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Created September 22, 2008 16:31
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require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/methods'
describe "Time#_dump" do
before :each do
@t = Time.local(2000, 1, 15, 20, 1, 1)
@s = @t._dump
it "dumps a Time object to a bytestring" do
@s.should be_kind_of(String)
@s.should == [2149122561, 68157440].pack("LL")
it "dumps an array with a date as first element" do
high = 1 << 31 |
(@t.year - 1900) << 14 |
(@t.mon - 1) << 10 |
@t.mday << 5 |
high.should == @s.unpack("LL").first
it "dumps an array with a time as second element" do
low = @t.min << 26 |
@t.sec << 20 |
low.should == @s.unpack("LL").last
$ !!
msr _dump_spec.rb
ruby 1.8.6 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 287) [i686-darwin9.4.0]
Time#_dump dumps an array with a date as first element FAILED
Expected 2149122548
to equal 2149122561
./_dump_spec.rb:2:in `all?'
Finished in 0.004545 seconds
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