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Last active November 22, 2023 02:17
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Android App Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy image


Thank you for using my software! This document is the main privacy policy for Omni Notes Android and desktop applications. I respects your privacy rights and care about protecting your information collected by my apps.

What information are eventually collected

  • Information about your devices. They can be: model, version, operating system, web browser information, unique device number, etc.
  • Information about your personal preferences while using my products. In particular, settings used to adjust the operation of our services to your individual needs.
  • Some of my products may use cookies. Information from cookies is collected while using web-based services.

Why these data are collect and how are they used

  • Providing and improving my services.
  • Adjusting contents of the application to the user's preferences and optimizing the use of these applications.
  • Creating statistics that help me to understand how users use my services, which enables me to improving the software continuously.
  • Maintaining user's session, that improves the convenience of my solutions.

Security of information

Anonimously collected analytics are kept safe on a database while personal data eventually provided by e-mail are used only for users support purposes and nothing else. No data are sold or shared with third party entities or companies.


To contact me on topics related to products, privacy policy or in another case, use

Best regards!

Last Update: April 13, 2022

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