: {
type: u.Vc,
term: u.Pc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Premium"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for small businesses"),
getProductId: ()=>2003,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Gc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"premium-monthly",
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.Cc, u.Dc, u.Ec], e),
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for small businesses:{{/strong}}Comprehensive, automated scanning for security vulnerabilities, fast video hosting, and marketing automation.", p),
getTagline: ()=>a.a.translate("Your site is being secured and you have access to marketing tools and priority support."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.tb, u.w, u.y, u.t, u.Ob, u.K, u.Ab, Object(c.c)("republicize") && u.Db, u.Lb, u.ic, u.hc,, u.i, u.Y]),
getSignupFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([, u.u, u.hc, u.ic, u.i, u.p]),
getBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per month, billed monthly"),
getSignupBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per month"),
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.eb, u.fb, u.jb, u.kb, u.cb, u.db],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
[u.Dc]: {
type: u.Uc,
term: u.Nc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Personal"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for personal use"),
getProductId: ()=>2005,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Dc,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.Cc, u.Ec], e),
getPathSlug: ()=>"jetpack-personal",
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for personal use:{{/strong}}Security essentials for your WordPress site, including automated backups and priority support.", p),
getTagline: ()=>a.a.translate("Your data is being securely backed up and you have access to priority support."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>[u.tb, u.w, u.y, u.t, u.Ob, u.K, u.Ab],
getSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.tb, u.Ob, u.f, u.Ab, u.n],
getBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per year"),
getSignupBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per year"),
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.eb, u.fb, u.cb, u.db],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
[u.Ec]: {
type: u.Uc,
term: u.Pc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Personal"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for personal use"),
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Ec,
getProductId: ()=>2006,
getPathSlug: ()=>"jetpack-personal-monthly",
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.Cc], e),
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for personal use:{{/strong}}Security essentials for your WordPress site, including automated backups and priority support.", p),
getTagline: ()=>a.a.translate("Your data is being securely backed up and you have access to priority support."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>[u.tb, u.w, u.y, u.t, u.Ob, u.K, u.Ab],
getSignupFeatures: ()=>[u.tb, u.Ob, u.f, u.Ab, u.n],
getBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per month, billed monthly"),
getSignupBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per month"),
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.eb, u.fb, u.cb, u.db],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[]
[u.Ac]: {
type: u.Rc,
term: u.Nc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Professional"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for organizations"),
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Ac,
getProductId: ()=>2001,
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.Bc, u.Cc, u.Fc, u.Gc, u.Dc, u.Ec], e),
getPathSlug: ()=>"professional",
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for organizations:{{/strong}}The most powerful WordPress sites: real-time backups and unlimited premium themes.", p),
getTagline: ()=>a.a.translate("You have the full suite of security and performance tools."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.ub, u.x, u.y, u.t, u.Ob, u.K, u.Ab, Object(c.c)("republicize") && u.Db, u.Lb, u.ic, u.hc, u.mb, u.vb, u.i, u.Y, u.Vb]),
getSignupFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.ub, u.Vb, u.r]),
getBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per year"),
getSignupBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per year"),
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.ab,, u.hb, u.jb, u.kb, u.cb, u.db],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.eb, u.fb]
[u.Bc]: {
type: u.Rc,
term: u.Pc,
getTitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Professional"),
getAudience: ()=>a.a.translate("Best for organizations"),
getSubtitle: ()=>a.a.translate("Ultimate security and traffic tools."),
getProductId: ()=>2004,
getStoreSlug: ()=>u.Bc,
getPathSlug: ()=>"professional-monthly",
availableFor: e=>Object(i.a)([u.Cc, u.Fc, u.Gc, u.Dc, u.Ec], e),
getDescription: ()=>a.a.translate("{{strong}}Best for organizations:{{/strong}}The most powerful WordPress sites: real-time backups and unlimited premium themes.", p),
getTagline: ()=>a.a.translate("You have the full suite of security and performance tools."),
getPlanCompareFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.ub, u.x, u.y, u.t, u.Ob, u.K, u.Ab, Object(c.c)("republicize") && u.Db, u.Lb, u.ic, u.hc, u.mb, u.vb, u.i, u.Y, u.Vb]),
getSignupFeatures: ()=>Object(r.a)([u.ub, u.Vb, u.r]),
getBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per month, billed monthly"),
getSignupBillingTimeFrame: ()=>a.a.translate("per month"),
getHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.ab,, u.hb, u.cb, u.db],
getInferiorHiddenFeatures: ()=>[u.eb, u.fb, u.jb, u.kb]
"./lib/products-values/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "k", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "l", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "o", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "p", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "q", (function() {
return m
n.d(t, "r", (function() {
return f
n.d(t, "m", (function() {
return h
n.d(t, "n", (function() {
return _
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return g
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return b
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return y
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return S
n.d(t, "w", (function() {
return O
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return w
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return v
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return T
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return I
n.d(t, "u", (function() {
return R
n.d(t, "t", (function() {
return A
n.d(t, "v", (function() {
return C
n.d(t, "s", (function() {
return U
var s = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, i = n("./config/index.js");
const a = "jetpack_backup_daily"
, c = "jetpack_backup_realtime"
, u = "jetpack_backup_daily_monthly"
, l = "jetpack_backup_realtime_monthly"
, d = "jetpack_search"
, p = "jetpack_search_monthly"
, m = "wpcom_search"
, f = "wpcom_search_monthly"
, h = "jetpack_scan"
, _ = "jetpack_scan_monthly"
, g = "jetpack_anti_spam"
, b = "jetpack_anti_spam_monthly"
, E = [a, c]
, j = [u, l]
, y = [...E, ...j]
, S = [d, p, m, f]
, O = e=>S.includes(e)
, w = [h, _]
, v = [g, b]
, T = [...y, ...Object(i.c)("jetpack/scan-product") ? w : [], ...Object(i.c)("jetpack/anti-spam-product") ? v : [], ...Object(i.c)("jetpack/search-product") ? S : []]
, I = {
[a]: {
relatedProduct: u,
ratio: 12
[c]: {
relatedProduct: l,
ratio: 12
[d]: {
relatedProduct: p,
ratio: 12
[h]: {
relatedProduct: _,
ratio: 12
[g]: {
relatedProduct: b,
ratio: 12
, R = ()=>({
[a]: Object(r.f)("Daily Backups"),
[u]: Object(r.f)("Daily Backups"),
[c]: Object(r.f)("Real-Time Backups"),
[l]: Object(r.f)("Real-Time Backups"),
[d]: Object(r.f)("Search"),
[p]: Object(r.f)("Search"),
[h]: Object(r.f)("Daily Scan"),
[_]: Object(r.f)("Daily Scan"),
[g]: Object(r.f)("Anti-Spam"),
[b]: Object(r.f)("Anti-Spam")
, A = ()=>{
const e = o.a.createElement(o.a.Fragment, null, Object(r.f)("Jetpack Backup {{em}}Daily{{/em}}", {
components: {
em: o.a.createElement("em", null)
}), " ")
, t = o.a.createElement(o.a.Fragment, null, " ", Object(r.f)("Jetpack Backup {{em}}Real-Time{{/em}}", {
components: {
em: o.a.createElement("em", null)
}), " ")
, n = Object(r.f)("Jetpack Search")
, s = o.a.createElement(o.a.Fragment, null, Object(r.f)("Jetpack Scan {{em}}Daily{{/em}}", {
components: {
em: o.a.createElement("em", null)
}), " ")
, i = o.a.createElement(o.a.Fragment, null, Object(r.f)("Jetpack Anti-Spam"));
return {
[a]: e,
[u]: e,
[c]: t,
[l]: t,
[d]: n,
[p]: n,
[m]: n,
[f]: n,
[h]: s,
[_]: s,
[g]: i,
[b]: i
, C = ()=>{
const e = Object(r.f)("Search your site.")
, t = Object(r.f)("Scan your site.")
, n = Object(r.f)("Automatically clear spam from comments and forms.");
return {
[a]: Object(r.f)("Your data is being securely backed up every day with a 30-day archive."),
[u]: Object(r.f)("Your data is being securely backed up every day with a 30-day archive."),
[c]: Object(r.f)("Your data is being securely backed up as you edit."),
[l]: Object(r.f)("Your data is being securely backed up as you edit."),
[d]: e,
[p]: e,
[m]: e,
[f]: e,
[h]: t,
[_]: t,
[g]: n,
[b]: n
, P = ()=>{
const e = Object(r.f)("Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search helps your visitors instantly find the right content – right when they need it.")
, t = Object(r.f)("Automatic scanning and one-click fixes keep your site one step ahead of security threats.")
