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Created April 4, 2024 12:15
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settings put global wifi_num_of_switch_to_mobile_data_toggle 0
settings put global wifi_watchdog_poor_network_test_enabled 0
settings put global network_avoid_bad_wifi 0
#关闭切换至更好的 WLAN 网络
settings put global sem_wifi_switch_to_better_wifi_enabled 0
settings put system nearby_scanning_enabled 0
#关闭 WiFi 安全检测
settings put secure wifi_client_smart_tethering_settings 0
settings put secure wifi_mwips 0
settings put secure disabled_print_services
settings put global navigation_bar_gesture_while_hidden 1
settings put global navigation_bar_gesture_hint 0
settings put global navigationbar_switch_apps_when_hint_hidden 1
settings put global navigation_bar_button_to_hide_keyboard 1
settings put global navigation_bar_gesture_detail_type 1
settings put global bottom_gesture_inset_scale 1.6
# 未知作用
settings put secure navigation_mode 2
settings put system volume_ring_speaker 4
settings put system volume_ring_earpiece 4
settings put system volume_music_earpiece 4
settings put system volume_music_speaker 4
settings put system volume_notification_earpiece 4
settings put system volume_notification_speaker 4
settings put system volume_system_earpiece 4
settings put system volume_system_speaker 4
settings put system adjust_media_volume_only 1
settings put system VIB_RECVCALL_MAGNITUDE 2
settings put system VIB_FEEDBACK_MAGNITUDE 0
settings put system edge_lighting_custom_text_color "媳妇;-50945";
settings put system simple_status_bar 0
settings put system display_battery_percentage 0
settings put secure zen_duration 60
# 开启蓝光保护
settings put system blue_light_filter 1
# 蓝光保护自适应模式
settings put system blue_light_filter_adaptive_mode 1
# 蓝光计划关闭
settings put system blue_light_filter_scheduled 0
settings put system screen_mode_automatic_setting 0
settings put system screen_mode_setting 3
settings put system screen_off_timeout 60000
settings put system display_night_theme_scheduled 1
settings put system display_night_theme_scheduled_type 1
settings put global display_size_forced 1440,3088
settings put secure display_density_forced 560
settings put secure refresh_rate_mode 1
settings put global edge_enable 0
settings put system show_password 0
#关闭 Bixby 识屏
settings put system bixby_touch_enable 0
settings put global force_resizable_activities 1
#Spen 菜单简洁风格
settings put system air_cmd_mode 1
#拔出 Spen 时不执行动作
settings put system pen_detachment_option 0
settings put system air_cmd_use_minimized 0
settings put system air_cmd_with_pen_button 1
settings put global function_key_config_longpress_type 1
settings put system lift_to_wake 1
settings put system any_screen_enabled 1
#关闭 Direct Share
settings put system direct_share 0
#允许视频应用控制 HDR
settings put system hdr_effect 1
# QuickStar
settings put secure icon_blacklist rotate,headset,fuseboxon,rotate,headset,ims_volte,ims_volte2,right_clock_position
settings put system accelerometer_rotation 0
settings put global navigation_bar_rotate_suggestion_enabled 1
settings put secure qs_button_grid 10
#settings put secure sysui_quick_qs_tiles "Wifi,MobileData,SoundMode,Dnd,Flashlight,custom(com.x8bit.bitwarden/.AutofillTileService)"
#settings put secure sysui_qs_tiles "MobileData,SoundMode,Dnd,Flashlight,RotationLock,AirplaneMode,Location,ScreenCapture,custom(,custom(,custom($ShowLayout),custom(,Hotspot,custom(,custom(,custom(moe.haruue.wadb/.ui.service.WadbTileService),custom($GPUProfiling),CameraToggle,MicrophoneToggle,ReduceBrightColors,Sync,custom(com.github.metacubex.clash.meta/com.github.kr328.clash.TileService),custom(tornaco.apps.shortx/.ui.service.tile.Tile1)"
settings put secure brightness_on_top 1
settings put secure qspanel_media_quickcontrol_bar_available 0
settings put global spam_filter_enable 0
settings put global spam_call_enable 0
settings put global spam_call_auto_update 0
settings put system key_spam_smart 0
#RAM Plus
settings put global ram_expand_size 8192
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