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Created April 13, 2009 20:20
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package org.pinky.code.extension.guice;
import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest, HttpServlet}
* Holds implicit definitions to hide the calls to `with`.
* Import this object into the scope in which you need to do
* <code>serve("*.rss").with(classOf[ExampleRssServlet])</code>
* and do
* <code>serve("*.rss").by(classOf[ExampleRssServlet])</code>
* or
* <code>serve("*.rss").withClass(classOf[ExampleRssServlet])</code>
* instead.
* This are the methods we will hide
* <code>
* public static interface ServletKeyBindingBuilder {
* void with(Class<? extends HttpServlet> servletKey);
* void with(Key<? extends HttpServlet> servletKey);
* void with(Class<? extends HttpServlet> servletKey, Map<String, String> contextParams);
* void with(Key<? extends HttpServlet> servletKey, Map<String, String> contextParams);
* }
* </code>
* @author fede silva gmail com {fedesilva}
object DSLFixes {
* The rich type.
* @author fede silva gmail com {fedesilva}
class RichBuilder( builder: ServletModule.ServletKeyBindingBuilder ){
def by[T <: HttpServlet]( servletKey: Class[T] ){ builder.`with`(servletKey) };
def by[T <: HttpServlet](
servletKey: Class[T], params: java.util.Map[String, String] ) { builder.`with`(servletKey, params) };
def by[T <: HttpServlet]( servletKey: Key[T] ){ builder.`with`(servletKey) };
def by[T <: HttpServlet, S](
servletKey: Key[T],
params: java.util.Map[String, String] ){ builder.`with`(servletKey, params) };
def withClass[T <: HttpServlet]( servletKey: Class[T] ){
def withClass[T <: HttpServlet](
servletKey: Class[T],
params: java.util.Map[String, String] ){ builder.`with`(servletKey, params) };
def withClass[T <: HttpServlet]( servletKey: Key[T] ){
def withClass[T <: HttpServlet](
servletKey: Key[T],
params: java.util.Map[String, String] ){ builder.`with`(servletKey, params) };
* The implicit type conversion.
* @author fede silva gmail com {fedesilva}
implicit def builderToRichBuilder(
builder: ServletModule.ServletKeyBindingBuilder ) = new RichBuilder(builder);
package org.pinky.code.example
import extension._
import extension.controlstructure._
import{ServletModule, GuiceServletContextListener}
import{AbstractModule, Guice, Injector, Module}
import servlets.{ExampleFilter, ExampleRssServlet, ExampleServlet}
* Listener example which demonstrates how to configure guice managed filters, servlets and other components the "pinky way"
* @author peter hausel gmail com (Peter Hausel)
class ExampleListener extends PinkyServletContextListener
//Imports the DSL fixes.
import org.pinky.code.extension.guice.DSLFixes._
modules = Array(
new RepresentationModule(),
new ServletModule(){
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