, n = Object(r.f)("Automatically clear spam from comments and forms. Save time, get more responses, give your visitors a better experience – all without lifting a finger.");
return {
[a]: Object(r.f)("Always-on backups ensure you never lose your site. Your changes are saved every day with a 30-day archive."),
[u]: Object(r.f)("Always-on backups ensure you never lose your site. Your changes are saved every day with a 30-day archive."),
[c]: Object(r.f)("Always-on backups ensure you never lose your site. Your changes are saved as you edit and you have unlimited backup archives."),
[l]: Object(r.f)("Always-on backups ensure you never lose your site. Your changes are saved as you edit and you have unlimited backup archives."),
[d]: e,
[p]: e,
[h]: t,
[_]: t,
[g]: n,
[b]: n
, U = ()=>{
const e = [{
title: Object(r.f)("Jetpack Backup"),
description: Object(r.f)("Always-on backups ensure you never lose your site. Choose from real-time or daily backups."),
hasPromo: !0,
id: "jetpack_backup",
link: {
label: Object(r.f)("Which backup option is best for me?"),
props: {
location: "product_jetpack_backup_description",
slug: "which-one-do-i-need"
url: ""
options: {
yearly: E,
monthly: j
optionShortNames: R(),
optionDisplayNames: A(),
optionDescriptions: P(),
optionsLabel: Object(r.f)("Select a backup option:"),
slugs: y
return Object(i.c)("jetpack/scan-product") && e.push({
title: Object(r.f)("Jetpack Scan"),
description: P()[h],
forceRadios: !0,
hasPromo: !1,
id: h,
link: {
label: Object(r.f)("Learn more"),
props: {
location: "product_jetpack_scan_description",
slug: "learn-more-scan"
url: ""
options: {
yearly: [h],
monthly: [_]
optionShortNames: R(),
optionDisplayNames: A(),
optionDescriptions: P(),
optionsLabel: Object(r.f)("Select a product option:"),
slugs: w
Object(i.c)("jetpack/anti-spam-product") && e.push({
title: Object(r.f)("Jetpack Anti-Spam"),
description: P()[g],
forceRadios: !0,
hasPromo: !1,
id: g,
link: {
label: Object(r.f)("Learn more"),
props: {
location: "product_jetpack_anti_spam_description",
slug: "learn-more-anti-spam"
url: ""
options: {
yearly: [g],
monthly: [b]
optionShortNames: R(),
optionDisplayNames: A(),
optionDescriptions: P(),
optionsLabel: Object(r.f)("Select a product option:"),
slugs: v
Object(i.c)("jetpack/search-product") && e.push({
title: Object(r.f)("Jetpack Search"),
description: P()[d],
forceRadios: !0,
hasPromo: !1,
id: d,
link: {
label: Object(r.f)("Learn more"),
props: {
location: "product_jetpack_search_description",
slug: "learn-more-search"
url: ""
options: {
yearly: [d],
monthly: [p]
optionShortNamesCallback: e=>{
switch (e.price_tier_slug) {
case "up_to_100_records":
return Object(r.f)("Tier 1: Up to 100 records");
case "up_to_1k_records":
return Object(r.f)("Tier 2: Up to 1,000 records");
case "up_to_10k_records":
return Object(r.f)("Tier 3: Up to 10,000 records");
case "up_to_100k_records":
return Object(r.f)("Tier 4: Up to 100,000 records");
case "up_to_1m_records":
return Object(r.f)("Tier 5: Up to 1,000,000 records");
case "more_than_1m_records":
const t = 5 + Math.floor(e.price_tier_usage_quantity / 1e6)
, n = 1e6 * Math.ceil(e.price_tier_usage_quantity / 1e6);
return Object(r.f)("Tier %(tierNumber)d: Up to %(tierMaximumRecords)s records", {
args: {
tierNumber: t,
tierMaximumRecords: Object(r.d)(n)
return null
optionActionButtonNames: R(),
optionDisplayNames: A(),
optionDescriptions: P(),
optionsLabelCallback: e=>Object(r.f)("Your current site record size: %(numberOfRecords)s record", "Your current site record size: %(numberOfRecords)s records", {
count: e.price_tier_usage_quantity,
args: {
numberOfRecords: Object(r.d)(e.price_tier_usage_quantity)
slugs: S
"./lib/products-values/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return E
n.d(t, "n", (function() {
return j
n.d(t, "i", (function() {
return y
n.d(t, "D", (function() {
return S
n.d(t, "C", (function() {
return O
n.d(t, "E", (function() {
return w
n.d(t, "W", (function() {
return v
n.d(t, "k", (function() {
return T
n.d(t, "Y", (function() {
return I
n.d(t, "m", (function() {
return R
n.d(t, "A", (function() {
return A
n.d(t, "B", (function() {
return C
n.d(t, "O", (function() {
return P
n.d(t, "M", (function() {
return U
n.d(t, "P", (function() {
return N
n.d(t, "fb", (function() {
return k
n.d(t, "L", (function() {
return L
n.d(t, "K", (function() {
return D
n.d(t, "T", (function() {
return x
n.d(t, "J", (function() {
return M
n.d(t, "S", (function() {
return q
n.d(t, "I", (function() {
return F
n.d(t, "N", (function() {
return V
n.d(t, "R", (function() {
return G
n.d(t, "Q", (function() {
return H
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return B
n.d(t, "U", (function() {
return Q
n.d(t, "gb", (function() {
return z
n.d(t, "j", (function() {
return K
n.d(t, "X", (function() {
return W
n.d(t, "z", (function() {
return $
n.d(t, "u", (function() {
return Y
n.d(t, "v", (function() {
return J
n.d(t, "w", (function() {
return Z
n.d(t, "t", (function() {
return X
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return ee
n.d(t, "Z", (function() {
return te
n.d(t, "y", (function() {
return ne
n.d(t, "x", (function() {
return se
n.d(t, "r", (function() {
return oe
n.d(t, "l", (function() {
return re
n.d(t, "p", (function() {
return ie
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return ae
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return ce
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return ue
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return le
n.d(t, "s", (function() {
return de
n.d(t, "F", (function() {
return pe
n.d(t, "G", (function() {
return me
n.d(t, "H", (function() {
return fe
n.d(t, "bb", (function() {
return he
n.d(t, "q", (function() {
return _e
n.d(t, "V", (function() {
return ge
n.d(t, "eb", (function() {
return be
n.d(t, "cb", (function() {
return Ee
n.d(t, "db", (function() {
return je
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return ye
n.d(t, "ab", (function() {
return Se
n.d(t, "o", (function() {
return Oe
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/difference.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isEmpty.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/assign.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/pick.js")
, u = n("./lib/gsuite/index.js")
, l = n("./lib/products-values/constants.js")
, d = n("./lib/plans/constants.js");
const p = l.u()
, m = {
[l.i]: {
product_name: p[l.i],
product_slug: l.i,
term: d.Nc,
bill_period: d.oc
[l.j]: {
product_name: p[l.j],
product_slug: l.j,
term: d.Pc,
bill_period: d.Hc
[l.k]: {
product_name: p[l.k],
product_slug: l.k,
term: d.Nc,
bill_period: d.oc
[l.l]: {
product_name: p[l.l],
product_slug: l.l,
term: d.Pc,
bill_period: d.Hc
[l.o]: {
product_name: p[l.o],
product_slug: l.o,
term: d.Nc,
bill_period: d.oc
[l.p]: {
product_name: p[l.p],
product_slug: l.p,
term: d.Pc,
bill_period: d.Hc
var f = n("./lib/plans/index.js")
, h = n("./lib/domains/constants.js")
, _ = n("./lib/products-values/schema.json");
const g = {
domain: {
domain_redemption: !0,
gapps: !0,
gapps_extra_license: !0,
gapps_unlimited: !0
[d.uc]: {
domain_redemption: !0
[]: {
domain_redemption: !0
[]: {
domain_redemption: !0
[d.Ic]: {
domain_redemption: !0
[d.Jc]: {
domain_redemption: !0
[d.Kc]: {
domain_redemption: !0
[d.Lc]: {
domain_redemption: !0
function b(e) {
const t = Object(s.a)(_.required, Object.keys(e));
if (!Object(o.a)(t))
throw new Error("Missing required attributes for ProductValue: [" + t.join(", ") + "]")
function E(e) {
return Object(r.a)({}, e, {
product_slug: e.product_slug || e.productSlug,
product_type: e.product_type || e.productType,
included_domain_purchase_amount: e.included_domain_purchase_amount || e.includedDomainPurchaseAmount,
is_domain_registration: void 0 !== e.is_domain_registration ? e.is_domain_registration : e.isDomainRegistration,
free_trial: e.free_trial || e.freeTrial
function j(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
e.product_slug ===
function y(e, t) {
return b(t = E(t)),
e.indexOf(t.product_slug) >= 0
function S(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
e.product_slug === d.yc
function O(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
e.product_slug === d.Cc
function w(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function v(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function T(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function I(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function R(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function A(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function C(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
e.product_slug === d.Mc
function P(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
t = e.product_slug,
Object(f.E)(t, {
var t
function U(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
R(e) && P(e)
function N(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
I(e) && P(e)
function k(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"vip" === e.product_slug
function L(e) {
return Object(i.a)(l.b, e)
function D(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function x(e) {
return l.e.includes(e)
function M(e) {
