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Created September 27, 2013 23:55
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Solution to week one !Quiz
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# This is our first week's quiz! Let's find out what we know.
# The ideal range of your motor cycle speed 20 - 55. Over 55 is SCAREE!
# Check if your moto_speed is within that range using boolean (&&, ||)
# operators and comparison operators (== =< >= !=)
# if your moto_speed variable is in the right range print out a good
# message, aka "Wheee!" Otherwise print out an appropriate response.
# Your code goes below:
if(moto_speed >= 20) && (moto_speed <= 55)
puts "Wheee!"
elsif (moto_speed <= 20)
puts "I'm falling over!"
puts "SCAREE!"
# Make a method that checks your moto speed when called
def check_speed (mph)
if(moto_speed >= 20) && (moto_speed <= 55)
puts "Wheee!"
elsif (moto_speed <= 20)
puts "I'm falling over!"
puts "SCAREE!"
# Make a method to start your bike! It should print out "vrooom!"
# when it's called
def make_vroom
puts "vrooom!"
# You're the leader of the pack.
# Create an Array of motorcycle makes!
my_convoy = ['Harley', 'BMW', 'Triumph', 'Vespa']
#alternate solution:
my_convoy = %w{ harley bmw triump vespa }
# Loop through your convoy and print out each motorcycle's make
# Your code below:
my_convoy.each { |moto| p moto }
# You need to keep track of your gang.
# Create a separate Hash containing riders' info. like so:
# fred = { name, helmet, height }
# Then a larger Hash containing all riders
# my_gang = {rider hashes}
harry = { :name => "Harry", :helmet => "blue", :height => 187 }
meg = { :name => "Megan", :helmet => "winged", :height => 176 }
hodor = { :name => "Hodor!", :helmet => "viking", :height => 200 }
jasper = { :name => "Jasper", :helmet => "red", :height => 165 }
my_gang = { :rider1 => harry, :rider2 => meg, :rider3 => hodor, :rider4 => jasper }
# Loop through your gang and print out each rider's
# name & helmet color using a block. Your code below:
my_gang.each do |key, value|
puts value[:name] + " " + value[:helmet]
# Now for each rider add their motorcycle to their Hash,
# assume they are in the same order as your Array
# use a loop. Your code below:
i = 0
my_gang.each do |key, value|
value[:moto] = my_convoy[i]
p i
i += 1
# Define an Class to represent each gang member
# It should include methods to set their name and motorcyle make
# When say_name(name) is called the rider's name is printed out
class Rider
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(name, model)
@name = name
@model = model
def say_name(name)
puts "my name is #{name}"
# Final Challenge:
# 1. initialize 3 new Riders
# 2. add these to a Hash
# 3. loop through the Hash and call say_name for each rider.
# Hint: you will need an attr_accessor in Rider
# Your code below:
larry ="Larry", "BMW")
barry ="Barry", "Triumph")
moe ="Moe", "Vespa")
riders = { :rider1 => larry, :rider2 => barry, :rider3 => moe }
riders.each { |k, v| puts v.say_name( }
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