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Last active August 22, 2018 03:02
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#change these values to your own setup
$webhockUrl = "Slack Web hock"
$teamcityUsername = "username"
$teamcityPassword = "password"
$teamcityUrl = "teamcity URL"
$teamcityBuildNumber = %build.number%
$teamcityBuildId =
function Test-TeamCityBuildStatus {
[string] $ServerUrl,
[string] $UserName,
[string] $Password,
[string] $BuildTypeId
try {
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$client.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential $UserName, $Password
$url = "$ServerUrl/httpAuth/app/rest/buildTypes/id:$BuildTypeId/builds/canceled:false/status"
Write-Host "Calling teamcity server to get build status $($url)"
$status = $client.DownloadString($url)
if ($status -eq "SUCCESS") {
Write-Host "Response from teamcity success"
return $false
else {
$url = "$ServerUrl/httpAuth/app/rest/buildTypes/id:$buildTypeId/builds/canceled:false,running:any/status"
Write-Host "Calling teamcity server to try and check current running build $($url)"
$status = $client.DownloadString($url)
Write-Host $status
if($status -eq "SUCCESS")
Write-Host "Response from teamcity success"
return $false
else {
Write-Host "Response from teamcity failure"
return $true;
catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host $ErrorMessage
return $null
$failed = Test-TeamCityBuildStatus -ServerUrl $teamcityUrl -UserName $teamcityUsername -Password $teamcityPassword -BuildTypeId $teamcityBuildId
$buildStatus = If ($failed) {"Failed"} Else {"Sucess"}
Write-Host "Build status: $($buildStatus)"
if ($failed) {
try {
$payload = @{
"attachments" = @(@{
"fallback" = "Teamcity build failed"
"title" = "Teamcity build failed!"
"title_link" = "$($teamcityUrl)/viewLog.html?buildId=$($teamcityBuildNumber)&tab=buildResultsDiv&buildTypeId=$($teamcityBuildId)"
"color" = "#ed1515"
"text" = "The latest build has failed. Fix it!"
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Body ($payload|ConvertTo-Json) `
-Method 'Post' `
-Verbose `
-Uri $webhockUrl | Out-Null
catch {
Write-Host "Error calling slack webhock"
Write-Host "Response Status code $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__)"
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