return l.a.includes(e)
function q(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function F(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function V(e) {
return l.e.includes(e) || l.b.includes(e)
function G(e) {
return Object(i.a)(l.c, e)
function H(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function B(e) {
return m[e] ? E(m[e]) : e
function Q(e) {
const t = E(e);
return b(t),
parseInt(t.bill_period, 10) === d.Hc
function z(e) {
const t = E(e);
return b(t),
parseInt(t.bill_period, 10) === d.oc
function K(e) {
const t = E(e);
return b(t),
parseInt(t.bill_period, 10) === d.pc
function W(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
T(e) || v(e) || I(e) || R(e) || A(e) || C(e) || function(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
e.product_slug === d.zc
function $(e) {
return W(e) && !P(e)
function Y(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
X(e) || Z(e)
function J(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"domain_redemption" === e.product_slug
function Z(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function X(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"domain_map" === e.product_slug
function ee(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function te(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"offsite_redirect" === e.product_slug
function ne(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function se(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
e.product_slug === h.d.TRANSFER_IN
function oe(e) {
return se(e) && e.delayedProvisioning
function re(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function ie(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"wordpress-com-credits" === e.product_slug
function ae(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
Z(e) ? 0 : X(e) ? 1 : void 0
function ce(e) {
b(e = E(e));
const t = Object(a.a)(e, "extra.domain_to_bundle", !1);
return t || e.meta
function ue(e) {
b(e = E(e));
const t = Object(l.t)();
return null == t ? void 0 : t[e.productSlug]
function le(e) {
b(e = E(e));
const t = Object(l.v)();
return null == t ? void 0 : t[e.productSlug]
function de(e, t, n) {
let s = !1;
b(e = E(e));
const o = Z(e) ? "domain" : e.product_slug
, r = Z(t) ? "domain" : t.product_slug;
return n && (s = W(e) && (Z(t) || X(t))),
s || g[o] && g[o][r] && ce(e) === ce(t)
function pe(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
!0 === e.is_free
function me(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
function fe(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"guided_transfer" === e.product_slug
function he(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"premium_theme" === e.product_slug
function _e(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"custom-design" === e.product_slug
function ge(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"no-adverts/no-adverts.php" === e.product_slug
function be(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"videopress" === e.product_slug
function Ee(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"unlimited_space" === e.product_slug
function je(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"unlimited_themes" === e.product_slug
function ye(e) {
return Object(c.a)(e, Object.keys(
function Se(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"1gb_space_upgrade" === e.product_slug || "5gb_space_upgrade" === e.product_slug || "10gb_space_upgrade" === e.product_slug || "50gb_space_upgrade" === e.product_slug || "100gb_space_upgrade" === e.product_slug
function Oe(e) {
return b(e = E(e)),
"concierge-session" === e.product_slug
"./lib/products-values/schema.json": function(e) {
e.exports = JSON.parse('{"title":"ProductValue","type":"object","required":["product_slug"],"additionalProperties":true,"properties":{"product_id":{"type":"number"},"product_name":{"type":"string"},"product_slug":{"type":"string"},"is_domain_registration":{"type":"boolean"},"term":{"type":"string"},"bill_period":{"type":"number"}}}')
"./lib/protect-form/index.tsx": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return w
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return v
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return T
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/react/index.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("../node_modules/page/page.js")
, p = n.n(d)
, m = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, f = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, h = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/without.js");
const _ = l()("calypso:protect-form");
let g = []
, b = 0;
function E(e) {
if (!g.length)
_("unsaved form changes detected");
const t = m.a.translate("You have unsaved changes.");
return (e || window.event).returnValue = t,
function j() {
0 === b && "undefined" != typeof window && window.addEventListener("beforeunload", E),
function y() {
0 === b && "undefined" != typeof window && window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", E)
function S(e) {
Object(f.a)(g, e) || g.push(e)
function O(e) {
g = Object(h.a)(g, e)
const w = e=>class extends a.Component {
constructor(...e) {
i()(this, "markChanged", ()=>S(this)),
i()(this, "markSaved", ()=>O(this))
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return c.a.createElement(e, o()({
markChanged: this.markChanged,
markSaved: this.markSaved
}, this.props))
class v extends a.Component {
componentDidMount() {
this.props.isChanged && S(this)
componentWillUnmount() {
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(e) {
e.isChanged !== this.props.isChanged && (e.isChanged ? S(this) : O(this))
render() {
return null
const T = (e,t)=>{
if (!g.length)
return t();
if (_("unsaved form changes detected"),
function() {
if ("undefined" == typeof window)
return !0;
const e = m.a.translate("You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave this page?");
return window.confirm(e)
g = [],
else {
const t = e.canonicalPath;
setTimeout((function() {
p.a.replace(t, null, !1, !1)
), 0)
"./lib/query-manager/key.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return u
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/omitBy.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/sortBy.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toPairs.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/fromPairs.js");
class u {
static omit(e) {
const {OMIT_NULL_VALUES: t, DEFAULT_QUERY: n} = this;
return t || n ? Object(r.a)(e, (e,s)=>!(!t || null !== e) || !(!n || n[s] !== e)) : e
static stringify(e) {
const t = this.omit(e)
, n = Object(i.a)(Object(a.a)(t), e=>e[0]);
return JSON.stringify(n)
static parse(e) {
return this.omit(Object(c.a)(JSON.parse(e)))
o()(u, "DEFAULT_QUERY", null),
o()(u, "OMIT_NULL_VALUES", !1)
"./lib/query-manager/paginated/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return o
const s = {
number: 20,
page: 1
, o = ["number", "offset", "page"]
"./lib/query-manager/paginated/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return j
var s = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/omit.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/cloneDeep.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/range.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/includes.js")
, u = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/values.js")
, l = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, d = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/reduce.js")
, p = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isEqual.js")
, m = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/clone.js")
, f = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/map.js")
, h = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/difference.js")
, _ = n("./lib/query-manager/key.js");
class g {
constructor(e, t) { = Object.assign({
items: {},
queries: {}
}, e),
this.options = Object.assign({
itemKey: "ID"
}, t)
static mergeItem(e, t, n=!1) {
if (n) {
if (t.__DELETE)
return Object.assign({}, e, t)
return t
static matches(e, t) {
return !!t
static compare(e, t, n) {
return t === n ? 0 : n - t
static sort(e, t, n) {
e.sort((e,s)=>t[e] && t[s] ?, t[e], t[s]) : 0)
getItem(e) {
getItems(e) {
if (!e)
return Object(u.a)(;
const t = this.constructor.QueryKey.stringify(e)
, n = Object(l.a)(, [t, "itemKeys"]);
return n ?>this.getItem(e)) : null
getFound(e) {
const t = this.constructor.QueryKey.stringify(e);
return Object(l.a)(, [t, "found"], null)
removeItem(e) {
return this.removeItems([e])
removeItems(e=[]) {
return this.receive(>({
[this.options.itemKey]: e,
__DELETE: !0
})), {
patch: !0
receive(e=[], t={}) {
Array.isArray(e) || (e = [e]);
const n = Object(d.a)(e, (e,n)=>{
const s = n[this.options.itemKey]
, o = this.getItem(s)
, i = this.constructor.mergeItem(o, n, t.patch);
return void 0 === i ? o ? Object(r.a)(e, s) : e : (o && Object(p.a)(i, o) || (e === && (e = Object(m.a)(e)),
e[s] = i),
let s, o = n !==, i =, a = !1;
if (!o && !t.query)
return this;
if (t.query) {
const n = Object(f.a)(e, this.options.itemKey);
let r, c;
if (s = this.constructor.QueryKey.stringify(t.query),
a = ![s],
!a && Object(p.a)([s].itemKeys, n) || (r = t.mergeQuery && !a ? Object(h.a)([s].itemKeys, n) : n),
