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Created August 20, 2023 20:52
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Sass Palette generator
@use "sass:color";
@use "sass:list";
@use "sass:math";
@use "sass:meta";
// Create a list of numbers
@function range($from, $to, $step: 1) {
// validation
@if meta.type-of($from) != "number" {
@error "$from must be a number.";
@if meta.type-of($to) != "number" {
@error "$to must be a number.";
@if meta.type-of($step) != "number" {
@error "$step must be a number.";
@if $from > $to {
@error "$from must be smaller than $to.";
$list: [];
@while $from <= $to {
$list: list.append($list, $from);
$from: $from + $step;
@return $list;
// A little juggling is necessary because lists in SASS start from 1
// instead of 0
// This makes it tricky to convert the a 0~1 $position into the indices
// of the adjencent colors on the gradient
@function get-color-by-position($colors, $position) {
// a zero-based index for the last item in the color list
$lastIdx: list.length($colors) - 1;
// calculate the real index on the list based on the position
$stop: ($position * $lastIdx) + 1;
// based on the stop, get the indices for the pevious and next colors in the list
$prevIdx: math.floor($stop);
$nextIdx: math.ceil($stop);
// get the previous and next colors from the list
$prevColor: list.nth($colors, $prevIdx);
$nextColor: list.nth($colors, $nextIdx);
// calculate the amount of each color to mix
$amount: $stop - $prevIdx;
@return color.mix($nextColor, $prevColor, math.percentage($amount));
@mixin generator($colors, $from: 100, $to: 900, $step: 100) {
// creates a list of weights, from 100 to 900 (default)
$weights: range($from, $to, $step);
// get the index of the last weight
$lastIdx: list.length($weights) - 1;
// loops through the weights
@for $idx from 0 through $lastIdx {
// get the weight by index
$weight: list.nth($weights, $idx + 1);
// get the position of the weight on the gradient
$pos: math.div($idx, $lastIdx);
// pick the color
$color: #{get-color-by-position($colors, $pos)};
@content ($weight, $color);
@mixin as-props($name, $colors, $from: 100, $to: 900, $step: 100) {
@include generator($colors, $from, $to, $step) using ($weight, $color) {
--#{$name}-#{$weight}: #{$color};
@mixin as-utility-classes($name, $colors, $from: 100, $to: 900, $step: 100) {
@include generator($colors, $from, $to, $step) using ($weight, $color) {
.text-#{$name}-#{$weight} {
color: $color !important;
.bg-#{$name}-#{$weight} {
background-color: $color !important;
.border-#{$name}-#{$weight} {
border-color: $color !important;
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