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Created July 27, 2017 16:40
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Troy sample
import troy.cql.ast._
import troy.schema._
val sql =
CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy' , 'replication_factor': '1'};
CREATE TABLE test.posts (
author_id text,
post_id timeuuid,
post_title text,
PRIMARY KEY ((author_id), post_id)
val dataDefinition = CqlParser.parseSchema(sql)
val schemaEngine = SchemaEngine(dataDefinition.get) match {
case V.Success(res, _) => res
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("")
schemaEngine(CqlParser.parseDML("SELECT * FROM test2.posts").get)
// res5: Result[(SchemaEngine.RowType, SchemaEngine.VariableTypes)] = Error(List(KeyspaceNotFound(KeyspaceName("test2"))), List())
schemaEngine(CqlParser.parseDML("SELECT author_id FROM test.posts").get)
// res6: Result[(SchemaEngine.RowType, SchemaEngine.VariableTypes)] = Success((Columns(List(Text)), List()), List())
schemaEngine(CqlParser.parseDML("SELECT name FROM test.posts").get)
// res7: Result[(SchemaEngine.RowType, SchemaEngine.VariableTypes)] = Error(List(ColumnNotFound("name", TableName(Some(KeyspaceName("test")), "posts"))), List())
test -e ~/.coursier/coursier || \
(mkdir -p ~/.coursier && curl -s --output ~/.coursier/coursier $COURSIER_URL && chmod +x ~/.coursier/coursier)
~/.coursier/coursier launch -q -P \
-r bintray:tabdulradi/maven \
com.lihaoyi:ammonite_2.12.2:1.0.0 \
io.github.cassandra-scala:cql-ast_2.12:0.4.0 \
io.github.cassandra-scala:cql-parser_2.12:0.4.0 \
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