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Last active September 18, 2019 20:33
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cached recursion function for Scala, it's performance comparison with Y combinator for calculating fibonacci numbers
def cachedRec[A, B](rec: (A => B) => (A => B)): A => CachedRecResult[A, B] = {
val cache = mutable.HashMap.empty[A, B]
// fixed-point combinator
def YY(f: (A => B) => (A => B)): A => B = {
a => cache.getOrElse(a, {
val b = rec(YY(rec))(a)
cache += a -> b
YY(rec) andThen (res => CachedRecResult(res, cache.toMap))
case class CachedRecResult[A, B](result: B, cache: Map[A, B])
// let's compare it's performance with Y's
def Y[A, B](rec: (A => B) => (A => B)): A => B = rec(Y(rec))(_: A)
val fib: (Long => Long) => (Long => Long) = rec => {
case 1|2 => 1
case i => rec(i-1) + rec(i-2)
def elapsed[R](f: => R) = {
val time1 = System.nanoTime()
val res = f
val time2 = System.nanoTime()
res -> (time2-time1)
// let's see performance calculating 10th fibonacci number
elapsed(Y(fib)(10)) // (55,33214)
elapsed(cachedRec(fib)(10)) // (CachedRecResult(55,Map(...)),257276)
// well, the cached one took 7 times longer, but let's see for fib(50)
elapsed(Y(fib)(50)) // (12586269025,256037847273)
elapsed(cachedRec(fib)(50)) // (CachedRecResult(12586269025,Map(...)), 1741272)
// the cached one did it roughly 147040 times faster
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