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Last active May 18, 2017 08:51
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Functional View Controllers from Chris Eidhof's talk @ FunSwiftConf 2015
import UIKit
// MARK: - Building Blocks
struct Screen<A> {
let run: (A -> Void) -> UIViewController
extension Screen {
func map<B>(f: A -> B) -> Screen<B>
return Screen<B> { onComplete in
return { a in
struct Flow<A> {
let build: (naviagationController: UINavigationController, onComplete: A -> Void) -> UIViewController
private init(build: (naviagationController: UINavigationController, onComplete: A -> Void) -> UIViewController)
{ = build
extension Flow {
init(screen: Screen<A>)
build = { nav, onComplete in
let vc =
nav.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
return nav
func run(navigationController: UINavigationController = UINavigationController(),
onComplete: A -> Void = { _ in }) -> UIViewController
build(naviagationController: navigationController, onComplete: onComplete)
return navigationController
func flatMap<B>(f: A -> Flow<B>) -> Flow<B>
return Flow<B>(build: { (navigationController, onComplete) -> UIViewController in
return navigationController, onComplete: { a in
f(a).build(naviagationController: navigationController, onComplete: onComplete)
func push<B>(f: A -> Screen<B>) -> Flow<B>
return flatMap { a in Flow<B>(screen: f(a)) }
// MARK: - Use
infix operator >>> { associativity left }
func >>> <A, B>(flow: Flow<A>, f: A -> Screen<B>) -> Flow<B>
return flow.push(f)
func >>> <A, B>(flow: Flow<A>, f: A -> Flow<B>) -> Flow<B>
return flow.flatMap(f)
protocol Screenable {
typealias A
typealias B
static func screen(initData: A) -> Screen<B>
init(initData: A, onComplete: B -> Void)
var onComplete: B -> Void { get }
extension Screenable {
static func screen(initData: Self.A) -> Screen<B>
return Screen<B> { onComplete in
Self(initData: initData, onComplete: onComplete) as! UIViewController
extension Screenable where A == Void {
static func screen() -> Screen<B>
return Screen<B> { onComplete in
Self(initData: Void(), onComplete: onComplete) as! UIViewController
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