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Last active November 5, 2019 09:45
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Short demo of a lambda calculus curiosity, from Mirai Ikebuchi, Keisuke Nakano "On repetitive right application of B-terms" 2018
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.String
import Data.List
type Var = String
data Expr = V Var | Ap Expr Expr | Lambda Var Expr
deriving Eq
instance IsString Expr where
fromString = V
λ = Lambda
instance Show Expr where
show (V x) = x
show (Ap f x) = '(' : show f ++ show x ++ ")"
show (Lambda v e) = case show e of
'(':'λ':s -> "(λ" ++ v ++ s
r -> "(λ" ++ v ++ "." ++ r ++ ")"
free :: Expr -> S.Set Var
free (V x) = S.singleton x
free (Lambda v e) = free e `S.difference` S.singleton v
free (Ap f e) = free f `S.union` free e
alpha :: Var -> Var -> Expr -> Expr
alpha x = subst x . V
subst :: Var -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
subst v e' = go
go (V v') | v == v' = e'
| otherwise = V v'
go (Ap f e) = Ap (go f) (go e)
go (Lambda x e) | x == v = Lambda x e
| x `notElem` free e' = Lambda x (go e)
| otherwise = let y = fresh (Ap e e')
in Lambda y (go (alpha x y e))
usedVars :: Expr -> [Var]
usedVars (V x) = [x]
usedVars (Ap f e) = usedVars f ++ usedVars e
usedVars (Lambda y e) = y:usedVars e
allVars :: [Var]
allVars = (map return "fghabcdevw") ++ ["v_" ++ show i | i <- [0..]]
fresh :: Expr -> Var
fresh = head . (allVars \\) . usedVars
normal :: Expr -> Bool
normal (V x) = True
normal (Ap Lambda{} _) = False
normal (Ap f x) = normal f && normal x
normal (Lambda x e) = normal e
beta :: Expr -> Expr
beta (V x) = V x
beta (Lambda x e) = Lambda x (beta e)
beta (Ap (Lambda x e) e') = subst x e' e
beta (Ap (V r) e) = Ap (V r) (beta e)
beta (Ap f e) = if normal f then Ap f (beta e)
else Ap (beta f) e
beta' :: Expr -> Expr
beta' = until normal beta
-- This assumes terms are both beta and eta normalized.
alphaEq :: Expr -> Expr -> Bool
alphaEq (V x) (V y) = x == y
alphaEq (Lambda x e) (Lambda y f) = alpha y x f `alphaEq` e
alphaEq (Ap f e) (Ap g e') = f `alphaEq` g && e `alphaEq` e'
alphaEq _ _ = False
lid = λ"x" "x"
ldot = λ"g" (λ"f" (λ"x" (Ap "g" (Ap "f" "x"))))
lflip = λ"f" (λ"x" (λ"y" (Ap (Ap "f" "y") "x")))
power 1 x = x
power n x = power (n - 1) x `Ap` x
test e n m = do
let left = beta' (power n e)
right = beta' (power m e)
putStrLn (show e ++ "^" ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show left)
putStrLn (show e ++ "^" ++ show m ++ " = " ++ show right)
print (left `alphaEq` right)
main = do
test lid 1 2
test lflip 3 4
-- Note ldot is fmap for the Hom(a, _) functor.
test ldot 6 10
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