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Forked from rcherrueau/Zipper.scala
Created February 8, 2016 20:37
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Scala implementation of Gérard Huet's The Zipper
/** Scala implementation of Gérard Huet's The Zipper.
* The Zipper is a kind of Iterator for Tree. The Zipper offers
* navigation and edition primitives in constant time.
* [[ The Zipper]]
/** Tree data structure. */
sealed abstract class Tree[T]
case class Item[T] (val item: T) extends Tree[T]
case class Section[T] (val trees: List[Tree[T]]) extends Tree[T]
/** Path in a [[Tree]].
* A [[Tree]] presented by a path has sibling trees, uncle trees,
* great-uncle trees, ... but its father is a [[Path]], not a
* [[Tree]] like in usual graph editors. '''This is the trick!''' In
* [[Location]], saving the path of a ref rather than its father's
* tree enables the modification of that ref without changing the
* path. Thus, the modification is done in constante time instead of
* copying the path from the root to the ref.
sealed abstract class Path[T]
case class Top[T]() extends Path[T]
case class Node[T] (val ysibling: List[Tree[T]],
val path: Path[T],
val esibling: List[Tree[T]]) extends Path[T]
/** Location of a ref in a [[Tree]]. */
sealed abstract class Location[T]
class Loc[T] (val current: Tree[T],
val path: Path[T]) extends Location[T] {
def this(t: Tree[T]) = this(t, Top())
def goLeft: Loc[T] = path match {
case Top() => sys.error("left of top")
case Node(y :: ysibling, up, esibling) =>
Loc(y, Node(ysibling, up, current :: esibling))
case Node(Nil, up, esibling) => sys.error("left of first")
def goRight: Loc[T] = path match {
case Top() => sys.error("right of top")
case Node(ysibling, up, e :: esibling) =>
Loc(e, Node(current :: ysibling, up, esibling))
case Node(ysibling, up, Nil) => sys.error("right of last")
def goUp: Loc[T] = path match {
case Top() => sys.error("up of top")
case Node(ysibling, up, esibling) =>
Loc(Section(ysibling.reverse ++ (current :: esibling)), up)
def goDown: Loc[T] = current match {
case Item(_) => sys.error("down of item")
case Section(t :: ts) => Loc(t, Node(Nil, path, ts))
case _ => sys.error("down of empty")
def goNth(nth: Int): Loc[T] = nth match {
case 1 => goDown
case _ => if (nth > 0) { goRight.goNth(nth - 1) }
else { sys.error("goNth expects a positive Int") }
def change(t: Tree[T]): Loc[T] = Loc(t, path)
def insertRight(r: Tree[T]): Loc[T] = path match {
case Top() => sys.error("insert of top")
case Node(ysibling, up, esibling) =>
Loc(current, Node(ysibling, up, r :: esibling))
def insertLeft(l: Tree[T]): Loc[T] = path match {
case Top() => sys.error("insert of top")
case Node(ysibling, up, esibling) =>
Loc(current, Node(l :: ysibling, up, esibling))
def insertDown(t: Tree[T]): Loc[T] = current match {
case Item(_) => sys.error("down of item")
case Section(sons) => Loc(t, Node(Nil, path, sons))
def delete: Loc[T] = path match {
case Top() => sys.error("delete of top")
case Node(ysibling, up, e :: esibling) =>
Loc(e, Node(ysibling, up, esibling))
case Node(y :: ysibling, up, esibling) =>
Loc(y, Node(ysibling, up, esibling))
case Node(Nil, up, Nil) => Loc(Section(Nil), up)
object Loc {
def apply[T](current: Tree[T], path: Path[T]) =
new Loc[T](current, path)
def apply[T](current: Tree[T]) =
new Loc[T](current)
object Tests {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// a * b + c * d
val tree = Section(List(
Section(Item("a") :: Item("*") :: Item("b") :: Nil),
Section(Item("c") :: Item("*") :: Item("d") :: Nil)))
// a * b + c * d
// loc --^
val expectedTimesLoc = Loc(
Node(Item("c") :: Nil,
Node(Item("+") ::
Section(Item("a") ::
Item("*") ::
Item("b") :: Nil) :: Nil,
Item("d") :: Nil))
// a * b + c / d
// loc --^
val expectedDivLoc = Loc(
Node(Item("c") :: Nil,
Node(Item("+") ::
Section(Item("a") ::
Item("*") ::
Item("b") :: Nil) :: Nil,
Item("d") :: Nil))
val timesLoc = Loc(tree).goDown.goRight.goRight.goDown.goRight
assert (timesLoc.path.toString == expectedTimesLoc.path.toString,
{ println("Bad path construction") })
val timesToDivLoc = timesLoc change Item("/")
assert(timesToDivLoc.current.toString == expectedDivLoc.current.toString
&& timesToDivLoc.path.toString == expectedDivLoc.path.toString,
{ println("Bad times modification") })
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