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Created February 27, 2020 10:54
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Copy sitecore site language. A a new language version to all items in a site in sitecore powershell
Import-Function CommonFunctions
$siteDropdownList = Get-Sites
$languageDropdownList = Get-Languages
$addVersionBehaviourList = [ordered]@{Overwrite="Overwrite"; Skip="Skip"; Append="Append"};
$addVersionBehaviour = "Append"
$props = @{
Parameters = @(
@{Name="sourceSitePath"; Title="Choose a source site"; Options=$siteDropdownList; Tooltip="Choose one."},
@{Name="sourceLanguage"; Title="Choose a source language"; Options=$languageDropdownList; Tooltip="Choose one."},
@{Name="destinationLanguage"; Title="Choose a target language"; Options=$languageDropdownList; Tooltip="Choose one."},
@{Name="addVersionBehaviour"; Title="Behaviour if language version exists"; Options=$addVersionBehaviourList; Editor="radio" }
Title = "Copy language"
Description = "This script will take a source language and copy items into a target language."
Width = 500
Height = 500
$result = Read-Variable @props
if($result -ne "ok")
Write-Host "COPY LANGUAGE V1.0"
Write-Host "=============================="
Write-Host ""
Write-Color "Variables:" -Color Magenta
Write-Host ""
Write-Color "Source path: ", $sourceSitePath -Color White, Yellow
Write-Color "Source lang: ", $sourceLanguage -Color White, Yellow
Write-Color "Target lang: ", $destinationLanguage -Color White, Yellow
Write-Color "Include descendants: ", $includeDescendants -Color White, Yellow
Write-Color "Add version behaviour: ", $addVersionBehaviour -Color White, Yellow
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "=============================="
Write-Host ""
## Step 1: Get items
$itemsToProcess = @()
$itemsToProcess += Get-ChildItem -Path master:$sourceSitePath -Recurse -Language $sourceLanguage
## Step 2: Copy the source language into a destination language
Write-Color "Copying source language ", $sourceLanguage, " to ", $destinationLanguage -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow
$itemsToProcess | Add-ItemVersion -Language $sourceLanguage -TargetLanguage $destinationLanguage -IfExist $addVersionBehaviour
Write-Color "Copy language complete!" -Color Yellow
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