t.found >= 0 && t.found !== Object(l.a)(i, [s, "found"]) && (c = t.found),
r || c >= 0) {
o = !0;
const e = Object.assign({}, i[s]);
r && (e.itemKeys = r),
c >= 0 && (e.found = c),
i = Object.assign({}, i, {
[s]: e
return i = Object(d.a)(i, (r,i,c)=>{
r[c] = i;
const u = s && s === c;
if (u && (a || !t.mergeQuery))
return r;
const d = !u
, p = this.constructor.QueryKey.parse(c);
let f = !1;
return e.forEach(e=>{
const t = e[this.options.itemKey]
, s = n[t]
, o = r[c].itemKeys.indexOf(t);
-1 !== o ? s && this.constructor.matches(p, s) || (r[c] === i && (r[c] = Object(m.a)(i)),
r[c].itemKeys = [...r[c].itemKeys.slice(0, o), ...r[c].itemKeys.slice(o + 1)],
d && Number.isFinite(r[c].found) && r[c].found--) : s && this.constructor.matches(p, s) && (r[c] === i && (r[c] = Object(m.a)(i)),
d && Number.isFinite(r[c].found) && r[c].found++,
r[c].itemKeys = Object(l.a)(r, [c, "itemKeys"], []).concat(t),
f = !0)
f && this.constructor.sort(r[c].itemKeys, n, p),
o = o || r[c] !== i,
, {}),
o ? new this.constructor(Object.assign({},, {
items: n,
queries: i
}),this.options) : this
o()(g, "QueryKey", _.a);
var b = n("./lib/query-manager/paginated/key.js")
, E = n("./lib/query-manager/paginated/constants.js");
class j extends g {
static hasQueryPaginationKeys(e) {
return !!e && E.b.some(t=>e.hasOwnProperty(t))
getItems(e) {
if (!e)
return super.getItems(e);
const t = this.getItemsIgnoringPage(e, !0);
if (!t)
return t;
const n = ||
, s = e.number || this.constructor.DefaultQuery.number
, o = (n - 1) * s;
return t.slice(o, o + s)
getItemsIgnoringPage(e, t=!1) {
if (!e)
return null;
const n = super.getItems(Object(r.a)(e, E.b));
return !n || t ? n : n.filter(e=>void 0 !== e)
getNumberOfPages(e) {
const t = this.getFound(e);
if (null === t)
return t;
const n = e.number || this.constructor.DefaultQuery.number;
return Math.ceil(t / n)
receive(e, t={}) {
let n = t;
t.query && (n = Object.assign({
mergeQuery: !0
}, t, {
query: Object(r.a)(t.query, E.b)
const s = super.receive(e, n);
if (this === s)
return s;
if (!this.constructor.hasQueryPaginationKeys(t.query))
return s;
const o = this.constructor.QueryKey.stringify(t.query)
, u = ||
, l = t.query.number || this.constructor.DefaultQuery.number
, d = (u - 1) * l
, p =[o];
Array.isArray(e) || (e = [e]);
const m =>e[this.options.itemKey])
, f = Object(i.a)(p);
if (f.hasOwnProperty("found") && e.length < l) {
const e =[o];
e && e.hasOwnProperty("found") && (f.found = Math.max(e.found, f.found))
return f.itemKeys = [...Object(a.a)(0, d).map(e=>{
const t = p.itemKeys[e];
if (!Object(c.a)(m, t))
return t
), ...Object(a.a)(0, l).map(e=>m[e]), ...p.itemKeys.slice(d + l).filter(e=>e && !Object(c.a)(m, e))],
f.hasOwnProperty("found") && (f.itemKeys = Object(a.a)(0, f.found).map(e=>f.itemKeys[e])),
new this.constructor(Object.assign({},, {
queries: Object.assign({},, {
[o]: f
o()(j, "QueryKey", b.a),
o()(j, "DefaultQuery", E.a)
"./lib/query-manager/paginated/key.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/omit.js")
, o = n("./lib/query-manager/key.js")
, r = n("./lib/query-manager/paginated/constants.js");
class i extends o.a {
static stringify(e) {
return super.stringify(Object(s.a)(e, r.b))
static parse(e) {
return Object(s.a)(super.parse(e), r.b)
"./lib/query-manager/post/constants.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
const s = {
context: "display",
http_envelope: !1,
pretty: !1,
number: 20,
offset: 0,
page: 1,
order: "DESC",
order_by: "date",
type: "post",
status: "publish",
sticky: "include",
search: ""
"./lib/query-manager/schema.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return a
var s = n("../node_modules/deep-freeze/index.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/cloneDeepWith.js");
const i = o()({
additionalProperties: !1,
required: ["data", "options"],
type: "object",
properties: {
data: {
additionalProperties: !1,
type: "object",
properties: {
items: {
type: "object"
queries: {
additionalProperties: !1,
type: "object",
patternProperties: {
"^\\[.*\\]$": {
required: ["itemKeys"],
type: "object",
properties: {
itemKeys: {
type: "array",
items: {
type: ["integer", "null", "string"]
found: {
type: "integer"
options: {
additionalProperties: !0,
required: ["itemKey"],
type: "object",
properties: {
itemKey: {
type: "string"
function a(e) {
return Object(r.a)(i, t=>{
if (t ===
return e
t.a = i
"./lib/redux-bridge/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return p
var s = n("./dispatcher/index.js");
let o, r = null;
const i = new Promise(e=>{
o = e
function a(e) {
r = e,
function c() {
return i
function u() {
if (r)
return r.getState()
function l(...e) {
if (r)
return r.dispatch(...e)
const d = new Set;
function p(e) {
s.a.register((function({action: e={}}) {
d.has(e.type) && l(function(e) {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
type: "FLUX_" + e.type
"./lib/route/legacy-routes.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return r
var s = n("./config/index.js");
const o = [{
match: /.php$/
}, {
match: /^\/?$/,
predicate: ()=>!Object(s.c)("reader")
}, {
match: /^\/manage/
}, {
match: /^\/plans/
}, {
match: /^\/me/,
noMatch: /^\/me\/(billing|next)/,
predicate: ()=>!Object(s.c)("me/my-profile")
function r(e) {
return o.some(({match: t, noMatch: n={
test: ()=>!1
}, predicate: s=(()=>!0)})=>s(e) && t.test(e) && !n.test(e))
"./lib/route/path.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return m
var s = n("./lib/route/trailingslashit.ts")
, o = n("./lib/route/untrailingslashit.ts");
const r = {
day: "/stats/day/",
week: "/stats/week/",
month: "/stats/month/",
year: "/stats/year/",
insights: "/stats/insights/",
googleMyBusiness: "/google-my-business/stats/"
function i(e) {
const t = e.split("?")[0]
, n = t.split("/");
if (0 === t.indexOf("/checkout/thank-you/no-site/"))
return !1;
if (0 === t.indexOf("/me/purchases/") || 0 === t.indexOf("/checkout/thank-you/")) {
const e = n[3];
if (e && -1 !== e.indexOf("."))
return e;
const t = parseInt(e, 10);
if (Number.isSafeInteger(t))
return t
for (let e = 2; e > 0; e--) {
const t = n[n.length - e];
if (t && -1 !== t.indexOf("."))
return t
for (let e = 2; e > 0; e--) {
const t = n[n.length - e]
, s = /^\d+$/.test(t)
, o = parseInt(t, 10);
if (s && Number.isSafeInteger(o))
return o
return !1
function a(e, t) {
const n = c(e).split("/");
if (["post", "page", "edit"].includes(n[1])) {
const e = "edit" === n[1] ? 3 : 2;
n.splice(e, 0, t)
} else
return n.join("/")
function c(e, t) {
let n = e.split("?")[0]
, r = t;
return r || (r = i(n)),
r && (n = Object(s.a)(n).replace("/" + r + "/", "/")),
function u(e) {
return e ? "/stats/day/" + String(e) : Object(o.a)("/stats/day/")
function l(e, t) {
if (!e)
return u(t);
if ("insights" === e && !t)
return u();
const n = r[e];
return n ? t ? Object(o.a)(n + t) : Object(o.a)(n) : u(t)
function d(e, t) {
let n = c(e, t).replace(/^\/+/, "");
return n = n.replace(/^(stats)\/\w+/, "$1"),
n.replace(/\//g, "-")
function p(e) {
switch (e) {
case "drafts":
return "draft,pending";
case "scheduled":
return "future";
case "trashed":
return "trash";
return "publish,private"
function m(e) {
window.location.href = e
"./lib/route/trailingslashit.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = e=>e.replace(/(\/)?$/, "/")
"./lib/route/untrailingslashit.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.a = e=>"/" === e ? e : e.replace(/\/$/, "")
"./lib/safe-image-url/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
var s = n("../packages/photon/dist/esm/index.js")
, o = n("./lib/url/url-parts.ts");
let r;
r = "object" == typeof globalThis.location ? new RegExp(`^(/(?!/)|data:image/[^;]+;|blob:${globalThis.location.origin}/)`) : /^(\/(?!\/)|data:image\/[^;]+;)/;
const i = /^([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.)*(gravatar\.com|wordpress\.com|wp\.com|a8c\.com)$/;
function a(e) {
if ("string" != typeof e)
return null;
if (r.test(e))
return e;
const {hostname: t, pathname: n, search: a} = Object(o.b)(e);
return i.test(t) ? e.replace(/^http:/, "https:") : a || n.endsWith(".svg") ? null : Object(s.a)(e)
"./lib/site/utils.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "h", (function() {
return i
n.d(t, "g", (function() {
return a
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return u
n.d(t, "e", (function() {
return l
n.d(t, "d", (function() {
return d
n.d(t, "f", (function() {
return p
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return m
var s = n("../packages/i18n-calypso/dist/esm/index.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, r = n("./lib/url/http-utils.ts");
function i(e, t) {
return t && t.capabilities && t.capabilities[e]
function a(e) {
return e && e.options ? e.options.timezone : null
function c(e) {
return e && e.options ? e.options.gmt_offset : null
function u(e, t="modifyFiles") {
if (e && e.options && e.options.file_mod_disabled)
if ("modifyFiles" === t || "autoupdateFiles" === t || "autoupdateCore" === t) {
if ("has_no_file_system_write_access" === e)
return s.a.translate("The file permissions on this host prevent editing files.");
if ("disallow_file_mods" === e)
return s.a.translate("File modifications are explicitly disabled by a site administrator.")
