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Created May 25, 2011 22:29
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Save federomero/992142 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple script for testing alltext trivia
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
start = 'C.A._Penarol'
target = 'Philosophy'
visited = []
def get_first_article(article)
base = ''
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(base+article, 'User-Agent' => 'ruby'))
p = doc.css('#bodyContent > p').first
link = Nokogiri::HTML(formatParagraph(p.to_s)).css('a').find{ |l| l['href'].match(/^\//) }
puts link['href']
link ? link['href'].gsub(/^\/wiki\//, '') : nil
def formatParagraph(text)
# remove parenthesis
r = /\(.[^\(]*?\)/
mark = '@#$'
while text.match r
text.gsub!(r) {|m| m.to_s.gsub(/<|>/, '').gsub('(', mark).gsub(')', mark.reverse)}
text.gsub(mark, '(').gsub(mark.reverse, ')')
current = start
while(current && current != target && !visited.include?(current))
visited << current
current = get_first_article(current)
if !current
puts "We reached a dead end on #{visited.last}"
elsif current == target
puts "We arrived from #{start} to #{target} in #{visited.length} steps"
puts "We entered a loop starting on #{current}"
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Yeah, indeed, thanks. I'm on 1.8.7 because I've got an old, very large project still there. We're planning on upgrading ;)

Also, check out my fork, I've written a script which takes a number of source pages and creates a graph using GraphViz. Here's a sample graph:

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