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Last active September 2, 2020 15:49
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A simple STUN server in Go
package main
import (
const udpConnType = "udp4"
// STUNMessageType defines possible values
// of STUN message type header field
type STUNMessageType uint16
const (
// BindingRequest message type
// means the message is a Binding Request
BindingRequest STUNMessageType = 0x0001
// BindingResponse message type
// means the message is a Binding Response
BindingResponse = 0x0101
// BindingErrorResponse message type
// means the message is a Binding Error Response
BindingErrorResponse = 0x0111
// SharedSecretRequest message type
// means the message is a Shared Secret Request
SharedSecretRequest = 0x0002
// SharedSecretResponse message type
// means the message is a Shared Secret Response
SharedSecretResponse = 0x0102
// SharedSecretErrorResponse message type
// means the message is a Shared Secret Error Response
SharedSecretErrorResponse = 0x0112
type incomingSTUNRequest struct {
data []byte
remoteAddress *net.UDPAddr
func main() {
listenPort := flag.Int(
"The port for the STUN server to listen to",
workersCount := flag.Int(
"The number of workers to spawn",
listenAddressString := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", listenPort)
listenAddress, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr(udpConnType, listenAddressString)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to resolve own address:", err.Error())
// for simplicity, will only work over IPv4
udpConnection, err := net.ListenUDP(udpConnType, listenAddress)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to setup UDP connection:", err.Error())
defer udpConnection.Close()
fmt.Println("Listening on ", listenAddress)
incomingPackets := make(chan incomingSTUNRequest)
for workerIndex := 0; workerIndex < *workersCount; workerIndex++ {
go stunnedWorker(incomingPackets, udpConnection)
for {
// huge buffer to handle max possible UDP packet
dataBuffer := make([]byte, 65507)
packetSize, remoteAddress, err := udpConnection.ReadFromUDP(dataBuffer)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to read UDP packet: ", err.Error())
incomingPackets <- incomingSTUNRequest{dataBuffer[:packetSize], remoteAddress}
func stunnedWorker(packets <-chan incomingSTUNRequest, connection *net.UDPConn) {
for packet := range packets {
// 32 bytes is quite enough for header + IPv4 payload
responseBuffer := make([]byte, 32)
messageType := STUNMessageType(uint16([0])<<8 + uint16([1]))
switch messageType {
case BindingRequest:
// don't need message length
// messageLength := uint16([2]) << 8 + uint16([3])
txID :=[4:20]
// set msg type to BindingResponse
responseBuffer[0] = BindingResponse >> 8
responseBuffer[1] = byte(BindingResponse % 256)
// msg length is always 20 because it's an IPv4 (4 bytes) and a port (uint16)
responseBuffer[2] = byte(0)
responseBuffer[3] = byte(16)
// set TX ID
for byteNum := 4; byteNum < 20; byteNum++ {
responseBuffer[byteNum] = txID[byteNum]
// write family to buffer (0x0001 for IPv4, 0x0002 for IPv6)
responseBuffer[21] = 0x00
responseBuffer[22] = 0x01
// write port to buffer
responseBuffer[23] = uint8(packet.remoteAddress.Port >> 8)
responseBuffer[24] = uint8(packet.remoteAddress.Port & 0xff)
// write IP to buffer
copy(responseBuffer[25:28], packet.remoteAddress.IP.To4())
// ideologically, this should go to the bottom of the function,
// but since we are implementing this case only, that will
// result in responses with undefined content
connection.WriteToUDP(responseBuffer, packet.remoteAddress)
case BindingResponse:
case BindingErrorResponse:
case SharedSecretRequest:
case SharedSecretResponse:
case SharedSecretErrorResponse:
fmt.Println("Not implemented")
fmt.Println("Unknown STUN message type")
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