return "autoupdateFiles" !== t && "autoupdateCore" !== t || "automatic_updater_disabled" !== e ? "autoupdateCore" === t && "wp_auto_update_core_disabled" === e ? s.a.translate("Core autoupdates are explicitly disabled by a site administrator.") : null : s.a.translate("Any autoupdates are explicitly disabled by a site administrator.")
function l(e) {
if (!e)
return !1;
if (e.options && e.options.is_multi_network)
return !1;
if (!1 === e.is_multisite)
return !0;
if (e.is_multisite) {
const t = Object(o.a)(e.options, "unmapped_url", null)
, n = Object(o.a)(e.options, "main_network_site", null);
return !(!t || !n) && !(Object(r.c)(t) !== Object(r.c)(n))
return !1
function d(e) {
return e && e.domain && e.wpcom_url ? e.domain !== e.wpcom_url : null
function p(e, t) {
return e.options.active_modules && e.options.active_modules.indexOf(t) > -1
function m(e) {
return e && e.options ? e.options.main_network_site || e.options.unmapped_url : null
"./lib/touch-detect/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function s() {
return window && ("ontouchstart"in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch)
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
"./lib/url/add-query-args.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/pickBy.js")
, o = n("./lib/url/url-type.ts")
, r = n("./lib/url/format.ts");
function i(e, t) {
if ("object" != typeof e)
throw new Error("addQueryArgs expects the first argument to be an object.");
if ("string" != typeof t)
throw new Error("addQueryArgs expects the second argument to be a string.");
const n = Object(o.b)(t);
if (n === o.a.INVALID)
throw new Error("addQueryArgs expects the second argument to be a valid URL.");
e = Object(s.a)(e, e=>null != e);
const i = new URL(t,"http://__domain__.invalid")
, a = new URLSearchParams(;
for (const t of Object.keys(e))
a.set(t, String(e[t]));
if (n === o.a.PATH_RELATIVE) {
let e = a.toString();
return "" !== e && (e = "?" + e),
"" !== ? t.replace(, e) : i.hash ? t.replace(i.hash, `${e}${i.hash}`) : `${t}${e}`
return = a.toString(),
Object(r.a)(i, n)
"./lib/url/format.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
var s = n("./lib/url/url-type.ts");
function o(e, t) {
let n, o;
if (!(e instanceof URL) && "string" != typeof e)
throw new Error("`url` should be a string or URL instance");
if (e instanceof URL)
n = e,
o = s.a.ABSOLUTE;
else {
if (o = Object(s.b)(e),
o === s.a.INVALID)
throw new Error("Cannot format an invalid URL.");
if (o === s.a.PATH_RELATIVE)
throw new Error("Cannot format path-relative URLs.");
n = new URL(e,"http://__domain__.invalid/")
switch (void 0 === t && (t = o),
t) {
throw new Error("Cannot format into path-relative URLs.");
return n.href.replace(n.origin, "");
if (o === s.a.PATH_ABSOLUTE)
throw new Error("Cannot format a path-absolute URL as a scheme-relative URL.");
return n.href.replace(n.protocol, "");
case s.a.ABSOLUTE:
if (o !== s.a.ABSOLUTE)
throw new Error("Cannot format a partial URL as an absolute URL.");
return n.href;
throw new Error(`Cannot format as \`${t}\` URL type.`)
"./lib/url/http-utils.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "c", (function() {
return o
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return r
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
const s = /^https?:\/\//;
function o(e) {
return "" === e ? "" : e ? e.replace(s, "") : null
function r(e) {
return e ? o(e).replace(/\//g, "::") : null
function i(e) {
return o(e).replace(/\/$/, "")
"./lib/url/is-external.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return r
var s = n("./config/index.js")
, o = n("./lib/route/legacy-routes.ts");
function r(e) {
if (!e && "" !== e)
return !0;
let t;
e.startsWith("http://") || e.startsWith("https://") || e.startsWith("/") || e.startsWith("?") || e.startsWith("#") || (e = "//" + e);
try {
t = new URL(e,"http://base.invalid")
} catch {
return !1
const {hostname: n, pathname: r} = t;
return "base.invalid" !== n && ("undefined" != typeof window && n === window.location.hostname ? !(!r || !Object(o.a)(r.replace("//", "/"))) : n !== Object(s.a)("hostname"))
"./lib/url/is-https.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function s(e) {
return !!e && e.startsWith("https://")
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
"./lib/url/is-outside-calypso.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return r
var s = n("./lib/url/is-external.ts")
, o = n("./lib/url/url-parts.ts");
function r(e) {
if (Object(s.a)(e))
return !0;
const {pathname: t} = Object(o.b)(e);
return !!(/^\/support($|\/)/i.test(t) || /^\/([a-z]{2}|[a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2})\/support($|\/)/i.test(t) || /^\/forums($|\/)/i.test(t) || /^\/([a-z]{2}|[a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2})\/forums($|\/)/i.test(t))
"./lib/url/url-parts.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return c
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return u
var s = n("./lib/url/url-type.ts");
const o = "http://__domain__.invalid"
, r = Object.freeze({
protocol: "",
host: "",
hostname: "",
port: "",
origin: "",
pathname: "",
hash: "",
search: "",
searchParams: new URLSearchParams,
username: "",
password: ""
, i = Object.keys(r);
function a(e, t=i) {
const n = {
return t.forEach(t=>{
var s;
n[t] = null !== (s = null == e ? void 0 : e[t]) && void 0 !== s ? s : r[t]
function c(e) {
const t = Object(s.b)(e);
if (t === s.a.INVALID)
return {
const n = e instanceof URL ? e : new URL(e,o);
if (t === s.a.ABSOLUTE)
return a(n);
if (t === s.a.SCHEME_RELATIVE)
return a(n, i.filter(e=>"protocol" !== e && "origin" !== e));
const c = a(n, ["pathname", "hash", "search", "searchParams"]);
return t === s.a.PATH_RELATIVE && (c.pathname = e.split(/[?#]/, 1)[0]),
function u(e) {
var t;
if (!(null == e ? void 0 : e.protocol) && !(null == e ? void 0 : e.origin))
throw new Error("getUrlFromParts: protocol missing.");
if (! && !e.hostname && !e.origin)
throw new Error("getUrlFromParts: host missing.");
const n = new URL(o);
if (e.origin)
try {
const t = new URL(e.origin); =,
n.protocol = t.protocol
} catch {
throw new Error("getUrlFromParts: invalid origin.")
