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Created December 15, 2017 06:13
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advent 2017 day 1
(defn double-up [coll]
(->> (repeat coll)
(take 2)
(apply concat)))
(defn split-out-by-parts [length coll]
(->> (partition (inc (/ (count coll) 4)) 1 coll )
(take length)
(map (juxt first last))))
(defn every-same-pred [candidate]
(apply = candidate))
(defn every-same-pred-filter [coll]
(filter every-same-pred coll))
(defn prepare-coll [str]
(let [length (if even? (count str) (count str))]
(->> (mapv #(Integer/parseInt %) (clojure.string/split str #""))
((partial split-out-by-parts length))
(map first)
(reduce +))))
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