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Last active September 3, 2015 22:30
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user FELIX has entered room
analyst CEILO has entered room
CEILO: Hello FELIX_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is CEILO. Please give me one moment to review your information.
CEILO: Welcome to Comcast! I'd be more than happy to assist you! You can call me Cei. How's your day going?
FELIX: im doing well and yourself?
CEILO: That's good to know! I'm having a lovely day so far, thanks for asking.
CEILO: Thank you for considering Comcast as your service provider! I'll be more than glad to help you in signing up with Comcast services after verifying your address serviceability, during this chat, will it be fine to ask you few questions?
CEILO: To confirm the order I received, I'm chatting with FELIX RODRIGUEZ, with address at ********* and phone number ****, and you ordered for Performance Internet with Blast, is that right?
CEILO: Please be advised that in case you minimize your window, I may not be able to send a message to you because you'll appear offline on my end Our chat window closes after 4 minutes without a response from your end. No worries! I will make sure that our interaction would go fast and smooth.
CEILO: Felix, we would like to help you complete your order. Are you still there?
FELIX: yes
FELIX: sorry
FELIX: my address is different
FELIX: *** *** *
FELIX: ***** * ** *
CEILO: Oh, thanks for letting me know.
FELIX: But my name is Felix Rodriguez
CEILO: May I also have the zip code, please?
FELIX: Zip is 94108
CEILO: Thanks for confirming, just to confirm, the rest is correct information aside from your address, correct?
FELIX: yeah the internet plan for 128 mb/s for 25/month for 12 months
FELIX: internet only no tv
CEILO: Great news! I have confirmed that your address is serviceable. Let's get started on setting up your service.
CEILO: Just to confirm, you logged in to your old account that has a different address and get that promotion, is that right?
FELIX: I think so
FELIX: I was just looking for internet services in my account and that showed up
FELIX: I also need no modem
FELIX: or router I have all of my own equipment
FELIX: well I will have it by saturday
CEILO: Got it!
CEILO: That's a great choice! A lot of our customers are after that. Sadly, that promotion for Blast tier is available only for current customers who have lower internet tier and upgrading the service. Since we are setting up a new account, that means we will not be able to get that promotion. What I can do here is to look for another package that will meet your expectations and budget. Would that work for you?
CEILO: We have an ongoing promotion for PERFORMANCE internet that has up to 25mbps for only
CEILO: *We have an ongoing promotion for PERFORMANCE internet that has up to 25mbps for only $29.99/mo for 12 months excluding equipment and taxes
CEILO: NO contract, NO termination fee
CEILO: Would you like to know more about this service, Felix?
FELIX: No i want the deal I already added to my cart and submitted the order for
FELIX: I am not considered a new account
FELIX: I have used comcast 2 years previously I should be able to upgrade to this
CEILO: I understand that you previously had a Comcast account, however right now, there is no active Comcast service at your new address, and since we are setting up a new account at this new address, this service request is considered new.
CEILO: As your previous account has been logged in upon ordering the service, the system let you order it and since another active account at that address, you are redirected to us to validate the eligibility of the promotion.
CEILO: You have been redirected to this chat before check out as there is a different address where you need services
CEILO: And availability of the promotion need to be confirmed.
FELIX: if the system let me do it then that is a fault on comcasts end and I should be granted the promotion that was offered to me
FELIX: I shouldn't have to pay 5 dollars more for a significantly reduced service
CEILO: Felix, please be advised that you are offered that promotion only if the service request is for***** ** * ** ** * ** * address
FELIX: I have already informed comcast that I am no longer at that address and when I put in the order I used my new address
CEILO: The account that has been logged in is for ********* address and promotion at ************ is different.
CEILO: That is the reason why you are redirected to this chat, because system can capture the previous information that has been used for your old account.
FELIX: I would like to speak to a manager none of this matters to me
CEILO: As we are getting a new service at **********************, the rate for new service is the one that can be availed.
FELIX: I logged in, saw a promotion, ordered it and now your trying to get me to pay more for a worse service
FELIX: this is a horrible customer experiance
CEILO: I'm sorry if you felt that way, but the order that has been requested online is only designated at ************** address.
FELIX: I want to speak to a manager
CEILO: Please give me 2-3 minutes to connect you.
FELIX: thanks
Waiting for response from CEILO
CEILO: By the way, may I have the link where you saw the promotion?
FELIX: yeah sure its in the background of my chat
FELIX: shows the shipping address there as well
CEILO: Much appreciated, thank you so much.
CEILO: Please stay connected as I try to connect you. Thanks!
FELIX: yup
CEILO: Thanks!
FELIX: has the price shown
FELIX: ...
CEILO: I'm still here, Felix
FELIX: k just checking since my comcast order timed out
CEILO: Oh, I see, sorry about that, I am just waiting for my managers confirmation to have the chat transferred. Just please stay connected. Thanks!
CEILO: Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst
user FELIX has entered room
analyst Anthony has entered room
Waiting for response from CEILO
Anthony: I hope you're having a great day!
analyst CEILO has left room
Anthony: hi Felix!
FELIX: I anthony
FELIX: I just moved into a new apartment and it has been a wonderful experience until now
Anthony: I understand that you are trying to order service for Performance Internet at $24.99/mo is that correct?
FELIX: yes that is correct
FELIX: I just don't want to feel taken advantage of being offered something then having the deal changed out from under me
FELIX: and being more expensive
Anthony: I fully understand I will assist you within all my means to get that exact package !
FELIX: thank you I appreciate your help
Anthony: Please allow me to relaunch my tools for 2-3 minutes and I will be setting up your new service
Anthony: To confirm the order I received, I'm chatting with FELIX RODRIGUEZ, with address at *************, and phone number ***********, and you ordered for Performance Internet with Blast, is that right?
FELIX: My address is ************
FELIX: San Francisco, CA 94108
FELIX: everything else is correct
Anthony: Thanks for the info.
Anthony: Thank you for patiently waiting.
FELIX: no worries
Anthony: Felix I have tried to create your new account however the address is not updated in our master database I will need seek assistance to have this added this could take couple of minutes
FELIX: ok thats fine
Anthony: Much appreciated, thank you so much.
Anthony: I am calling the local office in your area now to help me out
Anthony: They might need to speak with you
Anthony: may I have your best call back number?
FELIX: **********
FELIX: thanks
Anthony: okay let me know if he calls you now then you may now disconnect in this chat if you wish to continue assisted by him
Anthony: The guy from local office will call you now
FELIX: talking with him now
Anthony: Perfect!
Anthony: Is there anything else that I may assist you with today?
Anthony: Thank you for choosing us! We love our customers and we want you to love your XFINITY. Bringing you amazing entertainment is our #1 goal. We also offer you peace of mind by standing by our XFINITY products with our Guarantee. Check it out at:
Anthony: Let us know if you need help again - we're here to chat with you 24/7!
The analyst has left and your issue has been closed.
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