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Created September 20, 2017 15:00
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pub mod DummyMod {
extern crate glib_sys as glib_ffi ;
extern crate gobject_sys as gobject_ffi ;
extern crate glib ;
extern crate libc ;
use glib::{IsA, Value};
use glib::object::Downcast;
use glib::signal::connect;
use glib::translate::*;
use std::ptr;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::transmute;
use super::*;
glib_wrapper ! { pub struct Dummy ( Object < imp :: Dummy > ) ; match fn { get_type => || imp :: dummy_get_type ( ) , } }
pub mod imp {
use super::super::*;
use super::glib;
use super::glib_ffi;
use super::gobject_ffi;
use super::libc;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use glib::translate::*;
pub struct Dummy {
pub parent: gobject_ffi::GObject,
pub struct DummyClass {
pub parent_class: <glib::Object as glib::wrapper::Wrapper>::GlibClassType,
pub set_dc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(this: *mut Dummy, dc: DropCounter)>,
enum Properties {
FIXMEDummy = 1,
enum Signals {
FIXMEDummy = 0,
struct DummyPrivate {
dc: RefCell<DropCounter>,
impl DummyPrivate {
pub fn new() -> Self {
DummyPrivate { dc: RefCell::new(DropCounter::new()) }
struct DummyClassPrivate {
parent_class: *const <glib::Object as glib::wrapper::Wrapper>::GlibClassType,
properties: *const Vec<*const gobject_ffi::GParamSpec>,
signals: *const Vec<u32>,
static mut PRIV: DummyClassPrivate = DummyClassPrivate {
parent_class: 0 as *const _,
properties: 0 as *const _,
signals: 0 as *const _,
impl super::Dummy {
fn get_priv(&self) -> &DummyPrivate {
unsafe {
let private = gobject_ffi::g_type_instance_get_private(
<Self as ToGlibPtr<*mut Dummy>>::to_glib_none(self).0 as
*mut gobject_ffi::GTypeInstance,
) as *const Option<DummyPrivate>;
fn set_dc_impl(&self, dc: DropCounter) {
let mut self_dc = self.get_priv().dc.borrow_mut();
*self_dc = dc;
impl Dummy {
fn get_class(&self) -> &DummyClass {
unsafe {
let klass = (*(self as *const _ as *const gobject_ffi::GTypeInstance)).g_class;
&*(klass as *const DummyClass)
unsafe extern "C" fn init(
obj: *mut gobject_ffi::GTypeInstance,
_klass: glib_ffi::gpointer,
) {
let _guard = glib::CallbackGuard::new();
let private = gobject_ffi::g_type_instance_get_private(obj, dummy_get_type()) as
*mut Option<DummyPrivate>;
ptr::write(private, Some(DummyPrivate::new()));
unsafe extern "C" fn finalize(obj: *mut gobject_ffi::GObject) {
let _guard = glib::CallbackGuard::new();
let private = gobject_ffi::g_type_instance_get_private(
obj as *mut gobject_ffi::GTypeInstance,
) as *mut Option<DummyPrivate>;
let _ = (*private).take();
(*PRIV.parent_class)|f| f(obj));
unsafe extern "C" fn set_dc_trampoline(this: *mut Dummy, dc: DropCounter) {
let _guard = glib::CallbackGuard::new();
let instance: &super::Dummy = &from_glib_borrow(this);
impl DummyClass {
unsafe extern "C" fn init(klass: glib_ffi::gpointer, _klass_data: glib_ffi::gpointer) {
let _guard = glib::CallbackGuard::new();
let gobject_class = &mut *(klass as *mut gobject_ffi::GObjectClass);
gobject_class.finalize = Some(Dummy::finalize);
let klass = &mut *(klass as *mut DummyClass);
klass.set_dc = Some(Dummy::set_dc_trampoline);
PRIV.parent_class = gobject_ffi::g_type_class_peek_parent(klass) as
*const <glib::Object as glib::wrapper::Wrapper>::GlibClassType;
pub unsafe extern "C" fn dummy_new() -> *mut Dummy {
let _guard = glib::CallbackGuard::new();
let this = gobject_ffi::g_object_newv(dummy_get_type(), 0, ptr::null_mut());
this as *mut Dummy
pub unsafe extern "C" fn dummy_set_dc(this: *mut Dummy, dc: DropCounter) {
let _guard = glib::CallbackGuard::new();
let klass = (*this).get_class();
(klass.set_dc.as_ref().unwrap())(this, dc)
pub unsafe extern "C" fn dummy_get_type() -> glib_ffi::GType {
let _guard = glib::CallbackGuard::new();
use std::sync::{Once, ONCE_INIT};
use std::u16;
static mut TYPE: glib_ffi::GType = gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID;
static ONCE: Once = ONCE_INIT;
ONCE.call_once(|| {
let class_size = mem::size_of::<DummyClass>();
assert!(class_size <= u16::MAX as usize);
let instance_size = mem::size_of::<Dummy>();
assert!(instance_size <= u16::MAX as usize);
TYPE = gobject_ffi::g_type_register_static_simple(
<glib::Object as glib::StaticType>::static_type().to_glib(),
b"Dummy\0" as *const u8 as *const i8,
class_size as u32,
instance_size as u32,
impl Dummy {
pub fn new() -> Dummy {
unsafe { from_glib_full(imp::dummy_new()) }
pub trait DummyExt {
fn set_dc(&self, dc: DropCounter);
impl<O: IsA<Dummy> + IsA<glib::object::Object>> DummyExt for O {
fn set_dc(&self, dc: DropCounter) {
unsafe { imp::dummy_set_dc(self.to_glib_none().0, dc) }
pub use DummyMod::*;
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