} = ||,
(null === (t = e.searchParams) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.toString) && ( = e.searchParams.toString());
for (const t of i)
if ("host" !== t && "origin" !== t && "searchParams" !== t) {
const s = e[t];
s && s !== n[t] && (n[t] = s)
return n
"./lib/url/url-type.ts": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
let s;
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return s
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return o
function(e) {
}(s || (s = {}));
function o(e) {
if (!(e instanceof URL) && "string" != typeof e)
return s.INVALID;
if ("" === e)
if (e instanceof URL)
return s.ABSOLUTE;
let t;
try {
if (t = new URL(e),
t.protocol && ":" !== t.protocol)
return s.ABSOLUTE
} catch {}
try {
t = new URL(e,"http://__domain__.invalid")
} catch {
return s.INVALID
return "" === t.pathname ? s.INVALID : "__domain__.invalid" !== t.hostname ? s.SCHEME_RELATIVE : e.startsWith("/") ? s.PATH_ABSOLUTE : s.PATH_RELATIVE
"./lib/user-settings/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/assign.js")
, o = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/unset.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isEmpty.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/get.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/merge.js")
, c = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/keys.js")
, u = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/has.js")
, l = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/set.js")
, d = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, p = n.n(d)
, m = n("./lib/formatting/decode-entities.js")
, f = n("./lib/mixins/emitter/index.js")
, h = n("./lib/user/index.js")
, _ = n("./lib/user/utils.js")
, g = n("./lib/wp/browser.js");
const b = p()("calypso:user:settings")
, E = g.a.undocumented();
function j(e) {
const t = {
display_name: e.display_name && Object(m.a)(e.display_name),
description: e.description && Object(m.a)(e.description),
user_URL: e.user_URL && Object(m.a)(e.user_URL)
return Object(s.a)({}, e, t)
function y(e, t) {
Object(o.a)(e, t);
const n = t.split(".");
if (n.length > 1) {
const t = n.join(".");
t && Object(r.a)(Object(i.a)(e, t)) && y(e, t)
function S() {
if (!(this instanceof S))
return new S;
this.settings = !1,
this.initialized = !1,
this.reAuthRequired = !1,
this.fetchingSettings = !1,
this.unsavedSettings = {}
S.prototype.hasSettings = function() {
return !!this.settings
S.prototype.getSettings = function() {
return this.settings || this.fetchSettings(),
S.prototype.fetchSettings = function() {
_.a.isLoggedIn() && !this.fetchingSettings && (this.fetchingSettings = !0,
b("Fetching user settings"),, t) {
e || (this.settings = j(t),
this.initialized = !0,
this.fetchingSettings = !1,
b("Settings successfully retrieved")
S.prototype.saveSettings = function(e, t) {
const n = t || this.unsavedSettings;
if (Object(r.a)(n))
return b("There are no settings to save."),
b("Saving settings: " + JSON.stringify(n)),, function(n, s) {
n || (this.settings = j(Object(a.a)(this.settings, s)),
t ? Object(c.a)(s).forEach(e=>delete this.unsavedSettings[e]) : this.unsavedSettings = {},
e(n, s)
S.prototype.cancelPendingEmailChange = function(e) {{
user_email_change_pending: !1
}, function(t, n) {
t || (this.settings = Object(a.a)(this.settings, n),
e(t, n)
S.prototype.getOriginalSetting = function(e) {
return Object(i.a)(this.settings, e, null)
S.prototype.isTwoStepEnabled = function() {
return !!this.settings && this.settings.two_step_enabled
S.prototype.isTwoStepSMSEnabled = function() {
return !!this.settings && this.settings.two_step_sms_enabled
S.prototype.isPendingEmailChange = function() {
return !!this.settings && !!this.settings.new_user_email
S.prototype.getSetting = function(e) {
let t = null;
return Object(u.a)(this.settings, e) && (t = this.isSettingUnsaved(e) ? Object(i.a)(this.unsavedSettings, e) : Object(i.a)(this.settings, e)),
S.prototype.updateSetting = function(e, t) {
if (Object(u.a)(this.settings, e)) {
Object(l.a)(this.unsavedSettings, e, t);
let n = !1;
return Object(i.a)(this.settings, e) === Object(i.a)(this.unsavedSettings, e) && "user_login" !== e && "language" !== e && (n = !0),
"language" === e && function(e, t={}) {
return !!e && (e === t.language && Object(r.a)(t.locale_variant) || e === t.locale_variant)
}(t, this.settings) && (n = !0),
n && (b("Removing " + e + " from changed settings."),
y(this.unsavedSettings, e)),
return b(e + " does not exist in user-settings data module."),
S.prototype.isSettingUnsaved = function(e) {
return Object(u.a)(this.unsavedSettings, e)
S.prototype.removeUnsavedSetting = function(e) {
this.isSettingUnsaved(e) && (y(this.unsavedSettings, e),
S.prototype.hasUnsavedSettings = function() {
return !Object(r.a)(this.unsavedSettings)
t.a = new S
"./lib/user/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("./dispatcher/index.js")
, o = n("./lib/invites/constants.js")
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/toPairs.js")
, i = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/isEqual.js")
, a = n("../node_modules/store/dist/store.modern.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, l = n.n(u)
, d = n("./config/index.js")
, p = n("../node_modules/qs/lib/index.js")
, m = n("./lib/user/support-user-interop.js")
, f = n("./lib/wp/browser.js")
, h = n("./lib/mixins/emitter/index.js")
, _ = n("./lib/e2e/index.ts")
, g = n("./lib/formatting/decode-entities.js")
, b = n("./lib/i18n-utils/utils.js")
, E = n("./lib/url/http-utils.ts");
const j = ["ID", "display_name", "username", "avatar_URL", "site_count", "visible_site_count", "date", "has_unseen_notes", "newest_note_type", "phone_account", "email", "email_verified", "is_valid_google_apps_country", "user_ip_country_code", "logout_URL", "primary_blog", "primary_blog_is_jetpack", "primary_blog_url", "meta", "is_new_reader", "social_login_connections", "abtests", "lasagna_jwt", "i18n_empathy_mode"]
, y = ["ID"]
, S = ["display_name", "description", "user_URL"];
function O(e) {
const t = Object(b.c)(e.language)
, n = e.primary_blog_url || "";
return {
primarySiteSlug: (s = n,
Object(E.c)(s).replace(/\//g, "::")),
localeSlug: e.language,
localeVariant: e.locale_variant,
isRTL: !(!t || !t.rtl)
var s
var w = n("./lib/browser-storage/index.ts")
, v = n("./lib/abtest/utility.js");
const T = l()("calypso:user");
function I() {
if (!(this instanceof I))
return new I
I.prototype.initialize = async function() {
T("Initializing User"),
this.fetching = !1, = !1,
this.on("change", this.checkVerification.bind(this));
let e = !1;
if (Object(m.isSupportUserSession)() && (Object(m.supportUserBoot)(),
e = !0),
Object(m.isSupportNextSession)() && Object(m.supportNextBoot)(),
!e && d.a.isEnabled("wpcom-user-bootstrap"))
return T("Bootstrapping user data:",,
void (window.currentUser && this.handleFetchSuccess(window.currentUser));
await this.fetch()
I.prototype.clearStoreIfChanged = function(e) {
const t = c.a.get("wpcom_user_id");
null != t && t !== e && (T("Clearing localStorage because user changed"),
I.prototype.get = function() {
I.prototype.fetch = function() {
return this.fetching || (T("Getting user from api"),
this.fetching ={
meta: "flags",
abtests: Object(v.b)({
appendDatestamp: !0,
asCSV: !0
T("User successfully retrieved from api:", e);
const t = function(e) {
if ("object" != typeof e)
throw new Error("the /me response is not an object");
for (const t of y)
if (!e.hasOwnProperty(t))
throw new Error(`the /me response misses a required field '${t}'`);
const t = {};
for (const n of j) {
const s = e[n];
t[n] = s && S.includes(n) ? Object(g.a)(s) : s
return Object.assign(t, O(e))
T("Failed to retrieve user from api:", e),
this.fetching = !1
I.prototype.handleFetchFailure = function(e) {
"authorization_required" === e.error ? (T("The user is not logged in."), = !1,
this.emit("change")) : console.error("Failed to fetch the user from /me endpoint:", e)
I.prototype.handleFetchSuccess = function(e) {
if (this.clearStoreIfChanged(e.ID),
c.a.set("wpcom_user_id", e.ID),
if (d.a.isEnabled("dev/test-helper") || Object(_.a)()) {
const t = c.a.get(v.a)
, n = "object" == typeof t ? t : void 0;
c.a.set(v.a, {
} else
c.a.set(v.a, e.abtests); = e,
I.prototype.getLanguage = function() {
return Object(b.c)(
I.prototype.getAvatarUrl = function(e) {
const t = this.get().avatar_URL
, n = "string" == typeof t ? t.split("?")[0] : "";
return e = e || {},
e = Object.assign({}, e, {
s: 80,
d: "mm",
r: "G"
n + "?" + Object(p.stringify)(e)
I.prototype.clear = async function() { = !1,
d.a.isEnabled("persist-redux") && await Object(w.b)()
I.prototype.sendVerificationEmail = function(e) {
return f.a.undocumented().me().sendVerificationEmail(e)
I.prototype.set = function(e) {
let t = !1;
for (const [n,s] of Object(r.a)(e))
Object(i.a)(s,[n]) || ([n] = s,
t = !0);
return t && (Object.assign(, O(,
I.prototype.decrementSiteCount = function() {
const e = this.get();
e && this.set({
visible_site_count: e.visible_site_count - 1,
site_count: e.site_count - 1
I.prototype.incrementSiteCount = function() {
const e = this.get();
if (e)
return this.set({
visible_site_count: e.visible_site_count + 1,
site_count: e.site_count + 1
I.prototype.verificationPollerCallback = function(e) {
(!document.hidden && 0 !== this.listeners("verify").length || e) && (T("Verification: POLL"),
this.once("change", ()=>{
