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Created November 30, 2022 17:20
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import argparse
import requests
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import sys
import inspect
class Wox(object):
Wox python plugin base
def __init__(self):
rpc_request = json.loads(sys.argv[1])
# proxy is not working now
self.proxy = rpc_request.get("proxy",{})
request_method_name = rpc_request.get("method")
request_parameters = rpc_request.get("parameters")
methods = inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
request_method = dict(methods)[request_method_name]
results = request_method(*request_parameters)
if request_method_name == "query" or request_method_name == "context_menu":
print(json.dumps({"result": results}))
def query(self,query):
sub class need to override this method
return []
def context_menu(self, data):
optional context menu entries for a result
return []
def debug(self,msg):
alert msg
class WoxAPI(object):
def change_query(cls,query,requery = False):
change wox query
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.ChangeQuery","parameters":[query,requery]}))
def shell_run(cls,cmd):
run shell commands
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.ShellRun","parameters":[cmd]}))
def close_app(cls):
close wox
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.CloseApp","parameters":[]}))
def hide_app(cls):
hide wox
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.HideApp","parameters":[]}))
def show_app(cls):
show wox
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.ShowApp","parameters":[]}))
def show_msg(cls,title,sub_title,ico_path=""):
show messagebox
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.ShowMsg","parameters":[title,sub_title,ico_path]}))
def open_setting_dialog(cls):
open setting dialog
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.OpenSettingDialog","parameters":[]}))
def start_loadingbar(cls):
start loading animation in wox
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.StartLoadingBar","parameters":[]}))
def stop_loadingbar(cls):
stop loading animation in wox
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.StopLoadingBar","parameters":[]}))
def reload_plugins(cls):
reload all wox plugins
print(json.dumps({"method": "Wox.ReloadPlugins","parameters":[]}))
class Main(Wox):
def query(self, query):
amount, from_cur, to_cur = [x.strip() for x in query.split(' ')]
return self.main(from_cur, to_cur, amount)
def main(self, from_cur, to_cur, amount):
with open('./log.log', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
f.write(f'{from_cur=} {to_cur=} {amount=}\n')
url = f"{to_cur}&from={from_cur}&amount={amount}"
payload = {}
headers= {
# get yours apikey at
"apikey": ""
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data = payload)
result = response.json()
amount_in_to_currency = result['result']
rate = result['info']['rate']
with open('./log.log', 'a', encoding='utf8') as f:
f.write(f'{from_cur=} {to_cur=} {amount=}\n')
return [{
'Title': f'{amount_in_to_currency:,.2f}'.replace(',', ' '),
'SubTitle': f'Rate: {rate:.2f}',
'IcoPath': 'Images/app.png',
'ContextData': 'ContextData', # Data that is passed to context_menu function call
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as timeout_err:
with open('./log.log', 'a', encoding='utf8') as f:
return [{
'Title': 'Currency server does not response. Try again later, please',
'SubTitle': f'Exception',
'IcoPath': 'Images/app.png',
'ContextData': 'ContextData', # Data that is passed to context_menu function call
except Exception as e:
with open('./log.log', 'a', encoding='utf8') as f:
return [{
'Title': str(e),
'SubTitle': f'Exception',
'IcoPath': 'Images/app.png',
'ContextData': 'ContextData', # Data that is passed to context_menu function call
if __name__ == '__main__':
"ID":"D2D2C23B084D411DB66FE0C79D6C2A6H", //Plugin ID,32 bit UUID
"ActionKeyword":"cc", //Plugin default action keyword
"Name":"currency", //Plugin name
"Description":"currency converter", //Plugin description
"Author":"feeeper", //Plugin Author
"Version":"1.0.0", //Plugin version,must be x.x.x format
"Language":"python", //Plugin language,we support csharp,python and executable now
"Website":"", //Plugin website or author website
"IcoPath": "pic.png", //Plugin icon, relative path to the pluign folder
"ExecuteFileName":"" //Execution entry. Dll name for c# plugin, and python file for python plugin
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