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Created April 14, 2023 18:49
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A cool way to do derivedState with LiveData
import androidx.arch.core.executor.testing.InstantTaskExecutorRule
import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
//pattern inspired by, no code was copied.
class DeriveLiveDataTest {
val rule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
fun `test that derivedData works`() {
val x = MutableLiveData(0)
val y = MutableLiveData(0)
val list = mutableListOf<Int>()
val derived = derive {
val x = get(x) ?: 0
val y = get(y) ?: 0
x + y
derived.observeForever {
x.value = 30
assertEquals(30, derived.value)
x.value = 20
assertEquals(20, derived.value)
x.value = 10
assertEquals(10, derived.value)
y.value = 10
assertEquals(20, derived.value)
x.value = 10
assertEquals(20, derived.value)
assertEquals(listOf(0, 30, 20, 10, 20), list)
fun <T> derive(block: DeriveScope<T>.() -> T): LiveData<T> {
val ret = MutableLiveData<T>()
fun update(deriveScope: DeriveScope<T>) {
val result = deriveScope.block()
ret.value = result
val d = DeriveScope { deriveScope ->
return ret
class DeriveScope<T>(val onDataChanged: (DeriveScope<T>) -> Unit) {
val liveDataToObserver = mutableMapOf<LiveData<in Nothing>, Observer<Any?>>()
fun <A : Any> get(data: LiveData<A>): A? {
val o = SkipFirstObserver<Any?> {//subscribing to a LiveData always emits immediately, even though nothing's changed. we don't want to listen to that
liveDataToObserver[data] = o
return data.value
fun onChanged() {
liveDataToObserver.forEach { (data, observer) ->
class SkipFirstObserver<T>(val block: (T) -> Unit) : Observer<T>{
var first = true
var currentValue: T? = null
override fun onChanged(newValue: T) {
if(first) {
first = false
currentValue = newValue
} else if (currentValue == newValue) {
} else{
println("emitting $newValue")
currentValue = newValue
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ilyaserg commented Apr 17, 2023

Some LiveData does nothing without any Observer. Because of it, we need to add liveData.observeForever(errorsObservable) for tests in the testSetup() function

MediatorLiveData with the same logic

class CombinedLiveData<R>(vararg liveDatas: LiveData<*>,
                          private val combine: (datas: List<Any?>) -> R) : MediatorLiveData<R>() {

    private val datas: MutableList<Any?> = MutableList(liveDatas.size) { null }

    init {
        for(i in liveDatas.indices){
            super.addSource(liveDatas[i]) {
                datas[i] = it
                value = combine(datas)

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