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Last active March 3, 2021 22:48
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  • Save fearthecowboy/bf196c66e5854d0be9c9f1a3e05d0993 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This file is a legal .cmd script and a legal powershell script.
@(echo off) > $null
set null( New-Module -ScriptBlock { function goto { }; function :{ } } )#=
: # This file is both a .cmd script and a powershell script. if you save it as
: # sample.cmd and run it it from cmd.exe it will run the same as if you
: # saved it as sample.ps1 and run it.
: # well, in this case, I added some echos on the cmd side...
write-host -fore green this is powershell
write-host -fore blue thanks!
doskey #=rem
if exist $null erase $null
echo this is cmd
echo and now I will call this same file as a powershell script
:: you can use powershell or pwsh, it's all good
powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy unrestricted -command "iex (get-content -raw %~dfp0) "
echo and finishing as cmd
: #>
@(echo off) > $null
if #foo NEQ '' goto :CMDSTART
# powershell script starts here
write-host -fore green hi from powershell
:: do anything we need to before calling into powershell
if exist $null erase $null
echo hi from cmd.
powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy unrestricted -command "iex (get-content -raw %~dfp0) "
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I worked a bit more and made it better!

The second example is much less tricky!

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