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Created May 3, 2022 15:27
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March 2022

Fedor Golishevskii

Professional Experience

2020 - 2022 SberDevices

Lead Devops Engineer (IoT)

  • Provisioned multi-DC clusters for 50+ microservices (Terraform, Nomad, Ansible)
  • Developed in-house automation and chatOps tools
    (Go, Python, React/Next, GH Actions)
  • Developed software to handle rollover of 200.000 concurrent connections (nginx, docker, golang)
  • Instrumented workloads with observability tools (Grafana, Loki, Jaeger, Prometheus, Datadog Vector)
  • Maintained cluster availability and performance (MongoDB, docker, k8s, alertmanager)

2017 - 2020 CJSC BIOCAD

IT automation developer

  • Fullstack web dev (go, python, postgres, next.js)
  • IT automation and data collection (ansible, python)
  • Deployment automation & Release Engineering (Kubernetes, helm, Gitlab CI, node.js)


  • Scientific research and Data integrity implementer
  • Data collection, light ETL and data visualization (python, flask, plotly, pandas)
  • File format reverse engineering
    (kaitai, golang, ghidra, c++)
  • Fullstack web dev (python, ts, react, redux‑saga, antd)

2016-2017 JetHex

BLE device engineer

  • PCB design (Altium)
  • Firmware and software developer (C, C#)


2015 MSc Biochemistry
Saint Petersburg University

Programming languages

python, go, bash, js / typescript, c++, zig

c#, haskell, swift


Ansible, Terraform

Github Actions, Gitlab CI

Grafana, Loki, Prometheus

Jaeger / OpenTracing

nginx, caddy, envoy


Consul, Nomad, Vault

docker , kubernetes, helm, GCP, linux

MongoDB, Postgres, Redis

microservices, failure tolerance, observability, chatOps, ETL

I like to get my hands dirty and learn on the job. Driven by the desire to advance my knowledge and help make someone's day better, I'm highly motivated and looking for challenges to tackle.

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