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Last active February 28, 2019 16:10
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batch list
T = TypeVar('T')
class BatchList(List[T]):
__slots__ = ()
def __getattribute__(self, name):
list_attr = list.__getattribute__(self, name)
return list_attr
except AttributeError:
return BatchList(
getattr(i, name) for i in self
def __call__(self, *a, **k):
return BatchList(
f(*a, **k) for f in self
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -- stdlib --
from typing import Callable, Optional, cast
# -- third party --
from mypy.nodes import MemberExpr
from mypy.plugin import AttributeContext, MethodSigContext, Plugin
from mypy.types import AnyType, CallableType, Instance, Type, TypeOfAny
# -- own --
# -- code --
class BatchListPlugin(Plugin):
def get_method_signature_hook(self, fullname: str
) -> Optional[Callable[[MethodSigContext], CallableType]]:
print('method sig', fullname)
if fullname == 'utils.misc.BatchList.__call__':
return batchlist_method_signature_hook
return None
def get_attribute_hook(self, fullname: str
) -> Optional[Callable[[AttributeContext], Type]]:
if fullname.startswith('utils.misc.BatchList'):
return batchlist_attribute_hook
return None
def batchlist_attribute_hook(ctx: AttributeContext) -> Type:
instance = cast(Instance, ctx.type)
typeinfo = instance.type
expr = cast(MemberExpr, ctx.context)
field =
if field in typeinfo.names:
t = typeinfo.names[field].type
assert t
return t
names = cast(Instance, instance.args[0]).type.names
if field not in names:
'BatchList item {} has no attribute "{}"'.format(
instance.args[0], field,
), expr
return Instance(typeinfo, [AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)])
t = names[field].type
assert t
return Instance(typeinfo, [t])
def batchlist_method_signature_hook(ctx: MethodSigContext) -> CallableType:
instance = cast(Instance, ctx.type)
typeinfo = instance.type
expr = ctx.context
c = instance.args[0]
if isinstance(c, CallableType):
return c.copy_modified(
ret_type=Instance(typeinfo, [c.ret_type])
else:"BatchList item {} is not callable".format(instance.args[0]), expr)
return ctx.default_signature
def plugin(version: str) -> type:
return BatchListPlugin
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