this.get().email_verified && (clearInterval(this.verificationPoller),
this.verificationPoller = null,
T("Verification: VERIFIED"),
I.prototype.checkVerification = function() {
this.get() && (this.get().email_verified || this.verificationPoller || (this.verificationPoller = setInterval(this.verificationPollerCallback.bind(this), 15e3),
window.addEventListener("storage", e=>{
"__email_verified_signal__" === e.key && e.newValue && (T("Verification: RECEIVED SIGNAL"),
I.prototype.signalVerification = function() {
window.localStorage && (window.localStorage.setItem("__email_verified_signal__", 1),
T("Verification: SENT SIGNAL"))
var R = I;
let A = !1;
t.default = function() {
return A || (A = new R),
R.dispatchToken = s.a.register((function(e) {
const t = e.action;
switch (t.type) {
-1 === ["follower", "viewer"].indexOf(t.invite.role) && A.incrementSiteCount()
"./lib/user/support-user-interop.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "setSupportSessionReduxStore", (function() {
return O
n.d(t, "isSupportUserSession", (function() {
return T
n.d(t, "isSupportNextSession", (function() {
return I
n.d(t, "isSupportSession", (function() {
return R
n.d(t, "rebootNormally", (function() {
return C
n.d(t, "supportUserBoot", (function() {
return U
n.d(t, "supportNextBoot", (function() {
return N
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/lodash-es/noop.js")
, i = n("./lib/wp/browser.js")
, a = n("./config/index.js")
, c = n("./lib/browser-storage/index.ts")
, u = n("./state/support/reducer.js");
function l() {
return {
nextState: u.a
const d = o()("calypso:support-user")
, p = e=>t=>(d("Bypassing localStorage", "key"),
t >= Object.keys(e).length ? null : Object.keys(e)[t])
, m = (e,t,n)=>(s,o)=>{
n && t.indexOf(s) > -1 ? n(s, o) : (d("Bypassing localStorage", "setItem", s),
e[s] = o)
, f = (e,t,n)=>s=>n && t.indexOf(s) > -1 ? n(s) : (d("Bypassing localStorage", "getItem", s),
e[s] || null)
, h = (e,t,n)=>s=>{
n && t.indexOf(s) > -1 ? n(s) : (d("Bypassing localStorage", "removeItem", s),
delete e[s])
, _ = e=>()=>{
d("Bypassing localStorage", "clear");
for (const t in e)
delete e[t]
var g = function({root: e=("undefined" == typeof window ? void 0 : window), allowedKeys: t=[]}={}) {
let n, s, o;
d("Bypassing localStorage"),
e && e.localStorage && e.Storage && e.Storage.prototype && (n = e.Storage.prototype.setItem.bind(e.localStorage),
s = e.Storage.prototype.getItem.bind(e.localStorage),
o = e.Storage.prototype.removeItem.bind(e.localStorage));
const r = {}
, i = (e=>()=>(d("Bypassing localStorage", "length property"),
, a = {
setItem: m(r, t, n),
getItem: f(r, t, s),
removeItem: h(r, t, o),
key: p(r),
clear: _(r)
try {
Object.defineProperty(e, "localStorage", {
value: a,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
Object.defineProperty(e.localStorage, "length", {
get: i
} catch (t) {
Object.assign(e.localStorage, a)
const b = o()("calypso:support-user")
, E = "boot_support_user"
, j = ()=>a.a.isEnabled("support-user");
let y = r.a;
const S = new Promise(e=>{
j() && (y = t=>e(t))
, O = y
, w = ()=>{
try {
return JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.getItem(E))
} catch (e) {
return {}
, v = (()=>{
if (!j())
return !1;
const e = w();
return e && e.user && e.token
, T = ()=>v
, I = ()=>!!j() && !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.isSupportSession)
, R = ()=>T() || I();
let A;
const C = ()=>{
j() && (b("Rebooting Calypso normally"),
window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", A), = "")
, P = e=>{
b("Deactivating support user and rebooting due to token error", e.message),
async function U() {
if (!j())
const {user: e, token: t} = w();
b("Booting Calypso with support user", e),
A = ((e,t)=>()=>{
j() && e && t && window.sessionStorage.setItem(E, JSON.stringify({
user: e,
token: t
)(e, t),
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", A),
g([E, "debug"]),
i.a.setSupportUserToken(e, t, P),
(await S).dispatch(l())
async function N() {
if (!j())
(await S).dispatch(l())
"./lib/user/utils.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("./config/index.js")
, i = n("./lib/user/index.js");
const a = o()("calypso:user:utilities")
, c = {
getLogoutUrl(e) {
const t = Object(i.default)().get();
let n = "/logout"
, s = "";
return !t.logout_URL || r.a.isEnabled("always_use_logout_url") ? (t.localeSlug && "" !== t.localeSlug && "en" !== t.localeSlug && (s = t.localeSlug + "."),
n = Object(r.a)("logout_url").replace("|subdomain|", s)) : n = t.logout_URL,
"string" == typeof e && (n += e = "&redirect_to=" + encodeURIComponent(e)),
a("Logout Url: " + n),
logout(e) {
const t = c.getLogoutUrl(e);
window.location.href = t
getLocaleSlug: ()=>Object(i.default)().get().localeSlug,
isLoggedIn: ()=>Boolean(Object(i.default)().data)
t.a = c
"./lib/warn/index.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
let s;
s = ()=>{}
t.a = s
"./lib/wp/browser.js": function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var s = n("../node_modules/debug/src/browser.js")
, o = n.n(s)
, r = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck.js")
, i = n.n(r)
, a = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass.js")
, c = n.n(a)
, u = function() {
function e(t) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t);
this.wpcom = t,
this.urls = []
return c()(e, [{
key: "add",
value: function(e) {
return this.urls.push(e),
}, {
key: "run",
value: function() {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}
, t = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
return "function" == typeof e && (t = e,
e = {}),
e.urls = this.urls,
this.wpcom.req.get("/batch", e, t)
, l = function() {
function e(t, n, s) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t,n,s);
t && (this._email = t),
this._domain = n,
this._subpath = "/domains/" + this._domain + "/email/",
this.wpcom = s
return c()(e, [{
key: "forward",
value: function(e, t, n) {
var s = {
destination: e
return + this._email, t, s, n)
}, {
key: "add",
value: function(e, t, n, s) {
"function" == typeof n && (s = n,
n = {});
var o = {
mailbox: e,
destination: t
return + "new", n, o, s)
}, {
key: "delete",
value: function(e, t, n) {
return this.wpcom.req.del(this._subpath + e + "/delete", t, n)
, d = function() {
function e(t, n) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t,n);
this._domain = t,
this._subpath = "/domains/" + this._domain + "/dns",
this.wpcom = n
return c()(e, [{
key: "add",
value: function(e, t, n) {
return "function" == typeof t && (n = t,
t = {}), + "/add", t, e, n)
}, {
key: "delete",
value: function(e, t, n) {
return + "/delete", t, e, n)
, p = function() {
function e(t, n) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t,n);
this._id = t,
this.wpcom = n
return c()(e, [{
key: "status",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/" + this._id + "/status", e, t)
}, {
key: "isAvailable",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/" + this._id + "/is-available", e, t)
}, {
key: "isMappable",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/" + this._id + "/is-mappable", e, t)
}, {
key: "canRedirect",
value: function(e, t, n) {
var s = "/domains/" + e + "/" + this._id + "/can-redirect";
return this.wpcom.req.get(s, t, n)
}, {
key: "emailForwards",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/" + this._id + "/email", e, t)
}, {
key: "nameserversList",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/" + this._id + "/nameservers", e, t)
}, {
key: "updateNameservers",
value: function(e, t, n) {
var s = {
nameservers: e
return"/domains/" + this._id + "/nameservers", t, s, n)
}, {
key: "dnsList",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/" + this._id + "/dns", e, t)
}, {
key: "googleAppsList",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/" + this._id + "/google-apps", e, t)
}, {
key: "resendICANN",
value: function(e, t) {
return"/domains/" + this._id + "/resend-icann", e, t)
}, {
key: "email",
value: function(e) {
return new l(e,this._id,this.wpcom)
}, {
key: "dns",
value: function() {
return new d(this._id,this.wpcom)
, m = function() {
function e(t) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t);
this.wpcom = t
return c()(e, [{
key: "suggestions",
value: function(e, t) {
return "string" == typeof e && (e = {
query: e
this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/suggestions", e, t)
}, {
key: "suggestionsExamples",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/suggestions/examples", e, t)
}, {
key: "supportedCountries",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/domains/supported-countries", e, t)
}, {
key: "supportedStates",
value: function(e, t, n) {
var s = "/domains/supported-states/" + e;
return this.wpcom.req.get(s, t, n)
, f = n("../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js")
, h = n.n(f)
, _ = function() {
function e(t, n, s) {
if (i()(this, e),
throw new TypeError("`id` survey is not correctly defined");
if (!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t,n,s);
"object" == typeof n ? this.wpcom = n : (this._siteId = n,
this.wpcom = s),
this._id = t,
this._responses = {}
return c()(e, [{
key: "setSiteId",
value: function(e) {
return this._siteId = e,
}, {
key: "addResponse",
value: function(e, t) {
return this._responses = Object.assign({}, this._responses, h()({}, e, t)),
}, {
key: "addResponses",
