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Last active June 15, 2022 03:04
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FFmpeg commands

There are too many ffmpeg parameters, but there is no need to remember them.

Use 'convert FormatA to FormatB' to search.

convert jpeg to gif

ffmpeg -i A.jpeg A.gif

convert png to gif

ffmpeg -i A.png A.gif

convert jpg to gif

ffmpeg -i A.jpg A.gif

convert gif to jpg

ffmpeg -i A.gif A.jpg

convert gif to png

ffmpeg -i A.gif A.png

convert mkv to mp4

ffmpeg -i example.mkv -c copy example.mp4

for multi mkv to mp4

Linux or macOS

for f in *.mkv; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -c copy "${f%.mkv}.mp4"; done


for /R %%f IN (*.mkv) DO ffmpeg -i "%%f" -c copy "%%~nf.mp4"

convert flv to mp4

####Use the "-c copy" parameter to convert losslessly, without lossy conversion

ffpmeg -i A.flv -c copy A.mp4

convert mp4 to gif

ffmpeg -i S.mp4 S.gif

convert mp4 to mp3

ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -f mp3 -vn test.mp3

here, -f means format, -vn means video not

convert rmvb to mp4

ffmpeg -i name1.rmvb -c:v libx264 -strict -2 name2.mp4

convert ape to mp3

ffmpeg -i test.ape target.mp3

for multi ape to mp3

Linux or macOS

for f in *.ape; do ffmpeg -i "$f" "${f%.ape}.mp3"; done

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