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Created April 9, 2020 10:41
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BBC - 13 Minutes to the Moon
<div class="container">
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select = e => document.querySelector(e);
selectAll = e => document.querySelectorAll(e);
const container = select('.container');
let wArray = [161, 614, 189, 278, 404],
function animate() {
tl = gsap.timeline( {
delay: 0.5,
repeat: -1,
defaults: {
ease: "expo.inOut",
duration: 2
tl.from('.container__base', {
scaleX: 0,
duration: 2,
transformOrigin: "top right",
// ease: "expo"
.from('.moon__svg-rects rect', {
scaleX: 0,
stagger: 0.07,
duration: 3,
ease: "expo"
}, "-=1.0")
.to('.moon__txt-bg rect', {
stagger: 0.14,
scaleX: 1
}, "-=2.5")
.from('text', {
x: function(i) {
return -wArray[i]
ease: 'power4',
stagger: 0.14
}, "-=1.6")
.from('.moon__img', {
x: "+=200",
ease: 'power4',
duration: 15
}, 0);
function init() {
gsap.set(container, { autoAlpha: 1 });
gsap.set('.moon__txt-bg rect', {
width: function(i) {
return wArray[i]
scaleX: 0
container.onclick = () => {
function resize() {
let vw = window.innerWidth;
let vh = window.innerHeight;
let wh = container.offsetWidth;
let scaleFactor = 1;
if(vw/vh >= 1) {
scaleFactor = vh/wh
else {
scaleFactor = vw/wh
if(scaleFactor<1) {
gsap.set(container, { scale: scaleFactor });
else {
gsap.set(container, { scale: 1 });
window.onresize = resize;
window.onload = () => {
// GSDevTools.create();
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justify-content: center;
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min-width: 679px;
min-height: 679px;
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cursor: pointer;
visibility: hidden;
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position: absolute;
z-index: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: #D5CEC6;
.moon {
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
width: 611px;
height: 611px;
.moon__svg {
width: 611px;
height: 611px;
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font-family: "MonumentExtended-Ultrabold", sans-serif;
font-size: 103px;
line-height: 1;
fill: black;
letter-spacing: 2.1px;
.moon__txt-overlay {
fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
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