value: function(e) {
return this._responses = Object.assign({}, this._responses, e),
}, {
key: "submit",
value: function() {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}
, t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}
, n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0;
return t.survey_id = this._id,
t.site_id = t.site_id || this._siteId,
t.survey_responses = t.survey_responses || this._responses,"".concat("/marketing/survey"), e, t, n)
, g = function() {
function e(t) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t);
this.wpcom = t
return c()(e, [{
key: "survey",
value: function(e, t) {
return new _(e,t,this.wpcom)
, b = function() {
function e(t, n) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t,n);
this._id = t,
this.wpcom = n
return c()(e, [{
key: "get",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get({
path: "/me/connections/" + this._id,
apiNamespace: "wpcom/v2"
}, e, t)
}, {
key: "delete",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get({
path: "/me/connections/" + this._id,
apiNamespace: "wpcom/v2",
method: "DELETE"
}, e, t)
, E = function() {
function e(t, n) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t,n);
this._id = t,
this.wpcom = n
return c()(e, [{
key: "get",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/connected-applications/" + this._id, e, t)
}, {
key: "delete",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.del("/me/connected-applications/" + this._id + "/delete", e, t)
, j = function() {
function e(t, n) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t,n);
this._id = t,
this.wpcom = n
return c()(e, [{
key: "get",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/publicize-connections/" + this._id, e, t)
}, {
key: "add",
value: function(e, t, n) {
return"/me/publicize-connections/new", e, t, n)
}, {
key: "update",
value: function(e, t, n) {
return this.wpcom.req.put("/me/publicize-connections/" + this._id, e, t, n)
}, {
key: "delete",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.del("/me/publicize-connections/" + this._id + "/delete", e, t)
function y(e) {
if (!(this instanceof y))
return new y(e);
this.wpcom = e
y.prototype.get = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/settings/profile-links", e, t)
y.prototype.mine = y.prototype.get,
y.prototype.add = function(e, t, n) {
"function" == typeof t && (n = t,
t = {}),
e instanceof Array || (e = [e]),
t.apiVersion = "1.2";
return"/me/settings/profile-links/new", t, {
links: e
}, n)
y.prototype.del = function(e, t, n) {
var s = "/me/settings/profile-links/" + e + "/delete";
return this.wpcom.req.del(s, t, n)
y.prototype.delete = y.prototype.del;
var S = function() {
function e(t) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t);
this.wpcom = t
return c()(e, [{
key: "validate",
value: function(e, t, n) {
return"/me/settings/password/validate", t, {
password: e
}, n)
function O(e) {
if (!(this instanceof O))
return new O(e);
this.wpcom = e
O.prototype.get = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/settings", e, t)
O.prototype.update = function(e, t, n) {
return this.wpcom.req.put("/me/settings/", e, t, n)
O.prototype.profileLinks = function() {
return new y(this.wpcom)
O.prototype.password = function() {
return new S(this.wpcom)
var w = function() {
function e(t) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t);
this.wpcom = t
return c()(e, [{
key: "send",
value: function(e, t) {
return"/me/two-step/sms/new", e, t)
, v = function() {
function e(t) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t);
this.wpcom = t
return c()(e, [{
key: "get",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/two-step/", e, t)
}, {
key: "sms",
value: function() {
return new w(this.wpcom)
function T(e) {
if (!(this instanceof T))
return new T(e);
this.wpcom = e
T.prototype.get = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me", e, t)
T.prototype.billingHistory = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/billing-history", e, t)
T.prototype.postsList = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/posts", e, t)
T.prototype.sites = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/sites", e, t)
T.prototype.likes = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/likes", e, t)
T.prototype.connectedApps = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/connected-applications", e, t)
T.prototype.keyringConnections = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/connections", e, t)
T.prototype.publicizeConnections = function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/me/publicize-connections", e, t)
T.prototype.settings = function() {
return new O(this.wpcom)
T.prototype.connectedApp = function(e) {
return new E(e,this.wpcom)
T.prototype.publicizeConnection = function(e) {
return new j(e,this.wpcom)
T.prototype.twoStep = function() {
return new v(this.wpcom)
T.prototype.keyringConnection = function(e) {
return new b(e,this.wpcom)
var I = o()("wpcom:pinghub");
function R(e) {
if (!(this instanceof R))
return new R(e);
this.wpcom = e,
this.conns = {}
R.prototype.connect = function(e, t) {
I("connect", e, t);
var n = this
, s = {
action: "connect",
path: "/pinghub" + e
, o = this.conns[e] = this.wpcom.req.get(s, (function() {}
o.onload = function(n) {
I("onload", e, n),
t(null, n)
o.onerror = o.onabort = o.onclose = function(s) {
I("onerror", e, s),
t(s, null)
R.prototype.disconnect = function(e) {
I("disconnect", e);
var t = {
action: "disconnect",
path: "/pinghub" + e
this.wpcom.req.get(t, (function() {}
R.prototype.remove = function(e) {
I("remove", e),
delete this.conns[e]
var A = function() {
function e(t) {
if (i()(this, e),
!(this instanceof e))
return new e(t);
this.wpcom = t
return c()(e, [{
key: "list",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("/plans", e, t)
}, {
key: "features",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.wpcom.req.get("".concat("/plans", "/features"), e, t)
, C = n("../node_modules/qs/lib/index.js")
, P = n.n(C)
, U = o()("wpcom:send-request")
, N = o()("wpcom:send-request:res");
function k(e, t, n, s) {
var o = this;
return U("sendRequest(%o )", (e = "string" == typeof e ? {
path: e
} : e).path),
e.method = (e.method || "get").toUpperCase(),
"function" == typeof t && (s = t,
t = {}),
"function" == typeof n && (s = n,
n = null),
(t = t || {}).apiVersion ? (e.apiVersion = t.apiVersion,
U("apiVersion: %o", e.apiVersion),
delete t.apiVersion) : e.apiVersion = this.apiVersion,
t.apiNamespace && (e.apiNamespace = t.apiNamespace,
U("apiNamespace: %o", e.apiNamespace),
delete t.apiNamespace),
t.proxyOrigin && (e.proxyOrigin = t.proxyOrigin,
U("proxyOrigin: %o", e.proxyOrigin),
delete t.proxyOrigin),
t = P.a.stringify(t, {
arrayFormat: "brackets"
e.query = t,
n && (e.body = n),
U("params: %o", e),
"function" == typeof s ? this.request(e, (function(e, t, n) {
s(e, t, n)
)) : new Promise((function(t, n) {
o.request(e, (function(e, s) {
e ? n(e) : t(s)
function L(e) {
this.wpcom = e
function D(e, t, n) {
if (!t)
throw new Error("`site id` is not correctly defined");
if (!(this instanceof D))
return new D(e,t,n);
this.wpcom = n,
this._sid = t,
this._slug = e
function x(e, t, n) {
if (!t)
throw new Error("`site id` is not correctly defined");
if (!e)
throw new Error("`comment id` is not correctly defined");
if (!(this instanceof x))
return new x(e,t,n);
this.wpcom = n,
this._cid = e,
this._sid = t
function M(e, t, n, s) {
if (!n)
throw new Error("`site id` is not correctly defined");
if (!(this instanceof M))
return new M(e,t,n,s);
this.wpcom = s,
this._cid = e,
this._pid = t,
this._sid = n
function q(e, t) {
if (!e)
throw new Error("`site id` is not correctly defined");
if (!(this instanceof q))
return new q(e,t);
this.wpcom = t,
this._sid = e
function F() {
throw new Error("Cannot call fs functions within the browser")
L.prototype.get = function(e, t, n) {
return "function" == typeof t && (n = t,
t = {}),, e, t, null, n)
, = L.prototype.put = function(e, t, n, s) {
return void 0 === s && (void 0 === n ? (n = t,
t = {}) : "function" == typeof n && (s = n,
n = t,
t = {})),
(e = "string" == typeof e ? {
path: e
} : e).method = e.method || "post",, e, t, n, s)
L.prototype.del = function(e, t, n) {
return "function" == typeof t && (n = t,
t = {}),, t, null, n)
D.prototype.slug = function(e) {
this._slug = e
D.prototype.get = function(e, t) {
var n = "/sites/" + this._sid + "/categories/slug:" + this._slug;
return this.wpcom.req.get(n, e, t)
D.prototype.add = function(e, t, n) {
var s = "/sites/" + this._sid + "/categories/new";
return, e, t, n)
D.prototype.update = function(e, t, n) {
var s = "/sites/" + this._sid + "/categories/slug:" + this._slug;
return this.wpcom.req.put(s, e, t, n)
D.prototype.delete = D.prototype.del = function(e, t) {
var n = "/sites/" + this._sid + "/categories/slug:" + this._slug + "/delete";
return this.wpcom.req.del(n, e, t)
x.prototype.mine = x.prototype.state = function(e, t) {
var n = "/sites/" + this._sid + "/comments/" + this._cid + "/likes/mine";
return this.wpcom.req.get(n, e, t)
x.prototype.add = function(e, t) {
var n = "/sites/" + this._sid + "/comments/" + this._cid + "/likes/new";
return, e, t)
x.prototype.del = x.prototype.delete = function(e, t) {
var n = "/sites/" + this._sid + "/comments/" + this._cid + "/likes/mine/delete";
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